36. Yuanli Jingdan

According to Li Yuan's own situation, the intelligent system gives a very detailed practice plan through its own large database.

It is also highly targeted.

Moreover, every plan made is explained in great detail and the reasons are explained.

After reading the whole article.

Li Yuan has to admit that the analysis of intelligent systems is quite reasonable.

"AI intelligence based on big data is really extraordinary." Ethan heart feeling.

Only, this plan is too expensive.

"If I follow the complete plan given by this intelligent system, I will spend about 400,000 blue star coins/points every month." When Li Yuan added it up, he felt numb in his scalp: "It costs nearly 5 million a year."

What are the blue star coins and points given by Wudian?

A total of 3 million a year.

Until this moment, Li Yuancai really understood what uncle Li Changzhou said.

Full-time budo?

No money? Practice what martial arts?

If you want to be a powerful fighter, you have to take money to smash it out.

"I haven't become a first-order fighter yet, and when I become a first-order fighter, the cost will only be greater." Ethan shook his head slightly.

Of course, Ethan also knows that the spiritual practice plan given by the intelligent system belongs to the extremely high-end category.

It can assist the improvement of physical fitness, martial arts skills and spirit to the maximum efficiency.

With the common promotion of the three aspects, the hope of becoming a source fighter in the future will increase greatly.

Only, it costs a lot.

Even a rich family like Wan Xiao, I'm afraid only when he sprints in the third year of high school, will he dare to play like this.

"Lin Lanyue's family background seems to be better than Wan Xiao's. Perhaps spiritual resources can reach this level." Ethan sighed: "No wonder the speed of progress far exceeds that of other students."

Good talent, hard work, and resource blessing.

How do ordinary people compare with Lin Lanyue?

"My advantage lies in the shrine of the mind." Ethan pondered: "Seeing the Starry Sky Sutra can not only improve your mental strength quickly, but also sleep deeply and eliminate all fatigue, which is worthy of the highest physical therapy."

Ethan's physical fitness has improved so quickly, and "Looking at the Starry Sky" has made great contributions.

"So, projects such as refreshing drugs and top-level physical therapy ... can be abandoned." Ethan made a decision.

If you buy and use it, it may be more efficient.

Just, who let Li Yuan poor?

"If you are poor, you have to choose the most cost-effective way."

Ethan's eyes swept over other projects: "In this way, there are three main points to be spent. One is the improvement of physical fitness, the basic qi and blood medicine, and the source of refined pills."

"The other one is a deep medicinal bath."

"The second is actual combat training, which is accompanied by 15 fighters in actual combat, twice a week, and costs 20,000 blue star coins per week." Ethan andao.

Add up the above.

One month, it costs about 240,000 blue star coins/points.

As a result, the college entrance examination in June next year will cost about 2 million blue star coins/points.

"The next gift of Wudian will be given in October next year." Ethan tunnel: "Besides, I have to save some points for becoming a fighter."

After entering the university, the school will also have a lot of cultivation resources, but it is still not there!

Ethan must plan for itself.

"As for the points of practice, marksmanship, posture, guidance from famous teachers, etc., I will ask Teacher Xu Bo when I go back to school." Ethan made a decision.

Time passes by.

Suddenly, Ethan received two bank reminders, which were directly displayed on the virtual network.

"Your account with the tail number of 1486 has received 1000000.00 ..."

"You received 1200000.00 from your account with the surname of 1486 ..."

Two reminders of arrival.

"hmm? Two sums of money, one should be given by the Lord of Wandian, and the other should be the contract reward of Wudian. " Li Yuan was slightly puzzled: "But why is the contract award 1.2 million blue star coins?"

"Don't, there are 300000 blue star coins, have to send them back to me?"

Li Yuan is preparing to ask Xiaoyu.

"Master, the cash reward of Wudian this year has been received. According to the contract, all the contract rewards in 2042-2043 have been received." Xiaoyu has taken the initiative to speak.

"How is the cash difference of the contract reward 300,000?" Li Yuan asked.

"Tax deduction!"

"This kind of contract reward for Wudian is from Gong Hu. It is supervised by the state and must be taxed. Wudian has paid it for you, and the owner can check it in the virtual tax space." Xiaoyu immediately explained: "Normally, for a large amount of income like this, the part exceeding 1 million will be deducted from the highest 50% personal income tax."

"But the contract reward belongs to the franchise income, and the state has tax relief, so only 20% is deducted."

"Remind the owner that you can't evade taxes. Once it is found out, the fine will start at 10 times."

Xiaoyu smiled and said, "But the owner can rest assured that the other 1 million blue star coins are private gifts and need not be taxed."

"As for the points and practice points, they are distributed inside the Wudian, and the loss of going to the Wudian ... will be calculated and paid by the Wudian in a unified way, without the owner having to pay you out."

Ethan has been numb.

Pay taxes?

300,000 blue star coins? So it's gone? Ethan felt a twinge of flesh.

Silence is half ringing.

"Yes, it is taxable." Ethan comforted himself in his heart: "In the war with the Astral World, all kinds of infrastructure, education and people's livelihood ... the state has to spend money, and paying taxes is the obligation of every citizen."

Ethan received a similar education from an early age.

In the past, he just shouted slogans, but this time he had a personal experience.

"Practice, try to use points."

"Cash is always more widely used." Ethan andao also had a glimmer of expectation: "Besides, it's time to give some cash to my aunt."

Isn't it for today that you have worked so hard?

Relieving the family's economic pressure has always been one of Ethan's driving forces.


Ethan didn't stay in Xinghuo Wudian for too long. At four o'clock in the afternoon, he had returned to school.

Found Xu Bo in the office.

"Come back so soon?" Xu Bo felt a little surprised and smiled: "How do you feel?"

"Wudian is very good." Ethan heartfelt way.

"The cultivation conditions of Wudian have always been the top." Xu Bo smiled and said, "You must have something to do when you come back to me so soon."


"I want to ask the teacher to give me some advice." Ethan respectful way, immediately to the intelligent system of practice plan, to make the teacher roughly said it again.

"The practice plan formulated by intelligent AI for you is very comprehensive, but it is very expensive. You don't have enough wealth, so you should choose the ones with the highest cost performance." Xu Bo said, "I only want to make two points."

"Please speak, teacher." Ethan, listen.

"First of all, try to change the basic source of Jingdan." Xu Bo solemnly said.

"The practice plan says to take one pill a month, but in fact it's best to see how well your body can bear it ... If your body can bear it, it's best to eat two pills a month."

"The basic source is fine and expensive, and one needs 100,000 blue star coins." Xu Bo looked at Li Yuan and said, "But it is also very effective."

"You haven't awakened to the spirituality of martial arts, and you can't practice advanced practice. Taking Yuanli Jingdan can greatly make up for your shortcoming."

"You are physically gifted."

"If the effect is good enough."

"By the time of the college entrance examination, your physical fitness will be upgraded to 8.5 or even 9.0, and it is promising to surpass Lin Lanyue." Xu Bo solemnly said.

Ethan eyes micro, a crush.

But I felt a burst of pressure.

How can I feel poorer when I clearly become a millionaire?