Breaking one’s shackles

Shangguan Ancient Family Mansion, Supreme Heaven World, Saint Realm

"Gu Aoyao, come here now!"

The deacon who controls the family servants shouted, his face getting red.

Despite this, no one responded and the deacon got even more angry.

"These servants dare slack off in the face of crisis! Once we tide this over I will kill this dog!"

The deacon could no longer be bothered with Gu Aoyao, as he has more pressing concerns to attend to. It has been the 31st year of the Shangguan Family's war against a rival ancient family, Jian Ancient Family. It has been a long time, but it doesn't seem to be ending soon. Large scale wars like this tend to span centuries after all.

The deacon sneered to himself and then finally went his way.

Gu Aoyao breathed a sigh of relief and then squinted his eyes thinking.

"Today is the day that I finally get away from this wretched status as servant!"

Despite enduring a century of servitude, Gu Aoyao still couldn't contain his rage, and he remains defiant against the family that took him in forcefully.

It has also been a century since he ascended up from the lower Immortal Realm, when he was immediately ambushed by slavers arranged by the Shangguan Family.

He was a peerless figure in his youth, but his luck seemed to have ran out and he could no longer fight back against the strength of the people in the Saint Realm. It wasn't just a matter of strength anymore, it involved foundation and potential.

His thoughts seemed to flashback to events 2 centuries ago, when he similarly ascended from the lower Mortal Realm to the Immortal Realm, as a young and talented genius who was still in his 20s as a peak Martial Emperor expert. He conquered the lower realm through talent alone and broke through the heavens not long after, how glorious were those days.

It was a similar picture, the Immortal Realm figures took advantage of people who ascended but he was young and vigorous, and the gap was not that wide. He fought back against his opponents and established himself in a sect where he soon became a leading figure. While he was not the dominant figure like he was in the lower realm, he was still a powerful man in and out of the sect. It took him a century to finally ascend after painstakingly cultivating in his older years, he even thought that his life would have run out before breaking through.

A fortuitous encounter allowed him to breakthrough his realm and he finally could leave the Immortal Realm behind. Who would've thought that this was the fate that awaited him! The gap was too big after all.

Gu Aoyao regained his thoughts and focused on the plan that he had at hand - he finally had a plan to break his shackles!

Due to the ongoing war, the guards to the Shangguan Family treasury were weaker, as the usual ones were deployed in the frontlines. However Gu Aoyao was still not a match, moreover with dozens of them. Regardless, he didn't plan to overpower them, he just needed to sneak around and get past them.

His plan was thorough, but he knew one mistake meant death! He had his worries but he didn't care anymore. Success or failure it was better to die than live as a wretched servant.

He previously obtained a Divine Cloak that could obscure one's presence against the detection of people. The body, qi and soul would be undetectable.

The problem was, the guards in the Shangguan Family, could see through said cloak. As an ancient family, the guards that the Shangguan family employs are peak experts who had different capabilities, and that included unparalleled clairvoyance. As luck would have it, they weren't here today.

"I've just obtained information that the guards above Three Flowers Realm have been deployed to the frontlines, the current guards are not able to see through the cloak!"

Gu Aoyao carefully thought about his plan again, making sure there were no mistakes.

When he was finally sure, he began to make his way to the treasury, sneaking and avoiding people.

Once the treasury was in sight, he began to assess the situation.

"Great! the guards are indeed at most only at the peak of the Three Flowers Realm. They won't be able to see through the cloak."

At this thought, Gu Aoyao began to wear the cloak, and he could tell his presence has been obscured from the heaven and the earth. Only great experts and those with specialties could see through him now.

He started walking towards the guards and then past them to the treasury. The guards didn't bat an eye to his presence.

He took a look in the room, and then looked at the large door that sealed the treasury. He had also previously obtained the way to open the door, he just had to make sure no one was guarding the door at this time. It was precisely during this time that the guards that normally guarded the door were taking a break or were having their meals. The guards at front would still have been enough to still guard the treasury, it was just an extra measure. As an insider, Gu Aoyao was just privy to sensitive information others wouldn't know.

Gu Aoyao immediately went and opened the door, and then closed it behind him. He was still nervous despite planning for years, but he immediately resolved himself and got into the room that contained the treasure he had his eyes on.

"It's here!"

Gu Aoyao exclaimed to himself. He couldn't contain his glee as his eyes laid upon a book the seemed to exude an exquisite aura. It was placed on a golden podium decorated with what seemed to be dragons on the side. One could see the importance of the book at first glance.

As he began to make his way to the book, an angry voice seemed to resound throughout the treasury.

"Who's there!"