TWO DAYS AGOAs she walked over to the room filled with people wearing red and black gowns, she told the two men on her left and right-hand side to push the lever down as lights turned on across the room.Through the glass Window, there was this machine with a small "gun" in front of it. It then blasted into the crack as it started to open, shining a yellow-red light out of it. Before the whole opened wider, the machine then exploded and the room started to shake, everyone fell and the lights turned off.As the power turned on, the lady stood up as she grabbed a chair and threw it, hitting one of the people. When she turned around, five men in orange suits entered and started spraying the fire away as the people left the room and the men got to rebuilding it.While she was walking, she was stopped by a man that pulled her into a room filled with women. 'I think we have a way to open the portal,' said the woman as she played a tape from her camera."
Athon then choked Kranus, as he pulled him towards the building at the bottom, which was empty, hitting each floor, smashing into each block of wood and brick.As Kranus tried to stand up, Athon held Kranus and hit him against the ceiling and floor." the tape played as it came out of the VHS player and dropped to the floor.'What is this?' asked the lady in a rude manner. 'This might be our only chance to open the portal to the other world.' 'It's not the other world, it's called
THE DEMON REALM and how sure are you that thing lives?' 'By placing spies, there's no way something like this, with this power, hides, it has to come out one day.' 'Then perfect, whoever this
Supernatural Human is, we must get them and use them to open the portal to the
Demon realm.PRESENT DAYAs he jumped from one building to the other, he let the breeze flow from him, opening his mouth wide open. When he landed, he ran so fast, he could see the wind passing through him. Jumping from complex to complex, he felt powerful, strong and a hero. As he jumped so high, he did a front flip and started falling into a room as he morphed back into Sierra.As she landed on the bed, she gave a tired but enjoyable sigh as Wanda entered the room. 'Well Well, someone's enjoying her new powers.' 'It's crazy, I feel like a superhero, maybe I am.' 'No, you're not.' 'At least I'm not like you, sleeping on your bed and waking up on the couch.' 'I wonder, it might be my abilities.' 'Yeah, but we tried using the camera and failed.' 'Let's leave that and prepare for school,' Wanda said as she walked with Sierra to the bus stop and entered the bus.As Cassandra and her group sat by them, Sierra was not completely ready to be known as the lesbian couple, plus she wasn't feeling the same way about her and the dance coming up, it was a lot for her to take. When they arrived, everyone stood outside as the PPGG started dancing to
TEARS FOR FEARS - EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD.The leader of the PPGG walked in the middle as she started walking the catwalk while the rest of the group followed. They then clapped three times as they went behind each other and made their chest and head lean back, rotating their heads in a clockwise motion. They then ran to the Fancy-Dancy girl group and clapped in their faces, wiggling their shoulders, walking back to the center.The boys then walked in and threw the PPGG leader into the air, while she was clapping. As they caught her, she then did the split as the rest of the group "OOOO" at her.When she stood up, everyone cheered and clapped as Cassandra looked at her, closing her eyes a little. When everyone walked back to class, Sierra pulled Sasha in and asked, 'Are you okay?' 'Yeah, it's been tough but I have to learn to accept it.' 'I'm glad, I've been worried.' 'Let me stop you right there, you don't care about me.' 'What are you saying?' 'These past months you've been avoiding me, talking behind my back and taking our friendship for granted, that's the reason why I joined this girl group, because the friend I taught I had, left me and didn't want anything to do with me, so please, I'm fine and I expect you not to bother me anymore, see you at the Girl group dance off,' said Sasha as she walked passed Sierra.As School ended, Sierra started to look for Wanda and she saw her kissing her boyfriend, both of them were naked. Sierra then cleared her throat as Wanda pulled her panty up and her dress down, while he boyfriend kissed her and walked away.
'What's happening to you?' 'What can I say, I've been a bad girl.' 'Totally, did you get the message from Cassandra, about the schedules for the Dance group to meet?' 'Nah, I kinda, maybe blocked her and said I lost my phone.' 'Oh wow,' said Wanda as she and Sierra laughed.
As they walked to the bus stop, Wanda stopped as her hair ascended as well as her body and her eyes turned black. Sierra then looked worried as she's never seen her powers act up like this.Wanda then stood up as trees grew from the grass and the sky turned red. She then saw a huge hole in the middle of the forest and went closer. Looking into the whole, there was nothing, just an empty black hole as she looked closer, fell in and woke up back to reality. Wanda then fell on her rear end and started breathing heavily.'Are you sure you're okay?' 'Yeah, I just saw a forest with a huge hole in front of me.' 'Well, let's check it out,' said Sierra as she dragged Wanda to the local bus.When they arrived, Wanda's vision was right, as this huge hole appeared in front of them. Sierra then looked into it as she said, 'I'm going on,' and before Wanda could stop her, she jumped, falling for a whole three minutes. She then landed as Sierra blasted fire from her hands to a stick, lighting up the hole. There was nothing, just a dead end to this long hole. Sierra started blasting fire from her hands as it pushed her up, out of the hole.'There's nothing.' 'Then why is it here?' 'I don't know but it didn't appear on its own, something or someone is out there, trying to open it and it's up to us to stop them,' said Sierra as she and Wanda walked back to the bus stop, taking the ride home.°°°Emma sat down as she looked at the news channel, displaying how Kranus fought with Athon from the mayor's building to the abandoned property. She then got in the limo, drove to the library and went straight to the computer.She then looked up "Demons and Monsters" as it popped up about a girl named
SARAH. She then started scrolling down, reading about the event that took place and how the fellsviews government hid it from the city and then going to the case of the red cloud appearing in a house, absorbing about eighty percent of the people in the house on the
20th of December 1965. She then read about how it occurred again when a girl named
Starla, her father and a pastor fought the red cloud. Emma then went all the way to the end of the site as she found the name, Nelson
Patrick, found his number and went home to call him.°°°As they entered the room, the woman sat down as she said, 'Something is not right, the mayor being killed by only his blood being consumed, something bad lurks in the city of fellsview.' 'We have to find it and stop it, my first lead has to be
SARAH, they have been doing these kinds of cases.' 'Indeed, I say we try Paul, this man claims that there are demons around us and he told me he has the footage.' 'Bring him in,' said the female as she sat down and Paul with Starla walked in.