
As the bus drove past the forest, the kids and driver keep singing."ON THE ROAD, ON THE ROAD, ON THE ROAD... WE GO, WE GO, WE GO!"Accelerating, each bus kept its distance just out of the blue as the bus in front stopped, forcing the bus behind to brake.

The kids started to worry as the bus driver kept trying to reach out to the driver in front, just as he got one.

"Hello?""Roger, it's me, Steve, I don't know what happened, the bus in front just stopped.""Are the kids okay?""I don't know, wait, I think I see something.""What?" said Roger as Steve's phone started to glitch. Not long, Steve told Roger to turn around as Steve screamed and the kids could hear him as Roger immediately reversed, made a U-turn and drove at fifty miles per hour.Everyone was panicking as the lights for the bus dimmed and burst open. Roger then stopped the bus, as the silence outside was mocking them. One of the students then started to panic as they saw black and red slime slide down the window. Roger then tried his best to call someone but no one was available.In fear, Roger grabbed his bat and walked outside. Taking his steps slowly, there was nothing. Roger then stepped in as the slime grabbed one of the kids and pulled them out, immediately forcing Roger to drive, without the headlights.Screaming and shouting were on the bus, as everyone tried to call their family members but the line service dropped and fear grew stronger and stronger.

Soon the bus crashed into a tree and a branch went through the bus driver's head. The kids quickly ran outside, pushing each other out of the way, one by one being pulled by this slime.

When she looked behind her, everyone was dead, split open and blood flowed to her feet. When she turned around, she saw this tall and slimy creature, mixed with red and black. He then said, 'YOUR FEAR MAKES ME WANT MORE OF YOU,' and he then formed a sharp blade as he stroked her chest.He then dragged her to the tree, below her writing

"ATHON." blood dripping, colouring the word.

Athon then went into the soil as a smile appeared on his face.°°°As Sierra woke up, Kranus was talking to Wanda in his physical form, both of them laughing. Sierra stood up as her phone vibrated. She then saw the pop-up message as Wanda's phone too vibrated."PLEASE NOTE THAT TODAY, THE STUDENTS OF STRANGFORD HIGH SCHOOL, WILL BE TRAVELING TO THE AQUARIUM, FOR EVERYONE WILL BE WRITING A ASSIGNMENT ON IT.YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BE HERE AT TEN O'CLOCK AS THE BUS WILL DEPART AT HALF PAST TEN.SEE YOU THEN!"As Wanda and Kranus began to scream. 'I can't believe another road trip, this is like, the best week ever.' 'I know, you guys are lucky.' 'I don't know, haven't we been going out too many times and each time a new monster attacks?' 'You closed the cell, so everything is okay.' 'If you say so,' said Sierra as Kranus entered her.°°°Everyone got on the bus as The Fancy-dancy girl group arrived in style. Sierra and Wanda then walked over as the Pink Pussy girl group eyed the Fancy-dancy girl group. 'We are clearly the best girl group.' 'Keep dreaming.' 'I will once we win best girl group at the dance.' 'Just you wait,' said Cassandra as the group flipped their hairs over except Sierra Of course.Sasha then cried as she hugged her mom. 'Oh come on, It's just for the day.' 'I know, it's just I missed you so much.' 'Don't worry, after I get this job as the Mayor's secretariat, I'll get us a house and we'll get back to our normal lives.' 'I love you, mom.' 'I love you, too,' said Sasha's mom as they hugged and the leader of the PPGG dragged her onto the bus.As they waved their parents goodbye, Starla kept running after the bus as Sierra was filled with embarrassment. As soon as the bus took a turn, she then stopped as Starla kept waving Sierra goodbye. 'Was she ever this nice?' 'No, not at all, but since I'm her only child, she's giving me all the attention,' said Sierra as the group laughed.°°°During the ride, Cassandra asked Wanda if she could sit next to Sierra, as she stood up and left, booing loud at Sierra, scaring her hard.'Why would you do that?' 'Oh for Pete's sake, it's just a joke.' 'What's wrong?' 'I just wanted to find out if you wanted to hook up with me later.' 'Isn't that too fast.' 'No, not at all, we like each other and I think we should explore it.' 'I guess you're right, okay then, I'll do it.' 'I can't wait to kiss you,' said Cassandra as Wanda hopped back into her seat, laughing with Sierra.As they were halfway, all the students were asleep when the bus driver stopped. Looking outside, there were five police cars, twenty policemen and women, as everyone jumped out of the bus. They then saw flies fleeing from the area as ten dead bodies, which were now skeleton bones, lying on the grass. The kids immediately ran back to the bus as Wanda found something.Wanda then screamed Sierra's name and she ran, shocked to see Athons name written down on the tree, covered with blood. Wanda then walked closer as she touched the tree and saw what had happened. How Athon killed all the kids, hang the girl and used her blood to colour his name.'I thought you closed his cell.' 'Yes... Maybe... I don't know,' said Sierra as she and Wanda began to panic. Kranus then appeared as he said, 'This means Athon broke free and he is coming for fellsview and only you guys can stop him.' 'This means we're going to have to fight him.' 'Indeed,' said Kranus as Wanda and Sierra looked at each other with fear.Sierra then told Wanda that they couldn't continue the trip with the others and they had to escape back to fellsview. As soon as the bus driver entered the bus, Sierra and Wanda made a run for it as they ran the road back to fellsview.On the way, Sierra and Wanda then saw a car coming their way as they held their thumb up but they instantly knew this person was going to pass them. Sierra then stood in front of the car as it stopped and Wanda touched his hand, while the window was sliding down."Your wife just died and you come from her funeral, not the fact that you have a child with a woman who you were preparing to marry and realise that you wanted your wife dead. I can report you or you can take us to fellsview where no one will be harmed,"

Said Wanda as they got in the car and the man drove them to Fellsview.

When they got to fellsview, the city was normal. Everyone was busy with their everyday lives. Sierra and Wanda quickly got home as they entered and headed straight to their room.Wanda then said, 'We have to stop him before he attacks the whole city.' 'Yeah, but how,' asked Sierra as she and Wanda roamed around the room, in a circular motion. Sierra then stopped as she held Wanda and said, 'You, we can use you to track him, that way we can know what he's up to and stop him.' 'But I don't know what he looks like?' 'But you do know that he is slimy and he's black and red, come on Wanda, we have to save fellsview.' 'Fine, I'll try,' said Wanda as she stood there, her hair ascending and her eyes turning white.°°°She then fell as she saw him, Athon, in the sewers. Athon was letting all this slime move around as he looked at a wall, writing something. As Wanda went for a closer look, he then turned around as she got scared and he said her name and she began to worry. 'So you are the psychic.' 'You can see me.' 'Of course, has no one ever seen you.' 'No,' said Wanda as Athon made all his slime surround her.Wanda started breathing heavily. 'Don't worry, I just want to find out why are you spying on me?' 'Why did you kill those kids and why are you here?' 'Simple, let me tell you..."The demon realm would rule Earth, every time a human being would be bad or do something bad, I, the death demon, would kill them and absorb their soul. Not until a freaking breakthrough happened and we treated each other the same, that made me mad, so I kidnapped a girl, trying to make her my demon but she died and I was sentenced to prison forever, that's why I vow to destroy the earth and kill all living."... That's why I'm going to kill the person everyone listens to and admires here, your very own Mayor and no one can stop me,' said Athon as he pushed her all the way to the wall, where Wanda also hit the wall back at Sierra. Sierra then tried waking her up, shaking her as Athon moved closer to her face, choking her while Wanda was trying to get back to Sierra.'If you try to stop me, I will kill you and everyone you love, one by one, in an agonising death,' Athon said as he threw her across the sewer, hitting the wall and Wanda got back to Sierra.Wanda couldn't stop shaking as Sierra hugged her. 'What did he do?' 'He's going to kill the mayor and destroy the Fellsview.' 'Do you know where he is?' 'Yeah, by the sewers.' 'What are we waiting for,' said Sierra as she and Wanda ran down to the sewers.°°°As Paul and Starla were eating breakfast at Cafe-Mafe, Paul's machine started beeping as the red light flashed twice per second. 'What's that?' asked Starla as Paul took the machine and on it wrote, "DEMON DETECTED." and he showed Starla as she began to panic. 'Must we tell the cops?' 'No, they'll never believe us.' 'Then what are you going to do?' 'One thing, stop it ourselves,' Paul said as he dragged Starla to the car and drove off to his house.Entering the house, Paul headed for the basement as there was all this equipment. Baseball Bats, Knives and axes. He then gave Starla the axe as she said,' Are we seriously going to fight this demon.' 'We're the only ones who can,' Paul said as Starla and he drove to where the machine's signal was taking them.°°°Sierra and Wanda then got down the sewer as they saw this huge, wide, thick creature mixed with black and red slime. Athon then turned around as he looked at Wanda and said, 'I told you, if I saw you, I'll kill you.' and he charged at her.Sierra then jumped in front of her and blasted fire at him. Athon then stopped as the fire burnt him and melted his slime. He then divided himself into two as the other part of him charged at Sierra. It then choked her as it dragged her to the wall. In fear, Wanda started running.Sierra then looked at him, and her eyes turned red and for the first time, Sierra screamed fire out of her mouth. As soon as it melted, Sierra then blasted fire to the divided part of him as he started boiling and popped in the water. Sierra then tried to blast Athon, but he immediately caught her hands, legs and neck as he pushed her toward the wall.'You are possessed by my worst enemy, Kranus,' said Athon as Kranus appeared. 'Stop what you're doing Athon before it gets ugly.' 'What are you going to do, call the demon Lords of the demon realm because I think we both know who they're going to take.' 'I will end you.' 'I don't have time for this,' said Athon as he let go of Sierra and made a circle with his red slime, while a hole opened and a creature popped out. It was white with no face, only a mouth and huge, sharp hands.A GLIMPSE OF THE CREATURE;Sierra then opened her eyes as the creature charged at her. Without looking, Athon then went through the walls and headed for the mayor.The creature tried many attempts to bite Sierra as she held its head with her hands and screamed the fire, forcing it to hit the wall. It then looked at her, as it twisted its head and screamed, forcing the whole structure of the sewer to shake. Sierra then blasted the creature as it ran around the sewer, jumping straight to her, catching her and throwing her across the room Sierra hurt her hand and wasn't able to blast fire anymore.It then walked over to her as it croaked, opening its mouth. Before it could bite Sierra, Paul then charged at it, hitting its head off as hit him back, leaving Paul to fall into the water. Before Starla could catch Sierra, she then ran, climbing the stairs to stop Athon.Starla then charged at the creature, as Paul grabbed his camera and started shooting pictures. He immediately placed it in a bag as he grabbed his baseball bat and hit its leg as Starla came running as she cut its head off. Green liquid started pouring out of its neck as Paul continued to take pictures. 'Who do you think that was?' 'Don't know, come help me move it so we can get good evidence,' Paul said as Starla used the bat to move it around.°°°As Sierra sat down, Wanda then wrapped her torn T-shirt around Sierra's broken hand. 'What are we going to do?' 'I don't know, if I can't blast my fire anymore, how are we going to stop Athon.' 'There's only one way,' said Kranus as he appeared. 'No, I'm not letting you take control.' 'It's the only way, if Athon kills the Mayor, he'll get more powerful and kill all of fellsview as we know it.' 'But without my fire abilities, how are we going to melt him,' asked Sierra as Wanda said, 'Why don't we use the octopus.' 'You mean the one coming out of the sinkhole.' 'Yes, it will take Athon.' 'And kill them both.' 'That way, it will be the end of Athon and the octopus.' 'Are we sure we're going to do this?' asked Sierra as Wanda and Kranus nodded.Kranus then told Sierra to take off her clothes as Wanda sat down, her hair ascending and her eyes turning white.

Sierra then started to scream as thorns grew on her forehead and her hair evolving into a white cloak, also forming a long stick and a long sharp bone behind her back, her skin melting into a skeleton head.

A PREVIEW OF KRANUSES SECOND FORM;°°°As Sasha's mom, Amelia, sat down next to the mayor, she took out her CV handing it over to the mayor. 'I see you have been a secretary before and have been awarded a raise multiple times, I have one question, how often do think you'll work?' 'I don't care, as long as I make enough money to provide for my family and me.' 'That seems convincing, Well then Amelia, you-' before the Mayor could finish his sentence, there was screaming coming from the bottom of the building. As the bodyguards checked outside, one of them was pulled in as Athon entered, placing fear in both Ameila and the Mayor.Before the guards could shoot, Athon grabbed them as he consumed their souls. Amelia then grabbed the guard's gun as she tried shooting Athon but he made his slime hard and sharp and charged it at Amelia. Giving her last breath, Ameila then said, 'I love you, Sasha.' as he threw her out of the building.Athon then made the slime go into the mayor's ears, nose, eyes and mouth as he engrossed his spirit and blood. As he let go of the Mayor, as pale as he was, he too went through the window and smashed into the car, right next to Amelia.Kranus then pulled his thorns and placed them in Athon, giving a loud scream. He then pushed Athon and they both went flying out of the window. Athon then choked Kranus, as he pulled him towards the building at the bottom, which was empty, hitting each floor, smashing into each block of wood and brick.As Kranus tried to stand up, Athon held Kranus and hit him against the ceiling and floor. As weak as he was, Kranus then grabbed the sharp bone in his back and threw it at Athon, as the lower part of his form, melted. They were both weak and hurt, as Athon formed sharp swords and flew them at Kranus, just as Paul threw the knives and cut them all.As Wanda finally got back to reality, Athon got upset and just before he could charge at both Kranus and Paul, a hole opened as he started falling, also the octopus tentacles dragging him down. Kranus then stood up and ran out of the abandoned building and in less than a minute, the whole building shook because right as the hole closed, inside the octopus exploded, with the top part of Athon.Starla then dragged Paul, as she and Kranus looked each other in their eyes and he jumped from building to building, falling into an ally where Sierra and Wanda were supposed to meet.As he morphed back into Sierra, She took then took the clothes and dressed up. When they got to the mayor's building, everyone was there, the media, the press and the ambulance, as Sierra could hear Sasha's voice screaming from afar while the paramedics covered her and the mayor, it was the day Fellsview was filled with fear and the government couldn't hide it this time.Everyone went home as the PPGG took Sasha in since she had nowhere to go. Sierra and Wanda then got in the car, as Starla kept on thinking of the moment, looking right into Kranuses eyes. Everyone was worried, everyone was scared as they wondered who could've done this, what lurks in the city of Fellsview.THE NEXT MORNINGAs Wanda, Sierra and the FDGG got off the bus, Sasha didn't come to school, as the PPGG walked out without her. Wanda and Sierra then laughed as everything was back to normal. Everyone went on with their normal lives and a new Mayor had been elected.Sierra and Cassandra for the first time, walked into school, holding hands, but Sierra didn't feel the same way for Cassandra, as she immediately lied and ran to Wanda, while Wanda kissed her boyfriend goodbye. Sierra and Wanda then sat on the bench as she said, 'I can't believe the mayor died and Sasha lost her mom.' 'Hey, in the end, we stopped Athon and saved Fellsview.' 'I sure hope so,' said Sierra as she and Wanda went back in school, as Wanda's eyes, for the first time, turned fully black and then back into white.