Chapter 43 I can’t get enough of you

 Gu Zhang asked in a deep voice: "Erlang, why did you hit Bao'er?"

  Gu Erlang's eyes turned red and he raised Gu Fei's hand, "Bao'er bit the girl with all his strength. I can't pull it away, what should I do if I don't fight?"

  Gu Zhang then saw that Gu Fei's finger had been bitten with deep teeth marks.

  Gu Zhang was angry, "Brother, your son is precious, and my daughter is also precious. Watch out for your son from now on, and don't mess with my Xiao Fei!"

  Only then did Chen run over, see Gu Fei's raised finger, and look again Qian looked like she was going to fight for her life, and immediately cried, "Oh, my mother's heart and soul is already injured, and it's hurt again. How can it be better?"

  Gu Fei touched her mother with her elbow, Mom, your show is over.

  Boss Gu twitched his lips, looked at his son sitting on the ground, and then at Qian, who was desperately trying to break free. He was so exhausted.

  At this time, the village chief saw the commotion everywhere. He stood on a stool and shouted at the top of his lungs, "It's time to disperse. Let's go back and cook. Let's discuss the matter of escaping slowly. Don't rush now. There are still a few days left before we leave." "God."

  "If you want to leave, go back and make preparations.

  We will leave in five days!" Gu Zhang looked worried, "Let's go home." Gu Erlang

  quickly picked up the girl, and Gu Fei glanced at Bao'er on the ground. He shouted, "Bao'er!"

  Bao'er stood up, sniffed and looked at Gu Fei.

  Gu Fei took out a piece of candy, shook it at him in her hand, and then slowly stuffed it into her mouth.

  Bao'er cried "Wow" and started rolling on the ground crazily, "I want to eat candy, I want to eat candy -"

  Gu Fei raised the corner of his mouth and patted Gu Erlang, "Second brother, let's go."

  Lanzhi covered her mouth and laughed beside her.

  When they got home, Lanzhi quickly gave Gu Fei medicine.

  Gu Fei was lying on the kang, breathing heavily. Mrs. Chen came in and said angrily: "From now on, you are not allowed to go anywhere, and you are not allowed to go out until you heal your injury!"

  She held Gu Fei's finger carefully. After looking at it, he said, "Fortunately, the skin is not broken."

  "This baby is really good, he is six or seven years old, and he still bites people!"

  After that, he turned around and went out to cook.

  After a while, the meal was ready, and the family sat around the table to eat.

  Suddenly, Bao'er's heartbreaking cry came from next door, "I want to eat candy - I want to eat candy -"

  followed by Qian's voice, "Bao'er, stop crying, I'll kill the chicken for you to eat." "

  Bao'er's cry changed immediately, "I want to eat chicken, and I want to eat candy -"

  Gu Fei couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Lanzhi also pursed her lips and smiled.

  Gu Zhang cleared his throat and said, "Eat, eat."

  I cut some meat in the city today, but Chen couldn't bear to cook it all, so she cut half of it and fried a bowl of beans.

  There was a pot of cornmeal pancakes on the table, and two white flour pancakes.

  Mrs. Chen brought two white flour cakes to Gu Fei, "Xiao Fei needs to recuperate and eat something good. Don't be greedy."

  Xiaocao was the first to express his opinion, "Grandma, I'm not greedy, so I'll just eat cornmeal. " Pancakes."

  Lanzhi had never eaten cornmeal pancakes before, so she happily picked one up. This pancake was golden and must be delicious.

  Gu Fei looked at her calmly.

  Lanzhi took a bite of the pancake and it was quite delicious. After chewing a few mouthfuls and swallowing it, her throat felt like she was swallowing sand and she couldn't swallow it.

  Gu Fei sighed, she knew that the second young lady's delicate throat could not eat coarse food.

  She put one of the pancakes in her bowl into hers.

  Chen was about to speak but stopped.

  Gu Zhang frowned.

  Li Chunhua lowered her head to feed the grass as if she didn't see it.