52, thank yourself for your previous efforts.

"Five famous schools come to observe?" Ethan was slightly curious: "Is Jiangbei Wudao University willing?"

"Haha, they are naturally reluctant, but they can't stop it." Xu Bo revealed a smile: "After all, the five famous schools are much more powerful than it."

"Besides, what about stopping?"

"Don't, the top 500 martial arts students in the college entrance examination in the province will take the initiative to apply for Jiangbei Wudao University?" Xu bodao.

Ethan nodded slightly.

That's right!

Becoming a martial arts student in Jiangbei Wudao University may not be worse than the ordinary students in five famous schools in terms of resources and training.

But how many students who can stand out among the millions of candidates in the province will think that they are at the bottom of the five famous schools?

Like Ethan himself, he also believes that even if there is no suitable higher-level practice method in a short time, he can rise step by step as long as he can rush into five famous schools.

"Teacher, what do the five famous schools mainly observe?" Ethan is curious: "Normally, isn't it cultivated according to scores?"

"Not the same!"

"Have you seen the specific itinerary?" Xu Bo said, "Inside, there is an actual combat assessment."

"yes." Li yuandao.

"There are special skills to learn from, actual combat assessments, and other special tests." Xu Bo said, "Do you understand the purpose of training fighters in the country and even the whole Seven Star Alliance?"

"Kill the enemy and protect the country." Ethan subconsciously.

"Yes." Xu Bo nodded heavily: "The purpose of training fighters is actual combat, and it is to train powerful fighters who can fight for human civilization."

"So, a lot of things can't be seen by simple scores. You have to spend things and distinguish them one by one."

"The simplest example."

"Some people have high talents and strong physical fitness, but their mentality is not good. They are embarrassed in the face of life and death, and they can't play a point. Do you think they can focus on training?" Xu Bo laughed.

"High scores and low energy?" Ethan instantly understand.

"There are still some people whose talents seem extremely high, but they are very selfish, and everything is only for their own consideration." Xu Bo seemed to think of something, and said in a low voice, "If you cultivate it, you may do something threatening human civilization for yourself in the future."

"For yourself, threatening human civilization?" Ethan held her breath.

"Don't be surprised." Xu Bo shook his head and said, "Is this still rare in ancient history? Everyone has selfishness, but selfishness should have a degree and cannot exceed the boundaries. "

"That kind of extremely selfish person, if it is detected above, will be cultivated very carefully."

Ethan nodded gently, and he recognized this view.

"These tests and observations, I don't worry about you." Xu Bo looked at Ethan: "I think people are still very accurate."

After such a long time, Xu Bo is more and more recognized and fond of Ethan.

"teacher." Li Yuan couldn't help but touch his head, a little embarrassed.

"According to the news I received, Jiangcheng City alone will go to more than 300 people, and it is estimated that there will be thousands of people in the whole province." Xu Bo continued.

"So much?" Li Yuan was slightly surprised.

It's much bigger than what Mr. Chen said.

It is amazing to organize thousands of people's activities and select people from all over the province.

The importance attached to this invitation activity can be seen.

"The tentative time is March, that is, before your exam in April." Xu Bo said, "There are still three months left, which is enough for you to improve your strength."

Ethan, listen carefully.

"What you have to do is to practice hard, work hard in the activities, and strive to finalize the special training invitations of the five famous schools in advance." Xu Bo solemnly said.

"Special training invitation?" Ethan thought of what Teacher Chen had said.

"martial arts students are different from cultural students."

"Cultural students go to college in September and then slowly cultivate." Xu Bodao said: "But Wu Daosheng, from the moment when the admission notices of various martial arts universities are issued, that is, in late June, the state will begin to distribute all kinds of cultivation resources."

Ethan nodded slightly.

This is a well-known thing.

Why does Xia Guo only recruit more than 200,000 martial arts students every year? Doesn't the country want to cultivate more?

It is really the resource subsidy for every martial arts college student, which is an amazing figure.

Cultural college students, the state subsidizes tens of thousands of blue star coins a year.

The martial arts college students started ten times.

Not only Xia Guo, Blue Star and even the countries of the seven planets, but also the vast resources of the whole human civilization are invested in budo University.

"Students from five prestigious schools will enter school in early July." Xu Bodao said: "But there is a difference between normal enrollment and special training."

"Specially trained people are all recognized elites and will get many universities' own resources." Xu Bo said: "If you can be selected for the special training list from the beginning, your hope of becoming a second-order source fighter in the future will be greatly increased."

Ethan listened with bated breath.

Many things have information gaps.

This knowledge is certainly not a secret to the families of fighters from five famous schools.

Ethan? I really don't know.

After all, my uncle Li Changzhou was just an ordinary student at Jiangbei Wudao University before.

"In the invitation activities, those who perform well will be invited?" Ethan is thoughtful.


Xu Bo solemnly said, "In a sense, this is also your greatest opportunity."

"the biggest chance?" Ethan one leng.

"The normal special training list still depends on the score." Xu Bo explained: "For example, the top 50 of the college entrance examination in the province, without special circumstances, must be included in the special training list, which is mandatory by the state to prevent artificial operation."

Ethan nodded slightly, and it was the right thing to decide the level by the score.

Rather than a unilateral decision by the school.

Only by forming a system can we maintain long-term stability.

"If you don't wake up to the spirit of martial arts, even if you have 20 points, are you sure to rush into the top 50 in the province?" Xu Bo looked at Ethan.

Ethan thought for a moment and shook his head. "I'm not sure."

I'm really not sure

According to previous years' experience, the total score of martial arts in the top 50 in the province will basically exceed 1000 points.

"There are not many independent places in major prestigious schools." Xu Bo said, "So, you must cherish this opportunity and show your specialty."

"For example, spirit, martial arts skills, actual combat ... strive to sign a special training contract in advance."

"You won the title of' Young Hero' this time, which is also a boost and will add a lot of light to you." Xu Bo laughed.

This morning, when Xu Bo learned that Ethan had won this honor, he was very surprised and delighted.

"It's also a coincidence." Ethan touched his head again.

"Coincidentally? But you have to have strength. " Xu Bo shook his head and said, "The opportunity has come, and only those who are prepared can seize it."

"Can other students catch them?"

"It's not bad not to be killed by astral creatures." Xu Bo said with emotion.

Ethan nodded gently.

"When the invitation is over, which school is willing to give you a special training place, you will sign a contract with which school, and you don't have to stare at Kunlun Wudao University." Xu bodao.

"yes." Ethan nodded.

He has long heard that many students, who performed very well in January and April, will be scrambled by five famous schools to sign the college entrance examination volunteers.

"Teacher Xie gives directions." Ethan grateful way.

If Xu Bo doesn't remind me, I'm afraid Ethan won't attach too much importance to this activity, and he may miss the opportunity.

"Don't thank me."

"If you rush into the top ten of the grade, you will be eligible to go to this activity." Xu Bo smiled and said, "You earned the opportunity."

"To thank, thank yourself for your previous efforts."

"I'm just doing my duty as a teacher."


"It's past five o'clock. Let's go to dinner first, so as not to wait in line." Xu Bo waved.


At night, at the home of Wanhuabo Mansion.

"Mom, mom, look! I'm on TV !" Li Qianqian took Chen Hui's hand and eagerly pointed to the light curtain projection in the distance.

"Looking at it, looking at it." Chen Huidao.

"Brother is so handsome." Li Muhua stare big eyes, the projection shows that it is Jiangcheng TV station's report on today's commendation activities.

Time is not long, just more than 20 seconds, but it is enough to explain the whole process.

"Brother, I want to be a young hero in the future. Brother, you are really handsome." Li Muhua looked at Ethan next to him with a face of worship.

Ethan was about to speak.

Pa ~ a slap on Li Muhua's ass.

"What kind of hero are you? Do you have the strength of your brother? " Chen Hui frowned and shouted, "Protect yourself, understand? Be a hero and wait until you become a warrior. "

Pa ~

Another slap on Li Muhua's ass.

"Mom, okay, okay, I know, protect yourself, stay away from the police immediately, don't help, don't go to crowded places, don't go to the river, don't go to the lake ..." Li Muhua jumped up while laughing, still shouting' Li Family Instructions' in his mouth.

Ethan and Li Qianqian couldn't help laughing.

"And you."

"Xiao Yuan, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" Chen Hui looked at Ethan with a worried face: "If your teacher hadn't sent me a message, I wouldn't have known."

"Auntie, am I not all right?" Ethan even said, "I don't want to worry you, so there is no need to say anything. I will be careful next time."

"Do you want to have another time?"

"If something happens to you, how can I tell your uncle?" Chen Huizui outputs like a machine gun: "You are lucky this time, and the strength of the astral creatures you meet is not strong. You can guarantee next time ..."

Ethan smiled and comforted his aunt.

He knew that his aunt was doing it for himself and was worried about his danger.


Late at night, the room was silent, and Ethan had entered the virtual network.

Spark space.

Ethan swept in front of two screens, namely bank account and integral bar:

Bank balance: 1.88 million 534 blue star currency.

Wudian points: 1.71 million 4280

Wudian practice points: 700,000


"Wudian, this time I was rewarded with 200,000 blue star coins?" Ethan looked at the bank account balance.

I received three transfers one after another today.

I checked the subpoena from the left temple master again.

"It is a solution to the urgent need." Ethan andao: "In the next few months, I will practice hard."

"Before the invitation begins, try to improve your strength as much as possible."