During the ride, Steve's wound healed and his hands become red and blue, as he fell asleep.
PRESENTAs school ended, Sierra wanted to meet with Wanda as she saw her with Cassandra. 'Hey, what are you guys talking about?' 'Well, I want to join the Fancy-dancy group.' 'Really, why?' asked Sierra. 'Well... It would be nice to have Wanda join since she's psychic.' 'Wait, you know?' asked Sierra in shock. 'Yeah, I told her,' said Wanda as Sierra pulled her to the lockers.'What are you doing?' 'What?' 'You can't tell people your ability, it needs to be top secret.' 'Why though, I trust Cassandra.' 'It's not about her, if she by any chance tells her friends, we are doomed.' 'Oh come on, even if she does, what will happen.' 'Hm, let me see, the government comes for you, or worse, that girl Stephanie comes back to life.' 'Oh, you're just exaggerating,' said Wanda as she went to Cassandra. 'I'll be happy to join your group.' 'Cool, we have a meeting tomorrow night, see you there... Bye Sierra,' said Cassandra as she blushed, and Sierra too.Wanda then tickled Sierra under her armpits as she said, 'Do you, maybe, like Sierra.' 'No, why would say that?' 'I saw how you guys looked at each other.' 'No, not at all... Okay, maybe.' 'Oh my gosh, you like Cassandra.' 'I'm not sure, I mean we only kissed once.' 'This is so cute, killer demon girl fell in love with bitch.' 'Ouch,' said Sierra as they went to her mom's car and went home.°°°While Wanda was sleeping, her hair suddenly ascended and her eyes turned white as she fell into an abandoned house. Wanda then stood up and looked around and saw nothing but the house. As she opened the doors, rats came running out as she screeched against the wall. Wanda was scared but she kept on waking as she found herself in the hugest part of the sitting room, the bedroom.Wanda then opened all the doors, and she saw a picture of an octopus. When she headed for the bed, the ground started to shake and there was a voice whispering, 'Sierra, Sierra, Sierra...'As Wanda ran to the door, it locked shut and Wanda fell to the floor.
The floor then opened as a hole appeared and the tentacles came out. Wanda started to panic as she tried to break open the doors but she was unsuccessful. Soon, one of the tentacles grabbed her by the foot as she tried screaming. She was nearly close to being sucked into the hole as Wanda looked in the hole, right there, she saw a huge eyeball covered with tentacles as it looked right into her eyes, filling her with fear then pulled as Wanda held the floor with her hand as her fingers let go, one by one. As the last finger let go, Wanda fell into the hole as she was near the eye, and as it blinked, Wanda woke up and started screaming.°°°Sierra then stood up and ran to Wanda. 'What's wrong?' 'I... I... I saw it.' 'Saw what?' 'The... The Octopus in the sinkhole, I saw its eye.' 'Really, where did you see it?' 'By... By an abandoned place, it almost ate me.' 'Was there anything else,' asked Sierra, as Wanda remembered the whispers. 'Your name, there was a voice that whispered your name three times, it wants you.' 'What?' 'Yes, that THING, wants you,' said Wanda as Sierra got worried.Later Wanda went back to sleep, and Sierra couldn't wonder why it said her name.°°°The next morning, Wanda woke up Sierra and said to her, 'Cassandra said that we should meet her at the stadium.' 'I don't think I'm gonna come.' 'Why, this is going to be my first time in the group.' 'The vision you had, it's worrying me.' 'How sure am I that it was a vision, it could've been a dream.' 'I know for sure that that was a vision because I saw that octopus at Sasha's house.' 'Oh, it's real.' 'Yeah, and I'm going to find out why my name and I are involved,' said Sierra as she headed to shower.'Are you gonna look into this?' asked Kranus. 'Yep, each one of it,' said Sierra.
°°°When Starla dropped Wanda off, she got a phone call."Hello?""Hey, it's me, Paul.""What's up?""There has been an attack at the Momends old-abandoned house.""Really, by what?""Guess what, the octopus that attacked Sasha's home.""I'm on my way," said Starla as she hung up the phone.While Wanda heads towards the stadium, Cassandra and the girls scared her and she screamed so loud. 'Welcome to the group.' 'This is amazing you guys, thanks.' 'Where's Sierra?' asked Cassandra. Wanda felt sad as she said, 'She's not coming, but hey, we can still have fun right.' 'Sure, let's go,' said Cassandra with a sad facial expression.The stadium got loud as everyone cheered waiting for the game to begin, after all, it was fellsview's 89th annual soccer game.As soon as the game was announced to start, the seats got full and were packed with almost the whole town, as the game began.
°°°As Starla arrived, she caught Paul taking pictures. 'Woah, this is crazy.' 'I know, it happened last night.' 'Any leads.' 'Yeah, words,' said Paul as he took Starla to the bedroom, showing her one of the walls, displaying the words "SIE" and the rest of the words we scratched away. 'What's sie?' 'I don't know, but we have our first clue,' said Paul as he tried to leave, as accidentally bumped into Starla as they gazed into each other's eyes.Without hesitation, Paul kissed Starla and she kissed back. Their warm lips to each other, wet and dry, intertwined together. Starla then jumped on Paul, and the kiss got hot and made Starla horny. Before they could remove their clothes, Paul remembered something as he took her off him and said, 'We shouldn't, you're a widow.' 'Yeah, you're right,' said Starla as she went back to the car with Paul.°°°As the cheers got louder, and the two teams were in a tie, Wanda headed to the bathroom to pee. When she got there, she suddenly stopped as her hair ascended and her eyes turned white, as she saw herself in the middle of the stadium. When she looked around, she saw shadows running wild while people were screaming and others were dead, split open. Wanda then started breathing heavily, as she saw one come after her and she came back to the present as he hair dropped and her eyes went back to being black.'We have to go.' 'Why?' 'I just had a vision, it's not safe, I have to go to Sierra.' 'No, I know you don't actually have visions.' 'I'm telling the truth, you need to trust me.' 'No, you can leave, but we're not,' said Cassandra as she kept on cheering the game. Wanda then took her stuff as she ran towards a taxi and went straight to Sierra.°°°While Sierra was thinking about Wanda's vision, She burst into the room and grabbed Sierra.'What are you doing?' 'I had a vision.' 'Really, was it about me.' 'No, the stadium is going to be under attack and only you can stop it, basically you and Kranus.' 'Wait, are you sure.' 'Yes, now come on,' said Wanda as she and Sierra caught a cab and drove to the stadium.
°°°MEANWHILE...Steve walked up to the forest, and he made his hands become red and blue. When he got to the perfect open field, he then pointed his hands to the ground as he blasted both red and blue energy. After blasting, the ground opened the small hole that got wide and wide and thousands of spirits burst out of there, while Steve fell. As he looked at them, they all looked at the stadium, as they ran towards it and Steve went back home.Everyone started cheering as the team for fellsview was winning by three points. Soon the stadium began to shake as all the doors to the exit shut locked. The lights then dimmed as the ground opened and all the demons burst out as they went into the people and took their souls while the people split open.Everyone tried to run as the others tried climbing up, but it was of no use as the hole began to absorb the people's souls and the spirits had already gotten half of the people's souls. Cassandra and her friends tried everything but two of the spirits found them and they began to panic.Cassandra then said sorry as she pushed them both and headed for the elevator while her friend's souls were taken and their bodies split open. When she tried to close the doors of the lift, more of the spirits came charging toward her as she kept trying close the door. And before one of them could enter, the door shut and the elevator went down, while Cassandra cried.°°°When Sierra and Wanda arrived, they were too late as the police and soldiers came flying in while screams were coming out of the stadium. 'I have to get in there.' 'And what are you going to do.' 'Close the hole, I closed before, I can do it again.' 'There, go underground,' said Wanda as she went underground with them.When she got there, it was absolute chaos as Sierra stood in the middle of the stadium, When she looked around, she saw the spirits running wild while people were screaming and others were dead, split open. Sierra then began to levitate, as she said, 'Let's do this, Kranus.' and she went into the hole, which was filled with spirits crawling out.Sierra then screamed as she blasted all the fire into the hole, while the other spirits were burning and falling back in. While she was burning it, a voice suddenly whispered,'This is my world, and I'll make it mine,' as Sierra gave a huge blast and flew out.
When she flew out, the hole then started closing as it absorbed all the spirits back in. As it took the last soul of someone, it closed and the whole stadium blew up, killing all the soldiers and police that had entered, except Sierra, of course.Ten minutes later...Everyone was dead as Sierra looked around, there was nobody alive until a loud voice came running. 'SIERRA!' Yelled Cassandra as she hugged her, crying. Sierra then hugged her back as they made their way to the exit, and the authorities came. Instead of reporting this, they began to rebuild the whole stadium, burning all dead bodies and evidence. They were simply recovering it, so no one would find out.Sierra, Wanda, and Cassandra got to the bus stop and they went back home, while Cassandra slept on Sierra's neck, and Wanda gazed out the window, worriedly. 'Something is definitely up,' said Kranus, as Sierra replied, 'You don't say.'MEANWHILE...'Madam, are we not going to do something about the situation at the stadium, a lot of people's family members died.' 'That's the point, we can't let the president nor fellsviewknow, it will put them in fear.' 'What if it comes back, but this time, huge and large, where everyone will notice.' 'Then we'll do what we do best, kill it and cover it up like it never happened,' said the woman.