Chapter 195: Can't See Me

After taking a few steps back, Gu Fei saw an alley not far away, pulled Lian'er and ran in.

  The two ran along the alley for a while, but no one was chasing them. Gu Fei was relieved.

  Here Xiao Yu frowned and looked at the little girl, "Why did you run out? My mother-in-law actually let you out with confidence."

  Xiao Qing stuck out her tongue, "Second brother, I ran out secretly, you must be careful Don't tell the concubine."

  Xiao Yu snorted. Only this silly girl thought that she was running away. How could she escape with so many girls and guards?

  The mother-in-law is just turning a blind eye.

  Xiao Qing tilted her head, "What were you doing just now?"

  "By the way, there was a pretty young lady standing here just now. Where did she go?"

  Xiao Yu turned around quickly, and Gu Fei was nowhere to be seen!

  Su Chen also quickly turned around. People were coming and going by the Jinshui River, but the beautiful figure was missing.

  Xiao Yu frowned, this girl ran away without even noticing her!

  Xiao Qing blinked, "Did I scare the young lady away?"

  Su Chen sneered from the side, "I don't blame you, it was Brother Yu who scared me away."

  Xiao Yu frowned slightly and said nothing . Maybe he was really scared away. If he had known it, he shouldn't have said anything just now. I have something to do with you.

  Xiao Qing suddenly caught a glimpse of the dough-shaped figure held in Shitou's hand, and her eyes widened: "This is a dough-shaped figure? It's so cute, show me."

  Shitou hesitated, not knowing whether to hand it over, and turned to look at it . Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu took the masked man with a cold face, got on his horse, and left without saying a word.

  Su Chen looked at Xiao Yu's back and narrowed his eyes. Something was wrong with his cousin, something was very wrong.

  Zhang Ze came over at this time and whispered: "Sir, let's go back. We've been walking for more than an hour today, and I'm afraid your legs won't be able to bear it."

  Su Chen agreed absentmindedly.

  Zhang Ze waved to the distance, and after a while, a carriage came over.

  The carriage had been following him from a distance so that Su Chen could get on the carriage and rest at any time.

  Xiao Qing stood there with her lips pouted, could she be the God of Plague?

  As soon as she came, the pretty girl ran away, the second brother ran away, and now even the cousin is running away.

  "Humph, I'm ignoring you!" Xiao Qing stamped her feet and left with the girl and the old lady.

  Su Chen got in the car, opened the curtain after a while, stretched out his hand to Zhang Ze, "Bring it here."

  Zhang Ze handed over a small cloth bag.

  Su Chen took it, put down the curtain, and opened the bag carefully.

  There is a doughy figure inside. Take it out and look at it. It is exactly the same as Gu Fei's doughy figure just now.

  This was the one Su Chen secretly sent to Zhang Ze to ask the old man who made the dough to make another one.

  Su Chen held the Mian Er in his hand and stared at it intently. After looking at it for a long time, he carefully put his Mian Er and this one into the cloth bag, and then gently put it on his lap, with a look on his face. Watching softly.

  Here Gu Fei and Lian'er have already walked out of the alley, which is connected to another street.

  After walking all the way, the bowl of dumplings that she ate had long been digested. There was a dumpling seller at the entrance of the alley. Gu Fei ordered two bowls of dumplings and sat down with Lian'er to eat slowly.

  The glutinous rice balls were stuffed with black sesame seeds, fragrant and sweet. After eating a few mouthfuls, Gu Fei suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from far away. She looked up and saw that the person sitting immediately was none other than Jianmei Xingmu. Unknown young man.

  Gu Fei quickly lowered his head and thought to himself, you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me.