44, two temple owners

In this era, the progress of materials science, even the metal hollow rod, is very good in strength and toughness.

The most important thing is that this fish Eldar's physical quality is only 10.2, and he has just entered the ranks. Although his bones and muscles are tough, he has not yet reached the point of ignoring ordinary weapons.


"Peng ~" and "Peng ~" Li Yuan's first two sticks hit like lightning, and they all just hit them with one hand.

Two consecutive heavy blows, extremely accurate, have caused the skull of the fish Eldar to sink down and blood to splash out.

Completely lying on the ground, but the slender body is still shaking.

And Ethan didn't stop, he knew the importance of mending the knife.

The third stick, which has become a grip with both hands, is the most suitable posture for heavy sticks.

Guns and sticks exert their strength, which is common in many places.

"Hoo!" Ethan was full of strength and instant generate, unhurried, and directly cast out the' Pan Dinggan Kun', and his club head was like a spear head, and his anger split down.

"Poof ~ peng! ! !"

Thousands of kilograms of terror suddenly broke out, and it hit the last place accurately ... like a watermelon, it burst completely.

A lot of blood spattered and scales scattered, and a lot of blood even splashed on Ethan.

Fish Eldar's body, there is no movement.


"Hoo!" Ethan clenched his long stick in his hand, still afraid to relax, staring at the fish Elves in front of him: "This time, it should be cold."

This is Ethan's first life-and-death battle.

However, in the virtual network, there are thousands of life-and-death fights and many practical exercises with Fang Longhu.

In particular, day after day, I have suffered from the painful tempering of the "Looking at the Starry Sky".

Ethan's heart, already very tough.

Marksmanship, posture, that kind of fighting instinct in the face of life and death, has long been unconsciously integrated into Ethan's bones.

"I Ethan, one to one, can also kill astral creatures?" Ethan took a deep breath, holding the metal stick more tightly.

In my heart, there is an inexplicable emotion.

As if, it was a life event, and the soul was baptized.

Sometimes, some changes in life are often sudden and unpredictable.

What you can do is to prepare early.

After years of martial arts practice, Ethan is ready to fight for life and death from the heart and body, and he has also handed over a satisfactory answer sheet.

No timidity! No fear!

Only courage, determination and caution.

Take five steps back.

Ethan is still facing in the direction of the fish Eldar body, and at the same time, corner swept the quartet, alert and astral creatures suddenly flashed.

"Young man, are you a fighter?" The noodle shop owner in the distance, with a kitchen knife in his hand, looked at Ethan in great shock.

He never imagined that the teenagers he often met this morning were so fierce.

Two faces.

Powerful and rapid astral creatures were knocked down by them, and it seems that they have completely lost their breath.

Subconsciously, the noodle shop owner feels that the other party is a fighter.

In his understanding, cold weapons clash, only fighters can win astral creatures.

"No." Ethan replied.

"What about you?" The noodle shop owner swallowed and just wanted to say something.


"rustle ~" before the alley suddenly jumped out of the two short figure, Ethan first pupil miniature, followed by just a little relax.

Are two small combat robots, height is less than half a meter, looks like Okumo, is very small, loaded with a barrel.

Whoosh Whoosh

Two battle robots, scanning around, immediately gun head down, gathered to the fish Eldar body, and at the same time shot a red light, seems to be scanning.

Ethan retreated further and relaxed completely.

He also saw that the injury on the fish Eldar was probably caused by the pursuit of the combat robot.

The whole river city, like this fighting robot, tens of thousands of large and small.

Except for some extremely large astral creatures, most of the combat robots can be wiped out with combat drones.

"Now, go? ?" Ethan just gave birth to an idea in my heart.

Next moment.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Suddenly there was a roar exploding in the sky, followed by Ethan's sight, and two aircrafts shaped like assault boats appeared!

In today's cities, the tallest building does not exceed 12 floors, so it is extremely safe for aircraft to fly at an altitude of tens of meters.

"One-man aircraft?" Ethan held her breath.

Wait for the aircraft to fall.

Whoosh Whoosh

Two figures dressed in black uniforms have jumped directly from the aircraft.

Just like two phantoms, it's fast and horrible, but it falls on the ground but it's so smart that it doesn't break the ground.

It's so easy.

Come straight this way.

"At least 30 meters, jump directly?" Ethan looked at the two people coming with bated breath.

With Ethan's current strength, he can jump from five meters at most, and he has to roll and unload his force to ensure that he is not injured.

Two fighters only show their eyes, and the rest are completely wrapped in battle clothes.

They exude invisible breath, but let Ethan feel palpitations, subconsciously start jingu exploration.

[ Target character, life level exceeds the induction limit (the current life level induction limit is 17.8) ]

Two people, both beyond the Ethan induction limit, also make the spirit of exhaustion.

"We went after the second-order leader and missed this little guy, and he died?" The fighting spirit on the head of one of the figures contracted, revealing a big bare head.

It's a bald battle, and its face is like a knife carving an axe.

Another relatively thin figure, with the same shrinking battle clothes, turned out to be a brown curly-haired woman, looking at her face about thirty years old, full of exotic customs.

"Foreign fighters?" Ethan muttered to himself.

"Kid, I'm a real Xiaguoren." The woman with brown curly hair is fluent in Mandarin: "I have been naturalized since my great grandfather's generation."

Ethan remained, high-order fighters' hearing is good.

"Boy, fighting robots and I said, did you kill this astral creature? Students from budo university? " The bald man walked into Ethan and opened the smart ring watch while asking: "Let me check the surrounding monitoring."

"I killed him." Li Yuandao: "Senior three, Guanshan No.1 High School."

Bald man didn't respond, look at the screen projection, check the monitoring.

Brown curly hair woman also looked up.

Less than ten seconds.


"What? This stick method? No, like marksmanship! "

"It's marksmanship." Two powerful fighters are showing the color of surprise, can't help but look at Ethan.

They thought that the fish Elves were seriously injured and dying, and they were missed by Ethan.

After watching the monitoring, I found that ... The fish Elves were really injured, but they still kept most of their strength.

And Ethan, a cliff, stabbed the eyes of the fish Eldar.

Then it was even more fierce, directly smashing each other's heads.

This strength is fierce.

Let bald man, brown curly hair woman was surprised, glances, and then look at Ethan.

Senior three students? When did high school students become so powerful?

"What's your name?" The bald man looked at Ethan.

"Ethan." Li yuandao.

"Ethan? Would you like to sign my starry sky martial arts hall? " The bald man showed a self-confessed and kind smile: "I am Lu Huai, the temple owner of Guanshan Branch of the Starry Sky Wudian."

Ethan one leng.

This bald man is the master of the martial arts hall in the starry sky, that is, the master of the ten thousand halls is in the same position?

Should be a source fighters.

"Good Lord of the Road Temple." Ethan shook his head and said, "I have signed a contract with Xinghuo Wudian in advance."

After thinking about it, Ethan added: "Class B contract."

"Spark Wu Dian? Class B signing? " The bald man was stunned: "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Class B contract? Ethan, the first high school? " The woman with brown curly hair lit up at the moment, winking at the bald man and laughing: "The old road, I remember."

"Last month, Xing Zixuan told me once that Wandian had signed a high school student with a B-level contract."

"I heard that it was intercepted from your starry martial arts hall."

"I wanted to ask the Lord of the Temple at the year-end meeting." The brown curly-haired woman smiled at Ethan, and her eyes were quite spoiled: "You don't have to ask today. With this courage to save people and not be afraid of danger, and this almost fourth-order marksmanship, B-level signing is enough."

Ethan listened more and more confused.

But he also vaguely heard that the brown curly-haired woman in front of him seemed to be familiar with the Lord of the Temple.

"From my starry sky Wu Dian cut hu? Why don't I know? " Bald man' Lu Huai' frowned slightly.

He subconsciously looked at Ethan.

"Don't look at Ethan, don't scare the little guy in our Wudian." The woman with brown curly hair glared at the big man: "I want to know, ask the people in your Wudian."

"ok." The bald man shook his head helplessly.


"Come on, take a photo and sign." The brown curly-haired woman smiled at Ethan and opened the smart ring watch: "Don't worry, I will report your killing of astral creatures soon, and then I will inform your school to try to get you an honorary title and a reward."

"I'm in trouble with my predecessors." Ethan still has some dizzy, let the other side command.

Quickly take photos with the dead bodies of astral creatures.

And sign on the ring screen of the brown curly-haired woman.

"Don't call me senior, my s