Liu Hao, You're Rotten to the Core

Liu Hao's eyes gleamed with golden light; he saw Immovable Rock's future! The Rapid Light Wave Sword flashed, glimmering like a golden dragon shooting towards Immovable Rock.

The Rapid Light Wave Sword cast quickly and flew swiftly, the only skill that could hit Immovable Rock.

With his back to Total Darkness, Zhang Xinjie needed to learn what skill Liu Hao used. As he was about to fall to the ground, he pressed a key, but nothing happened.

The Angel Wings didn't appear, and Immovable Rock crashed heavily into the ground, losing 40% of his health.

Why? Where were the Angel Wings? Zhang Xinjie was puzzled. Could he have pressed the wrong key? Impossible. He had confirmed the key position before jumping, and no paralysis, freeze, or stun effects were displayed in the status bar. So why didn't his skill activate?

"Wait, my health dropped by 40%. The fall damage should have only been 30%. That means Liu Hao's skill hit me..." Zhang Xinjie analysed softly.

The fall was short, and the magic swordsman only had time to release a Rapid Light Wave Sword. This skill has no control effect, so why couldn't he use Angel Wings?

The commentators were confused, and the audience was at a loss.

"Where are the Angel Wings? Why didn't Immovable Rock use Angel Wings?"

"Did Zhang Xinjie make a mistake and not press the key?"

"Maybe there was an equipment malfunction."

"Yeah, if the key malfunctioned, that would explain why Angel Wings didn't activate."

"Time rewind by the referee!"

"No rewinding. The professional players themselves check the equipment. Even if there was an equipment issue, they can only pause and replace the keyboard."

The audience debated, and the director quickly replayed the scene. The video showed the Rapid Light Wave Sword hitting Immovable Rock, causing a slight twitch in his body.

Loyal Glory players knew that skills couldn't be used when cooling down or when the character was controlled.

"Oh my god!" Pan Lin exclaimed. "Angel Wings didn't activate because of the 0.5-second stiff effect from the Rapid Light Wave Sword!"

Li Yibo was equally shocked. "Is Liu Hao even human? If this wasn't a coincidence, then Liu Hao predicted the timing of Angel Wings."

"Not only did he predict it, but he also calculated the casting time of the Rapid Light Wave Sword, Immovable Rock's falling speed, the flight time of the Rapid Light Wave Sword, and more. Any mistake in these steps would have allowed Immovable Rock to use Angel Wings!"

Jia Shi fans were astounded, and even Ba Tu fans couldn't help but applaud this miraculous move.

Even if it was a coincidence, such a moment could be included in this week's Glory Top 10.

Zhang Xinjie couldn't bother with the details; Total Darkness was sliding down the pillar. He quickly operated Immovable Rock to stand up and shouted, "Support!"

With about a minute left and 60% of his health remaining, Zhang Xinjie reassured himself he wouldn't die.

"Received!" Wang Chixuan immediately abandoned his fight with One Autumn Leaf and used his flying gun to rush towards Immovable Rock.

The fans were in an uproar. The match reached its climax, and the outcome hinged on a single moment.

"We've won," Liu Hao said, swinging his short sword at Immovable Rock, the magical waves surging, leaving Immovable Rock defenceless and dodging.

"You won't kill me in one minute!" Zhang Xinjie typed while moving towards Wang Chixuan.

Liu Hao smiled. "You think dodging two of my Wave Swords will get you support, but you haven't considered you might not dodge even one skill."

Frost Wave Sword!


Flame Wave Sword!


Frost Wave Formation!

Slow down!

Immovable King Formation!


Zhang Xinjie's forehead was covered in sweat as he saw his health drop rapidly, unable to dodge a single skill.

He knew Liu Hao was good at predicting, but he couldn't understand why his predictions were so accurate,, as if he had an aimbot.

Zhang Xinjie felt hopeless. He knew he would die within a minute, and Wang Chixuan's support wouldn't arrive in time.

"Listen, change of plans. Abandon supporting me and pretending to kill Combat Form. Instead, focus on One Autumn Leaf. We'll make a last stand. If we can kill Excellent Era's Dancing Rain and One Autumn Leaf, we'll still have a chance with a five-on-four," Zhang Xinjie quickly instructed. According to competition rules, deceased players couldn't speak or type to command teammates.

Coincidentally, just as Zhang Xinjie finished his new plan, Immovable Rock was pierced by Total Darkness, collapsing with blood everywhere.

"Immovable Rock, first to die!"

Immovable Rock's death enraged the fierce tiger. Han Wenqing's sudden burst of APM reached over 600, breaking Combat Form's defence, and Desert Dusr crushed Combat Form's head.

Combat Form became the second to die in the match. At the same time, the sixth players, Zheng Chengfeng and Guo Yang, entered the field.

"Regroup and defend. Protect Woven Shadows. We'll win if we hold the defence!" Ye Qiu quickly commanded. (Zhang Jiaxing's Avatar, Jia Shi's Healer)

"You're amazing, Hao-ge!" Zhang Jiaxing couldn't help but praise.

Even the newly entered Guo Yang shouted, "Hao, you're amazing!"

Desert Dust and Rota(Elementalist) charged at Zhang Jiaxing's Woven Shadows. Ye Qiu quickly controlled One Autumn Leaf to block Desert Dust.

"Zhou Guangyi teleported!" Su Mucheng reported. "It looks like he's going to kill Woven Shadows."

Ye Qiu frowned. With Immovable Rock Dead, Total Darkness, Qi Master(Guo Yang's Avatar), and Dancing Rain were too far away to reach the main battlefield quickly. He couldn't hold off Rota, Desert Dust, and Cold Seasons alone.

Excellent Era fans were bewildered. Even after killing Immovable Rock, why did it still look unfavourable for Excellent Era?

Why was One Autumn Leaf suddenly isolated?

Li Yibo explained, "Zhang Xinjie's strategy is excellent. The team is closely coordinated. Although Excellent Era killed Immovable Rock, Tyranny disrupted their cooperation, making support difficult and forcing them to fight individually for a short time."

Ye Qiu frowned. "Liu Hao, I told you your method had a low tolerance for mistakes."

"But it worked, didn't it?" Liu Hao smiled. "I don't need your understanding and approval. I just need to win with absolute strength."

Ye Qiu fell silent, realising Liu Hao's scheme. Liu Hao's solo attack on Immovable Rock calculated not only tyranny but also him.

Ye Qiu understood that Liu Hao had the strength to replace him as Excellent Era's core. Excellent Era was now in a winning position, but he needed to sacrifice himself for Zhi Ying.

As long as he protects Woven Shadows, Liu Hao can lead Excellent Era to defeat Tyranny, who has no healing abilities.

"You know what to do, right?" Liu Hao said while hurrying back. "If you protect Woven Shadows, I'll ensure Excellent Era's victory. Or you can abandon Woven Shadows, and we'll fight Tyranny head-on but with a lower tolerance for mistakes."

Ye Qiu glanced at Liu Hao, suddenly smiling. "So, you were waiting for me here... You not only wanted to kill the priest but also to trap me."

"No, I just want the MVP."

"Yes, to get the MVP, you even plotted against me. Do you think I might steal the MVP?"

"Ye Qiu, you said it yourself; you aim for a more stable victory. Now, if you die to protect Woven Shadows, I can ensure Excellent Era's win with a defensive strategy." Liu Hao smiled. "Will you risk everything for the healer or save the healer and let me be the core?"

"Liu Hao..." Ye Qiu paused. "You're rotten to the core."

At that moment, Liu Hao smiled, knowing Ye Qiu's choice.

(End of Chapter)

Chapter 61 is free on my Patreon.

Chapter 81 is up on my Patreon.
