Surprise, I Have a Gun

Henry caught his breath and focused on the ten or so zombies beneath the tree.


The woman's screams had never stopped!

It was lucky that the woman was there; otherwise, all these zombies might have charged at him together...

The consequences would be unthinkable!

In terms of combat ability, Henry with his axe and shield was undoubtedly many times stronger than these unarmed zombies.

But the difficulty lay in not getting injured!

Even a minor scratch or scrape could be fatal.

So, the more zombies there were, the geometrically harder it became to kill them all.

Keep going!

Quickly and efficiently!

Another round of chaotic killing!

He cleared out all the zombies under the woman's tree.

As the last zombie fell, the woman finally stopped screaming.

"It's you again..."

She recognized Henry.

"Uh... but how did you get up this tree?" Henry wiped the blood off his axe on a zombie corpse, slightly out of breath.

Killing over twenty zombies in one go was no joke in terms of physical exertion!

If it were one by one, Henry would be fine, but this was continuous, without even a moment's rest, like sprinting four hundred meters at full effort.

He was definitely winded.

"It's a long story..."

"Actually... watch out!" The woman's words were cut off as she suddenly screamed again!

Henry knew that whenever the woman screamed, it was never good news.

As she screamed, he also felt a gust of wind from behind.

Instinctively, he crouched and raised his riot shield.


A kitchen knife struck hard against the shield!

It left a white mark!

The tremendous force caused Henry's arm to go slightly numb.

It wasn't a zombie!

It was a human!

Before Henry could get a clear look at his face, the kitchen knife came down like raindrops, fiercely chopping in rapid succession.

It pounded against the riot shield, creating a barrage of impacts.

Jeez, this guy went for the kill right off the bat.

And without saying a word, he was clearly prepared for this.

Henry defended with his shield, blocking and retreating.

He dodged to the side of the tree, then took several steps back.

Creating some distance from his attacker!

Only then did Henry get a clear view—

A burly man stood before him, wielding a kitchen knife in each hand, his presence menacing.

The white mark on the riot shield indicated his substantial strength.

Sss... this person looked familiar!

Henry paused, and after a moment of thought, it came to him!

It was Warren!

This was the same guy who had listed a large amount of food and water last night!

Unexpectedly, he was also in the neighborhood!

And now, he had launched a surprise attack on Henry!

"Ha, not bad, Henry, it seems I underestimated you," Warren said darkly.

Henry had sold weapons yesterday, and they had been snapped up immediately.

Though his name and image appeared on the trading channel for only a short time,

Warren had been closely monitoring the auction for food and water, which is how he noticed him.

"Warren? You ambushed me?"

Warren, hearing Henry call his name, showed no surprise.

He smiled faintly and said:

"I didn't expect you to have reached such a formidable level!"

"Did you kill enough zombies, or was there some other fortunate encounter?"

Warren noticed Henry didn't respond.

He couldn't help but chuckle and continued:

"...Heh, never mind, I know even if I ask, you won't tell me!"

"Your potential is great; you could become a major force if you continue to grow."

"Unfortunately, I won't allow anyone to be stronger than me!"

"After I kill you, I can figure out the secrets to becoming stronger on my own!"

Henry squinted, his face alert, and asked:

"You said 'you have also reached an exceptionally strong level'..."

Warren scoffed and laughed:

"What? Is that so unbelievable?!"

"You have your ways of getting stronger, and of course, I have my own methods!"

"It's okay to tell you, since you are going to be dead soon anyway!"

"Although selling food and water was a bit slow... it's still a solid commodity!"

"Thanks to those fools willing to trade their Energy Cores for my food and water!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to improve so much without even stepping outside!"

"Next, I'm going to give it my all!"

"You've expended so much energy, I wonder how much longer you can last!"

In Warren's eyes, Henry was already a dead man.

Both being at an exceptionally strong level, their strengths were theoretically consistent!

Whether it was stamina, strength, or speed... all were equally matched.

But Henry had just killed over twenty zombies, using up a lot of energy.

All attributes being equal, but with Henry's stamina slightly depleted.

Once the fight started...

The outcome was clear!

Henry looked at the triumphant Warren...

Then suddenly, he threw his axe and riot shield to the ground.

His expression was blank.

This action made Warren pause, and he said:

"What? Are you giving up resistance now?!"

"Or are you trying to say something about wanting to team up with me, obey me, that kind of nonsense?"

"Do you think I'm that foolish?"

"I know the risks of harboring a tiger!"

"You must die today..."

As Warren uttered the word "die," a loud bang was heard.

A small bullet hole appeared in Warren's head.

He looked at Henry incredulously, his face a mixture of shock and fear.

His lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but ultimately, no words came out.


Warren's legs gave out, and he knelt on the ground.

Clang, clang!

The kitchen knives fell to the ground.

And there he knelt, dead in front of Henry.

"Surprise, I have a gun!"

Henry locked the safety on his revolver and then stowed it back in his space.

He had never intended to engage Warren in a close-quarters fight.

Why not win with a single move?

Did he think this was an action movie?

Where you have to fight dozens of rounds with all sorts of poses?

This is the apocalypse!

A fight for life and death!

Quickly eliminating the opponent is the way to go!

Thanks to the woman in the tree who had been screaming for over twenty minutes, she had attracted all the nearby zombies.

Otherwise, who knows how many zombies Henry's gunshot would have brought?

At the same time... Henry was also somewhat surprised.

He hadn't expected his marksmanship to be so precise.

A headshot with one bullet?!