Human Zombie Summoner

"I'm sorry, neither of us can escape if we both run!"

"I owe you one, I'll repay this debt in the next life!"

The stout man then delivered a harsh kick to the tall, thin man's abdomen.

He kicked him right into the approaching horde of clawing zombies!

"You bastard!"

"I thought of you as a friend, and you just..."


The tall, thin man cursed out loud.

But before he could finish his sentence, he was overwhelmed by the swarm of zombies that descended upon him.

Several zombies frenziedly tore at his body.

A female zombie bit through his throat.

His blood choked his airways, silencing any further sounds.

Then came the horrifying sounds of flesh being torn from bone and the crunching of raw meat, a chilling symphony to anyone listening.

The stout man saw he was getting closer to the gate!

Just a little further and he would be safe.


Just as his hand touched the gate, several pale hands grasped his shoulders simultaneously.

The stout man felt a tremendous force pulling him back.

He was slammed to the ground.

Then came excruciating pain!

Everywhere he looked, there were the pale faces of zombies, veins bulging with dark blood...


Henry spent the afternoon resting in his room, enjoying a nicely fried steak!

The feeling of being full and satisfied was beyond comfortable.

It was time to harvest the resources from the supermarket at the main entrance of the neighborhood!

There surely were plenty of supplies waiting.

With his access card and keys in hand, and armed again with his riot shield and axe, Henry stepped out of Building 3!

At this moment, the zombies around Building 3 had been mostly cleared out.

Henry, referencing the map and considering the actual situation of the neighborhood, noticed that there were still zombies in the small garden and at the main entrance that had not been dealt with.

His current progress on upgrades was 18/100.

He still needed 82 more Energy Cores to level up!

Based on Henry's previous calculations, approximately every ten zombies would yield about six Energy Cores.

This meant that to upgrade...

Henry would need to kill at least 137 more zombies...

That's quite a number!

One step at a time, then.

Henry slowly made his way towards the main gate along the pathways of the neighborhood.

No zombies.

No blind spots.

The difficulty was clearly much lower than the route he took in the morning.

But Henry remained cautious.

At any spot that might pose a potential danger, he would stop and watch for a while.

Only when he was sure there was no threat did he continue forward.

Ahead was Building 5, just past it was the main entrance!

Just then, a sharp scream pierced the quiet of the neighborhood.

"Ah!~ Help me!~"

It was a woman's voice.

And that voice... it sounded familiar!

Henry paused.

Wasn't this the same woman he had heard yesterday?

A veritable zombie summoning device!

Her ability to attract zombies was unparalleled!

Hadn't she been rescued?

What now?

Trapped again?

Such bad luck?!

Henry slowly moved closer to the side of Building 5.

Just as he turned the corner, Henry saw two groups of zombies greedily devouring two bodies on the pathway.

Further away, about a dozen zombies were circling a tree...

And that woman had somehow climbed up the tree!

How did she get up there?!

Henry was speechless!

She couldn't even jump down from a two-story canopy, yet she managed to get up a tree three or four stories high?

This woman... really was peculiar!

The woman kept screaming frantically from the tree, drawing the attention of the zombies below.

Meanwhile, the two groups of zombies nearby were captivated by the fresh meat and blood,

busily chewing away.

This was an opportunity!

Henry steeled himself.

As long as he was quick enough and accurate, there shouldn't be a problem.

And since the woman's loud screams had already gone out, it meant that most nearby zombies had been drawn to her.

Even if the fight went badly, pulling out his pistol to shoot wouldn't make things worse.

That's the plan!

Henry took several deep breaths.

Then, carrying his shield, he quietly rushed towards the closest group of zombies.




Henry swung quickly three times.

Three zombie heads were swiftly cleaved in half!

As a fourth zombie looked up and noticed him, another axe blow!

He smashed the fourth zombie's head into a pulp!

By the time the fifth zombie noticed Henry and started to rise,

Henry rammed it with his riot shield, knocking it down.


His axe fell hard, decapitating the zombie!

After that, Henry even gave an extra chop to the head of the stout man, who was now almost reduced to a skeleton.

The first group of zombies was dealt with!


Henry dared not pause.

Although he didn't make much noise while dispatching the first group of zombies, he was, after all, too close to the second group.

Zombies recognize survivors partly by hearing and partly by sight.

As soon as one zombie sees a survivor, the other nearby zombies will also become aware of the living person.

Henry wasn't sure why this was the case, but that seemed to be the phenomenon.

Indeed, as he was dealing with the first group of zombies, the second group had already started to notice Henry.

"Heh heh!"

"Uh... ah..."

They turned towards Henry, emitting terrifying growls.


Before the second group of zombies could fully stand up, Henry charged forward and swung his axe twice, taking down the first two zombies.

By then, the remaining four zombies had all risen and growled as they lunged at Henry.

Sss... quite a few of them!

Henry threw his shield horizontally with his left hand and kicked powerfully with his right foot.

The shield blocked three zombies at waist height, knocking them to the ground.

Taking advantage of their fall, Henry swung his axe, smashing open the head of the remaining zombie.

Then, wielding the axe with both hands, he wildly hacked away.

Normally, the strength of one hand was enough to easily split a zombie's head.

Now, with both hands, his power more than doubled.

Blood splattered everywhere!

Three zombies were chopped into pieces.

One zombie's head, along with a third of its torso, was cleaved off from its shoulders by Henry.

It still kept snapping its jaws, trying to bite off a chunk of flesh from him.

Henry immediately followed with another axe blow.

Similarly, he didn't forget to give an extra chop to the tall, thin man as well.

The second group of zombies... dealt with!