The Mystery of the World's Truth

"Can I?" John hesitated.

Logically, that wouldn't be appropriate.

But on another level...

His sister liked Henry, and Henry had a connection with him as well.

That would make them friends, right?

"No, you can't!" Clarissa interjected before Henry could respond.

"Henry has already helped me so much, and I still haven't repaid him!" "How could you have the nerve to ask for his things?"

"Henry, I'm going to close the video for a moment and settle things with this guy!"

Clarissa saw Henry nod in agreement.

Then she turned off the video, fuming as she went to confront her brother.

Henry couldn't help but smirk.

After finishing his meal,

Henry began to inventory the supplies he had collected that day.

When he had defeated Uesugi in the afternoon, he had been in a rush.

He hadn't had the chance to properly check the supplies.

He had seen many strange things, and now he needed to carefully study them.

Henry opened his storage space and pulled out all the items.

First, there was the "Experimental Research Computer" he found in the air-raid shelter.

Then from Uesugi's storage space, there was "One sealed unknown potion," "One carefully preserved map," "One automatic sentry tower blueprint," and "One full-spectrum technology blueprint."

What were these things?

There were no descriptions in the system!

Henry looked at the "Sealed Unknown Potion," which was contained in a silver metallic packaging about the size of a thermos. Inside, a red liquid was visible.

As Henry stared at it, a prompt slowly appeared:

"Awakening Potion, can be used to awaken creatures that have been put into hibernation by a sleeping potion!"


Henry seriously read the prompt for a while...

It was the first time he found a prompt to be as good as saying nothing!

What about awakening hibernating creatures and sleeping potions?

He had never heard of any of this!

Is this explanation really meant for me to see?!

He decided to put it away for now and study it later.

Henry then shifted his focus to the "Carefully Preserved Map."

The map had no name, just a bunch of numbers, likely coordinates.

There were no city names or country names.

It looked like a wilderness map.

In a dense forest, a point was marked.

As for what was inside, there was no description.

Henry re-examined the map.

The prompt appeared again:

"This map records the specific location of a meteorite that fell on May 11, 2012!"

"In the national forest park of the city!"

May 2012?

Henry vaguely remembered that this was around the time when the virus started spreading in the world.

He quickly took down the "Blood-Stained Journal" from the shelf and flipped through it.

Indeed, the first entry in the journal mentioning the virus was written on May 17, 2012.

Was it a coincidence? Or was there an inevitable connection between the two?

Since the map was carefully preserved, it indicated its importance.

Should he take the opportunity, while the monsters' strength was suppressed, to explore the national forest park?

Henry stored the "Carefully Preserved Map" and the "Blood-Stained Journal" in his storage space.

His intuition told him.

There must be a myriad of connections behind these items.

The indigenous people valued the location of the meteorite fall so highly, it definitely wasn't without reason.

They must be preserved well.

Perhaps one day, when the chain of evidence is complete, the truth will be revealed to the world.

Next, Henry looked at the "Automatic Sentry Tower Blueprint": It consumes 500 kg of steel and 500 Energy Cores, and allows the construction of an automatic sentry tower at a designated location.

"Automatic Sentry Tower": Automatically attacks mutant creatures within a 200-meter radius; attacks require the consumption of Energy Cores.

It can be installed on exterior walls of buildings, the ground, rooftops, and other positions.

Note: Kills by the tower are equivalent to direct kills by the host, and automatic collection is also effective!

Hmm, this would be very useful in combating hordes of zombies!

The last item was "Full Technology Blueprint 4," which also had no explanation in the system.

It looked like a small chip.

"Full Technology Blueprints consist of 27 parts, scattered among key technical personnel. Once assembled, they can unlock all the most advanced technologies of the planet Blue Star and also activate the Lighthouse!"

"The Lighthouse is a large man-made space station orbiting near the planet Blue Star, capable of providing a self-sufficient ecosystem for one million people!"

These things are very advanced!

Especially the Lighthouse, which could be said to be the hope for the continuation of the indigenous people!

Now, with the fourth chip in Henry's hands.

Does that imply that the indigenous people's emigration plan failed?

Or is this the last hope for survival left by the indigenous people to Henry and other outsiders?

In any case, these items did not make Henry's understanding of the world clearer.

On the contrary, they added many more mysteries!

Henry stared at these items for a while, then stored them back in his storage space.

The experimental laptop was charging and currently could not be powered on.


Just as Henry was preparing to go to bed.

Suddenly, he heard an explosion from the north.

Explosions are loud by nature.

In the quiet of the night, the sound traveled even further.

It must be the trip mines going off!

No prompt!

This indicates that automatic collection does have a distance limit.

Once a certain distance is exceeded, there are no rewards for kills!

Henry nodded, realizing that his plan to collect resources while sitting at home was not going to work.

He would have to battle the zombies after all!

He stretched lazily, glanced at Snow who was sound asleep, then climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Outside the window, the zombies on the streets were agitated by the explosion.

They emitted a series of terrifying growls.

The zombies were particularly restless tonight...

Elsewhere, at the stadium, inside the Renaissance Camp.

Slater couldn't sleep at all.

He kept remembering what Robertson had told him.

Some people in the camp would sneak away at dawn.

These people had to go!

Only when they left could the Renaissance Camp breathe a sigh of relief.

Slater could then free up his hands to make some reforms.

So, this morning's operation was extremely important!

He was so anxious that he didn't close his eyes all night.

Until around five o'clock in the early morning.

The sun finally rose from the horizon.

The agitated zombies then calmed down and returned to their wandering state.

Shortly after, a tent inside the stadium shuddered.

A male survivor emerged, his face full of caution...