The New Kids

As Sierra woke up, she heard a banging on her door, as she turned around, she saw Kranus. She stood up and went to open the window. 'Couldn't you have opened the window?' 'You wish.' 'But aren't you a demon.' 'It doesn't matter, are you okay?' 'A bit, that whole thing of the kiss is making me judge myself, my sexuality.' 'Don't worry, you'll always be straight to me.' 'Thanks.' 'Hey, why don't you try to throw the party for Sasha and maybe see if you kiss Cassandra again, that you might be lesbian or straight.' 'You might be right.' 'I know.' laughed Kranus as he entered Sierra's body. 

As Sierra got on the bus, she and Cassandra stared eye to eye as Cassandra looked away and sat down. Sierra then walked all the way to Cassandra as she sat next to her. 'Hey.' 'Oh, hey.' 'How are you.' 'What do you want?' 'Well first, I'd like to talk about yesterday's kiss.' 'That was a mistake, I was drunk.' 'Why were you drunk?' 'Listen here, Cierra, I do not like you.' 'Then why did you ask me to join your group, OMG, did you drink for your feelings for me.' said Sierra. As Cassandra heard that, she instantly pushed Sierra off the seat as the bus turned and Sierra hit her head against the pole leaving a wound that was leaking a little blood. 'Just leave me alone, can you do that.' Said Cassandra as Sierra left to the back seat. 'Are you good?' 'I don't know what's happening to me, Kranus, I need a break.' 'You sure do.' said Kranus. 

As Sierra headed to her locker, Sasha was standing in front of it. 'Oh great, you're here.' 'Why wouldn't I be?' 'What do you want?' 'The details, what kind of party should I throw?' 'Isn't that you're job?' 'Uh yes, but I need help.' 'I can't with you.' 'I'm sorry?' 'I said I can't do it now, maybe later.' 'Cool.' said Sasha. 

When they prepared to go to class, the school doors opened and these four kids came in with about twenty bodyguards. As they were heading to the hallway, the bodyguards pushed the kids straight to their locker making a way for the four kids as the principal appeared in front of them. 

"Good morning Students, 

Today the four new students, 

Kevin, Emma, David and Miley Yullah will be joining us this year, they come from the creator of tap it, he is a multi-millionaire and it was his wish that they attend this school, please will you give them a huge applause then space and let them enjoy this year at Stanford high. Enjoy the rest of the day." Said Principal Mary. 

As Sierra turned around, Emma Yullah bumped into her. 'Urgh, watch where you're walking.' 'I'm sorry, who do you think you're talking to.' 'Um, the bitch right in front of me.' 'Did you just call me a bitch.' 'Oop, I meant snitch.' said Sierra as Emma called the principal and Sierra was given detention. 'Real smooth, Sierra.' said Kranus. 

As Sasha was going to her new group, Sierra texted her the details for the party. 


I think you should try to invite the three new kids to the party, it can be a welcome party for them and the clothing will only be pants for the girls, it's pants and bras. Basically a half-naked party. Ciao" 

As Sasha read the story, she was so happy just as her new girl group headed toward her. 'Do you have an idea?' asked the leader of the group. This group was called the PPGG, (𝗣ink 𝗣ussy 𝗚irl 𝗚roup.) the badest girl group in the school, currently the number one spot after the Fancy-Dancy group. 'Yes, and it's going to be spectacular.' 'Are you sure?' 'Yes, there is one problem?' 'What is it?' 'Well, we will need the new three kids, it's going to be a welcome party.' 'That can be arranged, so far so good?' 'Yes ma'am.' 'Great, I'll see you soon.' said the leader of the group as she left. 

While Starla was walking to the store, she was pulled in by Paul who then kissed her. He kissed her so hard that she couldn't let go of the kiss. She then pushed him towards the wall as he starts to unbutton her T-shirt displaying her bra. As he felt her breast, he gave a soft moan preparing to remove her bra. As he was close to unbuttoning it, Starla pushed him away and got dressed. 'What the fuck was this?' 'It was checking if a demon is in you?' 'What!?' 'Have you not seen the signs, so many people died last year, it's crazy.' 'What are you talking about.' 'I'll show you.' Said Paul as he grabbed Starla by her hand and took her in his car. 

When they arrived, he then pulled her out as he took her to this weird-looking place. When she entered, she was surprised to see weird pictures of people and how lines were connected to a picture of a demon. 'What is happening with you, Paul.' 'I've done my research and investigated the city, it's true, a demon has come back into our lives!' 'What!?' 'Did you know over five people died last year and they all connect to someone who goes to high school, I thought it was you so I kissed and was hoping we had sex so I could see if the demon was going to hurt me, but since you were able to push away, you don't have one.''But that's impossible, me and my father defeated Kranus.' 'I don't think he died or disappeared, he is still alive Starla and it's up to us to find him.' 'Bullshit, everything you're saying is crazy, I'm leaving.' 'You can't leave, we have to find this demon.' 'Just please, stop it, Paul, I'm leaving.' said Starla as she left. Not even a minute, she came back in. 'I knew you'd change your mind.' 'No, I need a ride home, I don't know where the fuck I am!' 'Fine.' said Paul as he drove her back. 

As Sasha prepared the party supplies, already her new group entered the building. 'Wha-What are you guys doing here?' 'Well, we have a condition for making the new kids come to the party.' 'Wha-What is it?' 'We need drama, we need either a couple that breaks up or even worse, a fight.' 'But, how am I supposed to do that?' 'Do you want to be in the group or not?' 'Yes, I'll see what I can do.' 'You better, I don't have time for your Bullshit, Sasha.' said the leader of the PPGG. 

As a kid named Henry was walking down the corridor, he was pushed against the lockers as an anonymous person with a red mask appeared in front of him. 'Who are you and what the fuck do you want?' said Henry, as the anonymous person took out a gun and pointed it at Henry's head. 'Whoa, what's with the gun.' 'Shut up, I need a favour from you.' 'Wha-What do you want me to do.' 'I want you to Ask Sierra Nevada to have sex with but accidentally spalt sperm in her as she becomes pregnant then I want you to yell to everyone that she raped you as she tries to blame it on you.' 'I don't even like the girl, why would I do that.' 'Stop asking questions, or else...' said the anonymous person as they clicked the gun. Henry then began to keep on nodding until they let him go. 'Good, make sure no one finds out about this meeting.' 'Yes ma'am, or sir, I'll begin to run away.' said Henry as he ran away. 

While Sierra was walking to the bus stop, she was grabbed by Cassandra as she pulled Sierra to the back of the bus. 'Wha-What are you doing?' 'I see your friend is throwing a party.' 'Yeah, so?' 'I'll add you to the group if you come.' said Cassandra as Kranus froze time. 'You have to accept that offer?' 'What are you talking about.' 'This will help you get closer to her and figure out your sexuality.' 'I don't know, I don't want to be in any group while I'm possessed by a demon that freezes time.' 'Come on Sierra, for once stop being afraid and grab life by the horns.' 'Wow, that was actually encouraging, I'll do it, thanks Kranus.' 'You're welcome, Kranus out.' said Kranus as he re-entered Sierra's body and unfroze time. 'I will come.' said Sierra as Cassandra gave a little smile. 'Cool, I'll see you there.' 'Cool then, goodbye.' said Cassandra as she left to the front seat. Sierra just sat there confused about who this person was as she began to gaze at the window.