The Cell

'You have to pass my energy over, you are going to die,' said the voice in Steve's head as he began falling and tripping. Everyone looked at him weirdly. When he got to an ally, Steve then screamed as the voice got louder and said, 'You are going to die, you must transfer my energy to another being.'

Steve then saw a boy in school uniform walking to a candy store as he marched to him, weak.

When he was near the boy, he touched the boy's arm and all the blue and red energy passed onto the boy as Steve fainted and immediately, died. The boy then ran as everyone was gasping, looking at Steve's dead body. When the boy arrived at the bus stop, his hands glowed bright red and blue as he started breathing heavily. The boy then screamed as a woman came to him and asked him if he was okay. He showed her the blue and red glow, and as she touched it, her soul separated from her body and she died.As the bus arrived, the boy then got in the bus as it drove off and both his hands and eyes glowed red and blue as it went away and he slept.PRESENTAs Sierra and Wanda jumped off the bus, Wanda said, 'Does this happen all the time?' 'No, not even once.' 'This is crazy, people dead, spirits flying around and you closing a hole with fire coming out of your hands and you're not even dead.' 'Wow, that is crazy,' said Sierra as she and Wanda walked up to their bedroom, noticing their mother was not home.

'That's funny, mom's always home.' 'Guess she took the night off,' said Wanda, as she and Sierra jumped in bed and slept.

°°°As Starla and Paul arrived at the stadium, there was nothing. It was fixed and the security guards were keeping watch.


I could've sworn that there was an attack here.' 'Yeah, saw it on the news.' 'Something is not right, tentacles bursting out of a sinkhole and a whole amount of people's families, dead.' 'Do you think whoever is doing this is hiding it?' 'Definitely,' said Paul as Starla and he went home.°°°As Sierra and Wanda woke up, the telephone in the living room rang, repeatedly. Sierra then walked there as she picked up the telephone and placed it near her ear."Hello?""Hey Girl, it's me, Emma.""I'm not interested in what the billionaire bitch wants.""You are so weird, please note that we are holding the first-ever, STRANDFORD HIGH BASKETBALL GAME!""No, it's a Sunday and I'm not going to school.""Well then, your loss, please tell your much better, much prettier cousin, I'm sure she'll come," said Emma as Sierra hung up the telephone.As Wanda headed down, she saw Sierra's angry facial expression as she walked over to her and said, 'What's with the face?' 'Can you believe they are inviting us to a game, at school, on a Sunday?' 'Finally, something worthy to do.' 'I knew you were going to go.' 'Are you not?' 'Nope, it's all bullshit.' 'Come on, Sierra, it's going to be amazing,' said Wanda as Starla entered the place with a huge pile of groceries, some carried by Paul.'Who's the hottie?' 'Sierra, you are going to the game, that's final,' said Starla as she placed the groceries on the floor and pulled Sierra and Wanda to the couch. 'I have to go somewhere with Paul, and I think it's best you go to school, I'm not paying school fees for you to go Monday to Friday.' 'No, I don't want to go.' 'Sierra, that's an order, get clean and GO!' Yelled Starla.°°°As Sierra and Wanda got on the bus, they were shocked to see Cassandra enter behind them as she paid her bus ticket and walked over to them. 'You got the call too?' 'Yeah, I didn't want to come.' 'Well, I'm sorry.' 'Don't be, I'm just glad you're alive.' 'Yeah, after yesterday's event, I had a little nightmare.' 'Don't worry, it will never happen again.' 'I wonder who was there to stop it?' 'Must be the government,' said Sierra as she changed her direction to the window.On the bus ride, Wanda and Cassandra were non-stop talking about the situation at the stadium and how she had a vision. When they finally jumped off, the parking lot was filled with cars as parents and kids walked in, cheering loud wearing blue and indigo. While Sierra was walking, she bumped into Sasha as they both laughed and grabbed hands.'Oh my gosh, how are you?' 'I'm great, I haven't seen you in a while, since the... You know.' 'Yeah, I live with my group now, so I was busy cleaning up everyone's room.' 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Sasha.' 'Nah it's fine, I like it,' said Sasha as the leader of the PPGG yelled her name and she had to run to them while Sierra looked at her worried.°°°While Paul and Starla were walking towards the stadium, they ran back as they surpassed the security guards. When they got in, unnoticed, they ran for the elevator as they made their way up to the stadium. It seemed the ground was not complete as still had a bit of mud everywhere. While Paul was walking around, he found a little hole, right in the soil.

'I don't think we should get near that?' 'What if it is the gateway to the demon realm?' 'I'm not sure, but I don't want to die, I still have my daughters,' said Starla as she walked to the car and waited for Lance who went in the hole.

°°°Everyone was cheering, jumping and singing as the triggers ran in the field and the whole school cheered them on. As everyone sat down, the three kids of the Yullah Family walked in and everyone was expected to keep their heads down while the royal family walked in, except Sierra, of course.When the Yullah kids sat down, the boys got in position and the game began.TWO HOURS LATER...The game was rough as the triggers were losing twenty-four points behind and the school kept on cheering. As Wanda wanted to go the bathroom, she ran towards it, mistakenly bumping into a student, both of them hitting each other's arm, leaving Wanda to fall on the floor, eyes turning white and her hair ascending.°°°Wanda then saw the same boy who she bumped, facing his arms and hands towards a tree as it began to open and a creature, wet like slime, mixed with black and a bit of red, literally dripping out of there as the boy kept on blasting the blue and red energy to the tree. As the slimy creature stood up, levitating, it looked at Wanda as they both locked eyes and the creature said, 'ATHON WILL RISE, I WILL RISE.' and Wanda ran out of there, but wherever she ran, he appeared and kept repeating what she said. As she hit her head against a tree, she woke up standing up from the floor, while other students were asking if she was okay and she walked slowly, picking up the pace, heading towards Sierra.When Wanda got to Sierra, as soon as she touched her, she forgot everything she wanted to say and froze while Sierra kept asking what did she want. Soon Wanda replied, saying nothing, as she sat down and tried to remember what she wanted to say, but was unable to.°°°While Paul was digging through the hole, he then made it out, standing up to a huge sinkhole that went very deep. He then threw a rock, after about eight minutes made a very little sound. Paul knew he had to know what was done there, so he quickly crawled up as he made it out and went to Starla.Paul then told her about what he saw as she took his camera, rope and torch light connected to his helmet. Paul then ran back to the hole as he found himself facing the black wide sinkhole, and with nothing to lose, he jumped, falling into a thirty-kilometre hole.°°°As the game was close to finishing, the triggers were losing miserably and everyone stopped cheering as they were filled with disappointment. As Wanda focused on the game, she saw the same boy she bumped into, rubbing his head as he stood up and ran. Wanda then knew that she had to follow that boy, no matter what.So she grabbed Sierra as she said, 'That boy, we have to follow him.' 'Oh please, I want to get out of this shithole,' said Sierra as she was about to leave but Cassandra got their attention and asked if she could come. Sierra and Wanda said no, but she said she wasn't going to take no for an answer, so they went with her, but they didn't know they had someone else who followed them.°°°

As Paul finally dropped the ground, the was nothing but dirt, a huge wide dead-end hole. Paul then started walking around as there was a light that appeared in a blue and red form, glowing around the hole. Before he could click more pictures, it began to shake and he immediately wiggled the rope as it signaled Starla to pull him up. As he went up, he saw a black and a bit of red slimy liquid flowing through the hole and before he could take a picture, his camera fell and broke, as he made it to the top of the hole and crawled out.

He was furious, and he kept yelling fuck!

They then got in the car and drove off, while Wanda, Sierra and Cassandra were following that boy.


As Wanda, Sierra and Cassandra finally stopped because the boy stopped in front of the thin tree that had no leaves, Cassandra started to wonder if the same thing by the stadium was going to happen.

The boy then screamed as his hands turned blue and red, glowing brighter than before. Wanda then recalled everything, of how he was going to blast the tree and a black and red liquid was going to come out of there and told Sierra.Sierra then told Wanda that she must knock Cassandra out as she tries to stop him. Wanda then held Cassandra as she started feeling dizzy and in a minute, she fell and slept.Sierra then walked up to the boy and said, 'What do you think you're doing?' 'Who are you and how did you find me,' said the boy, but in a hard and masculine voice. The boy then prepared his hands as each of his eyes turned blue and red and he blasted the energy to Sierra, as she hit the tree and fell.He then blasted the energy at the tree as Sierra stood up, turned her eyes red and blasted fire arrows at the boy's sleeves, leaving for him to hit the tree and his hands to face up. As Sierra tried walking over to him, he then broke the arrows and blasted the red energy at Sierra, injuring her leg and the blue energy to her head, Injuring her brain. Sierra then fell as her eyes turned blue and blurry and she closed them.The boy then walked to the tree, and he blasted the blue and red energy while the tree was opening°°°While he was opening the tree, the whole city of fellsview began to shake as the school's field started falling apart. Everyone ran as the boy opened the tree more and the city shook harder. Everything started falling, as kids started yelling "earthquake". Others ran into their house but there was this child and before the electric panel could hit her, Paul and Starla drove to her as they grabbed her and ran into her house, whilst the car exploded.°°°As the tree opened, the slimy creature, which Wanda had seen came out, dripping on the grass as the boy started getting weak. Wanda got scared as Sierra was unconscious and she didn't want to wake up. Wanda then ran to the boy, as she grabbed his hand and looked into his past, seeing his mother die and him being adopted and living a life of abuse and starvation.In anger, the boy touched Wanda and she went flying, hitting tree by tree and finally landing as she hurt her left arm. Sierra then woke up as she saw the boy had gotten weaker and the energy was fading. Sierra then jumped as she blasted a long shot of hot burning fire at the boy, throwing him across the forest and into a waterfall, where he died.Sierra then blasted more fire into the tree as it began to close and the whole city stopped shaking, but as she was close to closing it, she saw Wanda layed on the floor, and she ran to her, leaving a little hole open in the tree. She started to shake Wanda as she woke up and screamed, waking up Cassandra.They then took Wanda to the hospital as the school cancelled the game and everyone was told to go home.°°°Wanda then got a cast on her arm, as she and Sierra sat on her bed, while Kranus appeared.

'What's wrong?' 'Athon,' said Kranus as Wanda remembered her vision of where she heard the exact word. 'I heard someone say that in my vision, who is... Athon?' 'He is the demon of death and he's coming.' 'What do you mean he's coming?' 'I must have forgotten to close the portal gate when I came to possess you and now he saw that there's an entrance and he's gonna come to earth and kill all of humankind as we know it,' said Kranus as Sierra and Wanda looked at each other, in fear.

'But don't worry, as long as you closed that tree, he won't enter.' 'So that boy was opening the gate for him?' 'No, his cell, he's always wanted earth to be taken over by the demons, but after we agreed to only possess the bad, he didn't want to do that, so they had to lock him up, and for centuries has been trying to get out of prison, so he uses his spirits to first help him form, then uses an avatar to open his cell, so he can break free, thankfully you closed it,' said Kranus as Sierra and Wanda breathed heavily and went to sleep.°°°

As Emma walked into the Mansion, the butler asked worriedly where she was and she said she went for a quick stroll, not telling him that she followed Sierra, Cassandra and Wanda where she saw how Sierra used her abilities as well as Wanda and the boy blasting the red and blue energy to the tree.

She then jumped in bed and started to plot ideas to get the same things as them.MEANWHILE...The slimy liquid kept dropping as the tree opened wide and the whole of the slimy creature fell out as it stood up and started to levitate. With all the spirits morphed into him, Athon was finally complete, he then looked at fellsview as he prepared to take over this beloved city.Looking at his amazing form, Athon then went into the soil as his slimy liquid dripped paths behind him.