Sierra knew she had to do something, as she miraculously froze time. 'Oh shit, oh shit!' 'Woah, did you just freeze time?' 'Oh shit, I did, I'm like super nervous.' 'I suggest getting Wanda here right now.' 'Oh yeah.' Kranus said, as Sierra quickly saw Wanda on the other side of the road, while she unfroze time.
'WANDA!' Yelled Starla. 'Oh, she's here.' said Starla. Soon Wanda's hair descended as she fell. 'Are you okay?' 'I'm fine, just a minor vis-, physical problem.' said Wanda, trying to prevent herself from revealing her secret.When it was finally time for Starla to use the bathroom, Sierra asked Wanda what she had seen. 'It was weird, I saw a purple room and there was this creature with spikes for hands and a red shadow creature and the shadow killed the spike one but then I also saw someone injured. It was a weird one.' 'A purple room with creatures fighting, I got nothing.' Said Sierra as her mom came out and they continued the journey.When they finally arrived at the train station, Paul, came running to Starla. 'Hey Starla, can I speak to you quickly.' 'Sure, kids go in the train.' said Starla, as Sierra and Wanda took the tickets and went in.'What, what's wrong?' 'I think there might be a possible fight in the train.' 'No, there can not be, I need to make the girls go to the Museum.' 'There might be a possibility, I just want to come with you.' 'Let me guess, you need my help.' 'I just need your help setting the camera's in each cart.' 'Fine.' Agreed Starla.
When the train started to move, Sierra caught her eye on an extremely handsome boy looking at Wanda. 'Oh, twelve o' Clock.''No, it's nine O' Clock.''No, a cute boy is looking at you, hard.' 'Oh, I'm scared.' said Wanda as she farted. 'Are you serious?' 'Yes, I'm nervous.' 'Well, I'm calling him here.' 'Oh, please don't.' begged Wanda but Sierra had already called the guy and left.'Hey, I'm Kevin.' 'Oh, hey Kevin.' 'I love your white hair with your blue eyes, your very beautiful...' 'Oh, Wanda, Wanda Seville.' 'Wanda, are you in a relationship?' 'No, never.' 'Well then, the person who didn't take you was stupid.' 'Thanks.' 'Wanna get coffee later with me.' 'I would love that.' said Wanda as she gazed into his eyes. He then moved closer to her and so did she.He then cupped her head as she kissed her and Wanda shivered. She then pulled in the kiss as their lips pressed wet and hard to each other. While the mwah sound echoed in their ear, they just wanted to Last longer, as Wanda saw Starla and pushed him away. 'I'm sorry, my aunt is coming and she will kill me for, you know.' 'You mean, kissing me.' 'Yeah, that word.' 'Well, when you're free, I'd love to meet up with you.' 'Me too.' 'Goodbye, Wanda Seville.' 'Google, I mean Goodbye Kevin.' said Wanda as Kevin left.As Starla sat the camera on the top, she headed straight to Wanda. 'That's a cute boy right there.' 'Yeah, he's cute.' 'Don't get your hopes up, he looks weird.' 'We are taking slow to see if we are manageable for a relationship.' 'Well, I have to say, his cuter and more gorgeous than that purple room on this train.' 'Excuse me?' 'Yeah, he's cute.' 'No, the thing about the purple room.' 'Yeah, it's so purple, and there are like five seats in there.' 'I have to go see Sierra.' 'Urgh, rude.' said Starla.When Wanda found Sierra, while she tried to go to her, she fell and the train stopped. 'Wanda, are you okay?' asked Sierra as she ran to Wanda. 'Sierra, it's here, you are going to battle a demon.' 'What?' 'The purple room is in the train, the one I saw in my vision, the demon is he-' before finishing, something cut the wall of the cart and threw it out as a creature with a face that is white and has no mouth, ears nor eyes and black arms, fingers that are look spikes. 'That is the demon that I saw.' said Wanda as the demon cut the cargo leaving for the rest of it to roll away. 'Wanda!' Yelled Sierra.PREVIEW OF THE DEMON:'So you possess Kranus.' 'Who are you?' 'I'm Clemounve, but regularly known as Extinguisher, and I've been sent to kill Kranus.' 'Well I'm sorry, Kranus isn't here.' 'Bullshit.' said Extinguisher, as he stretched his spikes which pulled Sierra to the doors, leaving for her to hang. 'This won't hurt that much for you, but for Kranus, a lot.' 'Not on my watch.' said Sierra as she blasted extinguisher to a red room where she kept on blasting him so that one of his spikes came off. 'Not tough anymore, huh?' laughed Sierra.In a flash, Extinguisher poked his spike in Sierra's leg as she fell and he then used the leg to throw her back to the room she was in. Extinguisher then jumped and made his spike extend around Sierra's neck, choking her.'I don't have time for this, reveal yourself Kranus or else I will kill the girl.' 'Fine, here I am Clemounve.' 'It's Extinguisher.' 'I don't care, leave us alone, I don't want to fight you.' 'Whereas I must kill you.' 'You don't have to.' 'I do, or else I will be a slave for eternity.' 'I don't want to fight you.' 'Then I'm afraid you'll have to compromise.' Said Extinguisher as she cut Sierra's cheeks and threw her in the air and elbowed her in her stomach, sending her to fall back into the moving train. 'Sierra, you have to make me take control, so I can kill him.' 'Won't I die?' 'You will die now, I'm the only one that can stop him.' 'I trust you Kranus, save the people on the train.' said Sierra as Kranus took control.Sierra then began to ascend in mid-air as smoke started to cover her and began to scream. As the smoke disappeared, a red shadow creature appeared. 'Let's end this.' said Kranus.Kranus then jumped as he blasted a fire-smoke ball at extinguisher, leaving his arm to burn. Kranus then grabbed him and made his head keep on hitting the rocks while the train was moving. Extinguisher then poked his spike in Kranus's stomach and threw him in the air. Extinguisher then jumped and started stabbing Kranus one by one. Kranus then disappeared as he reappeared in front of Extinguisher and screamed that fire started to come out, burning extinguisher's face.Extinguisher then grabbed Kranus and flew him into the cart with the purple room, where Paul was. Kranus then formed a shadow-sword and tried to cut Extinguisher as he spiked Kranus from behind and threw him against the wall. Extinguisher then opened his stomach, where Kranus was going to be absorbed. Kranus tried to his best to get away, but the absorption was too strong.Paul then saw a knife and he grabbed it and threw it to extinguisher's stomach, destroying the purple room. Kranus then flew to extinguisher and started to tangle a smoke-rope around his neck and In a flash he twisted it, peeling off his head. Kranus then hanged his body and started burning it as it faded away in the dust.Paul was so happy, he fainted.Kranus then let go of Sierra as she appeared in her actual form. 'That was crazy.' said Wanda. 'I know, thanks Kranus.' 'My pleasure.' said Kranus.
When the train stopped, Starla and Paul called a cab and went back to the house.When they got home, Sierra felt a bit more powerful. 'What's up?' 'I don't know?' 'I feel so powerful, it's crazy.' 'It's normal.' 'Yeah right.' 'What?' 'We are in no way, NORMAL!' Said Sierra as she and Wanda laughed.