Woojin called her in their favorite park and said that he has a surprise for her

When she came to the park he decided to remove the mask and show him how he looks...

Sohee: "hello dear mask boy you told me that you have a surprise for me where is it I am very curious"

Woojin removes his mask and cap and says "here"

Sohee, captivated by his handsome face and sharp features, was taken aback.

Sohee:" Omo i don't know what to say i am speechless but...Why did you hide such a cute handsome face from me?" she questioned,

Woojin got to know that sohee doesn't know him as celebrity after face reveal. Woojin took relief breath and told her the reason with sincerity in his eyes, confessed, "Because I am an introvert that's why"

Sohee (shyly): To Be honest I really liked your surprise🤭

Woojin (teasingly): see you again started flirting with me you always do this you naughty girl🤨😂

Sohee: "what are you thinking I am not flirting with you"😅😁

Woojin: "dear sohee are you asking me indirectly for the date??"🤨

Sohee (embarrassingly): stop...I am not doing that you are making me shy now🙈

Last time I told you that's your job to do and I have to do that..😂

Woojin: see again you naughty girl

Sohee: stop teasing me now I am just kidding😁😂

Both laughed...

" She couldn't take her eyes away from his handsome face She requested woojin to not to wear mask when they are alone

Woojin and Sohee, already bestfriends, find themselves in a heartwarming conversation that reveals Sohee's growing feelings for Woojin.

Woojin: "Sohee, have I ever told you how much I enjoy spending time with you? You bring so much joy and laughter into my life."

Sohee: "Really? I thought I was just being my usual goofy self."

Woojin: "That's precisely what I love about you. Your quirkiness, your humor - it all adds a unique charm to my days."

Sohee: (blushing) "Well, I enjoy our time together too. It's like we have our own little world of laughter."

Woojin: "Exactly! It's like we share this secret language of laughter that only we understand."

Sohee: (smiling) "And your voice, mr.jin, when you talk - it's like a magic. I could listen to you all day."

Woojin: and I can talk to you all day🤭

Sohee: now who is flirting?🤨😏

Woojin: just kidding "I'm glad you appreciate my voice. Your compliments mean a lot, Sohee."

Sohee: (looking away, a bit shy) "You know, I feel really happy when I'm with you. It's like my heart skips a beat."

Woojin: (smirking) "Skipping beats, huh? That sounds a bit like... love?"

Sohee: (blushing even more) "N-no! I mean, who said anything about love? I just meant, you know, in a friendly way."

Woojin: (teasingly) "Friendly heart-skipping beats. Got it."

Sohee: (playfully nudging him) "Stop teasing! Anyway, let's not make things awkward. I just wanted to let you know you make me really happy."

Woojin: (softly) "And you make me happy too, Sohee. Maybe our little world of laughter is more special than we think."

In this conversation, Sohee subtly hints at her growing feelings for Woojin, acknowledging the happiness he brings into her life. The unspoken confessions create a sweet and tender moment between the two friends, paving the way for the deeper connection that lies ahead.

Next day In their usual park rendezvous, the playful kitten they've grown fond of decides to embark on a daring tree-climbing expedition. Sohee and Woojin, engrossed in their conversation, didn't notice the feline adventurer until its meows for help echo through the park.

Sohee, quick to spot the distressed kitten, exclaims, "hey, look! Our little friend is stuck on the tree!" Concern fills their faces as they witness the tiny creature struggling on a high branch.

Woojin, ready to assist, starts to step forward saying let me help her, but Sohee, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, says, "Wait, let me handle this, I'm an expert tree climber since my childhood!" She takes on a playful challenge, showcasing her climbing skills as she ascends the tree with surprising speed.

Amused by Sohee's agility, Woojin watches in awe as she reaches the stranded kitten. However, just as triumph fills the air, Sohee's foot slips on a branch, and she begins to descend faster than expected. In a split second, Woojin instinctively catches her, his strong hands ensuring a safe landing for both Sohee and the rescued kitten.

As they find themselves in this unexpected embrace, Sohee, a mix of relief and amusement, exclaims, "Ahhh, you saved both of us!"

Woojin, with a grin, teases her, "I thought you said you were a tree-climbing expert since childhood."

Sohee, blushing, retorts, "Well I said I am good at climbing, I never said anything about coming down!" Their laughter fills the park as they share a lighthearted moment. Sohee, realizing the enchanting rescue, playfully adds, "You know, you're exactly like this kitten, always getting into trouble!"

Woojin, still holding her in his arms, replies, "Well, in that case, you're my brave tree- climbing princess." They share a knowing smile, their connection deepening in the backdrop of this charming rescue. Sohee, after a beat, says, "Alright, Mr. Strong Arms, you can put me down now. Thanks for saving us."

Woojin, with a playful twinkle in his eye, carefully lowers Sohee to the ground.

Woojin and Sohee's connection deepened more as they shared happy, peaceful moments in secluded parks. continued to meet in quiet places, where very few people ventured.

One day finally, he mustered the courage to ask her for a date, yet he concealed his real identity, and not revealing his true profession

Woojin, determined to create a magical moment for Sohee, plans a surprise proposal. He knows Sohee adores the peaceful charm of a quiet park, so he arranges an evening stroll in their favorite spot.

As they walk, the park twinkles with fairy lights, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Woojin, his heart pounding with love, takes Sohee's hand, leading her to a beautifully decorated gazebo adorned with flowers and soft lights.

Under the enchanting ambiance, Woojin expresses his feelings, recounting the laughter, the quirky moments, and the genuine love they share. He presents Sohee with a small, elegantly wrapped box. When she opens it, she finds a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a cat - a nod to the feline friend who initially brought them together.

With sincerity in his eyes, Woojin utters the words Sohee has been longing to hear, "Will you be my forever laughter, my partner in mischief, and my love for all the days to come?" Overwhelmed with emotion, Sohee nods with tears of joy streaming down her face.

As Woojin gently places the necklace around her neck, sealing their commitment, they share a tender, heartfelt tight hug.

under the twinkling lights. The park, witness to their journey, becomes a symbol of their enduring love story, and the proposal marks the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their lives.

The day of their first date arrived, where the city's hustle faded into the background. As the sunset light scene set the perfect stage, they were standing watching the pretty river and the pretty sunset That was the rainy day, Woojin suggests a romantic walk in a beautiful garden adorned with glistening raindrops. Sohee, thrilled by the idea, agrees. As they stroll hand in hand, enjoying the serene atmosphere, they come across a charming little bridge over a small stream.

Woojin, being the playful soul he suggests, "How about a dance in the rain?" Sohee, always up for an adventure, agrees with a smile.

As they start dancing on the bridge, the rain intensifies, turning the surface a bit slippery. Sohee, not realizing the change in conditions, attempts a twirl and ends up slipping on the wet bridge.

Woojin, quick on his feet, catches her before she takes a tumble. Sohee, slightly embarrassed, laughs nervously, "Well, that wasn't part of the dance!"

Woojin, holding her steady, chuckles, "Ah, the unexpected twists make the best dances!" his strong arms wrapping around her waist, preventing the fall. Their eyes meet in that suspended moment, raindrops creating a shimmering curtain around them.

He pulls her into a comforting hug,

Their laughter fades, replaced by a tranquil silence. The soft patter of raindrops forms a natural melody as they remain locked in a gaze that speaks volumes. Woojin, unable to resist the magnetic pull, gently tilts Sohee's chin upward. With a whisper of the rain as their witness, Woojin leans in, his lips meeting Sohee's in a tender kiss.

It's a kiss that holds the magic of serendipity, the sweetness of shared laughter, and the warmth of a love blossoming in unexpected moments.

As they part, a playful smile dances on Woojin's lips, and Sohee, her cheeks blushed, can't help but giggle. The bridge, witness to their almost-tumble turned into a serendipitous kiss, becomes a symbol of their shared journey - filled with laughter, unexpected turns, and the sweetness of love found in the most charming accidents.

They decide to continue their walk, embracing the rain-soaked moments with laughter and joy. As they reach the end of the bridge, Woojin teasingly says, "Next time, let's stick to a rain dance on solid ground, shall we?"

Sohee, still giggling, agrees, grateful for a partner who finds beauty in every moment, even the slippery ones. This rainy escapade becomes another cherished memory reminding them that love can weather any unexpected slip-ups with grace and laughter.

They start to going on dates Their outings became a series of joyful adventures - amusement park rides,quiet nights watching the stars and the moon, and cozy movie nights.

But the reality of Woojin's celebrity life loomed large. In a crowded theater, witnessing another celebrity facing a fan frenzy, Soheeka expressed her frustration with the celebrity lifestyle.

After the movie ends in the late night they decided to walk to home their hand in hand and they stopped to a bridge to see the pretty sky and the river they decides to stay there for while... woojin got a thought to tell Sohee about his real identity because he didn't wanted to hurt her and hide from her anything but he also wanted to know that why she has social anxiety and hate celebrity like life he was concerned about her.he decided to ask her about this before he confesses about his real identity to her...

Woojin care in his eyes asks her "sohee may i know the reason behind your social anxiety i mean did you have any trouble in past because of that you became an anti social"?

Sohee: "yes there is a big reason behind why i became like this and stopped talking being in crowd and became so be honest I never share this with anyone "

Woojin: "it's okay babe i don't wanna make you sad by reminding that i am always here for can tell me if you want to and you are comfortable come to me whenever you feel sad and want to share something i will be always here for my girl"

Sohee: "i know you are always with me but it's not like i don't wanna share with you

I am like this because of my dad"

Woojin: "because of dad...what happened what did he do tell me"

Sohee:"he didn't do anything to me actually that's long dad was an actor in India he became very popular after his last two movies got famous"

Woojin (shockingly): "whatt! Was he a celebrity?? Then why do you hate a celebrity life? Is it because of him"

Sohee (tears in her eyes):" yeah... I always wanted to spend time with him but he used to be busy always in his shootings,promotions and fan meetings he never gave me time and that was the only thing i wanted from him and that he couldn't give me and now he can never give me that anymore he couldn't even give time to my mom"

Woojin: "what happened Sohee please tell me clearly what you want to say exactly why he can't give you time anymore"

Sohee(started to cry): "he is no more he left me...he died because of his passion"

Woojin hold her hand asks her " did it happen"

Sohee: "There was a another  actor he was also famous for some period of time but his  performance was not really good recently but still he got a movie but  when my dad's recent movie got famous and when he became director assigned my dad instead of him and movie got hit so that's why he got so angry on my dad his many promotion deals also got canceled because of my dad maybe he wanted to take revenge from my dad his many deal got canceled and he leaved entertainment industry later.he was famous for short period but we never saw him later

One day when we were invited for the party we arrived there there were too much crowd of photographers and fans around us there were too much flashlights and i was feeling something strange and next moment a actor who was angry on my dad shooted to my dad with gun he fell down in front of my eyes I saw he was bleeding on the floor and everyone was just shouting and clicking pictures mom started crying very loud and i couldn't think anything i became totally blank i couldn't think what is happening,cops and ambulance arrived people took him to the hospital but doctor couldn't help I was still blank not able to think anything mom started screaming and crying i was so shocked and didn't know if this really happened or it's just a dream. Whereever we go media started to following us and my mom started to have panic attacks everyday she was depressed after that incident and few days later my mom also passed away because of heart attack i became totally alone and quite no one was there for me i was feeling so lonely without my partners my life just stopped after that incident i stopped being in crowd and in limelight i locked myself in room for weeks whenever i go out media used to follow me everywhere and i got phobia of crowd and those flashlights that's why i decided to move here i am traumatized after that incident that's why i am antisocial and hate celebrity like lifestyle this is the reason now no one from my family is alive because of that no person in world whom I can say mine"🥺

Woojin: "hey sohee no don't say that please I can understand from what condition you went through please don't say that you are alone i am here for you till the rest of my life i am your family and no one can hurt you until i am here."

He wipes here tears and hug her very tightly and says" you very strong girl i am very sorry i wish i was there for you when you needed someone now don't ever cry i am always with you I will always make you happy I don't wanna see you sad anymore i can't see my girl crying like this"

Sohee: "I have already lost my loved ones and i don't want to lose you please always be with me and never leave me"

Woojin with tears in his eyes: "I won't babe...I will never leave you

I love you so much...

Now stop crying and thinking about it much wherever you feel down and need to talk just call me"

Woojin was aware that his secret was not gonna hidden for long time from sohee but he didn't over think about that, he just wanted to enjoy every little moment he shares with sohee. He decided to be her side and make her very happy he wanted to help her with her anxiety he was afraid that she will be hurt if she knows the truth he decided to not to tell her for few days.

Woojin used to pick soohe everyday from her university and then they were loving to spend the quality time together in the same park with little kitten.

Now both have started to dreaming

about their future life together Both were so happy with each other. They used to go on many dates secretly.

The Adorable Mishap:

One day, Sohee and Woojin decide to embark on a spontaneous adventure, exploring a quirky theme park filled with amusing attractions. As they stroll through the park, they come across a photo booth with wacky props and backgrounds.

Excitedly, Sohee suggests, "Let's capture this moment with a fun photo!"

Both wears cute hair bands and

She rushes into the booth,

ready to strike a pose. However, in her eagerness, she misjudges the timing of the camera and ends up taking a series but cute of candid, unprepared shots.

Woojin, observing the whole spectacle, can't help but burst into laughter. Sohee, realizing her blunder, joins in the laughter, admitting, "Well, I guess I'm not the best model!"

Undeterred, Woojin pulls her into a warm hug, chuckling, "That's what makes you even more adorable! Perfectly imperfect. You so cute effortlessly"

As they exit the photo booth, Sohee notices the printed pictures displaying her hilarious adorable expressions and quirky poses. Expecting embarrassment, she shyly asks, "Aren't these a bit embarrassing?"

Woojin, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, replies, "Embarrassing? No way! These photos capture the real you - spontaneous, joyful, and utterly lovable. I wouldn't trade them for anything."

Sohee, initially unsure about the pictures, starts to see the charm in their goofy adventure. From that day forward, those comical photos become cherished mementos, a reminder that love finds beauty in every spontaneous and slightly embarrassing moment.

Woojin took leave from his work to spend quality time with sohee when sohee asked about his job he told that he is an artist he felt sad because of he was hiding the truth from her but at the same time he doesn't wanted to lose her, he was just waiting for the right time to confess the truth...

although his identity wasn't real but his feelings for her was very strong and pure,

he was deeply in love with her.