Part 17: Allah is Everything

They both turned their heads towards a familiar voice and saw Olivia approaching them. Zaim lowered his head again while scoffing. However, Olivia sat on the bar chair, grabbed the glass from Zaim's hand, and gulped it down. Then she leaned towards Zaim and said slowly, "I have something for you, a heavenly treatment." She passed a devilish wink to him.

Zaim didn't respond, so she signaled to Ha-eun to bring another glass of whiskey. Taking the glass from his hand, she added something to the drink. Despite Zaim's head hanging low, she pushed it towards him, telling him to drink it.

Zaim unaware of everything, grabbed the glass from Olivia's hand and, with his head lowered, gulped down the drink. After a few minutes, he began to feel his head spinning. Olivia and Ha-eun kept their eyes on him. A smirk crept onto Olivia's face, but Ha-eun continued to caution her, "Olivia, you're playing with fire. Don't push him."

Zaim was about to fall when Olivia quickly grabbed him around the waist, preventing him from falling. With one hand, she gestured for Ha-eun to stay back, then guided Zaim toward a nearby room. Ha-eun watched them go, keenly aware of Olivia's devilish intentions.

They entered the room, and Zaim had completely lost his sobriety. Olivia hugged him with a relieved smile, wrapping her arms around his waist. She took a deep breath, feeling she was about to fulfill her dream. She broke the hug, pecked him on the lips, and started unbuttoning his shirt, flinging it to the floor.

She made him sit on the bed and discarded her own shirt, tossing it on the floor. Then she moved towards him, leaned her body against his, and kissed him passionately on the lips.


"What the hell am I doing here? Ahh, my head," Zaim muttered to himself, waking up from his deep sleep at 6 in the morning. He had no idea what he had done to himself last night. It was the first time in his life he felt this disoriented. Sitting on the bed, he glanced towards the sleeping figure of a girl and realized it was Olivia, draped in a white sheet, her bare shoulders exposed.

He grabbed his head, which was throbbing painfully, and whispered to himself, "You ass..." He stopped, clenching his jaw, then continued, "I'll see you soon, Olivia. You have to pay for this." With that, he left the room.

He started the car's engine and headed towards his mansion. Throughout the journey, he felt intense pain in his head. With one hand gripping his head and the other on the steering wheel, he struggled to maintain control.

He stopped his car in the garage and he entered the house. The early morning silence wrapped everything. He moved cautiously, avoiding the gaze of everyone, especially his father and stepmother. Being seen by them meant facing questions he desperately wanted to avoid.

As he approached the stairs, Mr. Ali emerged from his room, engrossed in his phone. Spotting Zaim heading upstairs, he called out to him. Zaim halted, closing his eyes briefly, then turned towards his father's voice.

"Yes, Dad? What now?" Zaim's frustration was palpable. Ali noticed his son's demeanor and expression, sensing the source of his mood. He stepped closer to Zaim and asked, "Where are you coming from?" he stopped , placing his both hands on his waist and continue with a taunt,

"Ahh I can guess, you had a colourful night hmm."

Zaim glared at his father, with pissed off look and the anger started to surge, He replied curtly, struggling to control his emotions, "I'm not in the mood to argue with you, Dad. Let's not interfere in each other's lives, please."

He turned back and headed to his room, removing his shirt before stepping into the bathroom for a hot shower. However, even after the shower, the pain in his head remained unbearable, forcing him to lie down.

Everything was so tangled up, every kind of thought was weighing heavily on his mind he wanted to sleep but couldn't. In his mind, Helena and her condition lying surrounded by machines in the ICU kept swirling around and thinking that she was going through that much pain.

No matter how much he wanted, he couldn't make things right. So much had gone wrong in such a short time that bringing everything back to life seemed very difficult. Every piece of the puzzle had scattered, and he couldn't piece them back together he felt helpless.

He couldn't attain Helena nor could he lose her. Both of these things were very difficult for him because if he loses Helena, he will also lose his own life, as Helena had become his entire life. Yet he couldn't even attain her. He was just staring at a random spot while his head hurt even more, but he couldn't sleep in any way, neither by taking sleeping pills nor by massaging him.


Helena was fighting for her life in the ICU, caught between life and death, while her family prayed fervently for her recovery. Ahmed was completely shattered because only he could understand the pain his daughter was going through.

Ayesha, though not Helena's biological mother, loved her stepchildren dearly and made every effort to seek divine intervention through prayers. Even Fatima, who had always been jealous and resentful, was now praying for her, showing a change of heart.

For Faris, Helena was his whole world. After their mother's death, Faris had taken on the role of Helena's mother, and she was his cherished sister. Today, he couldn't bear to see Helena in pain; he visited the hospital regularly but couldn't bring himself to face the sight of her connected to the ICU machines.

He didn't show how much he was suffering because of Helena, but he knew the torment he was going through inside. He gave strength to his family and didn't let himself break down, even though no one understood his pain. Because everyone was immersed in their own sorrows, Helena was special to everyone.

As time passed, the doctors' hopes were fading because Helena had suffered the most damage to her brain in the accident. She had a severe brain hemorrhage, which was very dangerous, and even the doctors were worried that they might not be able to save Helena now. They had already informed Helena's family that it had become very difficult to save her, and she could slip into a coma at any time.

Her chances of survival were down to only 30%, which were decreasing further. Helena's parents did not have enough money to take her to a foreign doctor, but Zaim had a relationship with Dr. Henry. Zaim had told Dr. Henry that he would bear all of Helena's expenses but not wanted his name to appear and had called foreign doctors.

Helena's family was informed that the hospital's organization had arranged for Helena's treatment, which helps people. Ahmed was prepared to give the hospital as much money as he had saved, but Dr. Henry assured them that it was not a charity; he did not accept payment from his patient.


Days passed like this, with no improvement in Helena's condition. Everyone was at the hospital, waiting for updates from the doctors. They continuously prayed for her and did everything possible to make their Duas. One of their relatives went to Makkah to perform Umrah, and Ahmed asked them to pray for Helena, believing that prayers made at the Kaaba are always accepted.

Ahmed went to the mosque to perform Maghrib Salah, while Ayesha had already completed her prayers at the hospital. She paced back and forth outside the ICU, reciting supplications (tasbeeh) continuously with her rosary. Just then, Dr. Henry approached and called out to her, "Excuse me." Ayesha turned towards him, wiping her tears, and responded, "Yes?"

Henry saw her helplessness and pain. Struggling to find the right words to tell Ayesha about Helena's condition, he asked, "Where is Ahmed?"

"He went for Salah," Ayesha replied.

Henry rubbed his forehead with his index finger, searching for the strength to deliver the news. "Ayesha, listen to me carefully and try not to panic. I've already told you that Helena's condition is not good. Instead of getting better, she…

Dr. Henry's voice was gentle but heavy with concern as he continued, "I'm sorry to inform you that Helena has slipped into a coma." His words were powerful enough to shatter even the hardest of hearts.

Ayesha covered her mouth in disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes.

Ahmed, who had just returned from Salah, overheard Henry's words. Stumbling on his feet, he dropped the bottle he was holding.

Henry turned his head towards Ahmed, and Ayesha, with teary and wide eyes, saw him too. She ran towards Ahmed and hugged him tightly, both of them started crying.

This moment was extremely difficult for them, but they knew they had to trust in Allah and support each other to face this challenging time. It was a trial sent by Allah that they had to endure and overcome. Allah tests those He loves, and they had to clear this test with faith and perseverance.

Ahmed broke the hug, sniffing, and wiped Ayesha's tears. "Ayesha, brace yourself. Our Helena won't go anywhere. We have to trust Allah, haven't we? Hmm?" He cupped her face gently and continued, "We have to fight for her life, but to do that, we must bear this, control ourselves. She will make it, trust me, and trust Allah. Don't let your faith weaken, hmm?"

Ayesha nodded in response. Then Ahmed placed his hand on her shoulder and approached Dr. Henry. "What were you saying, Doctor? She will make it, won't she?" he asked, his voice filled with hope and desperation.

"Her condition has deteriorated rapidly," Dr. Henry continued, his own voice betraying a hint of sorrow. "We did everything we could, but the brain hemorrhage has caused irreversible damage."

Faris who was standing behind the wall with fatima, eavesdropping each and every word that doctor said, he felt his eyes filled with tears, he couldn't control to stream them down, however Fatima also started crying and caressing Faris arm to brace himself.

They wiped their tears and reached out to comfort Ayesha and Ahmed , all of them trying to find solace in everyone's presence. Ayesha who couldn't bear collapsed into a chair, her hands covering her face as tears streamed down.

Dr. Henry stood quietly, allowing the family a moment to absorb the harsh reality.

He gather courage to say something,

"We will continue to monitor her closely. Please take your time. I'll be here if you need anything."

Later, Zaim was at John's house, pacing back and forth anxiously, waiting for Mia Because He had sent Mia to the hospital to check on Helena's condition. With each passing second, his heart pounded like a drum. As Mia approached them, Zaim hurried over and asked anxiously, "How is my Rose, Mia?"

Tears filled Mia's eyes at his question. Zaim grew more confused at her reaction and asked again, his voice tinged with anger, "How is she, Mia? I'm asking something. Look at me, damn it."

Mia looked up at him, scared of his reaction, struggling to find her voice as she choked back sobs.

S....she s....slipped i...into....a....c...coma.... , doctor..... w...won't save her, Zaim... the doctors.... they said... Helena... she's not going to make it..."

Mia cried her heart out while grabbing Zaim's shirt in her fist then she said again,

"They've done everything they can..... but her condition is critical. They don't think she'll make it through the night."

Zaim felt his world stop as Mia's words sank in. His breath caught in his throat, and tears welled up in his eyes, but he tried his best to control his whimpers in front of Mia. Zaim stumbled on his feet, he then looked at Mia.

Zaim kept staring at her for a while with a lost expression, rendered speechless by her statement. She continued to cry, pleading, "They won't save her, Zaim... She will die. Please save her, Zaim. Please... Ask her God to save her. He will surely save her. She's going to die. I felt like her God loves her, He listens to her. Please, ask Him to save her, please." Mia was shaking Zaim.

Zaim snapped back to reality and said, "huhh?"

Mia was still crying her heart out, Zaim taking away her hands from his shirt and made his way to outside.


It had been two weeks since Helena fell into a coma, and there was not the slightest change in her condition. Doctors already informed them that Helena won't make it, her life was aimless now.

Everyone was stressed and concerned, praying and crying. Even Zaim was as distressed as Helena's family. It felt as if someone had taken his life away, as if his soul had been torn from his body. He felt like his reason for living was ending. He had no formal relationship with Helena, but he had formed a bond—a bond of the heart.

At the seaside, he kept looking at the deep sea with wet eyes, his body leaning down as he placed both hands on his knees and shouted with full rage. Suddenly, he heard the Maghrib Adhan coming from somewhere. He stood back up, turning his head in the direction of the voice, but couldn't locate its source.

A weird sensation overcame him, and he started feeling restless, his heart racing faster than ever before. Right then, Mia's voice echoed in his ears:

"Please, ask her God to save her, Zaim. 

Her God loves her.

 Her God listens to her. 

He will surely save her, Zaim. 

Just ask him, please."

He placed both hands on his ears to block out the voice, but it persisted. Goosebumps formed on his arms. He looked at his hands in wonder, trying to locate the source of the voice. After a moment, he decided to follow the call to prayer.

Roaming and searching, he finally found the mosque. As he stepped inside, goosebumps covered his body, and sweat appeared on his forehead. He scanned the entire mosque for the first time in his life, seeing everyone performing Salah, just as Helena used to. Some were performing ablution.

He recalled the time when he saw Helena performing namaz at university and he was admiring her. Tears filled his eyes as he remembered her and her current condition. He wiped his tears with his fingers. Entering the mosque, he headed towards the ablution area, mimicking the actions of those around him. 

His hands trembled, and fear gripped him. He felt restless and wanted to run away from there, but he pushed through his thoughts, convincing himself to pray for Helena, although he had no belief in it.

When he approached the Salah row and heard the imam start praying, he followed along with everyone else. He felt his legs and hands tremble and tears streamed down from his eyes.

When he completed his tashahhud, he joined his hands to pray.

Raising his hands into the air, he prayed, following each step as others did. As the imam's voice rose in dua, tears filled his eyes. He closed them, allowing the tears to stream down his face.

He began his prayer, asking not asking but pleading, "Oh Lord, I cannot see You, but my Rose always said she could feel You, she could see You. I don't know how. I don't believe in any God (Nauzu'billah), but she believed in You. I may not fully understand or acknowledge Your existence, but it was my Rose who showed me this path. She led me here. I have heard that You love her dearly, Lord. Please, save my Rose. She is fighting between life and death; please save her life.

I beg You to hear my prayer. Please, God, I implore You, do not turn Your gaze away from her suffering. She is Your devout servant, always praising You, always performing ibadah for You. She never misses her Salah, wherever she is. She never forgets You; please do not forget her. You know her innermost thoughts, her deepest desires, and her unwavering faith.

Where are You, huh? Why don't You show up? Why don't You show Your real self and Your appearance? Why don't You see her suffering and pain? I want You to be here right now if You are real. I don't know how, but I want to see You and Your miracles right now."

He stopped for a while, started looking at his surroundings to see God, and saw everyone engrossed in praying, some crying, some pleading. Feeling helpless, he resumed praying because he knew that Helena used to say, "Pray no matter what."

"I do not believe in miracles, and I don't have faith, but I am here to beg for a miracle. If you are true; whatever You ask of me, I will fulfill. I'll give You money, I'll give You my mansion, my cars, and my entire collection, even my life, but please, save my Rose, God. Wherever You are, please have mercy on my delicate Rose."

Unbeknownst to him, he was crying out loud, his words pouring from his heart.

One of the men, aged between 50 or 55, approached Zaim and patted his shoulder. Then he said, "Don't cry, my child. Whoever it is, they will be fine. Just have faith in Allah. He will hear your prayers soon."

Zaim raised his head, looking up at him in anger, but as he maintained his gaze, tears filled his eyes at the man's words. "How? I can't see your God. He is nowhere. How can I believe that He will hear my prayers and save my Rose? Huh, how? My Rose loves Him a lot, but He has left her suffering.

She is in pain and fighting between life and death. Is that your God who left His servants in pain huh? He scoffed then said again, "She doesn't deserve what she is going through. Can you show Him to me, if He is real then show me?"

The man smiled at his statement and asked, "If you don't believe in His existence, then why are you here and pleading in front of Him? If you don't have faith and if you can't see Him, then why are you here? Answer my question, and then I'll answer all of yours."

Zaim continued to look at him, his lips trembling. "I... I don't know. My Rose made a reason that I'm here. I'm here for her, and I will do whatever it takes for my Rose. I will go to any extent for her, whether it's willingly or not."

The man replied with a satisfied look on his face, "No, my child. You are not here for her. You are here for Allah. If Allah hadn't called you here, you would never have been able to come, no matter how hard you tried. If you didn't have faith in Him, you never would have come here."

Zaim listened to him and then replied, "But I'm an atheist, and I don't have faith in any god, you know? I see many believers who worship idols. I laugh at those who worship a god they themselves make with their own hands.

Others worship a god who has no existence nor a particular shape, yet they worship. I'm here on behalf of my Rose. She is Muslim, but she can't pray and perform her Salah right now. But I respect her religion. It's her belief that there is a God who listens to her and loves her, but not mine."

He sniffed, staring deep into the man's eyes, then added, "Everything is false. If there is a God and if He loves my Rose, then why would He let her suffer, huh? Okay, I'll accept for a moment that there is a God. If there is, then show me. Show me right here."

The man smiled again at Zaim's statement, then he placed his index finger over Zaim's heart and replied, "Here, here He is, near the heart, closer than the jugular vein." He then placed his hand over his own heart and continued, looking deep into Zaim's eyes, "Here, here He is."

Moving his index finger towards the direction where everyone was sitting and making dua, he said, "There, there He is." 

Looking back at Zaim, he said again, "Allah is everywhere, my child. We can see Him through our feelings, feel His presence in every fiber of our being. His existence permeates every corner of creation. We can sense His presence not with our eyes, but with our hearts.

Every experience, every interaction, is an opportunity to connect with Him. The most important are Salah and Dua. With these, you meet Allah. This is the most special contact, where you talk to Allah and He responds."

He continued, "Even in the darkest of times, when we feel lost or alone, He is there, quietly reassuring us that we are never truly alone. For His love knows no bounds, His mercy knows no limits, and His presence knows no distance. So, my child, never doubt His presence, for He is closer to us than our own jugular vein.

Nothing can move without His consent. You are here because Allah brought you here. Open your heart to His love, and you will find Him dwelling within you, illuminating your path with His eternal light."

He stopped, patting Zaim's shoulder, then said again, "Miracles do happen, my child. Yes, they do, but for this, you have to have faith in His magnificence. Look around at your surroundings and see the difference between the real God and fake gods."

After listening to the man, Zaim didn't believe his words. He was about to go when the man stopped him and said, "Your prayers have been heard. Allah never leaves His servant empty-handed. Your voice, which you think doesn't go beyond your ceiling, reaches beyond the seventh skies. Indeed, He is Hearing and Near."

Ring Ring...

Zaim's phone rang, and he saw Mia was calling him. He picked up the call and said in a low voice,

"Yeah, Mia, what now?"

"Congratulations, buddy."

"For what, Mia?" he asked in a disappointed tone.

"Your Rose got a new life."

"W...what? No way Are you serious?"

He then looked at the man with a shocked expression and returned to Mia.

"Damn, thank you, my Rose's God. Thank you, God. Oh my God, I can't believe it."

When he heard Mia's words, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Without realizing it, he prostrated and thanked Allah, his heart racing, and a strange sensation lingering through his body. Meanwhile, Mia was laughing at his reaction, enjoying and expecting his shocked response.

He rose from prostration. Then Zaim spoke again in a desperate voice,

"M...Mia, can I meet her? I wanna meet her, Mia. I wanna see her. This ass..."

He stopped, looking at the man, then continued,

"John isn't letting me see my Rose."

"Yahh, Zaim, control yourself. I think you shouldn't go there right now, you know..."

 "Mia, I can't wait any longer."

Zaim cut her off.

"I can't let my heart wait any longer to meet my Helena."

He made a dramatic gesture and said again,

"Huh, this devilish world and its people are enemies of my love."

Mia burst out laughing at his statement and then said,

"I can see this man and his changing expression. Oh God, have mercy on him. Ok, ok, drama queen, let me do something for you."

After hanging up the call, Zaim stared at the man in astonishment, recalling the words he had said to Zaim earlier, which had now come true:

"No, my child. You are not here for her. You are here for Allah."

"If Allah hadn't called you here, you would never have been able to come, no matter how hard you tried and If you didn't have faith in Him, you never would have come here."

"Your prayers have been heard."

"Allah never leaves His servant empty-handed."

"Your voice, which you think doesn't go beyond your ceiling, reaches beyond the seventh skies (Indeed, He is Hearing and near)."

Zaim felt a sting in his heart. The man, already looking at him, smiled and patted his shoulder, saying, "God bless you, my child, and your Rose. Insha'Allah, we will meet again." He then left with a smile on his face.

Zaim kept looking at his retreating figure in disbelief.


"O Allah, Alhamdulillah, ALHAMDULILLAHI RABBIL ALAMIN! I can't thank you enough, my Lord. You are the Greatest, the Most Merciful. You are Al-Rahman, You are Al-Rahim, undoubtedly. I dedicate my entire life to serving You, my beloved Allah, my Helena's beloved ALLAH. Alhamdulillah, ya Rabbi, You heard our prayers. Thank You immensely, Allah. You saved my daughter, You safeguarded my precious Helena. I am forever indebted to You the King of the whole universe."

He cried his heart out in prostration when he heard the doctor inform that Helena was out of danger but needed extra care. When Mr. Ahmed returned from praying, Ayesha had also just finished her prayers in the prayer area. Ahmed saw Ayesha looking at him as he approached. Ayesha hugged Ahmed tightly, crying with joy. Ahmed gently caressed her back and said, "Alhamdulillah."

They broke the hug just as the doctor approached Mr. Ahmed and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Ahmed, your Rose got a new life."

Mr. Ahmed didn't seem confused by the term "Rose," as he had already heard it from Zaim. He replied, expressing his gratitude, "No, no, thanks to you, doctor, who saved my daughter after my Allah."

The doctor patted Mr. Ahmed's shoulder and replied, "Ah, that's not it. Thanks to Zaim, who brought your daughter on time. He had been standing outside the operating theater. If it had been late, she might have been in a more critical situation than this." After that the doctor allowed them to meet Helena.

Mr. Ahmed hummed in response, looking at Ayesha, who was attentively listening to Ahmed and the doctor and got confused about that. Ahmed pressed his lips into a thin line and then the doctor left. Faris and Fatima came near, and then they all went to Helena's room with a smile.

"My precious baby, how do you feel, hmm?" Faris asked Helena, caressing her hair as she lay on the hospital bed. It had been three weeks since Helena was admitted.

She didn't reply; her body ached, and she didn't have the strength to say anything. She just nodded her head with a thin smile.

"Alhamdulillah, to our beloved Allah, who gave you a new life, my precious daughter," Mrs. Ahmed said as she entered the room. Helena and Faris both turned their heads towards her. Mrs. Ahmed kissed Helena's forehead and smiled.

After a while, Dr. Henry entered the room, checked Helena's pulse, and then inspected her IV drip. He said, "Hmm, you are recovering, Helena, but you need more rest. You have to be strong to get much better."

Helena mustered another thin smile, her eyes showing her appreciation even if her body couldn't quite cooperate.

Just then, Faris asked, "Doctor, when can she start physical therapy?"

The doctor pondered for a moment and said, "If her recovery continues at this pace, we can start with mild exercises in a couple of days. But for now, rest is the most important thing."

Meanwhile, Helena didn't want to stay in the hospital any longer; she was uncomfortable there.


"You have to rest, Helena, or else I'll take you back to the hospital," Faris insisted. Helena had been discharged two weeks after the accident, but her wound hadn't fully healed yet. Despite this, she had left the hospital against medical advice. Her family was now providing her with extra care at home.

Faris wanted Helena to prioritize her recovery. Mia often came to check on her and informed Zaim and John regarding her health and recovery. However, on this particular day, Mia arrived at Helena's house along with Zaim and John. They found Helena confined to bed rest, still in the process of healing.

It was evening, and life was in full swing. The winds were strong, and the sun was about to set. Morning was turning into night. Helena sat on her bed, her feet hanging over the edge. She was looking out the window, thinking about the past days she had gone through, feeling nostalgic and recalling her mistakes with a deep sense of regret. Just then, John approached Helena.

"How are you feeling, Helena?" he asked softly.

She turned her head towards his voice, smiled a little, and sat back on her bed, gesturing for them to sit on the couch.

Meanwhile, Zaim had filled Helena's room with beautiful and fragrant flowers. The entire room was filled with the scent of bouquets. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, Zaim listened intently as Helena replied in a weak voice, "I'm feeling a bit better now, thank you John."

Mia joined the conversation, carrying bags of imported juices and fruits in her hand. She handed them to Fatima and Ayesha, her voice filled with concern. "Helena, you don't look completely recovered. You seem weak girl." She hugged her warmly.

"I'm not that weak, Mia." They broke the hug. " Insha'Allah, I'll be back to myself soon," Helena responded softly, with a slight smile.

Zaim's gaze, filled with a mixture of longing and concern, was fixed on Helena as he heard her words.

Just then, Mr. Ahmed entered the room and asked everyone, "My children, would you like anything to refresh yourselves?"

John stood up, followed by Mia, and said, "Thank you for your offer, Mr. Ahmed, but we came here to check on Helena. We were worried about her health."

Despite their refusal, Mr. Ahmed insisted, "You are all guests sent by my beloved Allah. I cannot let you leave like this."

Then he glanced upon Zaim, who was still looking at Helena. Mr. Ahmed furrowed his eyebrows slightly in confusion and approached him.

Zaim, noticied Mr. Ahmed's approach, he quickly straightened his posture, a nervous gulp down his throat as he recalled John's earlier warnings. He pressed his lips into a thin line before managing a small bow but said nothing.

"Zaim," Mr. Ahmed said, his voice firm yet gentle, "I need to speak with you for a moment."

Zaim's heart hammered in his chest. He exchanged a hesitant look with Mr. Ahmed before responding, "Of course, Uncle."

"Come outside with me," Mr. Ahmed instructed, leading the way out of the room.

Zaim's mind sent him warning signals as he continued recalling John's words. Despite the mild weather, a bead of sweat streamed down his forehead as they both went to the living room. Mr. Ahmed gestured for him to sit on the couch and then seated himself. Zaim settled on the sofa, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking at Mr. Ahmed with a worried and afraid expression.

Mr. Ahmed looked at Zaim with warmth in his eyes. "Zaim," he began gently, "I have something important to tell you. Please listen carefully."

Zaim nodded, pressing his lips in a thin line, and looking at him with a puzzled and confused expression as Mr. Ahmed began Zaim felt his heart beat raced faster than ever.

"I love my daughter dearly. She is precious to me above all else. I raised her with love and taught her the importance of following Islamic principles, including modesty. She has always maintained a distance from non-mahram men, as expected of a Muslim woman."

Zaim continued to listen intently, his heart still racing.

"I sensed that you may have feelings for Helena, if your intentions are pure and honorable, then by all means, ask your parents to come and formally request her hand in marriage.

Mr Ahmed was not aware that zaim was an atheist.

If your intentions are not serious, then I must ask you to stop addressing her as 'Rose' and to refrain from seeking her anywhere, even at the university. I can't bear any na mehram's improper gaze on my daughter. As a father, I have a duty to protect my daughter's honor and I believe any father would do the same." he ended the conversation by saying, "Zaim I trust you understand."

When Zaim heard the term 'Rose,' he was shocked that Mr. Ahmed knew everything. He hadn't realized he had called her 'Rose' in front of him. He thought that John was right; this could cause trouble for Helena. Talking to his parents wasn't an option. First, his relationship with them wasn't good, and secondly, Helena was already going through so much. He couldn't burden her with his feelings, at least not when she couldn't even think of anyone else.

Mr. Ahmed said again, "What are you thinking, Zaim?"

He snapped back to reality, stammering, "Uh, huh, ahh nothing, Uncle. I was just..." John abruptly entered the room, cutting their conversation short, "Zaim, we really should be going now."

Zaim turned his head towards John, then shifted his gaze back to Mr. Ahmed, who was looking at John. Zaim rose from the couch and said, "I'll see you later, Uncle." A slight smile played on his lips. "Thank you for your hospitality and love."

Zaim couldn't resist a final, daring utterance. "Take care of Rose. Bye." With that, he left, leaving Mr. Ahmed looking at his retreating figure, struck by the bold use of the forbidden term.


Two months had passed since Helena began her recovery. While her physical health improved day by day, her mind remained fixated on the night of the accident. The traumatic incident incessantly replayed in her mind, causing her to have panic attacks thrice a week, which was detrimental to her health.

Her mind couldn't accept that she had been deceived by Alex, whom she loved the most. With whom she had been in a relationship for more than six months and had allowed him to touch her in a way that she knew was Haram in Islam.

She had always stayed away from such things throughout her life. She thought that being with Alex made her neglect her devotion to Allah, whom she loved more than anything. This thought made her feel that as a devout Muslim, she had deceived her God, and that being deceived by Alex was a consequence of this deception."

During routine hospital check-ups, the doctor expressed concern that Helena wasn't recovering mentally. He suspected something serious was causing her frequent panic attacks. Whenever her family asked about this, Helena denied it, attributing her fear to the accident and claiming to have experienced horrible dreams during her coma, which was untrue. The doctor, however, assured her that if there were any dreams, they wouldn't take this long to overcome.

There was something significant troubling her mind, possibly related to the accident that had caused her to slip into a coma. Hearing this from the doctor, her family began taking extra care of her, but it didn't seem to help. She couldn't control her thoughts, leading to debilitating hallucinations.

Sometimes, she would fall to the ground and lose consciousness, overwhelmed by the thoughts of that birthday night that had gripped her mind so badly. Whenever she was alone in her room, she would rest her back against the footboard, hung her head down, supported by her crossed arms, and recall every moment she had spent with Alex. These memories consumed her from the inside. One day she felt her heart ached, and she felt as if someone were gripping her neck, making her feel suffocated.

Every memory would hallucinate her and scare her to death. She couldn't overcome her thoughts and would beat herself up badly, wondering what she had done.

If any family member saw her like this, they would calm her down and never left her stay alone. Moreover, she felt a weird, devilish sensation all over her body, jerked her body and her face by hands madly wherever Alex had touched her. However, Alex had only touched her hands and face, nothing more, because she never allowed him go further. She had set limits, but what were those limits for?



ذَٰلِكُمُ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ ۖ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ خَـٰلِقُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ فَٱعْبُدُوهُ ۚ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ وَكِيلٌۭ

"Zaalikumul laahu Rabbukum laaa ilaaha illaa huwa khaaliqu kulli shai'in fa'budooh; wa huwa 'alaa kulli shai'inw Wakeel."

"That is Allah, your Lord; there is no deity except Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He is Disposer of all things."

Surah Al-An'am (6:102)

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Love from Ann♥️