♡...Dating moments...♡

*Starlit Serenade:*

Underneath the canvas of twinkling stars, Woojin and Sohee found themselves in a secluded spot of the park, far from the city's hustle. The night air was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying the melody of distant crickets and the rustling leaves. Sohee was lost in the pretty atmosphere the moon and the sky with full of stars she express" isn't the moon looking so pretty today"

Woojin confidently smirks and says "not more than you my girl" sohee smiles with blushed cheeks

Woojin, feeling the magic of the moment, took Sohee's hand, leading her to a small clearing bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. A blanket was spread on the grass, creating a cozy spot for them to sit.

As they settled in, Woojin gazed into Sohee's eyes, the starlight reflecting in their depths. The air was charged with a quiet anticipation, and Woojin, feeling the depth of his emotions, began to express the sentiments that had bloomed within him.

"Sohee," he began, his voice a tender whisper, "I never knew that love could feel like this. It's as if every moment with you is a melody, and my heart plays the sweetest tune whenever you're near."

Sohee, touched by his words, smiled warmly. "Woojin, you make every day feel like a beautiful dream. Your laughter is my favorite song, and your presence is my favorite melody."

Woojin, overcome with emotion, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Opening it, he revealed a shining ring with a delicate design, reminiscent of intertwined stars.

"I got this for you," he confessed, "because you are the brightest star in my universe. Will you wear it as a symbol of our love?"

Sohee's eyes sparkled with joy as she accepted the ring. "I will, with all my heart," she replied, her voice carrying the sincerity of her feelings.

With gentle fingers, Woojin placed the ring on Sohee's finger. The ring gleamed in the moonlight, a celestial emblem of their shared love. As their fingers intertwined, they leaned in, capturing the moment with a tender kiss under the vast expanse of starlight.

In that serene night, their love story continued to unfold, marked by shared dreams, heartfelt confessions, and the enchanting beauty of the starlit serenade that echoed the rhythm of their hearts.

*Karaoke Chaos:*

Woojin, the singing sensation, decides to take Sohee, who has little knowledge about singing, to a karaoke bar for a fun date night. They enter a vibrant room filled with colorful lights and a massive song catalog.

Woojin, eager to show off his vocal prowess, grins and hands the microphone to Sohee, saying, "Pick any song you like! It's all about having fun."

Sohee, looking a bit perplexed, scrolls through the extensive list of songs. She finally settles on a classic love ballad, thinking it might be an easy one to sing.

As the music starts, Woojin watches Sohee with anticipation. To his surprise, Sohee begins singing with all her heart, completely off-key and out of sync with the rhythm. Woojin tries to hold back his laughter, realizing that Sohee's singing sounds more like a charming rendition of a nursery rhyme.

Midway through the song, Sohee glances at Woojin, who's attempting to follow her unique melody. She bursts into giggles, saying, "I hope you have earplugs! My singing might break glass."

Encouragingly, Woojin grins and responds, "Who needs earplugs when I can join this musical adventure?" He joins in, trying to match Sohee's enthusiastic but unconventional melody.

The couple transforms the karaoke room into a musical comedy, drawing laughter from neighboring rooms.

Sohee, unaware of her musical misadventure, finishes the song with a big smile. Woojin, still chuckling, applauds her performance, saying, "That was... unique! Who needs perfect pitches when we have this much fun?"

They both burst into laughter, turning the karaoke chaos into a cherished memory. From that day forward, whenever they heard the song they attempted at the karaoke, it became their special inside joke, a reminder that love and laughter could outshine any musical note.

As the night unfolds, Woojin decides to serenade Sohee with a love song. With his melodic voice, he sings a heartfelt ballad that captivates Sohee's heart.

She gets lost in the beauty of his voice, realizing that even if their karaoke attempts were comical, Woojin's singing could sweep her off her feet. Their date ends on a melodious note, proving that love could harmonize through both laughter and heartfelt serenades.

*Math Laughter:*

On a sunny day in the park, Sohee finds herself engrossed in the one subject she detests the most - math. Woojin arrives, intrigued by the sight, and playfully inquires about the challenging situation.

"What happened what are you thinking about"

"Why can't math solve its own problems?" Sohee complains, frustration evident in her voice. He says "ahh my crazy girl Woojin, with a twinkle in his eye, offers, "Let me help you with that." Math is not that hard

Woojin, with a playful smirk, offers to help. To Sohee's astonishment, he effortlessly finds solutions to the math problems. She, with a mix of awe and amusement, quips, "Now I understand why your name is Jin." Intrigued, Woojin, intrigued, asks, "Why is that?"

Sohee grins mischievously and declares, "Because you're a 'jineous'!" Woojin, caught off guard, bursts into laughter, attempting to stifle it. Regaining composure, he retaliates with a witty comeback, "Well, that explains why your name is Sohee

Curious sohee asks "why?" Woojin says "Because you are - 'so hee-larious'!"

(So Hilarious)

their banter creating a lighthearted atmosphere. Woojin, feeling mischievous, seizes the moment and playfully asks for a kiss as a reward for his math-solving prowess.

Woojin: "Now I even solve your tough math problems so I must get a special reward"

Sohee: that wasn't even that much tough for you you are jineous in maths (says with giggling)

Woojin: Nope baby that was so hard I used my brain alot in your math so now I deserve a reward"

Sohee: "okay say what do you want"

Woojin: (shyly smiles) and says about a kiss

Sohee: easily accepts and says OK close your eyes

Woojin: no not at this time I know you will prank on me and run from here while my eyes are closed

Sohee: no I won't just close your eyes and let me kiss you oppa

Woojin: gets shy and happy after hearing oppa with blushed cheeks he says " I am happy that you call me oppa but still I am not gonna close my eyes I want to feel this kiss with open eyes

Sohee: (gets little irritated) And says "you should feel the kiss with closed eyes" and covers his eys with her hands and brings cat closer to him pretending she is kissing

Woojin felt ticklish and removes her hand from his eyes realises it was cat

sohee smiles teasingly

Then he says "hey you cheater, your soft little hand felt so good on my eyes now you wanna know how my lips feels on your lips"

He was slowly slowly going close to her and she was taking her body back due to nervousness she leaned backside on the grass, they were so close as could feel the heartbeats of each other he looked in her eyes for a moment and kissed her for long time

In that moment, their laughter turns into a sweet, lingering kiss, making the playful romantic math session in the park a cherished memory for


Next day evening

Sohee sitting on a bench and writing something in her book, woojin comes behind her and decides to do something mischievous he slowly steps forward and

Woojin (loudly): booooo

Sohee:(scares) omo! you pabo! You scared do you want me to get heart attack.

Woojin starts laughing and says: I am so sorry, I was just in mood to irritate you

Sohee: ahh i messed up with my handwriting because of you!

Woojin: Why, what are you writing here

Let me see.

Sohee: no, it's my secret thing.

Woojin: what! Secret huh? Alright your wish but atleast tell me what are you writing

Sohee: nothing special it's just poetry about my dream place.

Woojin: a poetry! About your dream life? Then I have to see it I also wanna know about you dream life please let me see.

Sohee: no i won't you will tease me.

Woojin: okay I won't, I promise i am just very curious to see your poetry let me see sohee.

Sohee: okay here (gives her dairy to him)

Woojin starts reading in mind


Just Imagine how does it feel living countryside being around nature hearing birds everyday.

From the noise and crowd being far away.

How does it feel to lay down on Soft wet grass and Feeling the First ray of the sun on the body.

Having your own pet horse instead of ferrari and audi.

how does it feel to run on empty ground,

hearing the songs of birds and waterfall sound.

how does it feel to feel all raindrops on the face.

The feeling of seeing own pets to raise.

how it feels to swing on the trees In hot summer The feeling of breeze

when swinging forward the little sunray on the face feels like it is teasing and while going backward the little branch of the tree is trying to protect me from that naughty sun ray.

I just want to know the feeling of living far away

every day I am waking up by the songs of sparrows

just imagine the feeling in real life this beautiful scenarios.

I really want know how it really feels to grow my own fruits and vegitables.

want to feel the happiness by seeing my own garden with so many colourful butterfiles and flowers.

how it really feels living far away from the noisy hustle bustle

Living in own cozy castle

being around the trees, flowers, butterflies and river, while swimming in the hot summer the feeling of shiver

How does it really feel to watch the sunset and rainbow to see the billow of clouds and the skyglow not from the terece or building From your own garden with a cup of coffee want to live countryside in the cottage in the peace very happy

I want to know the feeling of laying down and see the sky is wearing stars as a crown.

How it feels to have a pretty lake near the house. in the hot afternoon it's shining like a diamond.

and the feeling of having garden and flowers thousand.

How it feels to have your own little cozy cottage house Iiving happily in own little world away from the noisy chaos.

Omg sohee this so heartwarming , I seriously love it. Sohee this so magical my girl and this words are so deep i swear i also dream about same thing I really love this sohee. I promise one day we will own such place we live very peacefully sohee just like your poetry.

Sohee: omo are you serious! Is this your dream too I didn't know why didn't you tell me earlier. I did not know we dream about same things.

Woojin: yeah Sohee we will surely live in such place one day in cottage house as you like.

Sohee: seriously! Omo thank you so so much I never knew that my this dream will be come true.

Woojin: Why not? when I am with you.

I will give you everything sohee i'll do everything which makes happy my girl.

Sohee: thank you so much.

(Hugs her)

Woojin: don't say thank you, you crazy girl

Now tell me what else you want when we will start living in such place.

Sohee: ummm so many pets.

Woojin: tell me.

Sohee: ummm few cows, one dog, one cat, one black horse, and rabbit also.

(Woojin starts laughing because of cute demands of sohee)

Woojin: okay! That's alot!

Sohee: Wait I am not done yet let me think.

(Woojin can't stop looking at her adorable face)

Woojin: but sohee we don't need to have a cat.

Sohee: what do you mean? I love cats.

Woojin: yeah I know babe. But we already have one.

Sohee: who?

Woojin:this cute little kitten because of her

We met. How lucky she is for us.

Sohee: yeah I know I have already decided that we will adopt her afterall she is our first pet. And she also needs a friend so I want one more kitten.

Woojin: okay babe as your command continue. What else you want we will have everything you want.

Sohee: I also want so many trees around our house and a garden also. Okay? There we will grow our own vegitables and lots of colourful flowers.

Woojin: okay sohee. Whatever you want.

They started to dream about their future life together. Their cute conversation continues in that peaceful park.