The Magic Swordsman Mimics the Berserk Swordsman

"Total Darkness cast skills, bombarding Desert Dust with a series of Wave Swords, instantly cutting down 20% of Desert Dust's health."

The audience was stunned, their mouths agape.

"Is he still Liu Hao? He can suppress Han Wenqing?"

"No wonder he's called Tony; he's making Han Wenqing bow his head. Could he really pull off a one-versus-three?"

"A one-versus-three? Impossible, Liu Hao's Total Darkness is almost out of mana!"


Liu Hao's skills entered a cooldown period again. He frowned involuntarily. He could defend and delay for a while during the cooldown, but his mana was nearly exhausted. High-damage Wave Sword skills couldn't be cast many times, and Desert Dust still had 80% health remaining...

"No more skills." Han Wenqing said softly. "Then it's my turn to attack!"

Desert Dust stepped forward, punching with a force like a ferocious tiger. It was just a simple punch but with the oppressive feel of the Emperor's Fist.

"This feeling is familiar." Liu Hao swallowed. Oh, he remembered; he had felt a similar aura when soloing with Sun Zheping.

"Desert Dust is advancing with a punch; it seems he's ready for close combat with Total Darkness for some quick strikes!" Li Yibo commented.

"The situation is very unfavourable for Liu Hao. His skills are on cooldown, his mana is lacking, and a Magic Swordsman has no chance in close combat with a Brawler." Pan Lin agreed.

"Liu Hao has done his best." Ye Qiu said softly. "A one-versus-two, and suppressing Desert Dust once, this honour might make Liu Hao fully accepted by the fans of Jia Shi."

"Hmph, he's really showing off." Su Mucheng crossed her arms, unconvinced.


Total Darkness dodged Desert Dust's punch quickly, but Han Wenqing's attack followed. He leapt lightly, kicking towards Total Darkness's head.

Liu Hao was startled. Han Wenqing's attacks were as fierce as ever, not giving any breathing room. Fortunately, Liu Hao anticipated this move, blocking Desert Dust's kick with his short sword.

He seized the moment when Desert Dust landed, suddenly rolling and sweeping out with a sword, aiming at Desert Dust's legs. But Han Wenqing reacted swiftly, crouching mid-air to retract his legs and igniting his Flame Fist, smashing it to the ground.

The immense force cracked the stone slabs, raising a cloud of dust. Even Total Darkness was blown away. When the dust settled, Desert Dust was wrapped in a thin layer of gold-red membrane.

Desert Dust had used Steel Muscles and Iron Bones, a super armour skill.

Liu Hao knew that the Ground Wave Sword could break super armour, so he had saved it for this moment.

Seeing Liu Hao begin chanting Ground Wave Sword, Han Wenqing charged forward decisively, throwing a punch.

Such a fast punch! Liu Hao realised the chanting speed of Wave Wheel Slasher couldn't keep up. He wasn't using his custom Silver weapon [Bellflower] but the [Chain Tooth Short Sword] designed by Excellent Era's designers, resulting in slower chanting speed.

"Damn, I shouldn't have hidden Bellflower!" Liu Hao regretted cancelling the skill and retreating.

Below the stage, Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly. "Liu Hao's strategy is flawed."

"What's wrong with it? Retreating to avoid the edge is normal, isn't it?" Su Mucheng asked, puzzled.

"It's fine to retreat against other players, but never against Han Wenqing," Ye Qiu said. "Han Wenqing is a strong-willed player. Even though his performance has declined with age, he still has the aggressive drive of his peak. Against such aggression, the best strategy is to counterattack!"

"Counterattack? Liu Hao is just a Magic Swordsman, he can't win, right?" Su Mucheng whispered.

"Liu Hao can't win in close combat, but constant retreating will only lead to a quicker defeat." Ye Qiu said. "The opponent's retreating will fuel Han Wenqing's spirit, strengthening his resolve to kill."


On the battlefield, Liu Hao's repeated retreats finally gave Han Wenqing an opening. Desert Dust roared, his punch hitting Total Darkness's right leg, causing him to stagger and fall.

Desert Dust immediately pounced, his fists and feet raining down like a storm. A single combo knocked off 20% of the Magic Swordsman's health.

Total Darkness was kicked away, sliding several meters before stopping.

Liu Hao glanced at his remaining health, about 30%, but he was angry—not because he was losing, but because Han Wenqing had held back. If Han Wenqing had used his ultimate move, Liu Hao would have lost at least 30% of his health...

But Han Wenqing didn't use his ultimate move, not even the high-level skill Emperor's Fist. What did this mean? Did he think Liu Hao was already a spent force and didn't want to waste mana?

Being underestimated was a bitter feeling! Liu Hao laughed angrily. "Damn it, underestimating me will cost you."

Han Wenqing hadn't given up on winning this match. He was saving his ultimate move and mana for Ye Qiu.

"So arrogant! No wonder you can become the Emperor of Fighters. Even now, you're still thinking about winning? Even if you keep 80% health against One Autumn Leaf, do you really think you can win?"

"Old bastard." Liu Hao spat. "I respect your esports spirit, but looking down on me, I don't like that."

Liu Hao now fully understood. Han Wenqing valued momentum, striving for a relentless advance. Constant retreat would only lead to a more miserable defeat. Only by counterattacking could he have a slim chance.

Total Darkness's cooldowns had ended, and the remaining 15% of his mana would suffice. Liu Hao's eyes glinted. "In this unequal health match, as long as I cut down 50% of your health first, I win!"

At this moment, Liu Hao typed in the public chat: "Attention all Tyranny fans, this time Desert Dust has the health advantage. After this solo match, no one can complain!"

The message ignited the atmosphere, angering Tyranny fans who shouted for Liu Hao's defeat, while Excellent Era fans cheered for Han Wenqing's downfall.

"Magic Swordsman mimicking the Berserk Swordsman, I wonder if it will work?" Liu Hao muttered, swinging Total Darkness's sword forward. Sun Zheping's Berserk Swordsman constantly attacked first.

Han Wenqing focused intensely. He sensed Liu Hao's fighting spirit, a wild aura reminiscent of someone else. He suddenly remembered the retired first Berserk Swordsman of Glory.

"Why do I feel... Total Darkness has the aura of Blossoming Chaos(Main ID of Sun Zheping)?" Han Wenqing murmured.

(End of Chapter)

P.S. Chapters 67-71 are up on my Patreon. Do support me there. winks
