27, class c? Class d contract

"That's enough."

"His martial arts skills have improved rapidly, which must be related to his spirit, but the most important thing is his understanding of marksmanship." Zhong Cheng, wearing a black suit, was slightly excited.

"His age has just turned seventeen ... and it is very different from the kind of person who entered the blue star youth list at the age of nineteen."

"So young, the marksmanship level is so high."

"Normally, his marksmanship has great hope of breaking through to the fourth stage in the future." Zhong Cheng took a deep breath: "His spirit is super strong. When his body becomes stronger, I am afraid that his spirit will soon exceed the level of 20."

"Song Dianzhu has become the two major difficulties of the source fighters. For Li Yuan in the future, it is not a problem at all." Zhong Cheng looked at Song Yi.

As a full member of Starry Sky Wudian, Zhong Cheng is familiar with the operation mode of Wudian.

He knows very well that the value paid by the preparatory members who signed the contract in advance in Wudian is at least 10 million blue star coins.

Even higher.

And pay such a big price, is it just to cultivate a first-order fighter with a physical quality of more than ten levels?

It's not worthwhile at all.

Sign a contract in advance and focus on training. There is only one goal-to train the source fighters.

Like Song Yi, he is the source fighter.

It is precisely because of his strong strength that Song Yi can sit firmly in Guanshan to distinguish the position of the deputy temple master.

"There are three major difficulties in trying to become a source warrior." Song Yi smiled: "Most people, the most difficult thing is spirit. After all, spirit can only rely on talent."

Zhong Cheng couldn't help nodding.

Physical fitness is not high? There are many kinds of treasures that can be promoted by foreign objects. In theory, anyone can meet the physical quality requirements of fighters as long as they have enough money.

Martial arts skills? Very savvy, but if you have a famous teacher to guide you, you will be promoted quickly.

Spirit? The treasure that can improve the spirit is incredibly expensive, which is beyond the imagination of the source fighters, so we can only look at talent basically.

And now.

In Zhong Cheng's and Song Yi's view, Ethan is the kind of talented person.

Plus his marksmanship.

It's worth cultivating!

"Contact him this week?" Zhong Cheng asked, "Let him come to Wudian?"

"Too anxious." Song Yi shook his head.

Zhong Cheng one leng, nasty.

Is the other party to contact Li Changzhou immediately, and now it's urgent?

"I asked you to contact me immediately, because I was afraid that I would be caught by the martial arts hall and the spark martial arts hall and be preempted." Song Yi picked up the coffee and gently stirred it: "But now it is basically confirmed that no one has contacted him."

"Ethan is a child, and he may agree when his brain is hot, but his uncle Li Changzhou is not stupid."

"If you go now, they will definitely ask for improved contract treatment."

"So, forgive him for a few days first."

"When they understand that only our family is interested, it will be easy to talk about it again." Song Yi smiles.

"Keep the price down?" Zhong Cheng frowned slightly.

Lowering the price is not a good choice.

Because fighters themselves represent force, and force is the source of all power.

Depress the price when signing the contract in advance, and once the other party is strong, it is easy to greet itself.

"Lower the price first." Song Yi smiled and immediately spit out three words: "Then, raise the price again."

"Form a poor treatment."

"In this way, I can show the importance I attach to talents in the martial arts hall in the starry sky, and I can also make Li Yuan feel grateful." Song Yi smiled and said, "Besides, I'll leave this contract to you."

"The highest, I will give you C-level contract authority, don't let me down."

"Master Xie Song Dian." Zhong Cheng nodded: "I will do it well."


At night, at nine o'clock, Ethan finished his training and came home from school by unmanned tram.

My aunt has been sitting on the sofa waiting.

"Hey!" Ethan called a sentence.

"Come back? Drink the high-energy milk first, and just soak it on the table for a while. " Aunt said.

"good." Li Yuan nodded.

Except for eating at home on Sunday, I basically eat three meals a day at school from Monday to Saturday.

My aunt is always worried that she will spend too much time practicing at night, so she will count the time and brew a cup of high-energy milk every night.

Picking up the cup on the dining table, Ethan came to the living room and sat down.

"Hey, the two-month living expenses given by my uncle last time, plus the money sent today, I guess I can use it in February, so I don't have to give it to me for the time being." Ethan took the initiative to speak while drinking milk.

"ok." Chen Hui laughed and smiled at Ethan who gulped down milk.

Ethan, she has always been very satisfied.

She is obedient and sensible, and sometimes she is not as mature as a teenager at all, which always makes her feel at ease.

With the growth of age, Ethan has gradually shown a good talent in martial arts.

What has worried Chen Hui before is that her husband and I can't provide enough financial support to Ethan.

This time, Ethan got two bonuses on her own, which made her feel a little relieved.

"Your uncle sent me a message." Chen Huidao: "Starry Sky Wudian intends to sign you in advance. What do you think?"

"Look at the conditions of the starry sky Wudian." Ethan put down the empty cup and thought about the next way: "However, if the martial arts hall is willing to make special moves, I still want to take the road of special moves."


"It is best to be a special trick." Chen Hui was quite satisfied: "The special trick is equivalent to booking the admission places of five famous schools, and after graduation, he will also be assigned a job, and maybe he can directly enter the municipal martial arts bureau."

As a middle school teacher, Chen Hui has a clear understanding of special tricks, and she also hopes that Ethan will take special tricks.

In her view, the state's special measures not only include distribution work, but also are much safer as long as they do not enter the military sequence.

But if you sign a contract with Wudian, the future is hard to say.

Members of the Wudian will be killed in the forefront of the Astral Battlefield, and the casualty rate is no less than that of military fighters.

"Uh-huh, listen to your aunt." Ethan laughed, and he understood his aunt's scruples.

Ethan has his own considerations.

The three martial arts halls, each with a large number of fighters, are the most powerful fighters, which the country can't catch up with.

As far as martial arts practice is concerned, choosing a martial hall will make progress faster, but it is often more dangerous.

And taking the martial arts hall's special tricks and administrative establishment is the best for the family in the future.

With the cultivation of national resources, the progress of martial arts will not be slow.


When Ethan is full of expectations.

What happened next was completely beyond his expectation.

In addition to entering the blue star youth list the next day, the starry sky martial arts hall contacted my uncle Li Changzhou once.

Then, there was no news.

Not only is there no news from the Wudian in the starry sky, but there is no shadow at all from the Wudian in the budo Hall and Spark Hall, and no one has come to find it ... Time goes by day.

In an instant, more than half a month passed.

Time came to the middle of October.

Rao is Ethan's calm personality, and he is a little confused after waiting for so long.

At noon that day, my uncle Li Changzhou called the communication.

"Xiao Yuan."

"Your uncle Zhong summoned me again today. He was a little embarrassed, so there has been no news for so many days. He is in charge of signing this piece in Wu Dianzhong." In the video projection, Li Changzhou solemnly said, "He really wants to sign you."

"hmm." Ethan nodded slightly.

There is no doubt that Zhong Cheng and his uncle Li Changzhou have been friends for many years.

"But he bluntly said that your problem lies in the spirit of martial arts, so his upward application was stuck in the second review, and now the Wudian high-level discussion." Li Changzhou looked at Ethan: "But the result is these two days."

"The results in these two days? Because of the spirit of martial arts? " Ethan listened in silence.

Is it because of the spirituality of martial arts again?

"Don't be discouraged, your uncle Zhong also said that he would try his best to fight for it." Li Changzhou said, "Let's be optimistic about things. Even if it doesn't work out, don't be disappointed."

"In practice, don't slack off." Li Changzhou asked.

"Don't worry, Uncle, I didn't sign a contract in advance for the martial arts hall in the starry sky." Ethan smiled and said, "At that time, they are willing to sign, but I may not sign yet."

Hang up the video.

The smile on Ethan's face disappeared.

Standing in the 4011 budo room.

"martial spirit?"

"Because I didn't wake up, didn't budokang and Xinghuo Wudian give a chance?"

"Perhaps, without Uncle Zhong, there is no hope for the martial arts hall in the starry sky." Ethan clenched his pike, silent in his heart: "Without a suitable high-level practice method, is there no hope of becoming a powerful warrior?"

Neither Ethan nor Li Changzhou ever thought that this was done by the Wu Dian in the starry sky on purpose.

After all, there is a contrast between Spark Wudian and Wudao Hall, but there is no news from both sides.


Ethan suddenly shot out, and generate, the strength of terror, almost affected the ghosting, followed by a series of gun shadows, and a series of sharp whistles broke out in the air.

Suddenly, two tips flashed across Ethan's horizon.

[Your marksmanship level has increased from 56% in the third section to 57% in the third section]

[Your life level, from 6.8 to 6.9]


The next day, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Ethan, who was staying in his room, suddenly received a video arraignment.

"Uncle Zhong?" Ethan eyes slightly bright.

Put through.

Hum ~ in the projection, a middle-aged man wearing a home uniform immediately appeared, very energetic.

"Uncle Zhong." Ethan laughed.

"Xiao Yuan." Zhong Cheng walked over and said, "I didn't disturb you by calling you so late."


"That will do." Zhong Cheng smiled and seemed to have some feelings: "I have good news for you. Your application for signing a contract has been passed at the meeting. It is a D-level contract."

"passed?" Ethan's eyes are slightly bright: "Xie Zhongshu."

He is ready to fail.

"Don't thank you, you are excellent."

"Come to Wudian at 9 o'clock on Sunday morning and we'll talk about the specific terms." Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Is that all right?"

"No problem."