Part 14 Happy Birthday Rose

Helena and her family were sitting in the dining area for dinner when Mr. Ahmed mentioned that he had received a call from his brother, Mohammad Yahya, inviting them to attend a wedding ceremony of his son in Japan. They would need to leave for Japan in 15 days for a month-long trip.

Upon hearing this, Helena expressed wonder on her face and said, "But baba, my final exams are about to start at the end of the month. How can I manage? I can't skip my exams."

Mr. Ahmed pondered this thoughtfully, nodding his head slowly. Then he replied, "So, you will have to stay here." He added, "And what about Fatima?"

"I'm free until then, Baba," Fatima replied.

He hummed in response, then decided to let Helena stay at home, and Faris would be with her.

After 15 days, when Mr. Ahmed, Ayesha, and Fatima were ready to head to the airport, they met Helena and Faris. Helena became emotional, tears were filling her eyes as she hugged her stepmother, then her father, and Fatima. They departed for the airport, while Helena and Faris returned inside the house.


Helena was having lunch with Alex at the cafe, gradually reducing her time with Mia. She also started skipping her Salah and supplications. Zaim and Mia noticed this, but they said nothing because they were not sure about it, nor did they discuss it with each other.

It was an usual day when Mia was with Zaim, John, and Alex however, Helena was busy in talking with principal.

Mia joyfully suggested to everyone about Helena's upcoming birthday, which was due on the following Friday.

"Guys, why don't we celebrate Helena's birthday, huh? I'm thinking of giving her a surprise,' she said.

Before Zaim could respond, Alex offered, "I'll arrange everything at my mansion. Don't worry about anything. If anyone of you wants to add something or has ideas about that, just let me know. I'll handle everything."

Mia and John agreed, while Zaim, lost in thought, was happy and considering how to make Helena feel special.

At midnight, Helena was on the phone with Alex.

"What were you doing, Alex?"

"Nothing, babe, just playing on my Xbox."


"You tell."

"Umm, ahh, nothing special."

"Don't you miss me, huh? That's not good, Helena."

"Hahaha, it's not like that. I'm missing you so much right now Alex."

"You know how much I love you. I can't even think of any girl other than you. I love you, Helena."

"I know. That's why I blindly trust you. Love you too, Alex."

With that, Alex saw the girl from Daegu was calling him on the phone.

"Ahh, babe, I have to go. I have some work to do. Talk to you later, hmm?"

"Hmm, okay."

"Just give me a kiss. I'm waiting."

She kissed the phone and immediately ended the call as her cheeks started burning. Then she went to bed, tossing and turning with a bright smile, placing her palms on her face in joy in shy as she got everything she wanted.

But she never knew what disasters were coming into her life. She didn't even have any idea of the circumstances she would have to go through, because she was lost in her imaginative world with Alex. She didn't care about the real world. Although in love with Alex, she almost forgot about God."



A week had already passed, and today was her birthday. Helena was all ready to go to her university, wearing a black straight pant and a loose black frock. Over it, she wore a black hijab.

As she entered the university, she noticed Mia was calling her on her phone.

"Helena, come to C3 finance," Mia said over the phone.

After ending the call, Helena headed towards the class. Upon entering, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Alex, Zaim, Mia, and John standing in front of the room, holding brightly decorated banners and balloons.

"Surprise!" they exclaimed together. "Happy Birthday, babe," Mia wished, blaring a sound with a party horn.

Helena face palmed in shock, her heart pounding with joy. She couldn't believe her friends had orchestrated such a surprise.

"Happy birthday, Helena!" Alex said, stepping forward holding a cake in his hands.

With that Zaim and John also approached closer to her while wishing her happy birthday however Zaim was holding some beautiful lilac colour foil balloons,

"I....I don't know what to say," she stammered, deeply touched by their thoughtfulness. But she added

"Thank you soo much guys, I hadn't thought about it, it means a lot to me guys."

Tears welled up in Helena's eyes, but she didn't let them fall. With that, she cut the cake and blew out the candle. Then she again said to everyone, "I can't forget this surprise ever. Thank you so much, guys."

Right then, Alex remarked, "Get ready for a grand birthday you'll never forget," he winked. Helena felt her heart beating faster than ever, wondering what Alex had planned for her birthday as it was her first birthday with him.

Just then Zaim said,

"Just be ready for the big surprise Helena."

Helena moved her eyes towards Zaim and said in a pleading way,

"Yahh guys tell me na what you have planned."

Everyone laughed at her pleading tone. Then Mia came towards her, placing her hand over Helena's shoulder and said while smiling, "Have patience, babe. You will get to know soon. Just come on time to the party."


"Yah John check everything again before approaching Helena."

Zaim was so engrossed in checking everything at the party that was arranged for Helena by Alex , Zaim, John, and Mia.

They also prepared an unexpected surprise for Helena. As Zaim turned his body in another direction to check the preparations, he saw Helena walking through the aisle. Zaim felt his heart skip a beat for a moment and felt himself lost in another universe after seeing her in that attire.

This was not the first time when Zaim had been captivated by her appearance; she always captivated him with her appearance. He felt as though he were drawn to her like a magnet.

Her presence and her smile seemed to light up the whole backyard, and he found himself unable to look away. Then he saw Helena met her friends and engrossed in conversation with them, laughing and talking. He didn't realize when a smile plastered on his face and dimples appeared as he saw that she looked stunning, and he couldn't help but stare continuously.

He felt drawn to her like never before. Everything else faded away as he watched her mingle with friends, her laughter filling the air. In that moment, Zaim knew Helena was so special to him, that she had some kind of magic to make him crazy for her in a second.

He wanted to celebrate her birthday alone with her, but he also had a fear that if he expressed his feelings to Helena, she might reject him. With that fear, he couldn't tell her but waited to see what Helena felt for him.

When Helena approached Zaim and

Alex; Mia and John appeared and came near to them. Then Alex drew everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have prepared something for our precious Helena before cutting the cake. We have a surprise for her." Alex announced.

Helena kept looking at Alex and listened to him with joyful eyes.

"Come with us, Helena," Alex said, leading everyone's attention towards an empty wall where a black curtain was hanging and a projector was set up far from it.

Mia made Helena sit on the chair, and the projector started. Everyone saw the video with a heartfelt song playing, which was made by Zaim. In the video, Helena, Zaim, John, Mia, and Alex shared memories of Jeju Island and their time together until today's morning celebration.

Helena had no idea what to expect. The screen flickered to life, and glimpses of images and short videos of laughter, adventures, and shared moments flashed before her eyes. Helena was so engrossed in seeing the video, admiring it, as tears filled her eyes, but she controlled her tears from falling.

In that moment, Helena felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her friends who had been by her side through it all. When the video came to an end, Mia came near her and gave her a side hug. Then she said, "How was it, hmm?"

Helena stood up from her seat and kept looking at her friends. With teary eyes, she said, "I... I don't even know what to say. That was... incredible. Thank you all so much for this greatest surprise. I won't forget it. I... I'm just so grateful to have you all in my life..." Before she could complete her sentence, Mia interrupted her and said,

"Ok ok teary queen, come and cut the cake or else our mice in the stomach would die because of hunger."

Everyone laughed at Mia's statement, and then they went towards the cake table.

Just then, Mia stopped Helena from cutting the cake and said, "Yeah babe, make a wish before blowing the candle."

Helena smiled a little, then closed her eyes and made a wish with joined palms. She then opened her eyes, cut the cake, and blew out the candle.

She kept looking at Alex, who was standing in front of her, while Zaim's longing and loving gaze was fixed on Helena. Everyone gave her presents, and then Zaim approached, holding a few present bags in his hand, which he bought at Jeju Island but couldn't give her. He also bought a bracelet from the Swarovski brand today, specially for her birthday, along with a bouquet of red roses.

Helena didn't want to take this, but she had to receive it as today was her birthday, so she couldn't deny. On the other hand, Olivia was observing the whole scene between Zaim and Helena.

After some time when everyone was talking and giggling with each other, Olivia approached Zaim, who was talking on the phone a little far from the backyard area. She said to Zaim,

"Zaim, I... I want to say something."

Zaim cut the phone and replied but didn't give her much attention while he was engrossed in his phone,

"Hmm go ahead."

Olivia expressed her feelings while grabbing his wrist,

"Zaim I really love you, and I want to be with you."

Before she could say something else, Zaim understood her intention and jerked her hand away. He shouted to cut off her words, "Just stop it, nonsense!" He noticed some people looking at them, so he lowered his voice and said again, "Stay in your limits, Olivia. I already warned you, don't try to come near me."

He was about to go from there because he didn't want to spoil Helena's birthday but he stopped in his tracks and said again,

"Listen Olivia, I love Helena and I can't even think about anyone else other than her, so stick that in your mind and don't come in my way ever again."

With that Zaim went from there and Olivia was about to cry but she held her whimpers, her face widened after listening Zaim's words, for a moment she didn't understand what did she hear But her anger started rising.


"Come with me inside."

Alex held Helena's hand and led her inside his mansion for some alone time.

"Someone might see us," Helena replied, a scared look on her face.

Alex rested Helena against the wall while placing his index finger on her lips to silence her, then he said,

"Shhh, no one will come here, just let me admire my girlfriend." He reassured her.

"Well, how selfish my girlfriend is, huh? I gave her many gifts and surprises, but she didn't give me a return gift," Alex said, rolling his eyes in another direction with a dramatic look while his one hand placed on the wall.

However, Helena kept looking at him, her heart raced as she stood closer to him for the first time. She said, "Don't give me that look, Alex. I can't see you like this." After seeing Alex's fake sad look, she made a sad expression then asked again in curiosity, "What do you want, hmm?"

Alex moved closer to her, placing his index finger on her lips again. ''This." he demanded, attempting to kiss her on the lips. Helena momentarily stopped him, but Alex silenced her again and pecked her lips. With her eyes closed, Helena responded back by grabbing Alex's collar and engaging in passionate kissing.

After a few minutes, Alex unpinned her hijab, leaving her light brown hair flowing freely.

"Helena felt her heart start to thump like a roller coaster, and her cheeks burned with blush as she kissed him back passionately. Alex moved towards her neck, but Helena opened her eyes suddenly, stopping him. And said, 'Alex, we shouldn't go too far.'

Alex, although frustrated, controlled his emotions and stood straight, cupping her face. However, Helena was looking down.

Alex lifted her face, holding her chin with his index finger to make her look up at him. Then he pecked her lips again and said playfully, 'I'm letting you off this time, but I won't spare you next time, I'm telling you, Helena.' She made a thin line on her lips, but her heart still raced.

Meanwhile, Olivia was leaving in anger to retrieve her belongings because Zaim had ditched her right in front of her face when she saw Helena kissing someone. Her devilish mind started working, a wicked grin appearing on her face as she decided to take revenge on Helena.

She immediately made a video of the whole scene, although she couldn't capture Alex's face as he had his back turned to her.

After Olivia left, Alex and Helena also departed from the area.

When they reached the backyard, John asked Olivia sarcastically, 'You were about to leave, huh? Why didn't you go then?'

Olivia smiled sarcastically and replied while looking at Helena, 'Oh, actually my mind changed when I felt the party had begun now. How could I leave?'

Meanwhile her eyes were fixed on Helena.

Everyone looked at her in confusion but didn't understand her devilish intentions. Olivia had no immediate plans to act; initially, she wanted to gain Zaim's trust, and then she would exact her revenge on Helena."

After returning home, Helena found herself inexplicably happy. She had never felt this much happiness before in her life. She was so absorbed in her delusional world with Alex, recalling fond memories, that she forgot to perform her Isha Salah. She grabbed a pillow from her bed, and began twirling in joy, imagining Alex, and humming to herself.

The room was filled with her infectious smile and humming. Instead of sleeping, she happily lost herself in the memories of the birthday night and the moments spent with Alex.

Helena's heart continued to race with excitement, convinced that she had everything she wanted now that she had Alex, the most handsome man in the world. However, she had no idea that Alex was not serious about her; he was merely toying with her feelings.

As she remembered Alex's gift, Helena eagerly retrieved the present bag. Inside was a box from the brand Piaget containing a pendant.

She caressed the pendant with a smile on her face, lost in thoughts of Alex. Taking it out of the box, she admired it in the mirror and gently wore it around her neck. Her gaze then fell on the other presents and bouquet that Zaim had given her.

Excitedly, she took out the box containing a beautiful blue Cinderella gown, a matching hijab, and golden heels. Her eyes widened with delight, she made an aww face as she checked out the dress in the mirror.

Among the gifts was also a box containing a bracelet. Helena carefully took out the bracelet and placed it on her wrist. A smile spread across her face.

It was true that the bracelet was much more precious and valuable than the pendant from Alex. Along with its monetary worth, there was also Zaim's love imbued in it. Helena's gaze lingered on the bracelet, appreciating its significance.


Days passed in this manner , with their university was off due to exams ending.

Helena's feelings for Alex began to escalate like those of mad lovers, as if she had never loved anyone so deeply in her life. Everything seemed right with Alex; she spent most of her time outside with him in cafes or restaurants. However, Alex had no emotions for her; he was just playing with her feelings while being involved with other girls.

Helena had already considered him her everything and had even envisioned a future with him as is often the case when a woman falls in love, she makes a man her everything.. However, she was unaware of the truth she was living in her delusions and had begun to distance herself from her faith.

She had started missing prayers.

It had been six months since they started their relationship, and Helena remained unaware of the truth.

On the other side, Zaim, who had begun to love Helena madly, couldn't express his feelings to her for fear of losing her , he was just waiting for a signal from Helena to understand what she felt for Zaim.

It was a night, Helena was sitting in her backyard with her diary, where she wrote her dreams to fulfill with Alex when the right time would come. She even noted down the dates whenever she met with Alex and the first day when she saw him and fell for him. She always kept her diary with her, holding it in her hand wherever she went.



"L'amour est la poésie des sens." –

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