Feel Free to Act as You Wish

{ Ye Qiu's Avatar: The Enlightened One(mechanic class)

Su Mucheng's Avatar: Dancing Rain

Liu Hao's Avatar: Total Darkness

Han Wenqing's Avatar: Desert Dust

Zhou Guangyi's Avatar: Cold Seasons

Zheng Chengfeng's Avatar: Mountain Split }

Upon hearing the names Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng, Zhou Guangyi and Zheng Chengfeng suddenly felt immense pressure. However, upon hearing that there was also a Liu Hao, the two of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

During the seventh season's regular season match between Tyranny and Excellent era, compared to the dazzling screen cannon combination, Liu Hao's performance was quite mediocre, hardly qualifying as a strong opponent.

"Captain, I'll take on Liu Hao!" Zhou Guangyi eagerly declared.

"You, an assassin, against a swordsman? Shouldn't a gunner be your target?" Zheng Chengfeng immediately countered, "I'll handle Liu Hao."

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Zhou Guangyi disagreed.

"Heh, don't you also want to pick on an easy target?" Zheng Chengfeng refused to back down.

The two of them argued as if Liu Hao was a weak and helpless chick that anyone could control.

Watching the two of them argue, Han Wenqing suddenly felt a headache. The members of the Tyranny team are supposed to be formidable, but these two want to bully the weak and fear the strong? Cowardly! Too cowardly!

"Shut up!"

Han Wenqing's angry shout made everyone in the training room tremble, even Zhang Xinjie, who had just taken a sip of water to stay healthy, was startled enough to spray water out.

The training room fell suddenly silent.

Zhou Guangyi and Zheng Chengfeng couldn't help but tremble, apologising profusely.

Han Wenqing gave them a fierce glare, snorting coldly, "Get ready to go. C-tactic is tentatively set. Zhou Guangyi, seize the opportunity to cut off Mucheng's Wind, while Zheng Chengfeng keep Liu Hao occupied. Just make sure he doesn't interfere with the main battlefield. Ye Qiu, I'll deal with myself."

"Yes!" (x2).


Excellent era's training room.

Liu Hao was ready, inserting his account card and entering the arena room, only to find that he was the last one to arrive.

The arena was a modified one, with Tyranny's three members being Desert Dust, Cold Seasons, and Mountain Split.

Excellent era's lineup was slightly different. Both Liu Hao and Su Mucheng used their own characters, but Ye Qiu didn't use the Battle Mage One Autumn Leaf, instead opting for the Ammo Expert, Enlightened Lord.

Ye Qiu was proficient in all 24 Glory classes, and Liu Hao, who was familiar with the plot, knew this very well. Moreover, Ye Qiu would spend half an hour every day practising other classes, Enlightened Lord being his alternate character when practising as an Ammo Expert.

Liu Hao instantly understood the true purpose of this training match. It seemed that Tyranny saw Hundred Blossoms as the biggest obstacle on the road to the championship. Unable to arrange a training match with Hundred Blossoms, they settled for the next best thing and aimed at Jia Shi instead.

"Fight well, there are benefits to winning." Ye Qiu smiled, obviously eager to start.

"Understood!" Su Mucheng rubbed her hands together eagerly.

Ye Qiu paid no attention to Liu Hao, as he was merely there to make up the numbers.

Everyone was ready, and the match began.

The map randomly selected was a dense forest map—Rabbit Forest. With numerous obstacles, it hindered visibility, making it unsuitable for long-range professions like gunners. Additionally, the map was characterised by numerous rabbits, whose random movements created footstep sounds, disrupting players' hearing and affecting their judgement.

The map loaded, and characters were deployed.

Ye Qiu immediately commanded, "Mucheng, run to the spot I marked and lay in wait."

With that, he opened the mini-map, marking a coordinate point somewhere on the map, then rushed forward.

Su Mucheng obediently controlled her character, Dancing Rain, and ran toward the coordinate point marked by Ye Qiu, without hesitation, leaving Liu Hao stranded in place.

"What about me?" Liu Hao couldn't help but ask.

"You?" Ye Qiu blinked, momentarily taken aback. He had forgotten about Liu Hao's presence, as he was accustomed to being unable to command him. He treated Liu Hao like thin air, a habit he had gradually developed.

"You... feel free to act as you wish."

Damn, 'feel free to act as you wish'? Was that something a team captain should say? Liu Hao inwardly protested, but recalling that he was Liu Hao, it seemed like there was nothing wrong with Ye Qiu's command. After all, the original body had never respected him, never really followed Ye Qiu's orders...

At that moment, Liu Hao suddenly understood. In Ye Qiu's eyes, he had lost his trust, lost his value, like a cheating husband in a marriage, never worthy of trust.

Those without value deserved to be ignored! Liu Hao's eyes turned cold. If he wanted Ye Qiu to value him again, he had to make Ye Qiu unable to ignore his strength! In Glory, formidable strength was the only way to prove one's worth.

Liu Hao glanced at the mini-map, devising a plan. How to prove his strength? Of course, by solo killing Han Wenqing. He had to leave Han Wenqing for last and personally make the kill.

Total Darkness's plan was to approach the centre of the map through tactical movement...

Two minutes later, both sides were in position.

Liu Hao couldn't see Tyranny's other members, only a stupid knight wandering around in front of him. This knight was particularly arrogant, constantly typing on the public screen.

Mountain Split: "Liu Hao, come out and fight me one-on-one! Don't act like a coward! Or are you afraid of me?"

Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng naturally noticed Zheng Chengfeng's trash talk. Turning to look at Liu Hao, they wanted to see what expression he would have.

In the past, Liu Hao would have surely shown a ferocious expression and gnashed his teeth in response to being insulted. But now, Liu Hao seemed... inexplicably calm?

Wasn't Liu Hao angry at being called a coward? Su Mucheng was surprised.

Ye Qiu was also surprised. Based on his understanding of Liu Hao, being called a coward would have led him to rush up and fight Zheng Chengfeng, especially since Zheng Chengfeng's strength wasn't much different from Liu Hao's, and he was a knight. There was no reason for Liu Hao to fear Zheng Chengfeng.

Liu Hao was no longer the same Liu Hao as before. He had his own way of playing.

As a former team captain in his previous life, he naturally had a calm mind and flawless logic!

Total Darkness: "Cowardice isn't fear, it's wisdom. We all prefer to use wise tactics rather than act like brainless brutes."

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Chengfeng's face instantly changed. He hated being called brainless.

Mountain Slit: "Liu Hao, who are you calling brainless?"

Total Darkness: "??? Who would voluntarily look for trouble these days?"

The trash-talking contest had a clear winner! Su Mucheng couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a bit guilty for laughing at others. She quickly covered her mouth, but her face turned red from holding back laughter.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but marvel at Liu Hao's trash-talking skills. Why hadn't he noticed this talent in Liu Hao before? Recalling past events, every time Liu Hao was mocked by him, he would always look embarrassed and choked up. Why were his trash-talking skills so sharp and accurate now?

On Tyranny's side, Zhou Guangyi felt that Zheng Chengfeng had disgraced Tyranny and added fuel to the fire, saying, "How could you voluntarily look for trouble? He didn't even say you're brainless. You admitted it yourself?"

"Shut up!" Zheng Chengfeng couldn't help but erupt in impotent rage. If it weren't for Captain Han Wenqing sitting next to him, he would have already burst out with curses.

Zheng Chengfeng's knight, Mountain Split, began rampaging through the dense forest, like a wild boar losing its mind, frantically searching for Liu Hao's location. He had a premonition that Liu Hao must be hiding nearby!

(End of Chapter)