Are You Sure You're Not on Vacation?

Henry did this to test whether the automatic collection feature had a distance limit!

Previously, when he eliminated enemies, the items would naturally enter his storage space.

This time, the distance was about ten kilometers.

Could it still collect from such a far distance?

Henry drove the off-road vehicle to the outside of the fence at Building 8.

Just after getting out of the car, he sensed something was off.

There was a smell of blood in the air.

A battle might have occurred here!


Henry called out.


Snow responded excitedly from the yard.

It had heard the car and knew Henry was back, wagging its tail excitedly.

Now hearing Henry call, it became even more thrilled.

It jumped twice but couldn't leap over the high wall.

Just as Henry pushed open the wooden gate,

A huge black shadow suddenly pounced!

Eager to see Henry, Snow switched into battle mode, ready to jump the wall.

But when Henry pushed the door, man and wolf collided in a full embrace!

If Henry hadn't been strong enough, he might have been seriously squashed.

"Alright, alright, I'm back!"

Henry said, dodging Snow's large tongue.

When it was smaller, a lick was fine, but now at this size...

A lick was like washing your face.


After licking for a while, Snow reverted back to its smaller wolf form.

It excitedly rubbed around Henry's feet.

Then it suddenly barked and ran to a corpse, wagging its tail excitedly.

Only then did Henry notice there were six bodies in the yard.

All had been bitten beyond recognition.

But the bodies and their rings were still there, ready for retrieval.

Henry collected them one by one, gathering an additional 420 + 336 (80% talent bonus) Energy Cores and 23 * storage ring fragments.

With this speed of collection, upgrading to a mid-level Awakener would be a breeze!

"Come on, let's go upstairs," Henry said, patting Snow's fluffy head as they entered Building 8.

The first thing to do upon getting home was to take a shower and change into clean clothes!

By now, the sun had completely set.

Night had fallen.

It was still pitch dark all around.

Henry hung the curtains and turned on the lights.

He started making dinner.

Today had been a really fulfilling day.

In the morning, he cleared a zombie horde, and in the afternoon, he wiped out a Japanese camp.

He was so busy that he even forgot to eat lunch.

This was not good, irregular eating could easily lead to stomach issues!

He needed to remember to remind himself regularly.

Henry pulled out the electronic wristwatch he collected today and set the reminder function.

He turned off the sound and switched it to vibration mode.

Tonight, he deserved a good meal.

Henry took out some beef and sliced two pieces.

He put some butter in the pan and began to fry it with a sizzle.

Then he took out some sea shrimp.

It must be said, Uesugi had good taste.

Each shrimp was about twenty centimeters long, which would have been quite expensive in peacetime!

Boiled large shrimp.

And a self-heating meal to go with it.


Soon, the meal was ready.

Henry ate happily, not forgetting to put some "Premium Pet Food" from the morning's Level 3 supply crate into Snow's bowl.

While eating,

Suddenly, a message popped up on the system interface.

It was from Clarissa.

"The other party wants to initiate a video call, would you like to accept?"

Note: The other party is not in your area.

"Accept!" Henry said to himself.

Then, the image before him changed.

Clarissa, dressed in army green camouflage, smiled at him.

The background was a large floor-to-ceiling window.

Through the window, one could see a skyline filled with buildings and twinkling stars.

The environment was somewhat dim.

"Henry, do you think this outfit looks good on me?" Clarissa asked with a smile.

She was already beautiful, and the military uniform made her look even more striking.

"It looks great!" Henry nodded.

"Where have you guys reached now?" "Have you arrived at the military base?" Henry inquired.

"Not yet, we've been gathering survivors along the way, clearing zombies, collecting supplies..." Clarissa explained earnestly, "The march is slow; we only left the South River area at dusk today, and now we are in the Tai Ping District!"

"Mm, steady progress is better, rushing can be dangerous!" "Why is it so dark there?" Henry wondered.

"There's a major power outage now, we're spending the night in an office building!" Clarissa continued, "To prevent any ill-intentioned survivors from causing trouble, we're not allowed to use lighting tools. And... we really don't have much in the way of lighting equipment here!"

"Just two or three high-intensity lamps, which are for the collection team, since resources are limited," she added, pausing before suddenly changing the subject, "I'm joining the supply collection team tomorrow! I'll be fighting zombies too!"

"I want to work hard to level up and try to keep up with your pace!" "I know you didn't bring me today because you thought I'd be a burden..." "I'll strive to become stronger so that in the future, I can help you fight too!"

As she spoke, Clarissa's eyes filled with stars, as if she could already see a future where she fought alongside Henry.

"Alright, keep it up, I believe in you!" Henry said with a smile.

Ding-dong! John is requesting to join the video chat. Connect!

Henry agreed immediately.

Then, the screen split down the middle.

On the left was Clarissa, and on the right was John.

"Hey, I was chatting with Henry, what do you want!" Clarissa pouted slightly, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Ah? You're chatting with Henry, then never mind!" "I thought some jerk was bothering my sister!" John said with an awkward smile, waving at Henry.

He was about to exit the video chat when suddenly, his expression froze.

He stared intently at the table in front of Henry.

"What's wrong, is there a problem?" Henry looked down at his table, not seeing anything unusual.

After a while, John swallowed hard and asked, "Is that fried beef and boiled shrimp in front of you?"

"My goodness, those shrimp are hard to find. All the freezers in the supermarkets along the way have thawed into water!" "The seafood has all gone bad, and you still get to eat big shrimp!?"

"Man, we are all struggling to survive, and here you are, vacationing!" Henry slowly peeled the shrimp, took a big bite, and said, "It's delicious, do you want a taste?"