Chapter 196 Lanzhi was alone.

Perhaps it was Gu Fei's prayer that moved God, but the sound of horse hooves did not stop and gradually faded away.

  Lian'er watched the horses go away, and then called Gu Fei, "Miss, they're gone."

  Gu Fei touched her chest, "It's okay, it's okay, it scared me to death."

  After finishing the glutinous rice balls, Gu Fei and As soon as Lian'er stood up, Lian'er pointed across the street and said, "Isn't that Lanzhi?"

  Gu Fei looked over and saw Lanzhi standing under the lamp, with a young man standing opposite.

  The young master was dressed in a jade-colored robe, with a tall figure and a fair complexion. He was holding a handkerchief.

  Lanzhi lowered her head, her face flushed, and was saying something.

  Gu Fei hurriedly walked over with Lian'er.

  Lanzhi was so anxious that she looked up and saw Gu Fei, her eyes full of surprise. She pointed at the young master in front of her and stammered: "He, this young master has lost my handkerchief and refuses to give it back to me."

  Gu Fei . Fei looked at the handkerchief in the young master's hand. It was embroidered with a white magnolia on the pink satin. It was exactly the one Lanzhi had embroidered just two days ago.

  The young master looked Gu Fei up and down, with a hint of amazement flashing in his eyes. He smiled and bowed to Gu Fei, "Hello, girl."

  Gu Fei smiled faintly, "This handkerchief does belong to my sister. Can the young master return it? "

  The young man smiled and said, "I have no intention of taking this girl's handkerchief. I just asked a few questions because I saw the magnolia embroidery was so clever."

  He stretched out his hand and handed the handkerchief to Lanzhi, who quickly took it and tucked it in. waist.

  Gu Fei said to the man, "Thank you, sir."

  Then he took Lanzhi and left.

  After walking for a while, Gu Fei looked back and saw that the young master was still standing there, looking here from a distance.

  Gu Fei asked Lanzhi, "Why are you alone? Isn't your second brother with you?"

  Lanzhi blushed, "We were together originally, he, he went to the shop to buy something for me, and I was waiting on the street. "

  Who would have thought, a group of lion dancers came over, followed by many people, and I was pushed away. The lion dancer just went over there. I was going to go back to look for Erlang, but I found that the veil was missing. , I was looking around when I saw that man taking my handkerchief."

  Lanzhi pouted in embarrassment, "I asked him for it, but he refused to give it to me. He kept asking questions."

  Gu Fei twitched her lips, silly girl . , people must have taken a fancy to you.

  "Then let's go find the second brother."

  The three of them walked not far when they saw Gu Erlang standing on the side of the street, looking around anxiously.

  Gu Fei shouted loudly: "Second brother-"

  Gu Erlang glanced this way, then ran over and scolded Lanzhi: "Where have you gone? I didn't ask you to wait for me at the door. Do you know if I can't come out?" How worried are you?"

  Gu Fei rolled her eyes silently, the second brother really values ​​sex over girls.

  She was such a big living person standing here, and her second brother was stunned as if he didn't see her.

  Well, I better not disturb your date. Gu Fei pulled Lian'er and said softly: "Let's go."

  The two of them walked and stopped along the way, watching dragon and lion dances and various sideshows on the street. The moon was almost at its peak, so I headed back to the inn.

  When I arrived at the inn, I saw Gu Zhang walking around at the gate.

  As soon as he saw Gu Fei, Gu Zhang let out a long breath, "You're back!"

  "You girl, why are you back? If you don't come back, I will search for you all over the streets."

  Gu Fei stuck out her tongue, "Forgot to pay attention to the time."

  Gu Fei hurriedly followed Gu Zhang inside, and when she reached the door of a room, she heard Mrs. Chen's muffled scolding inside, "Everyone only cares about themselves, and I asked you to take good care of the girl. You ——"