Part 16: his craziness

He witnessed everything that Alex engrossed in his romantic aura with Jennifer, and Helena watching with wide hazel-green eyes. For a moment, Helena couldn't believe her eyes, but as her mind processed the scene, tears streamed down her face. She realized that the man she loved, even more than her parents, had been deceiving her for a long time.

Memories flooded her mind of the times she allowed him close, letting him touch her. Zaim observed Helena's standing figure and sensed something was wrong, though he wanted to be mistaken. It was a bitter reality that Zaim was also experiencing.

Helena didn't know what to do whether to break Alex's mouth or to kill him with her own hands. The person she loved with all her heart was now turning her love into hatred in just one moment.

She was continously glaring each and every action of Alex and Jennifer tears filling her eyes, while they were deeply lost in each other. Helena felt goosebumps lingered over her body and her heart grew heavier.

Alex sensed someone watching them, he turned his head towards Helena, his mouth dropping open as he saw her. Within seconds, he realized he had been caught. Before he could speak, Helena stepped forward and slapped him as hard as she could while her eyes filled with tears.

Alex's face turned, shocked, while Jennifer and Zaim looked on, their mouths dropping open. Alex regained his composure and shouted, his voice echoing in the hall, "What the hell did you do, bitch?"

Helena smiled sarcastically, her face contorted with a deep surge of rage after hearing Alex's words then she slapped him again, silencing him with a pointed finger. "Don't you dare to say a word, or I'll rip your tongue out,"

She threatened then she paused, tears in her eyes but she didn't let them stream down, she said, "I loved you with all my heart. I never let any na-mahram come near me, never let anyone touch me. But I let you give my consent to touch me, thinking you loved me. I never thought you had been deceiving me."

She paused again, laughing sarcastically and then said. "I could have tolerated your betrayal, Alex. But you had another affair, enjoying romantic moments with that girl. Actually You didn't deserve my love at all Alexander and My Allah saved me from going further with you."

She made a disguised look and said further while looking at Jennifer,

"That's what playgirls do, they warm the beds for people like you. Tomorrow Alex you will see her on another man's bed."

"Excuse me girl be in your li..."

Jennifer attempted to speak, but Helena interrupted, slapping her hard and replied,

"Just shut'up you b..."

She stopped herself for a moment, closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, then opened them and said again,

"I can't let my tongue get dirty because of you," she continued, turning her gaze back to Alex.

She shot him an angry gaze while her tears still in her eyes, she sniffed and said again,

"I'll never forgive you Alexander for what you did to me, my Allah never forgive you. You'll suffer at every moment, begging for forgiveness. But you won't find forgiveness, you won't find peace Alex.

You'll never be happy. You've hurt me who loved you endlessly, even though I knew my religion didn't allow it but I went against it and did shits that was totally Haram for me. But you betrayed me. Men like you don't deserve women like me. You deserve women like Jennifer. Enjoy your filthy moments Alexander."

Each word she spoke was sharp and heavy with emotion.

Then Helena was walking away when she heard Alex saying, "Yes, I deceived you because I wanted revenge for my insult. And you? What did you think? That a person like me would love a girl like you? Huh, Muslim? I hate Muslims." His anger surged, his voice louder than Helena's, emphasizing the word "Muslim."

Helena turned her back, and then Alex continued, "I had to remind you of your place. You, who put on a show of being a devout Muslim, are just like us inside. You lecture everyone about hijab and modesty, but I know what you're like on the inside.

What about you, huh? Now you are as filthy as me, as impure as me. We are even now. If I'm filthy, then what are you, huh? Who left her religion for the sake of love? Let me be clear, Helena. It was not love; it was infatuation that attracted you to me. You never loved me."

He moved his eyes away, scoffing in annoyance, then looked back at her teary hazel green eyes. Leaning his body a little closer to her level, he continued, "You were with me just for the sake of my money and the moments we spent together. After all, you're human too."

Alex then placed his hand on Jennifer's shoulder, kissed her on the side of her head, and added, "And humans need doses to satisfy their soul's thirst, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims."

Helena kept glaring back and forth at his gray orbs. Zaim, who observed everything and understood that Helena was in a relationship with Alex, also glared at Alex, unaware of this fact. He felt like a bomb had fallen on his head.

Helena stumbled on her feet, about to fall to the floor, when Zaim grabbed her and prevented her from falling. Helena looked at him with teary eyes, and piercing rage was evident on her face. She jerked away Zaim, placing her index finger in front of his face, and shouted with a heavy voice filled with tears, "Don't touch me. You are all the same, liars and deceivers. I hate you, Zaim. I hate you both, I hate all men."

She then ran from there while wiping her tears with her sleeve, and everyone watched her going. Zaim shot Alex a disguised look, shaking his head slightly, then he also ran from there and followed Helena, grabbing her bag and diary from the floor.

Helena was running from Alex's mansion in tears, reached the main road. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, sensing headlights approaching. A car sped towards her, and she instinctively shielded her face with her arms, but was badly hit by the car.

Zaim quickly approached the scene and saw Helena's unconscious figure, her face bloodied, he stumbled and tears filled in his eyes. Everyone started gathering around Helena's unconscious figure while whispering to each other however Zaim stepped towards her slowly with a lost look, pushing through the crowd aside, as he saw Helena, He sat on the road and moved his hands towards Helena while his hands were shivering and tears fell down then he grabbed her lying figure in his arms and shouted loudly,


He hugged her tightly, crying out loud as he felt his heartbeats slowing down. After a few seconds, he felt his heart growing heavier, and his heartbeats fading away. With trembling lips, he shouted,

" t....the a...ambulance damn it."

He closed his eyes, still holding her tightly as tears streamed down his face continously. After Opening his eyes, he cupped her cheeks and pleaded,

"R...rose p...please don't do this to me, y...our e ..eyes r...rose, I c...can't l...lose you R...Rose." Just then, he heard someone say,

"You have to get her to the hospital, traffic is jammed, and I doubt any ambulance will arrive on time." Zaim turned his head towards the voice, then lifted Helena into his arms and got into a taxi, heading towards the hospital. Despite the short distance from the accident site to the hospital, each passing second felt like an eternity to Zaim as his anxiety grew.

As they arrived at the hospital, Zaim stepped out of the taxi, still carrying Helena in his arms, and shouted loudly for help, "Emergency! Hey, emergency!"

Two male nurses quickly approached with a stretcher, and Zaim laid Helena down, continuing to shout, "Where the hell is the doctor? Call him right now! Can't you see her in pain?"

Just then, the doctor arrived and addressed Zaim,


When he heard familiar voice calling his name he looked at the doctor and pleaded through tears.

"Uncle Henry please save my Rose uncle please I'm begging you."

"Calm down, Zaim." the doctor reassured him, "I'm going to monitor her. We may need to operate. By the way, who is she?"

The doctor, already familiar with Zaim's family, asked while patting his shoulder, "S...she is my classmate. We were at Alex's birthday party." Zaim replied with a trembling voice .

"Okay, don't panic my boy. Just call her family; they should know about it, and provide the girl's details to the reception." the doctor instructed as he was about to leave.

However, Zaim interrupted, "Uncle, please hire female staff and female doctors to monitor her, please. I'll pay extra."

The doctor smiled and agreed, patting Zaim's shoulder again. "Okay, I'll arrange it. Just call her family."

Zaim could only hum in response, unable to control his whimpers.

Helena's operation was underway, and Zaim paced back and forth outside the operating theatre for an hour, consumed by fear. Suddenly, he saw a nurse wheeling a stretcher out of the theater, the person's face covered with a white hospital sheet. His heart raced as he heard his name being called because there were three other operations underway at the same time.

"Who is Zaim here."

His mind feared the worst, but he prayed for his thoughts to be wrong, his gaze fixed on the covered body, he found himself speechless.

He came near the nurse while his gaze fixed on the covered body,

He was completely unable to speak a word then he heard again.

"Are you zaim?"

"Y...yes," he managed to reply, his voice was trembling.

"I'm sorry sir, we couldn't save her."

He closed his eyes and tears streamed down his face then he felt his heart stopped working when he recalled the words of the nurse,

"I'm sorry, we couldn't save her"

He stumbled, reaching out to steady himself against the wall.

"Please, sir, brace yourself and say your final goodbye," the nurse urged, sensing his distress.

He looked at the nurse with piercing gaze as the nurse got scared from his gaze then the nurse persisted again, "Sir please cooperate with us."

Unable to control his emotions, Zaim tightly embraced the lifeless body, sobbing uncontrollably

"R...rose you can't do this to me."

Just then, he felt something weird, a signal that it wasn't his Rose. He stood straight upright and removed the sheet a little from her face then he placed his hand on his eye while his other hand rested on his waist , He chuckled amidst his sobs and addressed the nurse, "You idiot damn, she's not my Rose."

Despite this, Zaim couldn't shake the feeling of a connection with Helena. He sensed it the moment he heard her fading, as if his life momentarily vanished with hers.

After a while another doctor emerged from the operating theatre and approached Zaim. "Are you with patient no. 2?"

"Yes, I am. What happened, doctor? How's my Rose? Where's Doctor Henry? He was in charge of my Rose, wasn't he?"

"Calm down Zaim and listen to me."

Zaim kept looking back and forth at the doctor's eyes with his pained eyes then he heard doctor say,

"The next 48 hours will be critical for her. If she doesn't recover within that time, she'll slip into a coma. We're operating on her and doing everything we can to save her, but her case is quite complicated. She has 18 fractures in her body, and it has severely affected her brain. Just pray for her and call her family."

Zaim was already struggling with emotions, and now it felt like a nuclear bomb had detonated on his head. Suddenly, he recalled the entire scene that had unfolded at Alex's house.

His anger surged like never before. As he left from there, Helena's family arrived at the hospital in distress. Faris inquired about Helena from the receptionist, who directed them.

Zaim arrived at Alex's house. Alex was seated with Jennifer, and John was also there. Without uttering a word, Zaim headed straight for Alex. As Alex stood up from his seat to explain, Zaim punched him in the face as hard as he could. Alex fell to the ground, then Zaim grabbed his collar, continuing to strike him.

Blood began to trickle from Alex's lips and nose. John attempted to intervene, but Zaim's rage was unstoppable. He violently pushed John aside with his one hand, causing him to fall to the ground, Zaim relentlessly hitting Alex's face, while shouting loudly as his voice echoed through the hall.

"I'll kill you, you piece of shit, you asshole, how could you do this to her ?"

Despite John's attempts to restrain him, Zaim's eyes blazed with rage as he continued to shout.

"I'll kill you to death damn how could you decieve her huh? If you couldn't handle a relationship, then why did you toy with her?" Zaim shoved John away and grabbed the vase which was placed on the table, he raised it to strike Alex just then John managed to grab from Zaim's arm and yelled loudly,

"Have you gone crazy? He'll die like this! Brace yourself, Zaim!"

"You just shut up!" Zaim snapped at John. He then resorted to kicking Alex in the stomach, but John intervened once more, dragging Zaim outside while shouting him.

"Stop it, man! Why are you beating him like a madman?"

Meanwhile, Alex lay on the floor, groaning in agony, facing the consequences of his wrongdoings. Yet, he failed to grasp that Zaim was fighting for than just a mere girl.

"Yah, man, speak up, huh? What's with that behavior? Why are you fucking beating him?"

John asked, his eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown. "He deceived my Rose, he toyed with her, John. She is fighting between life and death in the hospital just because of this fucking bastard." Zaim replied in shouting, his eyes red with anger, as he gestured toward the house.

"Who are you talking about? Would you like to clarify?" John asked.

"Helena, you damn it, Helena. He played with her, took advantage of her innocence while having another relationship with Jennifer." Zaim replied, placing his palm on his forehead.

John tried his best to control Zaim, knowing his anger, but he had never seen this side of Zaim for a girl, for a moment he didn't understand that which Helena was Zaim talking about, as he knew Helena he didn't expect this from Helena. he then said,

"Okay, calm down man. I'll talk to him about this. You can't do this to him, Zaim. After all, he is our best friend. We will sit down and talk about this matter. He must have some explanation," John said, tried to calm him down while his hands placed on Zaim's shoulder.

Zaim's eyes were filled with anger and tears at the same time. He replied "I can't see his face ever again." he continued while removing John's hands from his shoulder he then placed his index finger Infront of John and said, "I'm telling you, John, if anything bad happens to Helena, I'll dig his grave with my own hands here. I'll not go easy on him."

With that, he left and headed towards Ha-eun's bar to calm his nerves.

"What's up, buddy? What do you need today, huh? I know you're not interested in any girl here, so what do you want?"

"Give me a glass of whiskey, Ha-eun, to calm myself down," Zaim replied while sitting on the bar chair.

"If you say so, I have a great item today. You'll feel better with her. What do you say, hmm? Should I call her?" Ha-eun winked at Zaim.

Just then, Zaim shot him a death glare, which made Ha-eun afraid. Ha-eun said while zipping his lips, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna say any word. Wait for a while; I'll bring your drink."

After drinking his whiskey, Zaim was leaving the bar when he felt his head start to spin, then he fell to the ground the next moment. It wasn't the effect of the drink, but thoughts of Helena.

Ha-eun ran towards him and tried to wake him up, but he didn't stir. He took him straight to the hospital.


"Brace yourself, Mama, please. Nothing will happen to our Helena; she is a brave girl and will recover soon," Faris comforted his mother as they heard that if Helena doesn't recover within 48 hours, she may go into a coma.

Just then, Mr. Ahmed's gaze fell on Zaim's unconscious figure, who was being taken on a stretcher to the emergency room. Mr. Ahmed stopped Ha-eun and asked with a worried expression, "What happened to him?"

Ha-eun, confused as he didn't know Mr. Ahmed, Mr ahmed clarified and asked again.

"I'm his uncle, what happened to him?"

Ha-eun replied with a worried look, "I... I don't know, uncle. He was with me, and suddenly he lost consciousness."

He made a wide 'ohh' face and then added, while patting Ha-eun's shoulder, "Take care of him, my child. May Allah have mercy on him. When he regains consciousness, inform me."

Ha-eun bowed slightly and left from there, while Mr. Ahmed also worried about Helena. The doctor had shifted her to the intensive care unit (ICU) and informed them that her surgery went well, but those hours were still critical for her.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ahmed was continuously praying for Helena during her Salah. Just then, John passed by where Helena's family was gathered.

It was 3 in the midnight when Zaim regained consciousness. He started calling, "Rose."

John suddenly approached him, trying to make him lie down, but Zaim jerked away and said in a voice filled with rage and anger, "What am I doing here?"

He scanned the room, trying to figure out where he was, then asked again, "How's my Rose, John? Speak up, how's my ROSE?"

John kept observing Zaim's behavior, noting that he had completely lost control, as he had never seen Zaim like this before. Zaim wasn't taking care of his health and kept calling for Rose. Just as Zaim attempted to leave, John stopped him and made him sit on the bed, holding onto both of his arms and asked.

"Where are you going, huh? You're not fully recovered." John insisted.

Zaim looked at John with a desperate expression on his face and replied, "I can't stay here like this. I need to see her." His eyes were filled with tears, and sweat started appearing on his forehead.

Zaim began to cry, his voice surged, "I'll never let him live in peace, John. If anything happens to my Rose, she'll die, damn it, just because of that bastard, Alex."

This news shocked John as well because he and Helena had spent a great deal of time together and had become good friends in a short period. Although he didn't understand how to handle Zaim's desperation for a girl, who had always claimed that he never felt love for any woman.

Today, he was yearning and crying for a girl. John had always handled Zaim in Zaim's way, so he attempted to do the same today. John tried to make Zaim understand, "She's okay, Zaim. I heard from her family, and the doctor said she'll be discharged tomorrow. Now, lie down and don't worry, hmm? Take care of your health first; you don't seem okay."

John had to lie to him because if he didn't, he couldn't handle Zaim. But his trick failed because this was a matter of Helena, his Rose. How could Zaim believe John? After all, Zaim was the one who brought Helena here in his arms, and he witnessed the condition she was in.

The doctor also informed them that the next 48 hours would be critical for her. As the doctors said, only a miracle could save her life within a day. However, as an atheist, he never believed in any miracles. Even though his parents were Muslims, he always said, "When there is no figure of God, then whom were they worshiping?" He considered every form of worship useless. In Zaim's life, there was no concept of any God. Nauzubillah.


He was just curious and distressed to see Helena for once. He got out of his bed and headed towards the intensive care unit area where Helena's father was pacing back and forth. His eyes fell on Zaim, stopping him in his tracks. He then asked him, "Zaim How are you, my child?"

Zaim didn't understand what he was talking about. Instead of replying, Zaim asked back with a desperate look on his face, "How is Helena doing, uncle? Is she doing better?"

Mr. Ahmed could see the worried look on Zaim's face. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and asked, "How do you know about Helena?"

Just then, John replied, "He brought her here, uncle."

Before Mr. Ahmed could say something, Zaim pleaded with him with his helpless eyes, "I want to meet Helena for once, uncle. Please let me meet her."

Mr. Ahmed became confused, his mind telling him something when he saw Zaim's desperation to meet Helena. But he pushed aside his thoughts and replied, placing his hand on Zaim's shoulder, "She is in the intensive care unit, my child, and the doctor didn't allow any of us to see her."

"Okay, but let me see her, uncle, please. I'll just see her from afar, and then I'll come back without disturbing her, please uncle."

Mr. Ahmed became even more confused after seeing Zaim's condition, his eyes filling with tears. Mr. Ahmed understood something and then allowed Zaim to see her. Zaim rushed there without wasting a single second.

As he approached, he saw Helena's unconscious figure surrounded by ICU machines. He placed both palms on the window glass, and tears started streaming down his face. He couldn't help but cry his heart out. His hands trembled, and his heart ached severely seeing her unconscious.

He wanted to touch her, to heal her, to hug her, to cup her face, but he was helpless at that moment and couldn't do anything. Then he whispered in a low and heavy voice, "Wake up, Rose. I can't bear to see you in pain, I really love you. Please have mercy on my poor heart, Rose."

Just then, he noticed Helena starting to shiver, her body shaking. Zaim's eyes widened, and he ran from there, shouting, "Doctor? Rose."

Mr. Ahmed became worried, asked, "What happened, Zaim?"

Zaim replied in confusion, "Uncle Ahmed, something happened to Rose. Her body is shaking."

Ahmed furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at Zaim's use of the term 'Rose,' but he understood after a few seconds. "Don't panic, my child. I'll call the doctor." Mr. Ahmed reassured him, then immediately went to call the doctor.

After a while, the doctor checked Helena and informed Mr. Ahmed that her condition was critical. The next 24 hours were crucial for her. Her mind was struggling with something severe, and if she didn't recover from it, she might slip into a coma, which could be fatal.

Mr. Ahmed stumbled on his feet, and Mrs. Ahmed held him, helping him brace himself.

Twenty-four hours had already passed, and Helena's condition hadn't improved yet. Everyone was deeply worried, continuously praying and making supplications for her. Despite their prayers and pleas for help from Allah, they hadn't had any chance.

Zaim didn't want to come home, but John forcefully brought him and made him understand. He explained to Zaim that if their parents found out about his feelings for Helena, they might mind. Reluctantly, Zaim agreed to leave the hospital for Helena's sake, but he still felt restless. John stayed at Zaim's house to keep an eye on him, knowing that Zaim's anger could lead to dangerous actions, even self-harm for Helena.

The previous night, John had witnessed Zaim's outburst when he broke everything of his room in anger and ended up with cuts from broken glass. John couldn't take any risks with Zaim's life, although Zaim's parents were aware of his behavior. However, Zaim had shouted at them badly in the morning, so Mr. Ali decided to leave him alone until his anger subsided. He knew that Zaim wouldn't let anyone near him when he was angry, and this was the first time Mr. Ali had seen this side of him."


"I'm sorry we couldn't save her, her wounds were too deep and unfortunately she couldn't recover it. It seems that Something was bothering her as she experienced a nervous breakdown. This ultimately led to her slipping into a coma, which tragically resulted in her death."

The doctor was saying to Zaim, Zaim tremble on his legs, looking at a random spot, he then looked at the doctor and said,

Let me meet her,

The doctor permitted him to meet with Helena. Zaim went towards the ICU room.

He entered in a quiet room filled with beeping machines and soft lights, Helena lay still on a bed surrounded by intricate devices. Tubes and wires connected her to the machines that blinked and hummed rhythmically.

His gaze fixed on Helena's laying figure, his heart ached intensely upon seeing her in such an unconscious state. He approached her and observed her innocent face, as if she were in a deep and peaceful sleep.

His eyes filled with tears as he stood beside her, his head hung low. He reached out and gently caressed her head. "My baby, my love, my Rose," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Then, he cried his heart out. "You can't do this to me, Rose," he choked out. "How will I survive without you Helena hmm?"

Just then, Faris entered the room. He said to Zaim. "Step aside," his eyes welling up with tears.

Faris pulled Helena close. "My love," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, "I love you, Helena. We must go now." He started crying loudly. "But know that you'll always be with me, Helena, in every breath I take and every beat of my heart." He said, With that, he hugged her tightly.


It was 7 in the morning, and Zaim was in deep sleep when he had a dream that his Rose was no longer in this world. He woke up suddenly, shouting loudly, but then realized he was dreaming. He tried to figure out his dream and the presence of Faris in the dream just then he started scanning the room, rolling his eyes around, and let out a sigh of relief, placing his hands over his temple with a bowed head.

However, his heart ached terribly, and he felt restless, longing to see Helena to calm himself.

John had been staying with him since the night before, as Zaim didn't allow his parents into his room, John was taking care of him because Mr. Ali instructed John to stay with Zaim and not leave him alone even for a moment, as they couldn't risk his life, regardless of Zaim's feelings towards his father.

When John noticed Zaim leaving, he stopped him and asked, grabbing his arm, "Where are you going?" However, this question seemed pointless, as John already knew Zaim would go nowhere else but to see Helena.

John's eyes widened when he touched Zaim, then he placed a hand on Zaim's forehead and said, "You have a fever, man." Zaim ignored his fever, took away John's hand from his forehead and said as desperation was evident on his face. "I'm restless, John. I can't feel calm until I see my Rose."

Zaim had never been like this; he never pleaded with anyone. Whatever he wanted to do, he did it without caring about others.

"Zaim, but you have a f...." Before John could finish, Zaim cut him off, saying,

"I can't stay here, John. Please try to understand me I'm feeling suffocated, I'll die here without seeing her man."

When John realized that nothing could stop Zaim, he tried something else because at that time nothing was more important to him than Zaim's condition.

"Zaim, I told you na that if you go at this hour, there might be difficulties for Helena. You already know that she is a Muslim girl, and their point of view differs greatly from ours. They consider it forbidden. Our culture, our family backgrounds, our religious beliefs, they're all different from theirs.

If you go now, it might cause trouble for Helena or it might upset them. When they are already worried about her condition.Yes, she's hospitalized now, and her parents might not say anything to you or her, but later they could create issues for Helena. It's another matter that her parents know we're her friends, but think about it, her father might have sensed your feelings for Helena."

He stopped, placing his hands on Zaim's shoulder then said again,

"Just pray for her; we will surely find a way to talk to her when she has recovered."

John tried using Helena's religious background as a reference because he knew that Helena and her family were devout Muslims. Being familiar with Muslim culture, he understood their conservative nature and how they might perceive interactions between boys and girls.

Zaim absorbed John's words, each one fitting into his mind perfectly. Then he said sharply and directly, "Okay, then ask Mia to go there. Mia is not a boy, right? She can go there. Ask her, John."

His words were sharp and straight.

John responded with a hum because he knew that Zaim would never listen to him as he was born stubborn. Although this was the only way to prevent Zaim from going to the hospital.

The day passed in this manner, with Zaim neglecting his medication and John continually urging him to take care of his health. However, Helena was the only thing on his mind, disregarding everything else, even his health. He insisted that if he saw Helena just once, he would recover, but John restrained him, not wanting to create a scene in front of Helena's family, who were already under severe tension.

By midnight, John was asleep while Zaim kept pacing back and forth desperately, awaiting Mia's response. Due to family issues, Mia hadn't been able to go to the hospital during the day but eventually went at night without informing them. When Zaim couldn't wait any longer, he headed to the hospital without informing John.

He reached the hospital and went straight to the intensive care unit (ICU) where Helena was. He saw Faris standing outside the room near the window, crying as he spoke, "Please get well soon, Helena. Please wake up, my baby girl. You know your Faris can't live without you, my precious girl. I'm telling you I'll wait here until you wake."

Zaim stood there and heard each and every word that Faris said. His rage began to flare, then he approached Faris, Faris turned his face to Zaim, just then Zaim punched him in the face with as much force as he could muster. This made Faris fall to the ground, groaning in pain. Faris twisted his head towards Zaim, glancing at him angrily while grabbing his jaw. Although he didn't know Zaim but his face seemed familiar to him. Then he shouted,"

"Have you gone crazy huh? Ouchh."

Zaim sat on Faris's prone figure, grabbing his collar, then raised his fist in the air to hit him again. Just then, Mr. Ahmed arrived, his face widening in shock at the sight of Zaim. He stopped Zaim, asking, "What are you doing, Zaim?"

Both Faris and Zaim turned their eyes towards the direction of the voice. Mr. Ahmed repeated, understanding why Zaim had beaten Faris, "Stand up from him."

Zaim released Faris's collar with a quick jerk and stood up. He felt distress in his heart and asked in a desperate voice, his eyes lowered, "How is Rose, uncle?"

Faris became confused, narrowing his eyes in annoyance, while Mr. Ahmed raised his eyebrows. He patted Zaim's shoulder and said, "You should go home, Zaim."

Zaim looked at him in wonder, feeling uncertain due to the lack of response. He wondered why Mr. Ahmed didn't answer his question. His restlessness increased with each passing second, but he felt helpless and couldn't do anything. Then John's words started echoing in his ears.

"She is a Muslim girl and their point of view from us are totally different, they consider it forbidden."

"Yes, It's another matter that her parents know we're her friends."

"If you go now, it might cause trouble for Helena not now but later."

"She's hospitalized now, and her parents might not say anything to her and you, but later they could create issues for Helena."

"If you go now, it might upset them."

Zaim thoughts were interrupted when he heard Mr Ahmed said to him.

"It's already 2am, You should go home Zaim."

Zaim didn't respond, his rage burning more fiercely than before, He left without saying anything, not wanting to cause a scene for Helena's sake.

He headed straight to the Cheers and Chills bar, calling Ha-eun to bring him a drink.

"How have you been, man?" Ha-eun passed the drink to him and asked.

"Give me something that calm myself, Ha-eun. My heart has already shattered into a million pieces, my brain feels like it's going to explode, my soul is restless. Please, give me something to soothe my soul," Zaim grabbed his temple and requested, knowing that only Helena could calm him, only she could give him peace. But at that moment, he felt completely helpless, already going through a lot.

Ha-eun handed him a glass of whiskey, "You don't seem okay, Zaim. You should go home and rest. Alcohol can't solve anything." Ha-eun said with a worried expression on his face.

"I know what can calm himself, Ha-eun."



Without her, his existence is worthless.

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