37, the magical source force

"Two per month?" Ethan dark sigh.

The basic source of Li Jing Dan, a 100 thousand blue star coin/point, if you eat two, then your monthly budget will rise sharply.

"You haven't eaten Yuanli Jingdan before, have you?" Xu Bo looked at Ethan.

"No." Ethan shook his head, his home which can supply such a practice treasure.

Like uncles and aunts, there are actually a few families that can supply children with basic qi and blood drugs for a long time.

Yuan Li Jing Dan? Those who dare to buy and use for a long time are probably billionaires.

"Then I will tell you that the essence of Yuanli Jingdan is a substitute for higher practice." Xu Bodao said, "Do you know the essential difference between basic practice and advanced practice?"

"Practice efficiency." Li yuandao.

"This is the result, not the cause." Xu Bodao said: "The basic practice method is to efficiently absorb the energy generated by the food we eat in our bodies, thus promoting the progress of life."

Ethan couldn't help nodding.

The most essential difference between modern human beings and ancient traditional martial arts lies in the practice method.

This is the key to the evolution of life.

"But the basic practice method has its limits." Xu Bo said, "No matter how strong our digestive function is, we can eat 10 kilograms of nutritious meals every day, but can we eat 100 kilograms of food?"

"I can't eat." Ethan shook his head.

"Yes, even if it is high-energy food, there are impurities left after eating it, and the body can't stand eating too much." Xu Bo continued: "However, powerful fighters don't want to continue to promote physical evolution, even if they maintain their physical fitness, they will consume huge energy."

"Like a tram, the more powerful it is, the more electricity it consumes."

"Like your teacher, I am."


Xu Bo took a step forward, and the whole person flashed like a phantom, the air exploded instantly, and the airflow surged into the wind.

Xu Bo has stopped at the other end of the office.


"This is the 19th level fighters?" Ethan held her breath and looked at it, with a hint of excitement in her heart.

He's sure that just now, Mr. Xu, the instantaneous explosion speed definitely exceeded 50 meters/second.

You know, this is an in-situ outbreak, and it is by no means the fastest outbreak speed of Xu Bo.

This is a truly powerful fighter.

Xu Bo walked slowly back, saying: "Every day, in order to maintain a strong body, if I only rely on eating, I have to eat at least dozens of kilograms of high-energy food."

"This is still living in the city. If you fight with astral creatures, it will consume more, and two hundred kilograms of high-energy food can't be beaten."

Ethan remained.

He thought of animals such as elephants and giraffes, which spend most of their days eating.

If you exercise, the consumption will be even greater.

"So, we produced qi and blood medicine." Xu Bodao said: "The essence of qi and blood medicine is extracted from food, which is easier to be absorbed by the human body than high-energy food, and has almost no impurities, but it is expensive."

"Taking it can reduce the demand for food."

Ethan nodded slightly.

Using qi and blood medicine can not only reduce the burden of eating, but also increase the cultivation efficiency by at least one time.

"But in the future, after becoming a 15-level fighter, and even a more powerful fighter, it is difficult to maintain only blood and medicine."

"In recent decades, there has been a source of refined Dan, which allows us to directly absorb the source force."

"What is the source force?"

"Since hundreds of years ago, the six star bridges have changed, and the most magical energy' source force' has appeared in the starry sky." Xu Bo said with emotion: "Once we can absorb the source force, the evolution speed of our body will increase ten times and one hundred times."

Ethan listened with bated breath.

Source force, extremely magical.

Like powerful fighters, in just a few decades, they can fly to the ground and even get out of the nuclear explosion center safely ... by absorbing the source force and promoting the evolution of the body.

With human body, shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

"There are three ways to absorb the source force."

"First, if the physical quality reaches at least level 19, and the skills are clever enough, and the body and mind are perfectly combined, you can barely perceive the source force and achieve initial absorption." Xu Bo said in a low voice, "This is the most primitive absorption method, which is very inefficient, but it is by this method that the first generation of fighters became stronger step by step."


"With the increasing number and strength of fighters, the first advanced practice method was finally promoted, and the efficiency of absorbing source power soared more than ten times." Xu Bodao said: "Then the second and third doors were created ... Up to now, seven advanced practices have appeared in our human civilization."

"Even if it can fit the corresponding higher-level practice method, ordinary people can initially absorb the source force, which will make the efficiency of improving physical fitness soar." Xu Bo looked at Ethan rather regretfully.

Ethan understood what the teacher meant.

Awakening the spirituality of martial arts is not as mysterious as the' spiritual root' in the novel.

Its essence is the fit with the seven high-level practice methods.

If the fit exceeds 85%, it is awakening.

Why do human civilizations attach great importance to the spirituality of martial arts? Because if ordinary people practice advanced practice, they can gradually absorb the source force in the universe to strengthen their bodies.

As a result, the efficiency of body evolution has skyrocketed, and the hope of Chengyuan fighters will increase greatly.

This is the reason why the students in elite classes are generally strong in physical fitness.

Secondly, the source force exists everywhere in the universe.

It is not only much more effective than qi and blood medicine, but also inexhaustible, which can save a lot of resources for the whole human civilization.

"It is the second way and the best way to absorb the source force by higher practice." Xu Bo shook his head. "But you can't do it now ... Ethan, if you want to absorb the source force in the universe by yourself, you can only use the most primitive absorption method."

"Then, you must upgrade your physical fitness to level 19."

Ethan nodded slightly.

Don't absorb the source force, improve your physical fitness to level 19? You can imagine how difficult it is.

We must use a lot of foreign resources.

"Of course, if you really become a great source warrior in the future, maybe you can also create a higher-level practice method that suits you."

"Even create a higher-level practice method suitable for a large number of ordinary people." Xu Bo said with emotion: "Then, you will be a great hero for the benefit of human civilization."

"The world's strongest' Oriental Pole' once said that everyone is blessed and should have a suitable advanced practice method."

"If our human civilization can give birth to a hundred higher-level exercises, then everyone will find a higher-level practice method that suits them from childhood, and there will be no martial spirit."

"By that time, the birth speed of fighters of human civilization will be more than ten times faster than now." Xu Bo quoted Dongfang Ji as saying: "And this requires generations of fighters to work hard."

"One hundred advanced practices?" Ethan dark sigh.

Human civilization, from the emergence of the era of life evolution, to nearly 200 years now, a total of seven universal higher-level practice methods have been born.

However, compared with the three advanced practice methods more than 80 years ago.

In this era, the birth speed of human civilized fighters has been several times faster.

The more fighters there are, the larger the base is, and the more powerful fighters are, which also makes the birth of higher-order practice faster.

This is a virtuous circle.

Human civilization is growing.

"The third way to absorb the source power is to source the essence of Dan, which appeared in the last twenty or thirty years." Xu Bo said: "There is a trace of source power in the refined Dan, which can be absorbed once taken."

"It's just that the source is overbearing."

"Without the assistance of advanced practice, absorption will be very difficult." Xu Bo said, "So, it is enough for ordinary people to use one a month."

"Your physical talent is actually the top one, but there is no suitable advanced practice." Xu Bo looked at Ethan with regret: "Plus you have a strong spirit, maybe you can use two a month."

"Teacher Xie gives directions." Ethan nodded and smiled quite frankly: "There is no advanced practice method suitable for me."

"In the future, I will try to create one."

"Ha ha." Xu Bo laughed and said, "With ambition, the teacher is waiting."


"This" Star Shooting Method "and this" Long Xing Body Method "are in the same strain as the" Rock Practice Method ".I suggest you change it." Xu Bo continued: "These two great cheats are directed at the Five Stages of Skill, and they are quite famous among practitioners."

"Pointing directly at the five stages of skill?" Ethan thoughtfully.

My skill is only three paragraphs.

"Teacher, can't you teach me the second-order cheats?" Li Yuan couldn't help it.

"Me?" Xu Bo was stunned first, and then smiled and said, "I did practice a lot of second-order cheats, such as marksmanship, knife cutting and posture."

"But I can't teach you." Xu Bo shook his head: "Didn't you find that I never instructed you to practice the second-order cheats in the past?"

"Why?" Ethan consternation.

"I only have the right to study, and I have no authorization." Xu Bo said, "The boxing, marksmanship, posture and so on that you are learning now belong to the first-order secret book, which is suitable for students with one or two skills."

"A large number of first-order cheats and practice methods are completely open and free for all citizens."

"But from the second-order cheats, they are all copyrighted." Xu Bo said, "You must buy it before you can use it."