Chen Guo’s Complaint

"Here you go, handsome—your coffee. Enjoy," Chen Guo said, holding a cup of coffee in her right hand and a cup of milk tea in her left. The milk tea was for herself.

Liu Hao took the coffee, thanked her, and reminded them, "Your friend just sent you a message."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Chen Guo lightly knocked her head, bent down to glance at the screen, and her face fell instantly.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so down?" Liu Hao asked with a smile. "You look like a little white rabbit that got squished by an elephant."

"Ugh! You're the one who got squished by an elephant! Your whole family did!" Chen Guo joked and punched Liu Hao lightly.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood."

Chen Guo didn't mind. She enjoyed the current atmosphere, and Liu Hao's jokes made her feel less nervous.

"You know Chen Yehui, right? He's the president of our Excellent Era Dynasty. He's hosting a guild dinner tonight and invited some members," Chen Guo explained. "I'm not really interested in the dinner. I don't know most of the people there. The only one I know is Tang Rou, the ninja who just beat me in a PK match. She really wants me to go... We're both female players, so we got invited even though we're not core members."

"So you made a bet, and you have to go because you lost... Sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping, but your chat was on the screen."

"It's fine." Chen Guo waved her hand. "I'm kind of looking forward to meeting Tang Rou. You know, I don't have many friends, only four or five close ones, and Tang Rou is one of them. I've thought about meeting her in person, but not at a big gathering like this..."

"Let me guess, you don't want to go because there's someone there you don't get along with."

"You could say that." Chen Guo pouted. "There's someone I dislike, which is why I don't want to go."

"You don't like the Golden Princess, do you?" Liu Hao guessed.

"How did you know? Do you have mind-reading powers? Don't you dare read my mind!" Chen Guo jokingly covered her heart and stepped back, looking defensive like she was guarding against a thief.

"Come on, there's no such thing as mind-reading. This isn't a fantasy novel," Liu Hao scoffed. "I guessed because you've mentioned her before. And it's in the novel…"

"Did I? I must have forgotten. Anyway, since I'm free, let me tell you about the Golden Princess."

"I'm not much for gossip, honestly…" Liu Hao raised his hand weakly.

"Shut up and sit down to be a good listener, or I'll get depressed," Chen Guo said sternly, one hand on her hip.

"Alright, alright. Go ahead. I didn't expect to play the role of a healer today," Liu Hao chuckled.

"You know, when she first joined the Excellent Era Dynasty, I kindly took her to dungeons. But all she did was cry for help from the guys in the team. As a Gunner, she didn't contribute to the damage and even attracted enemies, almost causing a team wipe."

"That sounds annoying. No one likes a troublemaker," Liu Hao said with a smile.

"Right? But the rest of the team liked her and wouldn't let me say anything bad about her. I decided to tolerate it. When we finally beat the boss, an orange-grade cannon dropped. You know how rare those are, second only to silver weapons in Glory!" Chen Guo raised her voice excitedly. "I was the top damage dealer and made the biggest contribution. Only the Golden Princess and I were Gunners, so the cannon should have been mine."

Liu Hao nodded.

"But the Golden Princess cried that she wanted the cannon too. The rest of the team pressured me to give it to her." Chen Guo clenched her fists as she spoke. "I suggested rolling for it, and she agreed. I won, but then she said the cannon should go to the stronger player and proposed a PK match. Whoever won would get the cannon."

"And then? Did you lose?" Liu Hao asked.

Chen Guo nodded sadly. "But I didn't lose to her. She cheated and brought in a ringer, a very skilled player. I couldn't beat him, so the Golden Princess got the cannon and kept showing it off in front of me."

Liu Hao was silent for a moment. "In short, the Golden Princess is a manipulative person."

"Well said. I thought all guys liked manipulative girls!" Chen Guo smiled, happy that Liu Hao was on her side.

"I do like considerate girls; who doesn't?" Liu Hao joked.

"Hey! Are you my friend or not?" Chen Guo huffed. "Give me back the coffee. You don't get any."

"Haha, no way." Liu Hao hugged the coffee. "But I don't have any plans tonight. Seeing how upset you are, plus the coffee, do you want me to go with you and help you get revenge?"

"You?" Chen Guo was sceptical. "Are you that kind?"

"Okay, revenge is secondary. I mostly want to enjoy free food and drinks," Liu Hao laughed. "There's bound to be good stuff at a dinner."


"So, do you want me to go or not?"

"Yes! Of course I do! I'll send you the time and place later." Chen Guo grinned. "Tonight, I'm going to let off some serious steam. With an Excellent Era professional player as my backup, let's see how she shows off."

Liu Hao smiled at Chen Guo's confidence. Helping her was part of it, but free food and drinks were just an excuse. His real target was Chen Yehui.

In the Excellent Era, Tao Xuan controlled everything, and Liu Hao was just a pawn. Tao Xuan could place him anywhere, leaving Liu Hao feeling powerless.

Liu Hao liked being the puppeteer and controlling everything. He hated being someone else's puppet.

Tao Xuan was like a big boss, and Liu Hao's current level and gear were no match for him. But fighting a boss wasn't a solo game. He could team up with others, like Ye Qiu and Chen Yehui. Chen Yehui was a minor character, but he held significant power—the Excellent Era Dynasty Guild.

Liu Hao had a plan to use Chen Yehui to grasp control of the Excellent Era Dynasty firmly.

(End of Chapter)

Chapter 61 is up on my Patreon


Unfortunately, I have been sick for the past four days, so I have not been able to update the files. As compensation, I have uploaded four chapters on Patreon as well as Webnovel…