Sharing Experience

On the other side, Henry shook his head in resignation.

"What a foolish woman!"

"I never intended to be a good person! Can we stop with the labels?!"

"In an apocalyptic world like this, the moral standards of peaceful times have long collapsed!"

"What's the point of discussing good or bad?"

"All there is to do is survive by any means necessary!"

Henry had received the map and quickly spread it out, pinning it to the wall.

From his memory, Henry was on Tianhe Street, near a real estate agency with a small supermarket next to it. Behind the agency was a residential area.

Using this information, he quickly pinpointed his location on the map. He was in a residential area in the city center called Imperial View Bay, just 500 meters from Sun University, with the main entrance to the university just south past an intersection.

Under normal circumstances, 500 meters would not be considered a distance at all—a few minutes' walk and you'd be there.

But in the current situation...

It wasn't just about covering 500 meters; managing to walk a few dozen meters on the main road was an achievement!

Visiting Sun University would have to wait until he was strong enough. The keys would be kept for later.

Fortunately, he now had plenty of food and water. He could afford to gradually build his strength!

Henry also checked the surroundings of the residential area. Besides the supermarket on the street, there was another small supermarket right at the main entrance of the residential area.

He could try his luck there tomorrow, he thought.

He then listed a bottle of beer on the trading channel with the note: "Looking for keys."

And quietly watched the chat channel.

"Wow, someone's put up water again, beer counts as water, right?"

"Actually, beer might be better than water because it contains maltose, which can also be broken down to provide energy!"

"Nice, but this guy wants keys, which is weird. Why does he need keys?"

"Damn, I had found a key once but thought it was useless and threw it away, argh!"

"Ah, they either want Energy Cores or keys, why are the requested items so weird!"

"Sss... there was a set of keys right in front of me once, and I didn't pick it up! I regretted it only after losing it..."

The rest was just exchanges among the survivors.

Occasionally, some male survivors would flirt with the more attractive female survivors.

There wasn't much substance.

It was all just everyone trying to relax a bit after avoiding the first zombie attack, chatting as a way to calm their nerves.

It was merely a form of self-comfort!

Because zombies were right outside the door, outside the window, on the streets.

These were challenges that had to be overcome.

If you can't kill a zombie, you're destined to become a casualty in this world.

Warren had not spoken in the regional chat channel.

So, Henry had no way of knowing exactly where this guy might be.

However, judging by the large amount of goods he was auctioning, Warren seemed to be staying somewhere like a supermarket.

The sun was gradually setting.

When the last trace of sunset disappeared over the tops of the buildings.

The streetlights in the streets and the residential area, controlled by a program, automatically lit up.

At this time, the zombies became even more restless!

They raised their heads as if sniffing the air for the scent of humans!

Room 502 in Building 3 faced both the community and the main road.

Henry kept his windows tightly shut and didn't turn on the lights.

Standing beside the window, he silently watched every move of the zombies on the street.

The windows of this residence were very well-sealed.

Many zombies leisurely passed under Henry's window, showing no unusual behavior.

They didn't smell human scent, so they slowly moved on towards the distance.

Some zombies sniffed the scent of humans and roared.

Then, dozens of zombies rushed towards the nearest source of the scent.

A horde of about thirty or forty zombies surged into a small alley by the road, howling as they ran off.

Who knows which unfortunate soul they were descending upon now!

If it weren't for Henry's habit of reading post-apocalyptic novels, he might not have developed such vigilant habits.

Who says reading novels is useless?

"Holy crap, zombies can actually actively search for humans? What kind of feature is that? Infrared sensing or something?"

"First of all, let's rule out vision. I'm on the rooftop of the tenth floor, the zombies shouldn't be able to see me, but now they are violently banging on the door! I'm a bit scared!"

"Me too, I was in a bus all day and it was fine, but now there are zombie blood handprints all over the bus windows, it's terrifying!"

"It seems that at night, zombies can identify humans by their scent. Everyone must choose enclosed spaces and try not to open windows!"

"Damn, I'm in a closet, and I see that zombie walking towards me..."

"Zombies move more agilely at night. During the day, they don't overcome obstacles, but now they not only easily bypass them but can even jump over obstacles one meter high! Be careful when you run!"

In the chat channel, everyone was discussing their current situation and what they had witnessed.

Then, Slater spoke up again.

"The night is tough, please everyone be sure to stay safe, and don't let the zombies smell your scent!"

"These zombies have greatly enhanced mobility, sense of smell, and hearing at night!"

"However, they currently don't react to light, they won't rush over just because you turned on a light!"

"If you are scared, you can turn on the room lights!"

"This way, we can keep an eye on each other's locations, which can be more reassuring!"

"If you have a chance, I suggest going out during the day!"

"I have now set up a small safe zone by the sports stadium, and five survivors have already gathered here!"

"Everyone is welcome to come here and join us, so we can face these challenges together!"

Slater managed to set up a survivors' camp so quickly? And has already gathered five survivors? Isn't that a bit too fast?

Henry was puzzled.

But he didn't have time to think much about it. After all, it wasn't really his concern.

Thanks to Slater, many survivors around Henry, who had been afraid to turn on the lights for fear that it would attract zombies, were reassured after hearing from Slater and others in the chat channel.

One by one, lights began to turn on.

Henry took a quick look around.

There were at least a dozen lit rooms around him. Some were in shops, others in residential buildings.

Given his limited viewing angle and the density of the lights, there must be at least thirty to forty survivors in the nearby buildings!