The Heavens hate me!

As the great voice reverberated throughout the treasury, panic immediately crept into Gu Aoyao.

"How could this be!"

Just as when he was about to crumble, he managed to get a hold and calm himself.

"No wait I just have to make escape!"

He has yet to see anything and the enemy surely has not seen him either. He kept quiet and tiptoed around and hid, listening for information.

Just as he was about to look, a crash seemed to explode and a large amount of qi seemed to hit from all directions.

"The Jian family is getting really brave! You dare sneak into our treasury!"

An old voice sounded with pride and glee.

"That voice!"

Gu Aoyao immediately recognized the owner of that voice. It was the Third Elder of the Shangguan Family, Shangguan Wenxian. A powerful strongman at the peak of the Saint Realm, this wasn't a figure he could get his eyes into. And in this time of war, he should've been in the frontlines as well!

It could only mean one thing. This was a trap!

Gu Aoyao could only curse his luck.

"The heavens hate me!"

It was too late for regret. There was no way he could get out alive. He also knew that the parties have already detected his presence, and that he was being ignored as an insignificant ant.

He smiled bitterly, but still composed himself. He had never planned to get out of the treasury alive!

"An ant is also here, whatever I'll deal with it afterwards. More importanly…" The Third Elder mused to himself and then looked at the young man in front of him. He was handsome and had a spectacular and proud aura around him, and in spite of the circumstances, he still maintained a smile in his face.

The Third Elder frowned upon seeing this.

"Elder Wenxian, I was just taking a look, how can you be so angry." The young man confidently said, shrugging off the Third Elder and making a mockery out of him.

"Believe it or not that I will kill you on the spot!" Shangguan Wenxian's veins seemed bulge out of his head out of anger.

The youth, still retaining his confident smile, brushed off the threat.

"That depends… If you have the ability."

The Third Elder seemed to detect the mockery before the youth finished and immediately sent out a blast of qi towards the youth.

"Preposterous! I'll show you the gap between our Shangguan Family and the Jian Family, much less the gap in our experience and age!" The Third Elder shouted in fury.

The youth's face suddenly became serious, and in the span of a moment, immediately drew a sword out of thin air, immediately slicing through the qi blast. The remaining energy split into two and hit the ceilings of the treasury. The force shook the treasury as the ceilings seemed to collapse from the strength.

"So it is true, you Jian Wufeng, has become a Great Deacon of the Jian family. Your strength have come to approach the level of the older generation!" The Third Elder sneered to himself.

"But don't think that this will be enough! You are a genius and I will be more keen to finish you off here!"

The Third Elder recouped his rage and gathered mystical energy for another attack. This was all a mystery to Gu Aoyao and he couldn't recognize any of the techniques that the people were casting. The simple qi blast that shook the treasury also almost shook him with force and the debris that fell almost killed him. This wasn't a fight that he could get himself involved. Before everything was destroyed he immediately hurried back to the treasure.

"Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra!"

Gu Aoyao gulped as he looked at the treasure book in front of him. The Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra was a miraculous technique, it was the best foundation building cultivation technique in the Saint Realm.

The Nine Exquisite Profound Sutra wasn't an uncommon technique, in fact the entire Saint Realm knew about it, but still not everyone practiced.

It wasn't because it was not accessible, in fact it was easier and all encompassing, allowing for people of lower status to complete it. It was so profound that it allowed its practitioners to stand against people who were an entire realm higher that practiced other cultivation techniques. One could see how powerful this was.

Why is it that not everyone could practice it then?

It was simple. The mighty figures of the Saint Realm did not allow it. As a great technique, one could stand shoulder to shoulder and cause trouble for these sects and families without any background, hence the common people not affiliated with these sects weren't allowed to practice the technique, they were killed in the cradle.

It sported an entirely different cultivation process that improved the strengths of its practitioners by leaps and bounds, and the younger generation of the top sects and families stood a shoulder above the rest it was truly unfair.

It also had another peculiar nature, the practitioners could devour another party's cultivation of the technique to improve himself, bringing his cultivation of the technique to knew heights. It was also because of this that unaffiliated practitioners were hunted down for the geniuses of the sects.

"If I was able to cultivate this from the started I could have competed against these scoundrels!" Gu Aoyao gritted his teeth in anger. He truly despised the methods of these sects. But he could only smile bitterly…

"The strong eats the weak after all! First I need to focus on the task at hand. I just need one more item before I go!" He mustered himself and then took a peak outside. The battle was becoming more intense and had nos signs of stopping.

The sword wielding youth was in a disadvantage, but he doesn't seem to lose any momentum and was holding on his own against the Third Elder. Gu Aoyao was shocked as he saw this.

"Give up Jian Wufeng! This is the end for you!"

The Third Elder was similarly surprised but he still held confidence that he could dispatch the youth in front of him.

"What are you so exasperated for Third Elder? The battle has just begun!" The youth exclaimed in confidence.

"You were surprised weren't you? We knew about the Jian Family's plans a month ago and set this trap. Who knew we could bait a genius with this!" The Third Elder seemed to have already grasped the victory and shouted proudly.

"Indeed, but do you think you can be successful with just this?" The youth never wavered despite the threats and the disparity in strength, seemingly having a plan to get out of this.

The Third Elder seemed to hesitate, immediately scanning around for any hidden dangers. There wasn't anything else besides the two of them and the ant that seems to be heading to the Reincarnation Pagoda of the treasury. He immediately began to panic and focused on that person.

Jian Wufeng took notice of this and immediately shouted: "Ouyang Yi! Go! Do it now!"

Seemingly wary of this and whatever the plan of Jian Wufeng is, the Third Elder panicked and immediately focused on Gu Aoyao. In that same moment he could detect a strength on par with Jian Wufeng from the direction of Gu Aoyao.

"Not good!" Gu Aoyao saw the Third Elder waving his hand at his direction.