The Signed Gift

According to the novel's description, the Happy Internet Cafe is also Chen Guo's home, located not far from the Excellent Era Club. Because of its proximity to the Excellent Era Club, it enjoys an excellent geographical location. Excellent Era fans love to visit this internet cafe, making Xingxin particularly popular.

Liu Hao walked to the entrance of Happy Internet Cafe. Inside, it was packed, with the sound of keyboards clattering continuously, like the clash of thousands of soldiers. Liu Hao thought that the world of Glory was so popular. If he becomes famous in the future and opens an internet cafe, using his fame to promote it, wouldn't customers flock to it?

When he entered the internet cafe, he was greeted by the aroma of milk tea mixed with the rich smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Hello, are you here to use the internet?" The young lady at the front desk stood up and looked at Liu Hao.

Because Liu Hao was wearing a mask, he wasn't recognised. "I'm here to see your boss and give her a gift. I'll leave right after."

"I don't think I've seen you before. You don't look like a courier. What's your relationship with the boss?" The young lady was suspicious. "Are you a suitor? You do look quite handsome. Are you the boss's new boyfriend?"

"No, no, we're just... friends who have met once. Yes, friends." Liu Hao smiled, worried that the young lady would continue gossiping. He quickly added, "If your boss isn't here, could you please give her the gift? It's a signed notebook."

"You should give it to her yourself. She's inside, playing Glory in Area C." The young lady didn't want to trouble herself. She pointed towards Area C. "Table 23; there's a number tag on it; you'll see it easily."

"Oh, thank you." Liu Hao sighed. He initially thought he wouldn't have to meet Chen Guo, but upon reconsidering, it seemed impolite to leave the gift and just walk away.

He decided to meet her.

As Liu Hao walked inside, he noticed a large LCD screen on the wall of the hall, replaying highlights of One Autumn Leaf's brilliant moves. Liu Hao had seen this compilation before; it was trendy on a streaming site, with tens of millions of views and a length of three hours.

Arriving at Area C, Liu Hao muttered "Table 23" and soon found a ponytailed girl at a table marked with the number 23. It was Chen Guo.

"Die, you! Let's see you jump around now!" Chen Guo, wearing headphones, was gritting her teeth. Sensing someone behind her, she said without turning, "Sorry, wait a moment. I'll give you the seat after I finish this PK."

"No rush, take your time." Liu Hao chuckled.

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Guo turned around suddenly. Despite Liu Hao wearing a mask, Chen Guo recognised him. She had just dreamed about him last night and was a bit embarrassed.

"You... why are you here?" Chen Guo was nervous. She had read that boys like gentle and kind girls with a nice smile, but her gritted-teeth expression while playing Glory was far from gentle.

"Oh, I came to give you... wait, you're about to die." Liu Hao exclaimed.

On the screen, Chen Guo's Gunner, Chasing Haze, was ambushed by a Ninja, who drove a sharp blade through Chasing Haze's abdomen, dark blood oozing out.

Chen Guo gasped and quickly turned back to the controls, but it was too late. Her distraction had given the opponent a chance, causing her to lose the PK.

Chen Guo could imagine the smug face of her opponent after winning. "What a pity, almost won."

"Yes, just a bit..." Liu Hao watched for a while and concluded that both Chen Guo and her opponent were amateurs. "Who was the opponent? I see you're all members of the Excellent Era Dynasty."

"Oh, a friend from the guild. When I first started playing Glory, she played with me and recommended that I join the Excellent Era Dynasty Guild. Don't get me wrong, she's a girl." Chen Guo explained.

"An online friend, huh." Liu Hao smiled.

"But she's not as good as me. When we first played, I often lost to her, but later, I won more than I lost. Just now, it was because you distracted me that she turned the tables." Chen Guo said earnestly, with a look that seemed to say, "You can't think I'm bad."

Liu Hao was amused. Are two amateurs blaming him for their loss?

"Alright, alright, it's my fault. As compensation, look what I brought you." Liu Hao took out a notebook from his bag. It was an ordinary dark green notebook. He opened the first page, revealing Ye Qiu's signature, with a signed photo of Su Mucheng beside it.

Chen Guo's eyes widened in excitement. She covered her mouth, forgetting to remove her headphones, and jumped up to hug Liu Hao, the headphone cord stretching long.

"It's really Ye Qiu's signature and Su Mucheng's photo! Thank you, thank you, I love it!"

Liu Hao didn't find Chen Guo's sudden behaviour inappropriate, attributing it to a girl's overexcitement upon receiving a long-awaited gift. He remembered how he once kissed his father's stubbly face in excitement when he received a PS4 as a child.

After hugging for seven or eight seconds, Chen Guo seemed to realise that continuing might be awkward. She let go nonchalantly and carefully examined the notebook, marvelling, "With this, those in the Excellent Era Dynasty will be so jealous, especially Princess Jin. She'll be so envious, haha."

"Since the gift is delivered, I'll take my leave."

Just as Liu Hao was about to turn and leave, Chen Guo grabbed his wrist, "Wait, wait..."

"What's the matter?" Liu Hao was puzzled.

Chen Guo stammered, not knowing what to say. She didn't want Liu Hao to leave but couldn't think of a reason to make him stay. In a moment of impulsiveness, she said, "You haven't been to an internet cafe before, right? Why not stay and surf the web? I'll waive the fee for you."

"The boss is really... generous..." Liu Hao's mouth twitched.

Feeling embarrassed, Chen Guo quickly said, "Sit here for a while; I'll get you a drink. What would you like? Milk tea or coffee? If you don't like them, you can come upstairs with me. I have some treasured Dragon Well tea."

"Coffee is fine. No need to go upstairs."

"Okay, wait a moment." Chen Guo hurriedly took off her headphones, turning from the owner of an internet cafe with a thousand machines into an inexperienced tea delivery girl, rushing to the front desk to make coffee.

Knowing he couldn't leave, Liu Hao sat down at Chen Guo's place. Her game was still on Chasing Haze, level 70 Gunner.

The opposing ninja, Tang Rou, had sent several messages on the screen.

Tang Rou: "Guo Guo, you lost the PK. You have to keep your word and join the Jia Dynasty elders' dinner tonight."

Tang Rou: "Why aren't you responding? Are you pretending to have a network issue? I recorded it!"

Tang Rou: "Say something, Guo Guo!"

Tang Rou: "..."

(End of Chapter)

Chapter 61 is up on my Patreon


Unfortunately, I have been sick for the past four days, so I have not been able to update the files. As compensation, I have uploaded four chapters on Patreon as well as Webnovel…