YESTERDAY NIGHTShe took three steps forward as she stood in front of the hole, wolves howling and owls giving stares at her. She looked at the hole as she opened her eyes, as black as they were, her hair ascending, changing into black from white. Then she touched the grass as the hole started breaking down into a wider one, shaking the trees, birds flying away in groups as she removed her hand and punched the ground and the whole of Fellsview shook.She then closed her eyes, her hair dropped down and she walked home, entered and lay down on the couch.THE PRESENTAs Starla and Paul entered the building, aside from them were ten men wearing white T-shirts and black pants and they stopped letting Starla and Paul enter the office.After greeting everybody, Paul took out the tapes with sides and played the first one, inserting it into the VHS player. It then displayed how Sasha's house caught on fire with everyone running out and students claiming that there was a huge octopus in a hole consuming everyone. The second side then showed how the creature almost attacked Starla as Paul hit it with his bat and Starla cut its head off.As the VHS player dispersed the tape, everyone in the room was either scared or shocked. 'This is not real,' said the nervous chairman. 'It is, it is really real and it still lurks in the city of Fellsview.' 'This means we have to put up high force and more police roaming the areas of Fellsview,' said the chairman as Mayor Dick entered the room.They then played the tape as he too was shocked and said, 'I'm going to hire you guys as watchers, you must find anything suspicious that is in our beloved city while our force and central services will keep watch on the city,' and they left, with two new cameras and a new car.'This is crazy!' exclaimed Starla in joy as Paul drove off.°°°As Wanda woke up again on the couch, Sierra was watching Spider-Monkey, laughing out loud, spilling her cereal. 'Don't we have school?' 'No, it's Saturday.' 'Really, damn,' said Wanda as she took her art book and drew the forest with the whole again.'You know what, let's go to Cassandra's House,' said Sierra as she threw Wanda's art book on the floor. 'Why?' 'Because we have to rehearse for the dance competition between the Pink-Pussy Girl group,' Sierra said as she changed into her casual clothes, grabbed Wanda and waited by the bus stop, going to Cassandra's place.When they arrived, there was already music as the girls were dancing in the room. Sierra then joined as the girls cheered on and she accidentally slipped, falling into Cassandra's arms while the girls were "OOOO" in their ears.Wanda started to feel dizzy as she saw doubles and then triples of the girls. When Sierra stood up and walked to her, she grew tall as the rest of the girls fell into the hole that appeared. Wanda screamed as Sierra grabbed her and threw her across the road. When Wanda stood up, she didn't see the car as it knocked her and her parents picked her up. Wanda started breathing heavily as Stephanie was kissing her boyfriend. Wanda then looked at them with her eyes open wide, screaming "NO!" as she blinked and saw Sierra and the girls asking if she was okay.Wanda then cried as she ran into Cassandra's house. 'What's wrong with her?' 'I don't know, I'm going to go check on her,' said Sierra as Cassandra wanted to come with her but she pushed her back, telling her to stay.'Wanda, are you sure everything is okay?' 'I don't know, I think my abilities are acting up?' 'What did you see?' 'The same thing but different, there was the hole but it took the girls as you grew tall, threw me across the road, getting knocked by a car and waking up to my dead parents while Stephanie was kissing my-my boyfriend,' Wanda said as she cried.Sierra then took her as she told the girls Wanda isn't feeling well and walked home.°°°After many attempts, Emma kept on trying to call Nelson until he finally answered."Hello?""Is this Nelson Patrick?""No, he's dead, goodbye.""Wait, I need to find out what happened in Fellsview years ago?""I don't know and I suggest you move on.""Please, I'm just a high school student trying to do her history project for school.""Fine, come by Hillstone Church.""Thank you," said Emma as she got in the car and drove off there.While they were driving, these two men were watching the car until it stopped at the church. As Emma stepped out, she was pulled back as the two men came in front of the car. 'Why are you here, little missy?' 'I'm here for Nelson Patrick.' 'I'm afraid he is dead.' 'Then I'm here for the other guy.' 'Cool, you enjoy your stay,' said the man as he walked away with his friend, still eyeing Emma.When she entered the church, there was nobody but a black man in a long brown gown and a purple suit. 'So you must be the high school girl researching for her project.' 'Yes and I need help with information regarding the tragic events that took place in Fellsview.' 'Follow me,' said the man as Emma followed him to his office.'There have been a lot of tragic events that occurred in Fellsview, but of course, if the people knew, they would be scared and worried so I know you're telling false truths about a "history project",' said the man as Emma become worried.'What do you want, little girl?' 'I really want to know the past about Fellsview, I'm positive you saw the case about the death of the mayor,' said Emma as she told him the whole story of how a demon lurks in the city and it could kill everybody. 'There's only one thing I can give you,' said the man, giving her a card written"101 De Mellion Road, Inido"'What am I supposed to do in Inido?' 'If you want to know the past of what happened in Fellsview, go there,' said the man as those two men entered the room, with knives in their hands. 'Give us that card, kiddo,' they said as the man grabbed his long stick with the cross on top, telling Emma to run. He then hit one of them as the other stabbed him in the chest.Emma ran as fast as she could not long as the two men were catching up. She then got in the car, almost being hit by one of their knives. On the way, they followed her on their motorbike, shooting the back of the car. Emma started breathing heavily as the driver increased the speed.Passing through cars, disobeying the traffic lights, the driver knew his top priority was to take care of Emma as he made turns losing the two men. When they arrived, he then looked at Emma and she said, 'Take this, I'm gonna need you for tonight,' handing him two thousand dollars.°°°As Sierra left Wanda on the bed, closing the door, Wanda opened her eyes seeing the room turn pitch black. 'I want you,' said a voice as Wanda started screaming Sierra's name. The voice then echoed louder and louder, Wanda trying to run away. She slipped, hitting her head as a huge, tall, black creature appeared in front of her. She couldn't believe it, as she started breathing heavily. 'It can't be you.' 'Yes it can,' said ATHON as he moved closer to her face.'What do you want with me?' 'Simple, to possess you, just like Kranus.' 'No, no, NO!' screamed Wanda as she tried running away but Athon then made his slime move around her, locking her in her position.The more he moved closer to her, the more Wanda started to levitate. 'You were supposed to die.' 'No, you guys just fed me to the octopus which I killed and made my way out of the hole.' 'Then why do you want me.' 'Because I know what's coming and I need to prepare for it, with your power, I can grow an army and finally end humankind,' said Athon as he made Wanda levitate both in her vision and Sierra's room, forcing the house to shake and alerting Sierra to go check on Wanda.'What are you going to do,' asked Wanda, 'I'm going to POSSESS you,' and Athon made his slime enter her ears, mouth, nose and eyes as Wanda's hair started to change colour, from white to black as well as her eyes. The whole house started to convulse and Sierra tried opening the door, screaming Wanda's name.Soon the whole city began to oscillate and Starla and Paul immediately drove back to Starla's house.Sierra tried every way as she told Kranus to morph into one of his forms, not realising that Starla and Paul entered the building. Just as they were about to see them, Kranus broke down the door and Wanda was already seated on her bed, drawing a girl levitating as black slime went out of her hands.Quickly morphing back into Sierra, Kranus was about to be caught as Starla and Paul entered. 'What happened?' asked Starla as Sierra was about to answer her but Wanda said, 'Oh, I accidentally locked the door and lost the key, thankfully Sierra broke down the door.' 'But the key is behind the door and the window is open,' Starla said as Wanda's eyes turned black and she made Sierra, Kranus, Paul and Starla forget about the incident, they're eyes turning black and back to their normal eye colour as they all stood there while Wanda's eyes turned back to white.'What did you do to your hair?' 'Oh you know, try something new,' she smiled, laughing with Sierra, Paul and Starla.Starla then took a look at Wanda's art book as she saw the forest with the hole in it. 'Where did you see this?' 'Oh, the forest across the street,' said Wanda as Starla grabbed Paul and ran there.They took pictures as Starla said, 'Do you think Wanda had anything to do with this?' 'Why would you say so?' 'I don't know, I just feel like she does,' as they continued clicking pictures and made their way back to the government building.