53, 8.8! Three sections, 99%!

Ethan was awarded the title of' Young Hero' at the commendation meeting for teachers and students of the whole school.

It not only swept the whole school, but also made his fame in the school completely overshadow Lin Lanyue, and many young schoolmates regarded him as an idol.

It is through various news media reports that he has gained a certain popularity on the Internet.

Of course, it is limited to Jiangcheng City.

On January 8, at ten o'clock in the morning.

In the culture classroom of Grade Three (Grade Two), it's just a break.

"Brother Yuan, you are really famous this time." Zhou Qi leafed through it with great interest and shouted excitedly: "Look, your weblog account has been pulled out, and the number of fans has increased by more than 1000."

Many students were curious to see the curtain of Zhou Qi.

"Most of the concerns are watching the excitement, mainly from our school. There are so many news these days, and the limelight has passed in two days." Ethan, who was sitting next to him, shook his head and said, "Are you serious?"

"I walked out of school, and the noodle shop owner at the school gate probably didn't know me." Ethan laughed.

"That's true." Zhou Qi smiled, spared his head and closed the smart ring watch.

"Brother Yuan, did you see the report of Luobuhai?" Yan Zhou, who sat in the back row, asked, "I remember you said that your uncle went to work there."

"yes." Ethan put away a lot of smiles: "This battle is very fierce. So far, it seems that it has not completely subsided."

Ten days ago.

That is, two days after Jiangcheng was attacked by astral creatures, before the adjustment in January, the second-order astral' Luobuhai' once again broke out in an unprecedented scale.

Until today, it has always been the headline of Xia Guo and even the whole blue star.

Ethan has always been very concerned, and sends messages to his uncle Li Changzhou almost every day.

Li Changzhou occasionally returns a message to reassure him.

"I saw the news report yesterday. From September to now, the total number of people killed in this war is nearly 10,000." Li Tianyou shook his head and sighed: "The casualties are really tragic."

For an instant, the atmosphere in the classroom became somewhat depressed.

The era when the network is so developed.

As a senior three student, I am about to face the college entrance examination, pay attention to all kinds of important national news, and think about my future choices.

Moreover, most senior three students in this era know that their own destiny is closely related to the fate of the whole country and even human civilization.

"Don't worry about it." Ethan suddenly laughed: "There have been so many wars before, and they have all been held in the end. This time it must be the same."

"It's time for class."

"It's time for class."

When the bell rang, many students returned to their seats and stopped discussing.

"Luobuhai." Ethan sat on the seat, subconsciously looked out of the window, some thoughts flying.

Northern Xinjiang Province is nearly 20,000 kilometers away from Jiangbei Province.

Jiang city is peaceful, but the front line of Lop Nur Sea is at war …


Life in Ethan has calmed down again, and as always, it has remained at 3.1 every day.

School, home, spark martial arts hall, Guanshan branch hall.

Except for the cultural study in the morning, I practiced basic practice and marksmanship step by step at other times.

And according to their own physical condition, continue to buy and take basic qi and blood drugs, Yuanli Jingdan.

Repeat day after day.

Very boring!

The money in the bank account and the points in the Wudian account are also consumed as fast as running water.

Ethan's strength is also steadily improving step by step.

This is the case with martial arts practice, or if you want to reach the peak in any industry.

The dazzling moment in front of people may take ten years of hard sweat to accumulate.

There is never a shortcut.


In a blink of an eye, on February 10th, 2043.

This is the most important' Spring Festival' among the traditional festivals in Xia, and there are grand celebrations all over the country and even around the world.

Even in the third year of high school, the school had a holiday for ten days.

Home of Dahua Platinum Mansion.

"Come on, New Year, cheers."

Aunt Chen Hui sat in the main seat, and there was an empty seat next to her, but the smart ring watch on the table formed a light screen projection.

Chen Hui looked at the man in the projection: "Cheung Chau, Happy New Year."

"Wife, happy New Year." Li Changzhou smiled and raised his glass in the video, and his face turned black: "Xiao Yuan, Sissy, Muhua, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, Uncle and Aunt." Ethan also raised his glass with a smile.

"Happy New Year, Dad, Mom and Brother."

Although Li Changzhou is thousands of miles away, he still spends the Spring Festival with his family through video projection.

The family is happy.

After dinner.

Li Qianqian and Li Muhua cleaned up the mess, and Ethan entered the room. It's still a long time before the Spring Festival Gala, and he should take the time to practice for a while.

On the sofa, Chen Hui is sitting here.

"Cheung Chau."

Chen Hui took the smart ring watch and looked at her husband in the light screen projection, with a slight worry: "How long will it take to come back?" Didn't you say you would be back in January? "

"It is estimated that it will take another two months." Li Changzhou said, "As you know, the last two months have been very tense ... The team that was supposed to replace us has now arrived in Lop Nur."

"Stay here with us and work day and night."

"It is estimated that we have to wait for the next batch of people to replace it." Li Changzhou Road.

"All right." Chen Hui nodded reluctantly: "Pay more attention to safety."

"Don't worry."

"After the great war half a month ago, the army and Wudian fighters have counterattacked into the astral world, and they have been sawing for so long that they should win soon." Li Changzhou smiled and said, "Last month was really dangerous, but this month has been moving forward."

"My present position, although it is the edge of the Astral World, actually belongs to working in a large fortress behind the front line, and there is no danger."

"hmm." Chen Hui nodded.

She would only be more worried if she didn't know that her husband was safer than last month.

"Try not to tell them too much." Li Changzhou whispered: "Especially in Xiao Yuan, the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer."

"Well, I know." Chen Hui nodded.


Li Yuan really doesn't know much about his uncle Li Changzhou.

It's not that he doesn't care, but that Li Changzhou seldom talks about the real situation.

Let Ethan always mistake his uncle's working position, and there is still some distance from the astral world.

After the Spring Festival, life in senior three became more and more tense.

Every class in the school, whether it is a cultural classroom or a martial arts classroom, is hung with a' 100-day countdown'.

The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer.

Ethan heart is more and more quiet.

He has been practicing with all his strength, whether it is physical training, marksmanship training or cultural studies, and he has never slacked off.

"The college entrance examination is just a result."

"The result is good or bad, not whether the three-day exam of the college entrance examination is serious or not." Ethan said: "It's whether you have worked hard enough every day and night in the past three years, six years and even the past twelve years."

"If you accumulate enough, it will come naturally."

"Accumulation is not enough, the score is not high enough, in a hurry? It's no use being anxious! " Ethan's heart is more and more pure.


"Brother Yuan, my physical fitness is 4.8."

After another class quiz, Zhou Qi was quite excited and said, "Advanced practice is really abnormal."

"awesome! But you still can't slack off. Your physical fitness was not high before, but now you have awakened to the advanced practice method and have to try your best to make up for it. " Ethan smiled and said, "Try to improve more before the college entrance examination."

"Well, my goal is to upgrade to level 5.2 before the college entrance examination and reach the average level of the class." Zhou Qi is full of confidence.

This is the horror of advanced practice.

Absorbing the source force in the universe is equivalent to eating all kinds of supplements every day.

Zhou Qi's physical fitness was originally the bottom level of the class, but in just over two months, it has been promoted to be close to the middle class.

If you give Zhou Qi another year.

His physical fitness level can be completely upgraded to the top ten in the class.


On March 8, 2043, the school 4011 was in the martial arts room.


"After half a year's practice, now, your marksmanship, posture and boxing have reached the third-order perfection, and there are no substantive defects." Just like Xu Bo of the iron tower class said, "From next week, don't come to me for advice."

"Don't come?" Ethan slightly one leng.

"I have told you everything I have to say." Xu Bo looked at Ethan and smiled: "Next, from the third order to the fourth order, how to break through, you have to find your own way."

"I only entrust you with one sentence in the end."

"First, the back of the heart, then the device, from the inside out, can be integrated." Xu Bo solemnly said.

First the back of the head, then the device?

"The students wrote it down, thank you for your guidance during this time." Ethan wrote it down and made a big gift respectfully.

Let's say that last October, Ethan and Xu Bo were just an unusual teacher-student relationship.

Then, after such a long time, Xu Bo has been giving advice and giving everything.

The affection between him and Ethan has gone beyond the category of ordinary teachers and students in the school, and began to approach the relationship between master and closed disciple in ancient martial arts.

A master is also a teacher and a father.

Although it is still far behind, it has produced similar emotions.

"Haha, it's very late, go home early." Xu Bo smiled and helped the source.

After getting along for a long time, he became more and more fond of Ethan.

In the past few years in the first high school in Guanshan District, nearly a thousand students have passed through him.

But there are only a handful of people whose feelings for each other can reach the level of Ethan.


Late at night, at two in the morning.

Ethan, who suffered inhuman torture for two hours, woke up from the shrine of mind.

[Your spirit, from 14.9 to 15.0] Ethan corner swept a few minutes ago, a reminder from the Jingu panel.

"Penance day by day, suffering from the scorching sun."

"The spirit has finally broken through to level 15.0." Ethan took a deep breath and was very happy.

The level of fighters, 10 and 15, is a threshold.

In Ethan subconscious, spirit level 15, should also be a threshold.

"There is only one week left from the invitation of Jiangbei Wudao University." Ethan eyes subconsciously swept his jingu panel.


[Life level: 8.8 (not graded)]

Physical fitness index: 91 (refers to the comprehensive measurement of explosive power, endurance, speed, physique, mental strength and many other aspects. )

Boxing power: 988 kg

Speed: 19.6 m/s

Spirit: Level 15.0

Spiritual awakening degree: 0.6% (the current upper limit is 20%)

Body cultivation method: Rock cultivation method

Spiritual cultivation method: The Sutra of Watching the Big Sun and Starry Sky

Technical realm: marksmanship (99% in three stages), posture (99% in three stages) and boxing (99% in three stages).

[Note: When spiritual awakening reaches 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and 125%, spiritual guidance will be gradually obtained. ]


"Try again today and see if you can pass the promotion of the meteorite segment." Ethan andao, got up and entered the virtual network module.