First Cooperation with Ye Qiu

{ Ye Qiu's Avatar: The Enlightened One(mechanic class)

Su Mucheng's Avatar: Dancing Rain

Liu Hao's Avatar: Total Darkness

Han Wenqing's Avatar: Desert Dust

Zhou Guangyi's Avatar: Cold Seasons

Zheng Chengfeng's Avatar: Mountain Split }

Liu Hao watched as Mountain Split scrambled around like a headless fly, completely engulfed in anger. This reckless wild boar was easily led into the hunter's trap.

"Now, the forest is going to catch fire!" Liu Hao chuckled inwardly, tapping lightly with his fingers as flames ignited on the pitch-black Chain Tooth Short Sword.

This was the Flame Wave Sword of the Total Darkness.

Glory's game physics engine was exceptionally well-made; the environment could be destroyed, and since trees easily catch fire, they naturally burned when exposed to flames.

The Chain Tooth Short Sword slashed out a fan-shaped flame, instantly engulfing Mountain Split.

Although the damage of the Flame Wave Sword wasn't high, but it had the effect of flame attachment. Once ignited, it would trigger a continuous bleeding-like debuff.

What was even more terrifying was that this was a dense forest. Not only was Mountain Split set ablaze, but the surrounding trees were also ignited. The crackling of burning trees filled the ears, and raging flames surrounded Mountain Split.

So obviously that thick-skinned knight's health was gradually decreasing.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu subconsciously exclaimed, "Nicely done."

He found it surprising that Liu Hao was also a strategist like him, using environmental fire damage to maximise the effect of the Flame Wave Sword.

Such a level of game understanding was something even the reincarnated Sora couldn't possess! (no game no life's MC and yeah our beloved Liu Hao is delulu)

"Damn! Why is the damage of this Flame Wave Sword so high?" Zheng Chengfeng exclaimed in shock.

Han Wenqing glanced over, reminding, "That's the environmental damage from the burning trees. Get out of there first!"

Zheng Chengfeng hurriedly complied, quickly turning his view and rushing in a random direction.

This scene almost scared Han Wenqing out of his wits. He hurriedly stopped him, "Stop, it's very dangerous over there. Ye Qiu is right there..."

Before he could finish his sentence, it was already too late.

Mountain Split ran to the edge of the fire, about to leap out of it, when suddenly a grenade flew towards him.

This was no ordinary grenade; it was the skill of an explosives expert - the Shock Bomb, which would knock back any players caught in its blast radius.

Zheng Chengfeng's face turned pale with fright. He swung his sword with all his might, attempting to knock the grenade away, but this grenade was thrown by Ye Qiu, who had already timed it perfectly. The moment the knight's blade touched the Shock Bomb, it exploded.


Ye Qiu and Su Mucheng looked at Liu Hao with puzzled expressions.

Liu Hao scratched his head awkwardly, "Haha, I am just adding some sound effects,because I finally got to cooperate with Ye Qiu."

Ye Qiu smiled at his words. This combo technique was indeed a collaboration between him and Liu Hao. In previous matches, he directed Liu Hao to cooperate, but Liu Hao always pretended not to hear or deliberately arrived late.

Zheng Chengfeng was blasted back into the flames again, suffering from the environmental burning damage.

"Damn it!" Zheng Chengfeng cursed angrily. His style of play was straightforward and aggressive. He hated two things the most: not being allowed to use his brute force and being schemed against.

Did Liu Hao dare to scheme against him?

"You despicable scoundrel!" Zheng Chengfeng cursed.

Liu Hao didn't want to indulge with him. Without wasting any time he raised his Short-sword, a wave of energy emerged, forming a dark purple wave pattern.

Advanced skill of the Total Darkness - Sinister Light Wave Formation. After release, enemies within the formation would continuously suffer from chaotic waves and sinister light damage, making it a highly damaging AOE skill.

As the Short-sword slashed down, it generated a dark purple wave formation under Mountain Split's feet. Chaotic waves and sinister light affected the enemies within the formation, so Mountain Split's health continued to decline of course.

Zheng Chengfeng's face changed immediately. Surprisingly, he was hit by two moves from Total Darkness, but he still couldn't find the hiding spot of Total Darkness.

"Why is Liu Hao playing so disgustingly?" Zheng Chengfeng complained.

Han Wenqing glanced at Zheng Chengfeng, instantly formulating tactics. He marked three points consecutively on the mini-map, "These are the positions of Ye Qiu, Liu Hao, and Su Mucheng, one-on-one restriction!"

Zhou Guangyi looked at the marked positions on the map, widened his eyes in disbelief, and said, "Captain, how do you know Su Mucheng's position? She hasn't even shown herself yet?"

"I understand Ye Qiu!" Han Wenqing said only five words, revealing everything.

Ye Qiu had been his opponent for ten years. Even if they didn't speak a word, they could understand what the other was thinking. Based on Ye Qiu's mindset, he could deduce the positions of his teammates effortlessly.

Zhou Guangyi immediately took the lead, heading towards the hidden position of the Mucheng. Before leaving, he couldn't help but taunt Zheng Chengfeng, "I have no pressure fighting as a Gunslinger. I just don't know if you can defeat Liu Hao."

Zheng Chengfeng laughed instead of getting angry, "I didn't find Liu Hao's position before. Now that the captain has marked it, I won't lose to him!

Han Wenqing ignored the two of them. As long as they could keep Su Mucheng and Liu Hao entangled, it wouldn't be difficult for him to take down Ye Qiu alone.

This training match was essentially to train the limited abilities of Zhou Guangyi and Zheng Chengfeng. As long as Liu Hao or Su Mucheng couldn't support Ye Qiu, Han Wenqing was confident in defeating Ye Qiu alone.

Han Wenqing didn't dare to guarantee a stable victory against Ye Qiu's fighting style as a spellcaster, but if he couldn't even beat Ye Qiu's Gunner class hero?, then he wouldn't be worthy of the title of Fist King.

The battlefiled turned into three small battles.

Liu Hao understood the battlefield situation. If he wanted to win this training match, he had to quickly kill off Mountain Split and then rush to the main battlefield to support Ye Qiu.

As he pondered, Mountain Split was already charging towards him. Liu Hao quickly raised his sword, slashing out a Frost Wave Sword.

The surging force of the wave engulfed Mountain Split, but it did not cast any debuff on him? What's going on?

Liu Hao immediately realised that it must be the Knight skill - Tranquil Mind, which gave him immunity to a cc skill once he is exposed to it.

"Liu Hao, your despicable sneak attacks won't work anymore, right?" Zheng Chengfeng sneered, then pressed the keyboard to launch a charge.

Liu Hao focused, thinking that Zheng Chengfeng truly deserved to be a player in the playoffs; he had some skill.

The charge was released with skillful footwork, closing off his movement options. Whether he dodged left or right, Mountain Split could still hit him through the curved charge.

Once entangled by a Knight, it wasn't easy to escape.

In a critical moment, Liu Hao took a different approach, controlling the pitch-black Short Sword to suddenly leap high into the air.

Seeing this, Zheng Chengfeng couldn't help but mock, "Do you think jumping can dodge it? Don't I know how to jump?"

Mountain Split jumped up, shield in hand, aiming at the motionless pitch-black Short Sword in mid-air.

Zheng Chengfeng laughed heartily, venting all his previous frustrations, "You still think you are still awesome? If you're capable, dodge this!"

Liu Hao smiled faintly, "Alright, watch carefully, I'll demonstrate it once!"

(End of Chapter)