Han Wenqing's Two-Stage Maneuver

Finally, Zheng Chengfeng snapped back to reality. He controlled Mountain Split to rise from the ground, supporting himself with a giant sword, looking shaky.

"Finally standing up," Liu Hao smirked. "It seems you haven't forgotten this is a professional match."

"Liu Hao, I admit I can't beat you, but I'm definitely not a coward!" Zheng Chengfeng suddenly smiled. "The captain will avenge me!"

The knight charged again... Two minutes later, the knight was dead.

*[Killed Mountain Split, triggering system reward: Short Sword Skill Three-Stage Slash Crafting Instructions]*

"Congratulations to Liu Hao for completing a two-on-one. Total Darkness has about 50% health left, making it very likely that Liu Hao will achieve a three-on-one!" Pan Lin laughed.

"Achieving a three-on-one is impossible," Li Yibo shook his head. "The third defender of Tyranny is Captain Han Wenqing!"

Han Wenqing walked onto the stage, his steps heavy. He gazed deeply at Liu Hao, sitting on the Excellent Era side, and said softly, "Thank you."

Han Wenqing was grateful to Liu Hao for waking up Zheng Chengfeng. The worst thing a professional player can do in a match is lose their fighting spirit. Even knowing that defeat is likely, one must give their all.

Although Liu Hao crushed Zheng Chengfeng's spirit, his words also saved Zheng Chengfeng's career. He deserved a "thank you."

"Here it comes! Liu Hao is finally up against Captain Han!"

"Captain Han, you must win!"

"Revenge! Crush Liu Hao!"

The audience cheered, venting their frustration from when Liu Hao previously defeated Han Wenqing.

"The match begins!" Pan Lin's announcement spurred Total Darkness and Desert Dust into action.

Liu Hao, taking advantage of his attack range, initiated the first strike. Total Darkness's arm swung, releasing an evil light slash. The blue arc-shaped sword energy flew towards Desert Dust.

Liu Hao predicted, but the martial artist was incredibly agile, taking two steps to evade the evil light slash with speed.

Seeing this, Liu Hao clapped. "Impressive, using two steps to evade. Even if the first step failed, the second step could still dodge the skill."

Han Wenqing's eyes flashed. In their last encounter, he had experienced Liu Hao's terrifying prediction skills. Since Liu Hao could predict his next move, Han Wenqing decided to execute two moves, believing Liu Hao couldn't predict both steps.

Liu Hao launched another rapid-wave sword.

Han Wenqing immediately swung his mouse, controlling Desert Dust to sidestep.

On the commentary stage, Li Yibo exclaimed, "Total Darkness's rapid wave sword predicted Desert Dust's movement..."

But then, Desert Dust, after sidestepping, used a flying kick to reposition, narrowly avoiding the rapid wave sword forcefully.

Liu Hao frowned. He understood Han Wenqing's tactic—to assume his first move would be predicted and plan two steps.

"Han Wenqing is truly formidable. Despite his age, he can still plan two moves ahead," Liu Hao thought.

As Desert Dust drew closer, Liu Hao smiled instead of panicking. "Do you think I can't predict two steps ahead?"

Total Darkness raised a short sword, which began to condense frost waves...

"That's the pre-cast for the Frost Wave Sword. Is Total Darkness going to use Frost Mist Concealment?" Pan Lin shouted. He had just coined the term Frost Mist Concealment for Liu Hao's brilliant manoeuvre.

Li Yibo shook his head. "He shouldn't. Using Frost Mist Concealment yields no benefit, and after a two-on-one, Total Darkness's mana is nearly depleted."

Li Yibo didn't say it explicitly, but everyone knew that a mana-depleted Total Darkness was bound to lose. The only question was how much health he could take from Desert Dust.

As the Frost Wave Sword was being chanted, Han Wenqing devised a movement strategy. He gauged Total Darkness's sweeping motion and immediately controlled Desert Dust to leap high.

Han Wenqing chose to move in the air again. The Frost Wave Sword, with its fan-shaped attack, was hard to dodge by rolling, small jumps, or sidesteps.

"The Frost Wave Sword is sweeping the air. Liu Hao predicted Desert Dust's move again!" Pan Lin exclaimed.

Han Wenqing realised his move had been predicted. However, he remained calm, having already positioned his fingers on the "Eagle Stomp" skill key.

Desert Dust executed Eagle Stomp, stepping on the air, and soared higher.

Seeing this, Liu Hao laughed. "Han Wenqing, you must have practised this two-step manoeuvre for a long time. Let me guess, a month? No, given your age, it must have taken at least two months."

Han Wenqing was silent, but his eyes were full of shock. He saw the text Liu Hao typed and the ice-blue wave slash coming straight at him.

Liu Hao had predicted not only his jump but also the Eagle Stomp in his two-step manoeuvre! Liu Hao had completed a two-step prediction!!

Desert Dust was frozen into an ice sculpture. The Excellent Era fans applauded, shouting at Excellent Era's fans, "This is the strength of Excellent Era's vice-captain, Tony the Mighty!"

Han Wenqing's pupils trembled. Frozen into an ice sculpture, he couldn't resist Liu Hao's subsequent combo. He didn't understand how Liu Hao's prediction could be so accurate. Predicting one move was one thing, but he had trained hard for two months for a two-step manoeuvre, only for Liu Hao to expect that, too.

Han Wenqing didn't know that while he had trained his manoeuvre for two months, Liu Hao had spent three years honing his predictive skills.

In a previous life, Liu Hao had debuted as a professional player at 17. He had a miraculous ability to predict opponents' moves. His rivals found a way to counter Liu Hao's predictions by training for two-step manoeuvres. Initially, this rendered Liu Hao's predictions ineffective. However, progress is mutual, and Liu Hao improved too. Through rigorous training, he could predict two-step moves and even three-step moves!

Han Wenqing's two-step manoeuvre still needed to be improved in Liu Hao's eyes. Even if Han Wenqing mastered a three-step manoeuvre, Liu Hao could still predict it with some focus. Even a four-step manoeuvre wouldn't work because, by the time he completed three steps, the skill would already hit him.

(End of this Chapter)

P.S. Chapters 67-71 are up on my Patreon. Do support me there. winks

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