Getting Rid of Kranus - Part 2

As Sierra walked through the cave she had chosen, she started to wonder, if she hadn't met with Kranus, how would her life be?

While she was walking, something passed through her, but she hadn't seen it. Soon, something passed about eight times, and still, she was clueless. As she slipt, she quickly cowered and ran. 'Kranus!, help me!' she yelled, but no response. As soon as she saw the beautiful blue sky, she ran there and soon stopped. When she looked down, she saw a thousand trees and rocks and fell. Whilst she was falling, Kranus quickly held her as she almost hit her head on a rock. 'Thanks, Kranus.' 'Pleasure.' said Kranus. While she was walking, it was time for her to finally be happy. 

'Tis the night come, it was time for Sierra to have her normal ten-hour sleep. Sierra had to sleep for ten hours because she was with a demon sharing a body. So, she threw the pan out and got on the floor to sleep, as Kranus watched over her. 

While Sierra was sleeping, she heard someone call out her name. 'Sierra...' they whispered. As Sierra woke up, she screamed at the person standing right in front of her face. When she looked closer, she saw her father. 'D-dad?' 'Hey sweetie.' 'Oh-My-Gosh, you're here.' 'Of course, we else would I be without you?' 'I don't know, heaven?' 'Yeah.' 'Your my love, piece cake.' 'Piece cake?' 'Yeah, what's wrong?' 'You never call me that.' 'What?' 'You only call me Sweetie or... You're not my father.' said Sierra as she backed up. 'What are you saying Sierra, it's me, papa.' 'Now I know it's not you, I call my father, dad or Daddy, not papa.' 'Urgh!, this is taking so much time, fine, you're right, I'm not your father.' said the imposter. 

Soon Sierra's father's face opened as a huge creature burst out of him. 'What the fuck?' she cussed. As the creature looked at her, before it could attack, Sierra picked up her stuff and ran. While she was running, this weird flesh-octopus was chasing after her very promptly. She kept on calling out Kranus's name but he was nowhere to be found. Sierra thought it was the end for her as the creature jumped right at her heading for her head. 

The light of the sun started to shine as the creature burnt to dust. As she saw it burn, she shed a lot of tears. She was upset to see her very own father was not there. As she fell to the ground, she called out Kranuses name. 'Kranus!' she yelled while weeping. 'What do you want and Urgh!, why are you crying?' 'Did you have something to do with this?' 'To do with what?' 'You made a weird creature come as my father.' 'I swear, it wasn't me.' 'I-I.' 'Sierra, maybe we should just go back.' 'No, I'm going to get rid of you.' 'Why?' 'Because you may be the person who killed my father.' 'I didn't.' 'Then who did?, who really killed my father?' 'I don't know.' said Kranus as he lied. 'Of course, you don't know, because it was you.' 'It wasn't.' 'I'm leaving.' said Sierra as she kept on walking. 

Through forest and weird-looking jungles, she finally arrived and there it was, the place of the demon catcher. 'Sierra, you have to reconsider.' pleaded Kranus. But Sierra kept silent. While walking in the place, it began to vibrate, and on top of her, a weird sharp rock headed straight for her. Before it could touch her, Kranus stopped it and then threw it aside. Before Sierra could thank Kranus, the demon catcher appeared. 

'So it is true, another demon lives in this world.' 'I'm sorry, where are you?' 'I'm everywhere.' 'What do you mean?' 'I'm a demon catcher, I'm everywhere and I just tested to see if you had one and you did.' 'Wait if I didn't have that, I could've died.' 'Indeed.' 'Are you sick?' 'Well, that's the only reason why you're here, so I can capture your demon.' 'Yes please.' 'Come forth.' said the demon Catcher. 

As Sierra stood closer, a circle that appeared to be around her started to glow, as the demon catcher came forward. 'I'm going to need to ask you some questions?' 'Yes, sure.' 'Did this demon make your life better?' 'I don't think so, I would forget what happens actually.' 'Mmmm... Did he ever hurt you?' 'Do you mean physical or emotional?' 'Maybe both?' 'I think mostly emotional.' 'Okay, here's the most important question, would you ever keep Kranus after the experience you had coming here with him?' asked the demon catcher. Sierra stood there silently, filling herself with memories of what just happened. The memories were:

The time she killed her annoying siblings 

The death of Chloe 

And most importantly, when he helped her life to be better, in education and personality. 

She soon gave it a thought and said 'I-I want to keep Kranus.' 'That's funny, I'll start the ritual now.' 'No, I'm serious, I want him.' 'I'm sorry young lady but no, you're going to give that demon back to me, now.' 'You're going to have to fight me.' 'Fine then.' said the demon catcher as he appeared in his human form. 

He soon started to blow sending Kranus out of Sierra's body from her back. Sierra quickly summoned Kranus leaving for him to enter her body as her eyes turned orange. She then touched the ground with both her hands as the demon catcher froze. She soon flew to the demon catcher and she punched him, leaving for him to hit the ground. She then blasted a hot beam of fire at him, but she was too late as he jumped up and hit her, leaving for her nose to turn and blood gushing out. 

She was then weak on the ground, as he got to her and held her by her neck. He then breathed in as Kranus was being pulled out from her mouth. Sierra was too weak and wasn't able to pull him back in. It was that moment when Kranus knew how he'd get her to force him back in. 

He then said, 

"Sierra, I know you can't hear me or anything, but believe me, I know what you're going through. And I'm going to tell you who really killed your father. It was, it was... your uncle. He thought that your father killed your aunt and her baby, so he got revenge. He went to your father and started shooting him. But then he thought it wasn't enough, so he took those branches and started to tie the one with thorns around your father's neck. When he saw you, I quickly went into you and killed him. I was too afraid to tell you for I thought it would tarnish your feelings. Please Sierra, please let me in you. You can trust me. I won't let you down." Said Kranus as he was almost absorbed into the chest that was in the demon catcher's hand. 

And just like that Sierra got upset and her eyes turned red and Kranus got absorbed into her while she blasted the demon catcher against the wall, as his human arm came off. Sierra then grabbed the chest and threw it in the air, as she flew fast towards the demon catcher. She then grabbed his human leg and said 'You wanna demon, here's one.' as she threw the demon catcher's body into the chest, and in a blink of an eye, the whole place exploded leaving Sierra to get bruised and lost consciousness. Kranus then made her fly and took her to a safe place in the forest, while he healed her wounds and bruises. 

As she woke up, she started to cough wondering where she was, as Kranus said 'Don't worry, we're not far from home.' 'Oh, cool.' 'Cool.' 'What you said, was it true, did my uncle really kill my dad.' 'Yes, I knew you wouldn't take it well.' 'No im fine, I'm glad you told me the truth, I wanna go home now.' 'No problem.' 'I have one condition for letting stay on earth.' 'Sure, what is it?' 'You will be kept a secret, if anybody finds out that I have you, I'll take you straight to another demon catcher and you'll kiss your ass back to the demon realm or wherever you came from.' 'Yes, Sierra.' 'Cool, now teach me how to fly so we can go back home.' said Sierra as she took off. 

As she got home, her mother ran straight to her worried. 'Where the hell have you been?' 'I'm fine mama.' 'You better be.' 'And don't worry, I'm ready to go to school.' 'Are you sure?' 'Yes mother, now can I go sleep, I don't want to be late.' 'Okay, get a goodnight rest now.' said her mother as Sierra passed by her. 

A lot of things were going to happen for Kranus was in great danger. 


'It's him sir, it's Kranus.' 'Where is he?' 'We don't know sir, but we're searching for him.' 'Good, Kranus will pay for everything he has done, he will perish, if that's the last thing I do.' said the demon.