28, I Li Changzhou is not dead yet.

Hang up the video communication with Zhong Cheng.

Ethan pondered, afraid to disturb uncle Li Changzhou's rest. He didn't have direct video communication, but left a message first.

Roughly illustrates the situation.

Only five minutes later.

Didi-Didi-Li Changzhou took the initiative to call back the video communication, and Ethan immediately connected.

"Uncle." Ethan looked at Li Changzhou in the video projection, dusty, as if he had just finished his work.

"I know roughly." Li Changzhou's face was not as happy as Ethan expected, but his brow was frowning: "If the Starry Sky Wudian really only gives a D-level contract in the end, then you can sign it or not, and then talk about it."

"Oh?" Li Yuan is a little confused.

Budokang's special tactics have always been Ethan's first goal, but there is no news about it for more than half a month.

In fact, at first, Ethan was not so eager to sign Wudian in advance.

But these days, Li Yuanzi searched a lot of information on the Internet and knew that the early signing of several major martial arts halls was good as a whole, except for the strong binding force, and there was no pit.

Most importantly, as long as the contract is signed in advance, no matter what level it is, it can really greatly reduce the economic pressure at home.

You can even get cash rewards and feed your family back.

Ethan, in his heart, owes something to his uncle and aunt.

I always feel that my uncle ventured to the northern Xinjiang province for his own sake.

"I basically found out through some relationships." Li Changzhou patiently explained: "Over the years, the early signing contracts of the three major martial arts halls are divided into five grades: D, C, B, A and S from low to high."

"The terms of the contracts at the same level between different martial arts halls are similar."

Ethan nodded slightly, so, in the eyes of the starry sky Wu Dian, he belongs to the lowest gear?

However, it is excellent to sign the contract in advance.

"D-level contract, providing 1 million blue star coins every year for six years." Li Changzhou said in a low voice, "It sounds good, but you have to know."

"The resources you need to practice now and the resources you need to practice after entering the university as a warrior are two concepts."

"For example, a bottle of basic qi and blood medicine costs only 2,000 blue star coins, and now you can spend 20,000 blue star coins a month."

"After becoming a warrior, only the first-order basic qi and blood medicine used by the first-order fighters will cost 10,000 blue star coins for one bottle, and more than ten bottles and twenty or thirty bottles for a month." Li Changzhou solemnly said: "The most basic item alone costs at least one million blue star coins a year."

"There will be" auxiliary repose treasures ".If you are interested in impacting the second-order source fighters in the future, it is essential. It is at least necessary to spend millions of blue star coins a year ..."

"There will be physical therapy ..."

"There will be the purchase of weapons, all kinds of auxiliary equipment, fighters and astral creatures, equipment can be ordinary? Expensive and easy to break. " Li Changzhou looked at Ethan: "One million, a lot to you now."

"If you have no intention of martial arts, you want to take other majors in the university."

"Then, you don't have to spend too much money on martial arts. Just practice slowly in the university and strive to become a 15-level fighter in the future. This contract can even be called generous, and maybe you can save millions of blue star coins." Li Changzhou said, "After graduating from college, according to the contract, the Starry Sky Martial Arts Hall will give you a job."

"At that time, like your uncle Zhong, you will be an ordinary member in the Wudian, and all kinds of benefits are no worse than civil servants."

"If the Starry Sky Wudian takes the initiative to cancel the contract and doesn't give a job, if you take millions of blue star coins and find a job again, it will be a steady profit."

"This is a bright road lying flat." Li Changzhou stared at Ethan.

Ethan was surprised.

He didn't expect that there was such a game.

"But Xiao Yuan, are you really willing to be an ordinary person? Ordinary fighters? " Li Changzhou stared at Ethan.

Ethan was silent.

"You are not reconciled." Li Changzhou shook his head and sighed: "I watched you grow up, how could I not understand?" You are so crazy to practice, in addition to helping your family, it is important that you have a warrior's heart. "

"From the second day to the third year of high school, have you had a rest even for a day on weekends, summer vacations and winter vacations? You are practicing even in the New Year. "

"You are hard on yourself."

"I have never seen this ferocity. I can't compare with you, and your father couldn't catch up with you." Li Changzhou said slowly.

Ethan eyes micro, so many years, uncle seldom say so much, not to mention the dead father.

"Your aunt has always wanted you to take the exam and be a teacher in the future. She has always blamed me and felt that she should not support you."

"Why don't I object to you being a full-time fighter?" There was a little excitement in Li Changzhou's voice: "I don't want you to regret it at the age of forty, like me."

Ethan was shocked and looked at his uncle in shock.

"Full-time fighters, dangerous."

Li Changzhou smiled frankly: "But since ancient times, my hero, who has not dreamed of galloping the battlefield and pursuing the limits of martial arts?"

"With human body, truly on a par with the gods! To explore the limits of life. "

"I have no hope in my life."

"But you still have it." Li Changzhou looked at Ethan with a smile. The helmet on his head was covered with a lot of mud and looked a little sloppy.

Ethan listened with bated breath.

"If you want to take the road of full-time fighters, this money, the money of this contract, is far from enough." Li Changzhou continued: "But your future will be trapped by this contract."

After hesitating, Li Yuan couldn't help saying, "Uncle, according to the information I have found, as long as the performance is good enough, the Star Temple will upgrade the contract."

"But the Starry Sky Wudian won't be upgraded?" Li Changzhou asked: "Why should you give the initiative to others for your own destiny?"

Ethan came to his senses.

"Your uncle Zhong is nice, but many things, as an ordinary member, are not for him to decide." Li Changzhou said, "Besides, as far as I know, once you sign a contract with Wudian in advance, your development will be limited when you go to Wudao University in the future."

"Limited?" Ethan one leng, this is what he doesn't know.

"For example, the five famous schools in Xiaguo are funded by the state." Li Changzhou said, "If you sign the Wudian in advance, you are destined to join the Wudian after graduating from college ... Do you think that some special resources have arrived at the school, and you have to choose between you and another specially recruited student in the Wudao Hall? Who will the school give it to?"

Ethan eyes micro.

Signing the Wudian in advance, in a sense, is indeed a constraint.

"This contract."

"When you go to Wudian on Sunday, check with your uncle Zhong first. If you can upgrade to the level of C, and there are passive upgrade terms, such as how old you are, you will be upgraded to the level of B or even A directly and automatically. It doesn't hurt to sign it." Li Changzhou said patiently.

"If you want to be a full-time fighter, Wudian is indeed a better choice, but if the restrictions are too great, you don't have to sign it."

"Ethan, I know what you think and want to help your family." Li Changzhou stared at Ethan: "But you remember, your uncle and I are not dead yet."

"It's not time for you to completely support this family."

"At least, before you go to college, don't worry. All you have to do is devote yourself to practice, understand?" Li Changzhou solemnly said.

"yes, uncle." Ethan nodded heavily.

"I believe you, I won't be wrong." Li Changzhou looked at Ethan.

"Now they don't sign a contract with the Spark Wudian and the Starry Wudian, but they have no vision."

"When the college entrance examination results come out and even enter the university, you will naturally receive a better contract."

"It's not too late to sign again."


Uncle Li Changzhou's words made Ethan calm down completely, and he could think about it more calmly.

"Uncle is right."

"What's the hurry? Looking back, it is them who are in a hurry. " Ethan gave me a smile.

Continue to practice.

Two days later, on Saturday, Ethan goes to school and goes home at 2: 00 and 1: 00 every day as usual.

Saturday afternoon.

Today, all senior three students are all taking martial arts classes in the martial arts classroom.

School gate.

Several black cars arrived slowly, and six figures came down from the car.

Five of them are wearing black suits, but only one middle-aged man is wearing a black Tang suit, which looks ordinary and gives people an intangible atmosphere.

"Lord of all temples."

"welcome to our school, Lord of all temples." President Tan Zhenlong and several other vice presidents all stepped forward and greeted them with a smile.

"iron tower." The middle-aged man looked directly at Xu Bo, who was standing in the distance, and smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Create." Xu Bo just stepped forward and grinned: "I didn't expect that you would be the new temple owner of the Guanshan branch of the Xinghuo Wudian."
