Part 20: A Love is so beautiful

They reached the venue and saw that the environment was totally different from what she had been experienced. Obviously, it was a Christian wedding, and everyone was holding wine. They were also wearing short dresses. She had never experienced a wedding like that before in her life.

She was standing with her parents and observing everyone there. Although her parents didn't know anyone there, just then Ahmed's gaze fell on Ali, who was standing with Jessica and his businessman friends, engrossed in conversation. Ahmed said to Ayesha,

"Ayesha, you stay here with Helena. I'll meet Ali."

With that, he made his way through the crowd and reached Ali. He called out to him with joy, "Assalamualaikum, Ali! What a coincidence." Ali looked at him, his face lighting up with a broad smile. They hugged, and Ali replied, "Walaikum assalam."

They broke their hug, then Ali asked, "How have you been in Japan?" He was shocked in surprise to see Ahmed there. "Ah, I was transferred here for my job," Ahmed replied. Ali nodded his head a little with a satisfactory look and heard Ahmed say playfully, "Well, you tell, which side are you on, huh?"

Ali laughed a little at his statement while placing his hand on Ahmed's back and replied, "Wilson, my friend. It's his son's wedding. Since his wife lives in Japan, the wedding was held here. I returned to Japan, so I had to attend the wedding. You tell, which side are you on?" Ahmed laughed and replied, "Dude, it's my Helena's friend's wedding, so we're on the girl's side."

Just then, Jessica asked with a wide smile, "Oh, so Helena must be here, huh?" Ahmed replied and gestured towards Helena and Ayesha standing, "I must meet my precious Baby."

Ali and Ahmed laughed, and then she made her way towards Helena. "Yah girl, what a pleasant surprise, huh?" Helena turned towards the direction of the voice, her eyes widening in joy when she saw Jessica approaching with her arms open. "Assalamualaikum, yah Jessica aunty," Helena greeted with a smile.

Jessica hugged Helena gently while saying, "Walaikum assalam, my precious baby." They broke the hug, and Jessica asked, "How have you been, huh? It's been a long time since we met." "Alhamdulillah, aunty, I'm doing good. You tell, long time no see, huh?" Helena replied with a smile.

Jessica laughed a little and then replied, "I'm fine, my dear." Then she greeted Ayesha and hugged her too. "Ah, my baby girl, I missed you so much. I don't know why, but you attract me so much," Jessica said, holding Helena's hands dramatically.

"I missed you too, aunty. Well, how are you here?" Helena asked. "Ali's friend's son's wedding, Al..." Before she could complete her sentence, Ali and Ahmed approached and cut off her words. Ali asked with a smile, "My child, how are you?" Helena replied kindly, I'm good alhamdulliah ,you tell?" She then sensed that Ali kept looking at her with a thoughtful expression. She asked in confusion, "Umm, uncle, is everything alright?"

Ali's thoughts were interrupted, and he replied hesitantly, "Uh, yeah, my child." Then they engrossed themselves in conversation for a while, as Jessica was happy to see Helena after a long time.

After that, Helena's gaze fell on some of her classmates and seniors, as she had expected them to be there. She didn't want to meet them because she knew they had somehow seen her video.

She then moved her gaze and glanced on Sa-Rah, who was wearing a white gown and was all dolled up. Her husband was with her, but his back was turned to Helena. Excusing herself from her parents, Helena went towards Sa-Rah to meet her. Some people were looking at Helena as she walked down the aisle.

She looked completely different from them, and her outfit made her stand out adorably. People admired her appearance and beauty, gossiping about how magnificently beautiful she looked in that attire. Her eyes sparkled, attracting everyone's attention.

Sa-Rah noticed Helena approaching with a smile on her face. Just as Helena reached near the stairs, she saw Sa-Rah's gaze shift beside her. Following Sa-Rah's gaze, Helena saw a tall boy in groom attire. Helena halted in her tracks when she saw Alex with Sa-Rah, who was holding Sa-Rah around her waist and smiling at her with his grey eyes. Sa-Rah smiled back at him.

Helena felt as if the ground had slipped from under her feet. She stumbled a little and felt her heart thumping like a roller coaster, as if someone had stabbed her in the heart. Her whole body started aching from inside, and it felt as if her wounds had started to freshen. She felt her heart stop beating for a moment, and her body broke out in goosebumps as she saw Alex after a year.

Every scene she had gone through started playing in front of her eyes, from day one to the end. Her eyes filled with tears, but she tried her best to control them from falling. Her eyes remained fixed on Alex. Different scenes from the previous years started playing in her mind and gripping her thoughts tightly.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Sa-Rah call her name loudly from her spot, "Yah Helena, what are you doing there? Come here, girl."

Helena saw Alex turn his gaze towards her. His eyes widened when he saw Helena. At first, he got confused that what was Helena doing there, neither Sa-Rah ever told that Helena was her friend nor Alex invited her, he suddenly thought and got scared that Helena might tell Sa-Rah about them, but then he gulped down his saliva and adjusted his posture with a confident look.

He took his hand off Sa-Rah's waist and adjusted his tie, he felt that something stucked in his throat, he coughed a little and look at Helena with intense eyes. For the first time, he noticed Helena from top to bottom and was immensely attracted to her. Alex's gaze remained fixed on her as he admired her attire.

He felt himself lost for a while, thinking she looked more beautiful than anyone, even more than his wife Sa-Rah. However, Helena tore her gaze away from Alex and glanced at Sa-Rah, who was still smiling and signaling her to come on the stage with her hands. For a moment, Helena didn't comprehend what was happening; it might have been a dream. But it was a reality she had to face. Many people there were familiar with her; some knew her through that video, and some were her friends. However, none of them knew that the boy was Alex

She quickly turned away, squeezing her eyes shut for a while she then took a deep breath and then felt her heart would burst at any moment. She then started to leave with quick steps, looking down at a random spot. Sa-Rah got confused as to why Helena didn't come to meet her and turned to leave. Sa-Rah called her loudly, but Helena didn't hear.

She was walking back down the aisle as everyone watched her. Just then, Olivia came into her path and stopped her. Helena looked up at her and took a step forward to leave, but Olivia stopped her again by her hand and said, crossing her arms over her chest, "Ah, I can see your fashion sense has become more like trash, huh?"

Helena narrowed her eyebrows and looked at her deeply, then glanced around and saw everyone noticing them. Meanwhile, Ahmed, who was busy talking, glanced at Helena and sensed something was off. He excused himself and came towards Helena but stopped when he heard Olivia say, "You are so reckless, Helena. You have no shame even after leaking your video, you came here even after lost you honor."

"Please leave, Olivia. I don't wanna talk to you, nor I want to cause a scene here. Don't make a fuss," Helena replied in a low voice while looking deep into Olivia's eyes.

"Hahaha, look who's talking. The one who made a whole movie and now afraid of making a short scene, unliveable" Olivia laughed, rolling her eyes towards the other direction.

Helena tried to stay confident and said, "I think you are disturbed about something, that's why you are out of your mind. Listen, Olivia, I have nothing to do with you, nor am I your friend for you to talk to me like this. First, fix your own character before saying something bad about me."

Olivia moved her gaze back towards Helena, leaned down slightly, looked deeply into Helena's eyes, and said with crossed arm on her chest, "Girl, I'm chill as fuck, and that's probably why so many bitches can't vibe with me. Bitches like you love drama and hoeing around; that's not my character."

Helena narrowed her eyes after hearing her words, her anger starting to rise, but she said nothing. Olivia was trying her best to provoke Helena's rage. Then she tried again, "You were the one who got physical with a boy even after being a devout Muslim. Not me, who slept with Zaim. Zaim wanted to sleep with me, but your character is no better than mine. I don't chase boys like you, nor I whore around them like you."

Olivia succeeded in increasing Helena's rage. Helena was about to reply with something harsh when Ahmed, sensing her expression, approached her quickly, placing his hand on her shoulder, and said, "Come, my girl. Let's go home."

Helena looked at him, she concerned that he might have overheard their conversation, which could affect his health. Ahmed blinked his eyes to reassure her and calm her down, then started to lead her away. Just then, Olivia shouted without caring about the crowd at the wedding.

"Where are you going, huh? You pretend to be a devout Muslim and have a relationship with a boy, but look at your actions. It's you, You are always roaming around boys, trapping them, taking advantage of them, and getting physical with them and when you get bored, you act like you are pure and innocent more than anyone. You are so hypocritical, Helena. It's frustrating to see you fooling everyone with your fake piety."

Just then Sa-Rah and Alex reached Olivia's spot, and Sa-Rah tried to stop her, saying angrily, "Stop it, Olivia. Why are you creating a scene here?"

Olivia replied in a straight voice. "I'm not the one who created the scene; it's her, your so-called old friend,"

"Enough, Olivia. I invited you because you are Alex's friend. Otherwise, I would never have invited you to my wedding after what you did to Helena."

Ahmed and Ayesha's eyes widened in shock when they heard Alex's name from Sa-Rah's mouth. They both looked at Alex, whose gaze was fixed on Helena with a shocked and concerned look on his face. Helena was staring at Olivia in disbelief. Then they understood that the person Helena had been in a relationship with, and who caused her so much pain, was Alex.

Just then Sa-Rah came near Helena and tried to comfort her by grabbing Helena's hand, but Helena jerked her hand away, her eyes filling with tears as her heart began to ache. She then made her way out, running from the scene as everyone watched her retreating figure. Mr. Ahmed followed Helena, while Ayesha bowed slightly to Sa-Rah, pressing her lips into a thin line, and then left.

A devilish grin appeared on Olivia's face, as she had succeeded in humiliating Helena in front of everyone, just as Zaim had done to her. However, she didn't know that the boy with Helena was Alex.

They got into the car, with Helena sitting in the back seat near the window, her gaze fixed outside on the road. The whole ride was silent, but Mr. Ahmed kept glancing at Helena through the rearview mirror and worry visible on his face.

When they reached home, Helena went straight to her room and locked the door of her room. When Ahmed came inside the house after parking the car, he and Ayesha saw the room door closed, and his worry grew. He understood what Helena was feeling right now, as she saw Alex after such a long time.

Ayesha placed her hand on his shoulder with a worried look on her face. Ahmed then said to her, "Wait here. I need to talk to her alone. She is not well, Ayesha, and I can't let her stay like this."

Ayesha hummed in response and went from there. Ahmed knocked on the door and heard Helena's faint whimpers. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened the door with extra keys, entering the room while saying, "My child, my dearest daughter." He saw Helena crying her heart out with hiccups while the lights in her room were turned off, and a ray of light was coming from outside.

She was sitting on the footboard, resting her chin on her knees, with her hands wrapped around them. He turned on the light and sat beside her, then said, "Shh, my child, don't cry like this. Allah will be upset with you."

Helena looked at him with puffed and teary eyes, then moved closer to him and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly. Ahmed caressed her head and kissed her side, saying, "My precious child, a piece of my heart. Don't cry like this; it hurts me, Helena." Helena said while crying,

"Baba.... I-----made--- a---- mistake, I----had ----a----Haram---- relationship----baba, i---i---lost---my----path...I---let---your---- head----down----in----embarassement. Her hiccups continued as Mr. Ahmed caressed her head again to calm her and said, "Teenagers and adults make mistakes during this phase my child. They can be led astray by Satan, and this is normal. I am not angry with you.

I don't want to think negatively because I know my daughter has so many positive qualities. She is close to Allah and our religion, which makes her better than others. She knows right from wrong very well, and I am proud of my daughter for keeping her desires in control."

Helena raised her head, wiped her tears, and said while looking at him, "I'm shattered, Baba. My heart is completely shattered into a million pieces. It's aching from inside; it's killing me. I yearned for the things that were not meant for me. I involved myself in something that was completely haram." With that, she placed her palms on her face and started crying again.

Mr. Ahmed reassured her, while he was also feeling a sting in his heart but controlling himself to stay strong in front of her. He then said, "Shh, my child, listen to me. Allah shattered your heart because He saw you running towards something that was bad for you. Of course, you didn't realize it, but He is all-seeing and all-hearing.

He is 'Al-Alim' (ٱلْعَلِيمُ),

'The All-Knowing,' who knows what is inside His servants' hearts.

He is 'Al-Wahhab' (ٱلْوَهَّاب), '

The Bestower,' 'The Generous Giver.' Sometimes we beg for a flower, but Allah gives His servants the entire garden."

"He knows what's good and bad for His servant. Accept the fact that Allah is the best of planners and have sabr for what He has for you. It's up to you to come closer to Allah. Don't forget your prayers because that's what divides us from the kuffaar."

"I don't have any hope left, Baba. I upset my Allah, whom I love the most. I know I'll not be forgiven by Him. He isn't answering my Duas, even though I have asked a lot and sought forgiveness as much as I can. But He isn't answering any of my Duas.

I have waited, Baba, and I've been waiting since a year, but I haven't felt peace yet. I'm restless and distressed. How much do I have to endure, hmm?" She sniffed and continued, "I'm waiting for peace and forgiveness, Baba. He didn't stop me at first Alex hurt me and shattered me from inside. I'll never forgive Alex, Baba, never."

Ahmed looked at her with a shocked expression at her last sentences, realizing she wasn't aware of what she was saying. But he got that she was going through a lot, he then reassured her.

"Do not lose hope, my child. Allah will answer your Duas soon. If you look back, you will never move on. Everything He does has a purpose. Forgive whoever has hurt you and let Allah deal with them. If He removes them, then maybe it was a lesson. Allah is with you, and this should be enough to keep you going. Because Allah loves you, He will keep away from you those who do not love you."

He stopped, wiped her tears with his thumbs, and said while looking at her,

You know Helena,

Prophet Adam A.S (Adam) and Bibi Hawwa (Eve), the first human beings according to Islamic tradition, waited for a specific period of time. Some accounts suggest they waited for 40 years. Instead, their story in the Quran revolves around their creation, temptation, and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. They followed Satan's order and then faced consequences for disobeying Allah's command not to eat from the forbidden tree. They sought forgiveness for 40 years, and after 40 years, they were forgiven by Allah because they repented a lot.

Prophet Yaqub A.S (Jacob) waited patiently for 40 years, longing for the return of his beloved son. He was hopeful that his son would come one day. He prayed day and night and had sabr (patience) with faith. Prophet Yusuf A.S (Joseph), who was presumed dead after his brothers deceived their father, was eventually reunited with Prophet Yaqub A.S, marking a poignant moment of reconciliation and joy in their family.

Prophet Yunus A.S (Jonah) was sent by Allah to the people of Nineveh to call them to repentance. However, when they did not listen to his message, Yunus A.S left in frustration without waiting for Allah's command. As a consequence, God caused a storm at sea, and Yunus A.S was thrown overboard and swallowed by a large fish (whale). Islamic tradition typically states that he spent three days and three nights inside the whale, but he didn't stop seeking forgiveness and doing Dhikr continuously. After that, Allah forgave him.

Prophet Musa AS (Moses) and the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years as a result of their disobedience and lack of faith in Allah but then he repent a lot and Allah forgave them.

Prophet Nuh A.S (Noah) waited for 950 years, preaching monotheism to his people, who mostly rejected his message. Despite his persistent efforts, they continued in their disobedience. Eventually, Allah instructed him to build the Ark, leading to the flood that spared only the believers. This story highlights his patience and perseverance.

Most important and the most patient was our dear Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

One day, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (R.A) left Makkah, knowing the Quraysh had placed a bounty on them and sent search parties in all directions to find them. To avoid immediate capture, they decided to hide in the Cave of Thawr, located south of Makkah.

Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (R.A) stayed hidden in the cave for three days and nights. During this time, the Quraysh scouts came very close to the cave entrance. Abu Bakr (R.A) was extremely anxious, fearing they might be discovered, but the Prophet (PBUH) reassured him, saying, "Do not be sad, indeed Allah is with us" (Qur'an 9:40).

According to Islamic tradition, a spider wove its web across the cave's entrance, and a pair of pigeons nested there. These natural signs made the searchers believe the cave was uninhabited, and they did not enter.

This story shows how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) trusted Allah, and it shows how Allah's help can come in surprising ways.

Apart from this story, He had many enemies who always attacked Him, hurt Him in every manner, and some tried to kill Him, but He never took revenge on any of them. He had sabr, forgave them, and let them go.

*In the Quran, there's no mention of prophets waiting for a specific number of years. However, some Islamic interpretations or schools of thought may suggest otherwise.*

Helena listened to him attentively and carefully with her head down and teary eyes. Then Ahmed continued:

"We are not as pious, pure, and clean as these pious personalities, but we should take lessons from them. They are way beyond our imagination. Their aim was just to please Allah by doing ibadah. We can never become like them, but at least we can try to become good servants of Allah.

Allah loves those who repent and have patience. Allah loves those who seek forgiveness. So do pray and seek forgiveness as much as you can, and one day you will see that your prayers have been answered. I promise you, but for this, you have to have faith in Allah by heart."

Helena hummed in response while still looking down in her bracelet that she was wearing. Ahmed said again, "Now stand up, wash your face, and perform two nawafil of Salah Tauba, hmm?"

She hummed in response again with a nod and stood up from her spot, then went towards the bathroom. After washing her face and performing ablution, she returned to Ahmed. Ahmed looked at her with a smile on his face, placed both his palms on her cheeks, kissed her forehead, and then left. Helena then performed her nawafil.

It's been a month since Zaim came back to London from Switzerland because his final term exams were about to start. He had to come back to complete his preparations, although he didn't need to as he had already prepared every topic. It was 2 a.m., and he was engrossed in his revision when his phone rang. He saw Mr. Ali was calling him. He cut the call, turned off the phone, and returned to his revision.

After completing his preparations, he lay on the bed with his hands behind his neck, staring at the ceiling with intense look. Just then, he felt his heart getting heavier and suffocating. He stood up and went to his balcony to get some fresh air.

He took a deep breath with his eyes closed, then opened them and looked up at the starry sky. His gaze fixed on the sky with a pained look on his face. He kept looking at the sky for a while and started missing Helena so badly that he didn't realize tears had filled his eyes. A deep desire to see Helena once more welled up in his heart. He sniffed and whispered to himself, "I miss you so much. Where are you, Rose? How could I live without you?"

After that, he went back to his room, grabbed his car keys and wallet, and headed to the garage where his car was parked. He started the engine and drove off.

After roaming aimlessly, he returned as the Fajr call to prayer was being given. He stepped out of his car, looking up at the sky and hearing the sound of the adhan. The voice was filled in the air. His heart raced than before, and he placed his hand on his heart, feeling a familiar emotion. He stopped for a while to calm himself down.

He felt as if someone had gripped his heart and was pulling him towards the direction of the adhan. He thought he was tired and stressed from exam preparation, which why he was feeling that way.

After reaching his house, he went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. As the water splashed on his face, he pushed his hair back while his eyes were closed. Suddenly, he envisioned Helena performing her Fajr salah. He quickly opened his eyes while the water continued to splash over his muscular body.

He felt a weird sensation in his heart again, and goosebumps lingered over his body.

He rubbed his face with his palms, but his heartbeats continued to race. He turned off the faucet, wore a bathrobe, and went to his room. He reached the nightstand, poured some water into a glass, and drank it. The image of Helena performing namaz played in front of him again.

He placed his hands on his face and said in frustration, "Where are you, Rose? Where do I find you? Ahh, I'm going crazy." He then looked at the particular cupboard where Helena's diary was placed. He thought to himself, "I should read her diary one more time. Maybe I'll get some hints."

He went to the cupboard, grabbed the diary, and returned to the balcony. He opened it and started flipping through the pages carefully. Just then, he saw she had made another section with the title "My Secret Serenity."

"If two souls are written, not even a mountain can interfere. If Allah has gifted you to a person, then there is always a reason. But if your heart forces you to your knees, if your heart forces you to prayer, if your heart forces you to cry in their name, then surely Allah has a plan to bring you back together." A*H

Zaim stopped reading when he saw two initials at the end of the quote. He realized that "A" stood for Alex and "H" for Helena. His rage surged a little, but he calmed himself down. He grabbed a pen from the table, crossed out the initial "A," and wrote "Z" before "H." Smiling a little, he caressed the letters and then read further.

"Beshak Allah is merciful, the greatest, and the king of the entire universe."

"Islam emphasizes the worship of one God (Allah) without intermediaries, which can appeal to those seeking a direct connection with the divine."

"I, Helena, certainly believe in 'La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah' (There is none worthy of worship except God (Allah) and Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah)."

When he read the kalimah, his lips trembled, but as he did not believe in it, he flipped the pages and read other quotes highlighted in multiple colors. Just then, he reached a page where Helena had written more quotes.

"When I read the Quran, it always engages my heart and soul. Moreover, it invites believers to reflect on their lives, seek inner peace, and connect deeply with my beloved Allah. Its verses evoke a sense of awe, reverence, and closeness to the Divine, and I always get answers to all my questions, giving me serenity and peace.

I wish everyone in the world would embrace Islam and understand the truth about Islam and the Quran."

He made a thoughtful expression, then stood up and went to the nightstand where his phone was placed.

He grabbed his phone and returned to the balcony, sitting on the couch, and started searching for the Quran on his phone. He saw all the surahs appear and opened the first surah, Surah Al-Baqarah, with the translation. He tried to read the Arabic at first but couldn't, so he started reading the translation.

He began to take an interest in the translation and continuously felt goosebumps while reading every word of that surah.

As he continued reading the translation, he grew more and more astonished. His eyes remained wide open as if he was finding answers to his questions. His gaze fell on the clock, which showed 7 a.m. He turned off his phone because he had to get ready for university. He stood while stretching his muscles and taking a shower. After that he went to the university.

Two weeks had passed, and with his exams finally over, Zaim decided to head to Italy. He had been eagerly waiting for his exams to finish so he could search for Helena. He packed his travel bag with just the essentials, and by 2 p.m., he was on a flight to Rome.

After arriving in Rome, he rested in his hotel for a while before starting his search at night. He wandered all over the city, and the first few days in Rome were a blur. He visited the Trevi Fountain, where people were tossing coins and making wishes. He joined his both palms, closed his eyes, and wished, "Wherever you are, Rose, I'll find you. I wish I find you soon and make you mine." He then tossed the coin into the water. Despite spending four days searching in Rome, he couldn't find any trace of Helena.

Rome was just the first stop. A fast train took him to Milan, the fashion capital of Italy. Things were calmer there. He walked through a fancy shopping mall with a tall glass roof. After wandering around the shops, he entered Dolce & Gabbana and bought "The Only One" perfume and a long black gown for Helena.

He was already exhausted after searching for her, he stopped and said to himself while looking everywhere, "Yah, Rose, you made me roam in Rome, but you haven't shown up yet." He made a sad pout, just then the smell of fresh bread lured him into a bakery. He saw buttery croissants and ordered one. His gaze then fell on red velvet brownies, he remembered that it was Helena's favorite pastry and she used to eat this. He ordered those along with the croissants. After spending some time in Milan and Venice, Zaim moved on to Greece.


Mr. Ali was engrossed in paperwork at his office when the door creaked open. He looked up to see Jessica walk in, a cheerful smile on her face. She was holding a lunchbox in her hand. "Ahan, Miss Jess! What a delightful surprise," he said, rising from his chair and buttoning his coat.

Jessica grinned and sat across from him. "Yeah, I thought I'd surprise you with a home-cooked meal," she replied, setting the lunchbox on the table. "Well, I'm surprised, sweetheart," Ali said, his eyes sparkling with warmth. He pulled out a chair and sat beside her. As she began unpacking the lunch, she confessed, "Actually, Ali, I was thinking about something." Ali paused and asked with curiosity, "What's on your mind, my love?"

Jessica replied with her eyes lowered, "Well, with Helena and her family living here now, I was thinking it might be nice to take Helena and Ayesha shopping sometime." She then looked up at Ali, "You know, help them adjust to the city and all. It could be a good way for us to bond with them and spend some quality time together. What do you say?"

"That's a great idea, Jess," Ali replied, a smile appearing at Jessica's suggestion. "Okay then, I'll call her." Ali hummed in response, and they continued eating their lunch.

After reaching Greece, Zaim started his search from Athens. It was night and he was on a cruise, looking at the deep sea, while a waiter served him dinner. He smiled slightly at the waiter and then started his dinner. A couple nearby was laughing and giggling, feeding each other. Zaim's gaze fell on the happy couple. He felt helpless and started missing Helena.

A tear appeared in his eyes, but he held it back. He sniffed and, after finishing dinner, he called the waiter to clear the table. He then went to the edge of the cruise and continued to stare at the deep sea and starry sky. Nostalgia of Helena's memory overwhelmed him. After some time, he returned to his hotel to rest, as he was tired from searching and had a severe headache.

The next day, he decided to visit the Sake Tattoo Crew Studio to get a tattoo. He was fond of tattoos and had many on his body. This was his 12th tattoo, which he got on his back spine, spelling out "HELENA" vertically with small gaps between each letter. He then got another tattoo near his heart, spelling out "ROSE" with a small crown on the "R."

After reaching his hotel, he decided to resume his search the next day. He searched almost the entire Athens, leaving no corner unexplored. After spending some days there, he returned to London.

Jessica and Ayesha were ready to go shopping with Jessica, while Helena wore her simple black abaya. "Let's go, girls, have fun today," Jessica said while fastening her seatbelt. Helena and Ayesha laughed at Jessica's statement, Helena then said, "Jessica Aunty, you never look your age. How are you so energetic, huh?"

"That's a secret, girl. I'm not gonna tell you," Jessica replied with a wink. They laughed again along with Jessica. As they reached the shopping mall, they started shopping. After roaming for some time, Helena entered a shop of abayas. The shop was huge, with every type of abaya hanging. Helena's eyes widened, and a bright smile appeared on her face. She stepped forward in a daze, as abayas were always her favorite outfit. She tried on each abaya, showing Jessica and Ayesha. Jessica was even more impressed by her beauty.

Helena bought cardigans, other abayas, and hijabs of matching colors. Although Jessica paid for everything, Helena insisted on paying, but Jessica insisted back and made her buy. Jessica then went to another branded shop and said to Helena while grabbing her hand, "Today you will select outfits for me. I like your taste, and it attracts me, so I've decided to wear your choices from now on."

Helena smiled and nodded. She went through the outfits, picked an ice-blue kaftan, and moved towards Jessica. Its upper area was completely embroidered with white stones." Jessica made a puzzled look and asked, "What is this outfit called?" Helena smiled a little and replied, "My dear aunt, it's a kaftan, an Arabic outfit. I chose this color because you are so pretty and beautiful with great features, and you don't seem too old, so I picked this cool colour for you."

Jessica made an impressive look and said, "aww my cutest, I'll go for this, whether it suits me or not, because you chose something for me for the first time." Helena smiled again, and Jessica went to the fitting room to try on the dress. Helena was busy searching for something else for Jessica when Jessica returned. Helena's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw the dress enhancing Jessica's beauty even more.

The dress suited Jessica perfectly because of her height and toned body. Jessica said while caressing the dress with bright eyes, "Yah, girl, what are you, huh? I really like it. Look at me, I'm feeling like I'm the most beautiful lady on earth right now, isn't it ?" Helena, Ayesha, and the staff laughed at her statement. Helena chose other dresses like kaftans and long gowns for Jessica. Jessica tried them on and bought them. Jessica had never worn these types of clothes before because it had never been her taste, but she instructed Helena to choose according to her taste.

After shopping, they went for dinner. Jessica, Helena, and Ayesha shared some talk, and Helena told her about herself and her activities nowadays. During their conversation, Jessica accidentally mentioned the viral video of Helena and Alex, but Jessica was unaware that the boy was Alex. Helena immediately lowered her head in embarrassment while Ayesha looked over at her.

Jessica quickly noticed Helena's reaction and realized she might have hurt her with the comment. She hurried to cover up the topic, placing her hand on Helena's palm and saying gently, "I'm sorry, my baby. I really didn't mean to hurt you with my words. Please forgive..."

Helena looked at her and cutt of her words she then said, "It's okay, Jessica Aunty. I didn't mind." She then lowered her head, still feeling embarrassed and looking on her bracelet, Jessica also felt embarrassed for bringing up the topic. She said, "Helena, listen to me, my precious baby. Look at me."

Helena looked at her with doe-like, regretful eyes. Jessica continued, "First, I'm sorry, my precious diamond. Helena was about to say something obviously she was intending to prevent Jessica from saying sorry again and again but Jessica shushed her and said again while grabbing her palms into her,

"Let me speak then say something hmm." Helena hummed in response,

"I never want you to lower your head like this ever again. You didn't do anything wrong at all."

Helena looked back and forth at her with an intense and shocked look as Jessica continued, "At your age, every girl or boy makes mistakes. It's a normal thing. Even we adults make mistakes. If you think these things define who you are or make you characterless in front of me or anyone, don't bother your brain to think like that because I know you very well. I know your true character, and this one mistake can't change the fact.

It's important to forgive yourself and not let this incident weigh you down. Everyone faces difficult situations, and what matters is how you handle them. Move on from this with your head held high, knowing it might have been a test from your Lord, maybe to bring you closer to Him."

Jessica moved closer to Helena and said again, "Don't let this mistake overshadow your future. Focus on your strengths and the positive things ahead. You're still the same person I've always admired. It's okay to feel regret or sadness, but don't be too hard on yourself. Now, eat your food before it gets cold."

Helena felt tears fill her eyes. She sniffed, smiled a little while nodding her head she then hugged Jessica gently, and said, "Thank you so much, Aunty. I'll do as you said." Jessica kissed her forehead, and they engrossed themselves in eating.

After dinner, Jessica dropped Helena and Ayesha home. Helena and Ayesha said goodbye to Jessica and entered the house. They saw Mr. Ahmed sitting in the lounge, engrossed in a video call with Faris, who was living in London for his job. Just then, Mr. Ahmed saw Helena and Ayesha coming towards him.

Mr. Ahmed signaled to Ayesha and Helena, "Faris is on the call, come talk to him." They approached, and Ayesha took the phone from Ahmed's hand and started talking to Faris. Meanwhile, Helena sat beside Mr. Ahmed, embracing him with closed eyes. Then she heard Mr. Ahmed say, "Have you done with your shopping?" Helena replied, still with closed eyes, "Hmm, Baba. I got so tired; my feet are aching so bad."

Ahmed smiled at her and said, "My precious Helena, Baba be sacrificed on my beautiful child."

Helena giggled slightly. Just then, she felt Mr. Ahmed stand from his spot and sit a little farther from Helena. He said, "Stretch your feet and place them on my lap." Helena didn't understand and gave a "why, what is this for?" look. Ahmed repeated, "Place them already, Helena."

"But, Baba...," Helena said, but Ahmed cut off her words and said, "Shhh, just place your feet on my lap." Helena gently placed her feet on the other side of the couch and saw Ahmed start massaging her feet. Helena quickly moved her feet away and said with a surprised voice, "Baba, what are you doing?" Ahmed smiled at her slightly angry face and said, "My peace was tired, and her feet were aching, so can't I give a massage to my little child, huh, if my peace would not in peace so how could be am I in peace?" He made a dramatic look.

Meanwhile, Ayesha had finished talking with Faris. She came to call Helena to talk to Faris but ended up watching their bond, smiling and admiring both of them.

"You are my Baba. Your hand should be on my head, not on my feet. I'll never bear that my Baba touches my feet in any manner. It should be me who touches your feet," Helena replied, grabbing Ahmed's hands. "My precious Baba, Helena be sacrificed on you thousand times," Ahmed laughed a little as she copied his words, then heard Helena continue, "You are my crown, Baba, and I never imagine that my crown will be on my feet. It should be placed on my head, hmm."

Ahmed, impressed by her words, hugged her gently. He always tried to encourage Helena with his words and actions as he knew she was still dealing with that trauma. So he did his best to stay with her and heal her. Just then, their heads turned towards the direction of Ayesha's voice. "Faris wants to talk to you, Helena." Helena stood from her spot, took the phone from Ayesha's hand, and engrossed herself in talking with Faris.

On the other side, at Mohammadi villa Jessica entered the house while her servants carried the shopping bags. She asked one of her maids, "Where is Ali?" "He is in the study, ma'am," the maid replied. Jessica went towards the study where Ali was reading a book. When she entered the room, Ali looked at Jessica, took off his glasses, closed his book. He said while placing the book on the table. "Jess, you came,"

"Hmm, Ali, but I'm tired AF," she replied and came towards Ali. "Hahaha, who told you to spend the whole day in the mall, hmm? Call the designers here " Jessica sat on the chair's handle where Ali was sitting. "I just wanted to spend some quality time with Helena, Ali, and you know what? Helena chose outfits for me."

Just then, they moved their eyes towards the entrance where the servants were coming into the study room. Jessica gestured for them to put the bags on the table. After they left, she stood from the chair and started taking the clothes out of the bags, showing off each outfit by putting them on herself one by one, her joy was evident on her face. Ali noticed her happiness and said thoughtfully while nodding his head slightly, "Hmm, everything looks so beautiful, my love, and I can say Helena has good taste but there is no doubt my wife is more beautiful."

Jessica laughed at Ali a little while putting the clothes back in the bags and returned to Ali. She sat beside him and said, "Yeah, Ali, you are right. And moreover, her heart is even more beautiful." She paused and then said again while looking at a random spot, "I wish we could tie Helena to the moon she is so dear to me Ali."

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Ali say while caressing her hand, "It's alright, my love. What is written in her destiny will happen; we can't do anything."

"Hmm, I understand," she nodded.


Zaim stepped off the plane and into the bustling Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. A light rain was falling. The hum of conversations in French and the sight of people rushing by with their luggage made him realize he was finally in France. He had dreamed of this trip for a long time, but now he was here for a mission.

Paris was alive with activity, the streets filled with cars, bicycles, and people enjoying the day, some even enjoying the rain.

He decided to go to the hotel to take some rest as he always did first. It was 10 in the night when he reached the hotel. After checking in, he headed towards his room, scanned the whole room, took off his shirt, and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. After returning, he jumped into bed as the weather was cold and he was freezing. He wrapped himself in a blanket, turned off the lights and the side lamps, and tried to sleep.

After awhile, he unwrapped the blanket from his face, sat up in bed, turned on the lamp, and scanned the room. He was searching for his handbag where he had placed Helena's diary. He went towards the bag, unzipped it, and took out the diary. He took a deep breath, took out a pen from the bag, and returned to his bed, sitting half on it. He opened the diary and wrote something in it. He had almost filled 10 pages of the diary, and some pages remained empty.

He yawned deeply, an "awwww" sound escaping him. He was falling into a deep, dreamy sleep, lying down on the bed and continuing to write. Afterward, he placed the diary back on his chest, stretched his arms, and rubbed his eyes with his hands. He didn't realize when he unintentionally opened a page where Helena had written something he had already read but didn't understand. He went into a deep sleep.


"Zaim, son of Ali, do you accept Helena, daughter of Ahmed, as your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

At dawn, the world was still and quiet. The sky slowly changed from dark to a soft pink-purple. In a small apartment away from the noisy streets, the first light peeked through the window curtains.

Inside, everything was peaceful. A gentle breeze stirred the curtains, causing them to sway softly. Zaim was in his sleepy dreamland, lost in his dream with a smile and dimples appearing on his face. He furrowed his brows still in deep sleep, moving slightly, then woke up suddenly. He sat up in bed, breathing fast and feeling his heart racing. He was confused and trying to understand what that dream was.

He stayed still for a moment, wide awake, trying to remember the dream he just had, feeling both amazed and unsure about what he saw. Zaim looked towards the window where the morning light was just starting to come in. It was dawn, and he remembered that it was the same time when he heard the Fajr adhan. He grabbed his temple with closed eyes and made a thoughtful expression, Getting out of the bed.

He touched his chest, feeling his heart thumping like a drum. The warmth and peace from the dream were still with him. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he recalled that it was Helena with whom he was having nikkah at Haram Makkah.

He said to himself, "Yahh Helena, what was that, Rose? What's the meaning of it? Why were we at that place, and what were we doing huhh? And what is this now? It was completely uncertain. You were in a veil, a long veil that covered you entirely, and I still remember you looked so majestic, more than ever." He spoke as if he were addressing Helena directly, gesturing with his hands as if she were sitting in front of him.

He grabbed his temple with closed eyes and made a thoughtful expression, getting out of bed. He said again, "Well, whatever that was, at least you were with me." He went to the window, pulled back the curtain, inhaled the fresh air with a smile while stretching his arms, and stood there, looking at the peaceful morning. The early morning light filled the room, making him feel refreshed. His courage to search for Helena increased.

When Zaim was going to the bathroom to freshen up, his gaze fell on a diary placed on the bed. He approached it and intended to grab it when his sight fixed on the page he had unintentionally opened last night.

إِنَّمَآ إِلَـٰهُكُمُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِى لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۚ وَسِعَ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ عِلْمًۭا

Innamaaa ilaahu kumul laahul lazee laa ilaaha illaa Hoo; wasi'a kulla shai'in ilmaa.

"Your only God is ALLAH, there is no God ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. He encompasses everything in ˹His˺ knowledge."

(Surah Ta'ha 20:98)

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدْعُونِىٓ أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِى سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ

Wa qaala Rabbukumud 'ooneee astajib lakum; innal lazeena yastakbiroona an 'ibaadatee sa yadkhuloona jahannama daakhireen.

"And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.'"

(Surah Ghafir 40:60)

He looked at his arms, feeling goosebumps after reading the translation. He felt as if someone had gripped his heart, cleaned it and sewed it again with a velvet thread. He placed his hand on his heart to calm himself down while turning the page with the other hand.

وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰ

Wa la sawfa yu'teeka rabbuka fatarda.

"And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied."

(Surah Ad-Duha 93:5)

وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ

Wahuwa ma'akum ayina ma kuntum.

"And He is with you wherever you are."

(Surah Al-Hadid 57:4)

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِۦ نَفْسُهُۥ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ ٱلْوَرِيدِ

Wa laqad khalaqnal insaana wa na'lamu maa tuwaswisu bihee nafsuhoo wa Nahnu aqrabu

ilaihi min hablil wareed.

"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein."

(Surah Al-Qaf 50:16)

His eyes wide opened when he read these verses. He gripped his jugular vein with his fingertips and felt the vein thumping. He took a deep breath and felt a depress in his spine.

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌۖ أُجِيبُ دَعۡوَةَ ٱلدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِۖ فَلۡيَسۡتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلۡيُؤۡمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَرۡشُدُونَ

Wa izaa sa alaka 'ibaadee 'annnee fa innee qareebun ujeebu da'wataddaa'i izaa da'aani falyastajeeboo lee wal yu'minoo bee la'allahum yarshudoon.

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me."

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:186)

وَهُوَ ٱلۡغَفُورُ ٱلۡوَدُودُ

Wa Huwal Ghafoorul Wadood.

"And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate.'

(Surah Al-Buruj 85:14)

إِنَّا كُنَّا مِن قَبۡلُ نَدۡعُوهُۖ إِنَّهُۥ هُوَ ٱلۡبَرُّ ٱلرَّحِيمُ

Innaa kunnaa min qablu nad'oohu innahoo huwal barrur raheem.

"Indeed, it is He who is the Beneficent, the Merciful."

(Surah At-Tur 52:28)

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُدَٰفِعُ عَنِ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ خَوَّانٍۢ كَفُورٍ

Innal laaha yudaafi' 'anil lazeena aamanoo; innal laaha laa yuhibbu kulla khawwaanin kafoor.

"Truly, ALLAH defends those who believe. Verily! ALLAH likes not any treacherous ingrate to ALLAH [those who disobey AAH but obey Shaitan (Satan)."

(Surah Al-Hajj 22:38)

Turning the page, he saw other verses. He was still distressed, feeling restless and at peace at the same time. Sweat completely covered his body from top to bottom. Tears appeared in his eyes, but he tried to stop them from streaming down. He sniffed and turned the page again, where his eyes widened when he read that Helena had written something for Alex when she was with Alex.

Zaim's facial expressions changed in a second. He read everything that Helena had written for Alex, looking at the other side feelinglessly. He looked back at the pages, started to rip them out, and threw them in the bin. It was his hobby to read Helena's diary over and over again. Helena had written many things in it, which sparked Zaim's interest, and he made a habit of reading it daily. He closed the diary and stood up from his spot, placing back at its place and went to get freshen up.


It was 9 in the morning and Zaim was standing outside his hotel, sighing peacefully as he said, "Bonjour, the city of lights." He closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air. Just then, he heard, "Owwwee, hotness overloaded." He opened his eyes and saw a girl passing by, giving him a compliment with a seductive wink. He stood straight, looked around his surroundings, and ignored the girl.

He then said, "Okay, so Miss Helena, I guess you should be here in France, hmm." A car approached him, and he got inside and drove off. He started his search at the Louvre Museum, knowing that Helena had always wanted to become an artist since her childhood, as she had shared a few of her dreams with her friends. She had also written about a few places in France in her diary, as she was fond of writing down her dreams.

He stepped into the grand entrance of the Louvre Museum, feeling indifferent as he came here frequently on vacation. The vast glass pyramid at the entrance sparkled in the sunlight, surrounded by old, beautiful buildings.

As he walked through the main hall, he saw people from all over the world eagerly exploring the museum. He headed straight to the most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Although the Mona Lisa was considered the most beautiful painting in the world, he kept glaring it and saw Helena suddenly appeared in it , he snapped back to reality and thought nothing was more beautiful than Helena.

He smiled while rubbing the back of his nape then he made his way to other paintings. He explored different parts of the museum and saw old Greek statues like the Venus de Milo. The statues were very exquisite. He walked through long halls with high ceilings. The walls were covered with enchanting and splendid paintings and sculptures. He stopped to look at the details in the art.

He was searching for Helena in every corner and failed again. He stopped at a nearby restaurant for lunch. After finishing his meal, he searched for Helena from every corners to the streets. By 6 in the evening, he went shopping and bought many things for Helena as he always did.

After that he went to his favorite place, the Eiffel Tower. He went to the top by elevator and stood there, watching many couples engrossed in their romantic moments—some hugging, some proposing. He looked at them with his doe eyes then looked at the starry sky, tears filling his eyes, and said in a pained voice, "Where are you, God? Where do I find you? Is it true that if I find you, I'll find my Rose?



"Love is the beginning of a beautiful adventure."

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Love from Ann 💜