Vortex Rebound

As Another Summer of Sleep's greatsword crashed down, Liu Hao couldn't dodge in time and had to take the hit head-on. The force almost knocked out the short sword in his hand. Blood splattered across the arena, making it hard to tell whose blood it was. The blood-soaked gladiatorial arena became a kingdom of blood under Another Summer of Sleep's rule.

Lou Guanning watched from the stands, heart pounding. He didn't know who Another Summer of Sleep really was or even his real name, only that he was a good friend with strong Glory skills. He was like a teacher to Lou Guanning, teaching him many techniques for his Berserker class.

They often joked around in Glory. Lou Guanning remembered one day telling Another Summer of Sleep, "I want to form a team and join the professional league." Another Summer of Sleep had replied, "That's pretty brave. Are you aiming for the challenge tournament?" Lou Guanning shook his head, "No, that's too troublesome. I have money—no, my dad has money. He can invest and form a professional team, and we can directly apply for a league spot." Another Summer of Sleep could only praise him, and Lou Guanning asked, "So, with my awesomeness, will you join me in the Glory League?" Another Summer of Sleep never agreed or refused, always responding with silence.

Lou Guanning thought Another Summer of Sleep lacked confidence, but now it was clear he wasn't an ordinary person at all. He was like the sweeping monk in Shaolin Temple, thought initially to be just competent but an unbeatable legend.

Under Another Summer of Sleep's pressure, Liu Hao's Demon Swordsman's health dropped below 50%. Fortunately, his skills had just cooled down. Liu Hao didn't retreat but chose a more aggressive approach, exchanging blows to the death.

On the stage, both swordsmen were covered in blood, and the clashing of metal was constant. The blood mist in the arena became dazzling, shimmering like fireworks in the air.

"So beautiful!" Zou Yunhai couldn't help but exclaim, "It's a bit like... the Blooming Blood Scene."

Lou Guanning was also entranced. The colourful aura of the Demon Swordsman replaced the grenades of a Spitfire, recreating about seventy to eighty per cent of the Blooming Blood Scene.

At this moment, the audience no longer cared about who would win. It was like watching a tragic love story in a cinema where the ending didn't matter; what mattered was the beautiful, heartbreaking journey.

"Sun Zheping, we both know that continuing to fight like this does you no good. What are you insisting on?" Liu Hao asked.

"What of it?" Sun Zheping laughed. "Are you trying to make me give up so you can earn an extra 500,000?"

"Your hand is already trembling. I can feel it. Even your voice is shaking." Liu Hao felt a twinge of pity. Sun Zheping was fighting with a speed that seemed to be sacrificing his life.

"I gave up once before. I could have held on, but I didn't. I missed a championship, and I made Jiale miss one too. After the fifth season finals, I regretted it. If I had persisted for half a season more, Hundred Blossoms would have been champions. So, from that day on, I vowed that if I ever got serious again, I would never give up because of a hand injury."

"You're crazy!" Liu Hao shouted.

"Crazy? Haven't you always known I was crazy? The only time I was rational was the time I regretted the most." Sun Zheping laughed. "I should have stayed crazy."

Brutal slashes echoed. Both fighters stopped talking, focusing entirely on their keyboards.

Liu Hao remained calm. He had one block left, his only chance for a desperate counterattack.

Over the past week, he developed a new combo for the Demon Swordsman, using the vortex wave from the Ghost Imprint, which was applied to the short sword. The rapidly rotating wave could deflect most physical attacks. Combined with a vital block skill, it was the ultimate defence move he named Vortex Rebound. This move could even deflect a Battle Mage's Dragon Breaks the Ranks.

Their blood-for-blood fighting style was rough, but it was the best solo performance.

Sun Zheping's left fingers started twitching uncontrollably. Doctors had warned him not to overuse them, as it could lead to permanent disability...

"Doctors always exaggerate. I've pushed my limits so many times after retiring without any issues…" Sun Zheping's eyes were filled with killing intent. "Damn it, in the fifth season, I could have endured!"

Another Summer of Sleep used Blood Blade, striking the centre of the Demon Swordsman's short sword. The Demon Swordsman was sent flying by the impact.

Another Summer of Sleep stopped attacking. Behind him, a blood-red giant sword appeared, exuding a bloody aura.

"It's coming! Blood Rage Berserker's ultimate move, Blood Fury Torrent!" Lou Guanning shouted.

Surging blood condensed on the blade. The Berserker put down his greatsword and drew out the blood blade, striking down heavily.

"This fight, I must win!" Sun Zheping roared, releasing three years of pent-up frustration as the blood wave engulfed the Demon Swordsman.

"Did he win...?" Lou Guanning asked uncertainly.

"Should be... a one-shot, right? The Blood Blade hit the target, and with the Blood Rage Berserker's max rage ultimate, the Demon Swordsman can't withstand it," Zou Yunhai(Elementalist of Heavenly Sword Team) swallowed.

Sun Zheping panted, wiping cold sweat from his forehead with trembling hands. He had calculated the health precisely. The damage from Blood Blade and Blood Fury Torrent should have emptied the Demon Swordsman's remaining health.

As the blood wave cleared, a figure still stood in the blood-soaked arena. The Demon Swordsman hadn't fallen!!!

"So close..." Liu Hao chuckled.

Liu Hao's voice made Sun Zheping's heart tremble. He quickly checked the Demon Swordsman's health, about 7% remaining. How could this be?!!

With 35% health, the Demon Swordsman took a direct hit from Blood Blade. Given the Berserker's high attack, it should have taken at least 10% of his health, leaving 25% that Blood Fury Torrent should have cleared.

How did the Demon Swordsman survive?

Wait! Sun Zheping realised something. The Demon Swordsman having 7% health left meant Blood Blade didn't hit, or it was blocked, negating 70% of its physical damage.

But why didn't the Demon Swordsman have a block animation? Sun Zheping saw vortex waves on the short sword, but blocking didn't have vortex waves.


"Sorry, fate is mysterious, which is why there's the phrase 'a twist of fate.' Everyone thought you'd win, including yourself. But fate always favours your opponent." Liu Hao said calmly, "We are all tragic. In this story, we are not the protagonists. We can't steal the spotlight."

Sun Zheping sighed, letting go of the mouse and keyboard. Stuck in the post-ultimate move's recovery, he couldn't block any of the Demon Swordsman's attacks.

"You mean I'm a side character in this story, and you're the protagonist, so I can't win?" Sun Zheping smiled.

"No, I'm not the protagonist either, but I'm the final boss. In this story called Glory, only the protagonist can defeat the final boss." Liu Hao chuckled, "Of course, there may be no protagonist in this story called Glory, and I have no fated rival."

"You really are... such a chuuni." Sun Zheping retorted.

The Demon Swordsman began casting his ultimate—Supreme Art: Lightning Wave.

The sky darkened, clouds gathered, and dark blue waves condensed on the short sword. Ultimates often came with spectacular effects; the Berserker's ultimate created a crimson blood mist, while the Demon Swordsman's summoned lightning.

As the casting finished, the Demon Swordsman slashed down, and with a loud screech, an azure owl surrounded by arcs of electricity flew towards Another Summer of Sleep.

The electric owl engulfed Another Summer of Sleep, transforming into blue lightning arcs and creating a massive lightning wave field centred on him.

[Defeated Another Summer of Sleep, triggering system reward]

(End of The Chapter)

Chapters 56 and 57 are up on Patreon.

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