43, budo, is to kill the enemy

"The warning has been completely lifted and it should be safe." Ethan pondered and walked out of the room.

My aunt and sister-in-law have not got up yet.

"Go to school first." Ethan left home and walked out of the community.

The military vehicle at the end of the intersection at four o'clock in the morning has disappeared.

No soldiers on patrol.

However, Ethan's eyes are sharp, and he can see a drone floating in the air at a distance of several hundred meters.

It seems to be on guard.

Ethan went straight to the bus stop by tram, but after waiting for a long time, no bus came.

"Forget it."

"Let's run to school." Ethan turned and jogged along the street towards the school.

With Ethan's physical quality, the so-called jogging can also be maintained at 89 meters per second.

In less than ten minutes, we can run to school.

On both sides of the street, many shops are opening one after another, and there are also many pedestrians who are suspected of going to work.

More people will add a sense of security.

When I turned another block.


"Young man, it seems a little late to run this morning." A cheerful voice sounded.

"Didn't you have an astral biological attack last night? I didn't go out until the warning was lifted. " Ethan slowed down a lot and responded with a smile: "Boss, do you still open a shop today? See you rest. "

It was the owner of Fuwei noodle restaurant who called Ethan.

He is carrying something.

They met many times and were very familiar strangers.

"If you want to pay the rent, you can't stop." The boss walked over and said that he was a little fat, but his arms were strong and he easily lifted a big table.

"The boss makes a fortune." Ethan freely said a sentence, continue to run forward.

Passed by a small alley one person wide, dark.


Ethan glanced at it.

Then, Ethan saw a vague figure, coming out of the sewer at the end of the small lane.

Look at the path, it seems to be going along the alley and rushing out towards the main road here.

"Huh?" Ethan's heart suddenly tightened, as if feeling the danger of a share capital.

But his running body, inertia, has rushed out of the more than 20 meters.


Li Yuancai stopped completely, turned around, stared at the alley mouth intensely, and stepped back subconsciously.

"Peng ~" "Peng ~" Ethan's keen hearing has heard the slight rapid noise coming from the alley continuously.


"Hoo!" It seems that there is heavy and rapid breathing.


Ethan retreated to an unopened shop by the roadside, because there were two metal hollow sticks by the wall, which seemed to be used to support the goods.

Somehow, something reminded Ethan that it was time to run at once.

But we haven't waited for Ethan to respond.


A tall and thin figure suddenly appeared in the narrow alley and stood on the sidewalk.

How good is Ethan's eyesight? I saw it instantly.

This is a humanoid creature nearly two meters high, with four arms, blue skin, just like the color of the sea, long green hair, scarlet eyes, but shining with wisdom.

It's like a creature running out of water.

Its slender limbs, the proportion of which is higher than that of human beings, give people a sense of elegance. The fingertips of hands and feet have evolved into sharp webbed claws, and the most striking thing is the structure on his back that looks like a fish fin and a fish tail.

"Fish Eldar? Astral creatures! " Ethan instantly recognized it and stood on his head.

There are many kinds of astral creatures, such as all kinds of animals on the blue star, humanoid creatures and enlarged insects ... but humanoid creatures can account for one third of them.

The Fish Elves, a very famous group, can live amphibious on land and in water.

In many attacks in Jiangcheng history, the fish Elves are the main force.

"Here, how can there be astral creatures escaping from the net?" Ethan was full of hair, and he was on the verge of an enemy: "Isn't the warning lifted?"

Almost instinctive.

[The target creature, whose life level is level, enters the level, and is seriously injured. At present, it is about level, and spiritual nourishment can be obtained by killing] Li Yuan's mind moved, and his mental consciousness felt a little tired, and he had obtained the life message of the other party.


Has entered the order, equivalent to the real fighters.

But ...

Get the message, let Ethan spirit a little vibration, is the other side of the state of serious injury.

The physical quality that can erupt seems to be only level.

"Shot?" Ethan discovered that there was a bullet hole in the chest of the fish Eldar, but there was not much blood flowing out, so I didn't see it for the first time.

If the physical quality reaches the level of fighters, the body is strong, and if it is a small caliber bullet, it will not be killed at one blow.

In addition to discovering that the other party was seriously injured, Ethan also noticed the last sentence in the probe message: "Killing can get spiritual nourishment."

What is this?

Ethan had explored the life levels of many fighters before, but he had never encountered such a hint.

Speak slowly.

In fact, within one second of the fish Eldar rushing out of the alley, Ethan had already recognized and identified the enemy.

At the same time subconsciously.

Ethan grabbed the metal hollow stick beside him, faintly posing as an attack, staring at each other intensely.

Among all kinds of astral biological materials that Ethan studied since childhood.

These astral creatures are extremely cruel, and once encountered, fighting will inevitably break out.

But, beyond Ethan's expectation.


The injured fish Eldar, as if aware of Ethan's annoyance, turned around in an instant, with a quick figure, stepped on the masonry floor with webbed claws and swooped down on the owner of Fuwei noodle restaurant dozens of meters away.

The speed is amazing.

Obviously, in its perception, Ethan is very annoying.

"Astral creatures?" The owner of the noodle restaurant has also seen the fish Elves swooping down. His adrenaline soared and he subconsciously picked up a kitchen knife! !

Just then.

"Hoo!" The air exploded, bursting into a low-pitched, sharp whistle!

A hollow metal stick nearly three meters long, like a giant arrow across the sky, directly pierced the fish Eldar.

The fish Elves are fast, but the metal sticks come faster and harder!

"roar ~"

The fish Eldar instinctively noticed and subconsciously avoided, but on land it was slower and injured again.

"Peng ~"

The metal long stick mercilessly bombarded the shoulder of the fish Eldar, and the impact of terror directly bombarded its slender body nearly two meters high to the ground side.

Brick and stone are broken.

Its body rolled on the ground.

Blood, which seeped out from the shoulder surface shaped like a fish scale, quickly stopped!

"oh! Boom ~ ~ "

Fish Eldar suddenly turned over and gave a strange growl, which seemed to be full of anger. They stared at Ethan, who was standing dozens of meters away, and ignored the owner of Fuwei noodle restaurant.

Its arms are slightly raised, and one side of the arm is suffused with horrible cold light, just like a bone knife.

"Do you want to kill me?" Ethan has held the last metal stick and stared at the fish Eldar intensely.

Just now.

Seeing the noodle shop owner in distress, Ethan almost subconsciously blew out the metal stick in his hand.

Ethan has always been cautious and unwilling to take risks easily.

Because, Ethan know, life is only this one.

However, from ruin, watching each other die, is still an acquaintance?

Ethan ask yourself, really can't do it.

And when the metal rod is blown out.

In the face of this fish Eldar, seeing each other's bloodthirsty eyes, Ethan's heart has no timidity.

In other words, there is no way to have more ideas, only instinct.

"budo is to kill the enemy." Ethan heart, only unutterable courage and blood.

"roar ~"

The fish Eldar has growled and suddenly flew up at an alarming speed.


Ethan didn't hesitate, and his body moved to display the posture of Long Xing, just like Youlong rushed to the other side.

Long weapons must have enough space to display.

"Hoo" and "Hoo!"

The fish Eldar, aware of Ethan's annoyance, didn't kill ordinary human beings as casually, waving his arms like a double knife trying to kill Ethan.


The metal long stick, like a big gun, when it was about to touch the arm of the fish Eldar, the speed of the stick head soared in an instant, creating dozens of illusions, which distracted the fish Eldar instantly.

Then, the metal long stick has passed through the gap between the arms of the fish Eldar like lightning.

Directly bombarded its skull and eyeball.

One of the Five Killing Tactics in Rock Shooting-Mountains and Vientiane.

"Peng ~" seems like a grape was suddenly smashed, and its eyeball burst instantly.

Water and blood are splashing!

"Peng ~" the impact of the collision between the two sides, also let Ethan arm Yishan, body suddenly jumped back.

Remove the force.

"Ahhh ~" The pain of eyeball burst makes the fish Eldar feel terrible pain instantly, and their eyes are not black.

Unconsciously, one hand covered the injured eyeball.

"Peng ~"

However, Ethan's long metal stick is extremely flexible, and it has been struck by lightning again without mercy, bombarding its other eye.


Blind! ! The whole body wailed wildly.

"Your skill is so bad that you can't even get three paragraphs." Ethan muttered to himself.

The heavy stick was lifted high, and the arm suddenly made a force again, slamming into the other side's crown position.