Even an Aging Lion Has a Heart That Refuses to Grow Old

Unfortunately, the Magic Swordsman's attack dealt magic damage, which a block couldn't neutralise. Another Summer of Sleep's health plummeted, but Sun Zheping was delighted that his block successfully deflected the impact of the Flashing Wave Sword. The Magic Swordsman didn't knock him back and retained his close-combat capabilities.

After blocking the attack, Another Summer of Sleep immediately charged forward. At this moment, the arrogance of the Glory's top Berserker exploded, making it seem as if the sharp edge of his sword had already touched his opponent's neck before he swung it.

Whirlwind Slash—a Berserker skill—utilises the power from the waist, wielding the sword with both hands while spinning mid-air, delivering a decisive blow. This skill not only deals with excellent damage but also requires solid judgment.

The Magic Swordsman specialises in magic attacks and lacks powerful physical judgment skills. Sun Zheping was confident this move could break the Magic Swordsman's defence.

Seeing Another Summer of Sleep used Whirlwind Slash, Liu Hao immediately flicked his mouse downward. The rotating wave on the sword blade adjusted its parry angle, causing the Berserker's heavy sword to strike the short sword's hilt precisely. Liu Hao seized the opportunity to shake his mouse slightly...

In the next second, something unbelievable happened. The moment the Berserker's heavy sword touched the Magic Swordsman's short sword, its direction abruptly changed, striking the ground heavily. The stone bricks shattered, and the heavy sword was firmly locked in the aperture.

"What the heck? How did Whirlwind Slash get blocked?" Hai exclaimed in surprise. "Was that a parry? But parry's judgment effect is weak, it can block regular attacks and small skills, but how could it block Whirlwind Slash?"

Lou Guanning shook his head. His profession was also a Berserker, and he knew that Whirlwind Slash was too powerful to be blocked by an ordinary skill. "That wasn't a parry."

"Then what was it?"

"It was a block, I'm sure I saw it. But isn't block supposed to deflect the heavy sword upwards? Why did it deflect downwards?" Lou Guanning was puzzled. He thought his skills were enough to join the professional league, yet he couldn't understand even a single manoeuvre now.

Immediately after neutralising the Whirlwind Slash, Liu Hao launched an attack. An uppercut sent Another Summer of Sleep into the air, with the blade gathering waves like ripples from raindrops on a lake.

Frost Wave Sword!

Evil Light Slash!

A two-hit combo of wave slashes sent the Berserker flying. Liu Hao aimed precisely at where the Berserker would land, adding an Immovable King Formation!

Countless light spheres surrounded the array, producing crackling sounds and the Berserker's painful screams. After a series of combos, Another Summer of Sleep lost 30% of his health.

"The Magic Swordsman shouldn't be called Magic Swordsman. I prefer its old name—Asura," Liu Hao murmured. "Understanding the Dark Wave, using the Thunder Wave to guide the Thunder God, seeing all that can be seen, feeling all that can be felt. There's nothing in the world that cannot be understood, everything's essence can be perceived."

"What are you babbling about!" Sun Zheping laughed despite being hit. Even with his experience, he couldn't figure out how the Magic Swordsman deflected his Whirlwind Slash. The slash was oddly precise, yet it veered off to hit the stone.

He understood that the Magic Swordsman used Block to neutralise most of the damage from Whirlwind Slash.

"How did you do that?" Sun Zheping asked.

"It's a secret. Beat me, and I'll tell you!" Liu Hao flicked his mouse, employing the Magic Swordsman's Blade Throw technique.

Blade Throw involves rapidly moving the mouse to expand the fan-shaped wave's range, similar to the Battle Mage's 180-degree Circular Dance, aimed at increasing attack range. However, Blade Throw doesn't boost the Wave Sword's skill damage.

A rising Flame Wave Sword was unleashed, like a fiery demon about to devour Another Summer of Sleep.

Sun Zheping was troubled. He had hundreds of ways to block it if it were a physical slash. But such wave-based magic damage couldn't be dodged with weapons. Perhaps only a Guardian Angel's magic shield could counter a Magic Swordsman.

Another Summer of Sleep took another complete hit from the Flame Wave Sword.

With the continuous burning and the Immoveable King Formation's drain, Another Summer of Sleep's health dropped below half. The Berserker roared, and his blood surged.

The Berserker's profession trait, **Blood Awakening**, is triggered when health drops below 50%: the lower the health, the higher the attack power.

Sun Zheping wasn't satisfied with the current attack power. He activated Blood Frenzy, blood mist spreading as the Berserker entered his most vital state.

Blood Frenzy sacrifices defence for immense attack power, turning the Berserker into a bloodthirsty beast, eager to tear apart its prey.

"Let's go again!" Sun Zheping laughed.

Liu Hao looked cautious. His skills were in a cooldown period, and he had to withstand Another Summer of Sleep's assault. "No wonder you're Glory's top Berserker. Just your roar makes people weak at the knees. I wonder how Ye Qiu managed to beat you."

"Looks like you know who I am," Sun Zheping smiled. "Do you know why I challenged you to a solo? I wanted to know who you really are. At first, I thought you were Excellent Era's Liu Hao, but then I realized Liu Hao couldn't be as skilled as you. Even the current top Magic Swordsman, Jiang Botao (Team Samsara's), isn't as good as you. You're very mysterious, like a masked figure in the dark."

The two swordsmen clashed again.

Sun Zheping was ferocious, delivering a Blood Shadow Mad Blade with thick blood energy, even intimidating Liu Hao through the screen.

Liu Hao realised Sun Zheping was severely using the Floral Blood Scenery tactically without the support of Ammo Expert.

Liu Hao knew he couldn't withstand such an onslaught. Although he could predict Another Summer of Sleep's moves with his "Evil King's True Eye", his skills were on cooldown, rendering him defenceless, much like his previous encounter with Han Wenqing.

This was the Magic Swordsman's weakness—over-reliance on skills.

The ferocious Blood Shadow Mad Blade hit its mark, followed by a precise Cross Slash, producing a series of metallic clangs as Liu Hao parried but still got pushed back.

"Are you crazy? Why are you pushing your speed so high? Rumor has it that you injured your hand. Why push your speed to 500 actions per minute? Even at your peak, you weren't this fast."

"You must be a professional player, my junior!" Sun Zheping smiled, but Liu Hao could hear the strain in his voice.

"Even though I retired, I still want to protect my remaining dignity. Since you've recognized me, I must go all out to prove that an old warrior isn't finished yet."

An ageing lion king needs the protection of other lions, but even an old lion has a heart that refuses to grow old. Its teeth remain sharp, capable of biting through a tiger's neck in a final burst of strength.


(End of Chapter)

This got a bit over the top, sigh(Author)

Also, I won't be active next week as Eid(a holy holiday for Muslims around the globe) starts tomorrow. I would appreciate it if my readers supported me financially on my Patreon. Thank you.

Chapter 55 is up on my Patreon.

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