Chapter 42 I will fight with you

Huzi covered his mouth, "No, there's only one, and I ate them all."

  Baoer turned around and ran, wandering around in the crowd, and finally found Gu Fei.

  He stretched out his hand to Gu Fei angrily, "Give me candy!"

  Gu Fei was about to take one out of the space, but after thinking about it, she put it back.

  This baby was so aggressive when he arrived, do I owe you candy?

  She rolled her eyes, "No more."

  Bao'er refused and grabbed Gu Fei's pants, "Give me candy. If you don't give it to me, I'll ask my mother to beat you."

  Gu Fei turned his head away , "Go, go, your mother is there, ask her to beat me."

  Qian was talking to several women, spitting.

  Bao'er ran over and grabbed his mother's pants, "Mom, if Xiaofei gives me Huzi candy, please help me beat her up."

  Qian had given birth to three daughters before she had this son. It's like eyeballs, asking for stars but not the moon.

  After listening to Bao'er's words, he led him towards Gu Fei without thinking.

  "Little Fei, why don't you give it to your brother if you have candy?" Qian asked as soon as he came.

  Gu Fei smiled, "No more."

  "Even if there is more, I won't give it to you."

  "I can give my things to whoever I want. Do you care?"

  Qian's eyes widened, "You... Girl, why are you like this? Bao'er is also your brother. Although we are separated, we are still one family in the end. You can't bear to part with a piece of candy. Why are you so stingy?"

  Gu Fei said with a smile: "I am talking to you, aunt. I borrowed a couple of dollars and came to collect the debt within an hour. Are you like this?"

  Qian was furious, "You are too petty!"

  She pulled Bao'er. "Let's go home. Mom will make maltose for you to eat."

  Bao'er insisted, "I don't eat maltose, so I will eat the candy Huzi eats. Huzi said it is a hundred times more delicious than maltose."

  Gu Fei Looking at Bao'er, I felt a little soft-hearted. After all, he was just a six or seven-year-old child, so it was nothing to care about.

  Just as Gu Fei was about to take out a candy from the space, Bao'er suddenly rushed over, grabbed her hand and bit it.

  Usually, if his sister Xing'er disobeyed him, he would bite her hard, but Xing'er didn't dare to fight back, so she had to compromise in the end.

  Bao'er used this trick against Gu Fei without even thinking about it.

  Gu Erlang saw it from the side and hurriedly pulled him, "Bao'er, let go of your sister Xiao Fei!"

  Who knew that Bao'er's mouth was so cruel that he bit Gu Fei's finger to death and refused to let go.

  Gu Fei screamed in pain.

  Gu Erlang became anxious and slapped Bao'er's head away.

  The force was a bit too strong, and Bao'er fell to the ground. He didn't know the pain, and rolled around, "I want to eat candy, I want to eat candy!"

  Seeing her son being beaten, Qian's heart was throbbing in pain.

  She rushed forward and slapped Gu Erlang, "If you dare to hit my baby, I will fight with you!"

  Gu Erlang was nowhere to be hit by her, so he sided away.

  Gu Zhong, Gu Zhang, and Gu Rong were all standing nearby.

  Originally, they were talking about escaping from famine and didn't pay much attention to their surroundings.

  Seeing that the fight started, several people hurriedly stepped forward and pulled him away.

  When Bao'er saw that no one was paying attention to him anymore and the adults were all fighting, he stopped rolling and sat on the ground to watch the fun.

  Qian tried hard to get away from Gu Zhong, but Gu Zhong hugged her tightly.

  Qian turned around and hit Gu Zhong, "You useless thing, your son was beaten, and you still held me back. If you have the guts, go and beat Gu Erlang up."

  (End of Chapter)