chapter 15: heaven before disaster

On the next day It was already 6 in the evening, and it was raining heavily when Helena stood outside the university, waiting for a taxi under the shelter. Suddenly, Zaim passed by in his car, and his gaze fell on Helena's figure standing there. He stopped his car in front of her, rolled down the window glass, and leaned out a little to see her.

"Hey, Helena, what are you doing here in this heavy rain?" he asked out of curiosity.

" Making sushi, you idiot," she replied sarcastically, moving her eyes in another direction.

Zaim chuckled at her response and got out of the car, holding an umbrella. He reached at Helena's standing figure and stood Infront of her then folded the umbrella, looking at the long, straight road with narrowed eyes and said, looking at the long, straight road with narrowed eyes, "Get in the car. I don't think any taxi will come."

Helena shook her head and declined his offer. "Thank you for your offer, but I can't go with you. I'll wait or call Faris to pick me up. You don't need to bother yourself for me."

Zaim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but then realized who Helena was referring to. He spoke again, this time in a serious tone, "Come on, girl. I'm not going to eat you. It's raining heavily, and I can't leave you here like this. I'll drop you home."

Helena glanced at Zaim with a stern gaze. Before she could respond, Zaim gently grabbed the hem of her sleeve making sure not to touch her and led her to the car, opening the door and gesturing for her to sit.

As Helena found herself helpless in that heavy rain then she decided to go with Zaim. She sat in the car then looked at Zaim who was going to the driving seat. He started the car's engine and drove off swiftly. After half an hour of driving, they encountered a roadblock on the route to Helena's area due to construction.

Zaim lowered his car window and asked one of the workers about the situation and if there was an alternate route. The worker informed them that the road would remain closed until nightfall, and there were no other accessible roads to Helena's area.

Worried about the situation, Helena expressed her concern. Zaim tried to reassure her, saying, "Let me take you to my home. Once the rain stops and the road clears, I'll drop you off at your home. Until then, come with me."

Helen expressed hesitation about going to Zaim's home alone, saying, "How can I go with you to your home all alone there Zaim?" Zaim looked at her and gently reassured her, "If you're uncomfortable with me being there, I'll leave and go somewhere else, or you can sit with my stepmom."

Zaim didn't want to mention his stepmother, but he wanted Helena to feel comfortable at his home, so he offered her options for her comfort, ensuring she wouldn't feel anything weird."

After a 45-minute drive, they arrived at Zaim's house. Helena glanced around Mohammad Villa with a longing look, the brightness was evident on her face. Zaim smiled at her reaction and gestured for her to come inside. Helena looked at him with her innocent face and followed him indoors.

Zaim was happy and excited, his emotions was visible on his face because his Rose was in his house.

Zaim gestured for her to sit on the couch and Helena still looking at his entire house with his doe and wide eyes as she never seen such a huge and well decorated mansion in her whole life, the mansion has its own beauty and standard, everything was set in a beautiful and magnificent manner.

Helena was lost in looking the house then Zaim interrupted her thoughts,

"Would you like to have something?"

Zaim asked gently as the love, joy and excitement were evident on his handsome face that made his dimples show off.

Helena looked at him and felt a weird sensation as she felt her heart raced for a few seconds, she replied,

"Ah, no , Thanks, I don't need anything. She stopped, rolling her eyes and asked again ,

"Where is your mom Zaim?"

Zaim's smile disappeared when he heard about his stepmom from Helena's mouth.

He rolled his eyes everywhere but Jessica was nowhere to find then he replied,

"Um I don't know Helena, may be she is not at home."

Just then he saw Helena hesitated expression, he said quickly,

"Ah well you stay comfortable here, I send Clara to sit with you also she will accompany you. She is our chef and like a family member to me."

He didn't want to bear any other existence with Helena other than him nor he wanted to go from there, he wanted to stay with Helena until she was in his house but here is the matter of her comfort that's why he had to leave, and left her with his chef because he had no other option left although Jessica was not at home at that time.

For the first time he felt his house become a heaven of her presence and her gentle sweet voice.

He went from there, sent Clara and instructed her and his all maids to serve Helena well and don't make any mistake and make her comfortable.

Helena still rolling her eyes as she was mesmerizing by the decorations of the house as Jessica settled everything with her own hands because she was an interior designer so she decorated everything with its own hands although this was the only thing that Zaim appreciated that she decorated everything well and beautiful according to his taste.

Helena was busy with Clara however other maids were serving her and talking, everyone was happy with her and her talks, they thought that they never had experienced such a gentle and kind human like Helena before in their lives, and no one had treated them like this love.

The laughs and the giggles sounds of Helena and maids echoed the entire hall however Zaim stood far from the hall and admired Helena although his eyes fixed on Helena and he lost in her, along with that he was coming back to helena repeatedly after a short while to ask if she needed anything because he was curious to spend sometime with her but he couldn't as he made a promise that he would not let her become uncomfortable.

Just then Helena said straight,

"Yah Zaim I already told you that everything is here also I don't need anything even not this, you have come many times even I don't remember the numbers of your coming here in 10 minutes."

Everyone laughed at her statement and Zaim himself realized that he came here many times without knowing.

Just then he sat on the front couch of the Helena and said,

"Yahh Helena you are my guest and I'm just doing my job to make you comfortable."

Helena looked at him with dramatic face then they shared some talks as he was happy after so long and Helena presence made him happy and bring him back to the real living and happy life.

Meanwhile Mr ali and Jessica entered the mansion and saw Zaim was sitting with a girl but the back of her was showing him because of this Jessica and Ali couldn't see her face.

Ali made a disgusting look and said in anger to Jessica,

"This boy will never change, always surrounded by girls."

Jessica hold his hand by her one hand and caressed his arm with his other hand to calm him, then Ali left from there.

Jessica still stood there and noticed Zaim's gaze and his changed behavior, along with his smile because she was a witness to Zaim completely changing around a particular girl She could see that Zaim was smiling in front of her, as she had never seen him like that around any girl before but she didn't know that it was helena. Whereas whenever Jessica and Ali saw him, they saw his serious and rude face.

She was curious as she better knew Zaim's nature unlike his father. She then headed towards Helena and Zaim's sitting figure to check.

Helena's gaze fell on a lady in her 50's who was coming towards them, her eyes wide opened when she saw Jessica, just then Helena stood from her spot while saying in loudly,

"Yaahh Jessica aunty, what are you doing here huh?"

Jessica's eyes widened in surprise as she approached quickly and hugged Helena, who hugged her back. Then, Helena greeted and asked, "Assalamualaikum aunty, how are you?"

They broke their hug, and Jessica replied, "Walaikum assalam, my precious Helena, I'm good. How are you, girl? And how did you come here?"

Jessica then looked at Zaim, who was also observing them, trying to figure out the situation as he was unaware of their meetup.

Zaim furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what was happening. He approached Helena and asked about everything. Helena replied, "My father is a friend of Mr. Ali. They came to my home the other day."

Zaim made an "ohh" face but didn't realize that Mr. Ali was talking about Helena and Mr. Ahmed discussing his proposal the other day.

Afterwards maids exchange the previous refreshments into main course, Helena eyes wide opened when she saw different types of cuisine in front of her.

"Why are you getting shy, hmm? Eat comfortably, Helena," Jessica said to Helena, as Helena was not eating anything.

"Hmm, aunty, I'm eating," Helena replied.

"Everything is Halal here Helena, make yourself comfortable and fill up you stomach I know you wouldn't eat since morning."

Zaim reassured her as he knew that Helena might be conscious regarding food, Jessica was silently observing Zaim and his gestures towards helena.

Helena smiled but said nothing and started eating barely, however, Zaim's gaze was fixed on Helena.

After the dinner Helena looked at her clock and said in a worried look,

"Zaim drop me my home, it's already late my parents must be getting worried."

Zaim didn't want her to let go, he wanted to spend more with her, he replied,

"But Helena you didn't eat anything.

I don't have appetite zaim, I just want to go home."

"Ok ok let's go."

He replied with a sad tone.

Then they headed towards outside and reached the car, Helena moved forward her hand to open the car gate just then Zaim came and quickly opened the door for her, while gesturing for his hand to make her sit and said,

"Your highness please."

Helena looked at him in shock and shot him a "what's gotten into you" look, Zaim gestured for his eyebrows to get in the car. She settled and then they both went from there.


Days passed like this. One day, Mr. Ali and Jessica were sitting in the backyard when Jessica said to Mr. Ali,

"Ali, have you noticed Zaim's changing behavior around that particular girl? I was right, Ali, he's taken an interest in someone. I can bet."

" Yes, you are right, my love. I sensed it as well," Mr. Ali responded, while Jessica rested her head on his chest. She then raised her head, looking up at Ali, and said, "Ali, guess who was that girl."

Ali made a thinking pout and made a "I have no idea" look to her,

Jesscia sat straight and replied joyfully,

"Ali she was Helena."

"What? Are you serious."

Ali replied with shock,

"Yes Ali , I met her last night and observed Zaim with complete changed attitude around her, I'm damn sure that he has gotten into her."

She grabbed his both hands and said again,

"Ali try talking to him once more. Maybe this time he will agree, hmm?"

"I'll try, Jess, but I don't want to interfere in his personal life. You know he has the right to choose for himself Helena is a good girl but I don't want to pressurize him. That's why I'm letting him be on his own. I can't take any risks. I want to bond with my son and remove every grudge and misunderstanding between us."

Jessica nodded in understanding, then rested her head again on his shoulder.

A week had already past and it was 8 in the night when Zaim lay on his bed, half of his body hanging off the edge, with both hands behind his neck, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he started remembering Helena. He murmured to himself, "I miss you so much, Rose. I want to see you. Being with you feels like a dream, and one I never want to wake up from. Yahh girl Why are you far from me huhh ? I'm feeling distress Rose. This heart yearns to see you so bad."

Feeling distressed, he sat back on the bed, rubbing his head, and then stood up, grabbing his car keys and wallet. He headed towards Helena's house, buying red velvet brownies on the way for her. Stopping his car near her house, he stayed in his car for a little while, biting his teeth out of nervousness and excitement at the same time. He looked into the rearview mirror and set his front hair a little. Then he got out of the car, and stepped towards the house while taking a deep breath and rang the bell.

Mr. Ahmed opened the door and asked, "Assalamualaikum, yes? How may I help you, my child?" He paused, then said again with a thoughtful expression, "You look familiar to me."

Zaim replied, "Umm, uhh, uncle, I'm a friend of Helena. We are university ma..." Before he could complete his sentence, Mr. Ahmed interrupted, placing his palm on Zaim's shoulder and said with a slightest smile twisted on his lips, "Oh, yeah, I know you. Helena showed me her friend's pictures from the trip day. Come inside, my child."

Mr. Ahmed ushered him inside, unaware that Zaim was the son of his best friend, Mr. Ali, as they had never met in person, and Mr. Ahmed didn't know Zaim's real name because Mr. Ali always called him Moon.

Zaim pressed a thin smile at Ahmed's gesture as he was nervous however controlling his excitement that was bubbling inside him, feeling his heart racing faster than ever because his wish had been accepted quickly.

Entering the house, Mr. Ahmed indicated for Zaim to sit on the sofa, and he also sat beside him. Zaim moved the brownies box towards Mr. Ahmed and said, "Please accept it. I came here for the first time, so I bought these brownies as I didn't know what I should have brought for you and your family."

"Thank you for this gesture, my child. You didn't need to bring this. Well, tell me, what would you like to have? Juice, coffee, or tea? I think it's time for dinner, so you have to have dinner with us. Until then, I'll ask Helena to come here."

He felt anticipated as he heard Helena's name. His curiosity and distress started growing with each passing second. He settled himself not to get suspicious in front of her father, then he replied while gesturing with his hands, "Uhh, no, no, Sir. Thank you so much for the offer. I had some work with Helena, that's why I had to come at this hour. I disturbed your comfort by coming here. I'm really sorry."

"Don't say like this my child, You're a blessing to our home, like guests sent by my beloved Allah. I can say Allah is happy with me today, hahha..." Mr. Ahmed said, laughing a little. He added while patting Zaim's shoulder gently, "It's a blessing for me from my Allah, my child. So it's my duty to fulfill my obligation as a devout Muslim."

Zaim smiled while looking back and forth at Mr. Ali's eyes with his innocent eyes, feeling that he never received these gestures from his real father. Then he replied, "I'll take whatever you will serve me, Uncle, but really, there is no need to bother."

"No, my child, don't deny Allah's blessings. You know Allah becomes happy with those who serve His servants wholeheartedly. Then, He bestows barakahs upon the livelihood of His servants. Remember one thing, my child, that it's already written on every grain the name of the one who will eat it."

Zaim smiled, feeling overwhelmed by the way Helena's father was treating him so kindly and warmly, even though he was a stranger to them. He realized how kind and generous Muslims are. That's why Helena is just like a shadow of him.

Mr. Ahmed went to inform Helena and Ayesha to set the dining table as they had a guest tonight. Zaim rolled his eyes towards the lounge, curious to catch a glimpse of Helena.

However, as she was unaware of his arrival, she didn't come into the living room. He murmured to himself,

"Yah, Rose, why are you making your Zaim yearn to see you, huh? Don't you feel pity on your innocent Zaim? You are too bad, I'm telling you I'm not gonna talk to you Rose."

He made a dramatic look on his face,

Then paused and said again,

"Please show up na." Whole his eyes were searching Helena through the hall.

He then made a sad pout and engrossed in his phone then he heard Helena's sweet voice, "Assalamualaikum, Zaim! What are you doing here huhh? You didn't inform me that you were coming to my home. What's the reason for your arrival?"

He raised his head quickly and heard Helena start bombarding him with questions without taking a breath. He felt his heart racing faster, but he tried his best to control his emotions and not show weakness in front of Helena. He placed his hand on his heart and stared deep into her eyes with his innocent eyes for a while.

Helena shot him a death glare and said a little louder,

"Yahh Zaim where have you been lost again, she rolled her eyes and murmured to herself,

"huhhh this boy and his delusional world."

Just then he replied while standing from his seat, "Walaikum Assalam, yah, girl, take a breath..." but he ended up stammering. "I... a... actually had some work with you."

Before Helena could ask about the work, Ayesha called them to come to the dining area to have dinner.

They settled on the dining chair while Zaim's gaze fixed on the different types of food that spread on the table.

"This is really too much, aunty. There was really no need to do this much," Zaim said.

"I'm not gonna listen to anything, my child. Start your food with Bismillah," Ayesha replied.

Zaim smiled at Ayesha's words, then he heard something that made his heart race again, "Helena, my child, serve him food, as he is your friend, so you know him better."

He didn't want to stop Helena from doing this because he wanted these types of gestures from her; he came here just for these gestures from Helena.

"Well, you didn't tell me why you came here, hmm?" Helena asked while placing biryani on his plate. "Umm, actually, I need your USB, the one you used for your project last week. I missed my lectures, and I remembered that Sir Seojin covered the same topics in your class. Since you prepared well, I decided to take it from you."

He didn't know why this lame excuse came to mind, but he had to come up with something at any cost.

"Oh, that's the reason. Okay, wait, I'll get it from my room."

After returning from her room, Helena sat in front of Zaim's seat. She started to eat her food.

Zaim, whose gaze was fixed on Helena while smiling at how well-mannered they all are, then he heard Mr. Ahmed's voice.

"What are you thinking? Eat your food, my child."

"Well, Ayesha aunty, what is this called?" He indicated his finger towards the biryani and asked as he had never seen these type of food ever in his life .

Then Helena replied while indicating with his hand instead of Ayesha, "This one is biryani, this one is mutton stew, this one is skewered meat , this one is fried fish and the final one is kheer."

He smiled at her cuteness that how playfully she told every dish name then he murmurred to himself,

"How cutie you are Rose, my cute Rose, I'll eat you instead of this." He didn't realize a smile etched on his face then he shook his head as he realized at his words.

Then they all engrossed in eating dinner.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my Alex, happy birthday to you! Woo-hoo, I love you so much, Alex."

It was midnight when Helena was on the phone wishing him a happy birthday. She was so happy; that day was more important to her than anything because it was her beloved Alex's birthday.

"I'm not gonna talk to you, I'm telling you, Helena."

"Yahhh, Alex, try to understand me. I can't manage to come; I have to go somewhere with my family, and I can't miss that."

"As you wish. Then don't complain to me later about anything. Now, I'm hanging up."

Meanwhile, Alex was with his new girlfriend, Jennifer, sharing romantic moments with her in her apartment.

John and Zaim wanted to go to his house, but he refused them and informed them that he was with his girlfriend tonight, so he couldn't join them to go to the club for celebration. However, John and Zaim had already arranged a grand party to celebrate his birthday.

"Who was she, darling?" Jennifer asked while caressing his cheek with her index finger seductively.

"Nothing, honey, just a random girl I told you about," Alex replied, leaning his face closer to Jennifer's.

The so called muslim girl you wanted to take revenge on for insulting you and having an affair to keep her in her limits, hmm?" Jennifer asked, stopping him from kissing her with a seductive smile on her face.

He hummed in response, making her closer to him and pecking her on the lips.

On the other side, Helena was very excited and happy as her happiness had no bounds knowing she was going to meet Alex after a week. She bought a branded but affordable watch for Alex, as she was not rich, so she bought a first copy of a Rolex watch. Meanwhile, she didn't know that the one she had been loving so much was actually a devil in disguise.

She didn't even have any idea that a storm was about to break upon her, completely unaware of the impending disaster. In just a short span of time, she had accepted Alex into her world, trusting in his innocent demeanor without knowing that he was a beast inside who only knew how to toy with girls.

But Helena had no idea that the person she thought was her whole world was actually the one who was deceiving her. The only thing left for him was to be granted the status of Allah; *Astagfirullah* otherwise, she had already granted every other status to Alex. However, she had forgotten that nothing compares to the status of ALLAH in this world, not even parents. Yet, she had fallen more in love with Alex than she had with her own faith and her parents.

The girl who held her religion and Islam closer to her heart, who didn't let any na-mehram come near her, who considered even touching a na-mahram Haram (forbidden), but had chosen Alex and let him touch her.

She was pious and pure like angel, who had fallen in love with a Satan so badly, forgetting her love for Allah. A saying that every peak has a downfall in this world, except the love for God. There's no one greater than Allah (indeed).

She had yet to bear the consequences of her Haram doings, to struggle, to endure hardships. Her trial had just begun. Perhaps Allah loved her, wanting to bring her closer to Himself through trials. He wanted to show her the deception of worldly love and bring her back to Him. She still had much to endure.

Helena was all ready to go to the birthday party; she twirled around in her room, humming, her happiness was evident on her face. She was excited to surprise Alex with her arrival, although she didn't even have any idea that, except giving him a surprise, she was about to receive one from Alex.

She was dressed in a cream-colored shirt paired with straight, off-white pants. To complete the look, she donned a matching hijab and carried a purse.

She grabbed her bag and a present bag and headed towards Alex's house.

she intended to surprise Alex by going there and wanted to see his surprised look. That's why she decided to hide her arrival from him.

She entered through the hallways where every guest was inside, having their drinks, some dancing, some having fun with each other.

Everything was decorated in luxury and extravagance, with luxury floral arrangements adorning every corner. The vibrant shades of roses, lilies, and orchids flowed from crystal vases, filling the air with their intoxicating fragrance. Golden candelabras flickered with soft candlelight. Velvet curtains in rich jewel tones hung gracefully from the ceilings. Every detail radiated elegance and sophistication, creating an enchanting atmosphere fit for a lavish celebration.

As Helena entered the hall, her eyes were searching only for her Alex. However, Zaim had seen her and was lost in her appearance as always. Helena moved her steps to search for Alex but was unable to find him. She asked one of his friends about Alex, and he informed her that he saw Alex going upstairs.

Zaim observed her every action but didn't get any idea of what Helena was doing, as her expression was visible on her face. Helena went upstairs, and Zaim was confused about why she was going upstairs as everyone was downstairs. Then he followed her.

As she was going upstairs, she heard some sounds of giggles, moaning, and conversations, recognizing Alex's voice. Her mind gave her weird indications, but she jerked off her thoughts, continuing towards the upper floor.

Just then, Zaim saw Helena stumble on her feet, her bag and hand falling to the floor.



"Something is not meant for you, it's a blessing when it leaves before it causes harm."

Dropped a bombastic episode today,

Don't forget to vote and comment. 🤌♥️

Love from Ann🙈