The Shadow is Key!

On top of a giant rock, a priest dressed in white lies down, watching the vast desert from afar. Priests are a profession efficiently targeted in battle. They lack strong combat abilities and thus need protection from others. When unprotected, they must learn to hide.

Zhang Xinjie had thoroughly studied all the competition maps. On this stone forest map, he found a perfect hiding spot. Among the stone formations, there was a towering pillar. Climbing to the top not only provided a broad view but also, due to blind spots, made it difficult for anyone to find him unless a mechanic used mechanical wings to fly.

Zhang Xinjie knew Su Mucheng was seizing the high ground, but the people of Excellent Era didn't know that Zhang Xinjie, a priest, would also choose to hide at a high point.

"Total Darkness is still searching for Immovable Rock's tracks on the ground. If he doesn't climb up the pillar, he can't find his hiding spot," Pan Lin said.

"Zhang Xinjie has calculated everything. He anticipated Excellent Era's tactics and arranged for Zhou Guangyi to restrict Su Mucheng. If Dancing Rain truly ascended to the highest point, Immovable Rock would be exposed," Li Yibo said.

"Zhang Xinjie's strategic thinking is really impressive," Pan Lin marvelled. "It looks like Zhang Xinjie is likely to win this hide-and-seek battle."

The Excellent Era fans in the audience grew increasingly nervous. Total Darkness had reached the pillar where Immovable Rock was hiding, but he was still looking at the ground, searching for footprints. How could he possibly find Immovable Rock at the top of the pillar?

"Look up! Look up!" the fans shouted urgently, but Liu Hao, in the soundproof room and wearing headphones, couldn't hear them.

Three minutes had passed, leaving Liu Hao only two minutes to kill Zhang Xinjie. After two minutes, Zhang Jiaxing's healing wouldn't keep up, Desert Dust would defeat Qiu Fei's Combat, and Tyranny's team would regroup defensively, leaving Total Darkness no chance to kill Immovable Rock.

"Did you find him?" Ye Qiu shouted, his breath hot under his hat and mask, causing sweat to bead on his forehead.

"Almost!" Liu Hao responded through gritted teeth. He had searched the three most likely hiding spots for Immovable Rock in three minutes, finding nothing in the first two. This was the last spot, and Immovable Rock was likely hiding nearby.

The commentators held their breath as they watched Total Darkness run into Immovable Rock's hiding area.

Pan Lin whispered, "It seems Liu Hao didn't guess that Zhang Xinjie would hide on top of the pillar. He's still looking for something on the ground. Is he looking for footprints?"

"Indeed, there are many chaotic footprints. Immovable Rock's earlier random running confused the audience. Now, it seems Zhang Xinjie left these footprints deliberately to mislead Liu Hao, using a trick to evade his search. You think I'm running around on the ground, but actually, I'm right above your head," Li Yibo explained.

Ye Qiu grew more anxious, thinking that if only Liu Hao had followed his command to stay with Dancing Rain to protect her, Excellent Era would not have been in such a dangerous position. Now, the match's outcome rested entirely on Liu Hao. If Liu Hao couldn't find Zhang Xinjie, Excellent Era would be down a member, and with Zhang Xinjie's command and healing, Excellent Era would surely lose.

Glancing at Liu Hao's screen, Ye Qiu saw only a mess of footprints. "Those footprints are to mislead you. Zhang Xinjie isn't foolish enough to leave footprints for you to follow! He's probably hiding on top of the pillar."

"You think I didn't consider that?" Liu Hao snorted. "I know he is up there!"

"Then climb up and check the pillar! Why are you looking at the footprints?" Su Mucheng urged anxiously.

"I'm not looking at the footprints but the shadow!" Liu Hao explained.

"The shadow?" Ye Qiu was stunned, then understood. Under the sunlight, the pillar's shadow cast on the ground would show a bump if Immovable Rock was on top.

"There are dozens of pillars around. It's too troublesome to check each one, and if I climb the wrong one, Zhang Xinjie will notice. Once he finds out, he will use Angel Wings to jump down, and I don't have flying skills. Climbing up and down will waste too much time!" Liu Hao said.

Su Mucheng realised Zhang Xinjie was wise. If discovered, he'd use Angel Wings to escape without taking damage, while Liu Hao's character couldn't fly, wasting precious time climbing down and chasing.

Excellent Era needed to save time.

"I found him!" Liu Hao exclaimed excitedly, seeing the shadow extend to Immovable Rock and instantly lock onto the pillar. Total Darkness began climbing quickly.

Pan Lin was surprised. "How did he find him? There are dozens of pillars, and Liu Hao found the right one at a glance?"

Li Yibo, observing from the top view, figured it out. "It's the shadow. Liu Hao wasn't looking at footprints but the shadow. The pillar's shadow had a bump, revealing Zhang Xinjie."

Excellent Era fans felt relieved. With a minute and a half left, killing Shi Bu Zhuan would reverse their dire situation.

Hearing movement below, Zhang Xinjie knew he had been discovered. But seeing the Combat Form's health drop below 15%, he felt relieved. "Liu Hao, you're too late. If I stall for another minute and a half, Excellent Era has no chance."

Total Darkness reached the top and saw Zhang Xinjie's Immovable Rock, who cast a grey spell at him.

Priest skill—Hypnosis, forcing the enemy into a stunned state upon hit.

Predicting the Hypnosis, Liu Hao made Total Darkness jump back to dodge and clung to the pillar's edge, avoiding a fall.

Seeing his skill miss, Zhang Xinjie was satisfied. As Total Darkness climbed back, he typed, "Goodbye."

"Immovable Rock jumped off the pillar, but it's so high! The fall damage is huge!" Pan Lin exclaimed.

Li Yibo calmly said, "The priest has Angel Wings, allowing them to hover and avoid fall damage."

Tyranny fans sighed in relief.

Atop the pillar, Liu Hao began casting a spell unhurriedly.

(End of Chapter)

Chapter 61 is free on my Patreon.

Chapter 81 is up on my Patreon.
