The Dead Must Not Speak

Desert Dust pressed down heavily. A powerful punch was swung, bringing a wave of burning air, aiming to crush One Autumn Leaf's had as if to burn everything to ashes.

"Why are you hitting me? Shouldn't you kill the healer first?" Ye Qiu quickly typed out a question, his hands never stopping. One Autumn Leaf pulled back his battle spear and, with a Heaven Strike, successfully parried Desert Dust's powerful punch.

Han Wenqing didn't have a habit of typing during battles, but he still took a moment to reply to Ye Qiu's question: "If we don't kill you first, we can't kill the healer."

It was the truth. With Ye Qiu fully protecting the healer, killing the healer first was no easy task. Even if four people surrounded One Autumn Leaf and the healer, One Autumn Leaf wouldn't be the first to fall.

Han Wenqing knew that to end the fight quickly, they had to hold the healer hostage, forcing Ye Qiu to lose focus. This was similar to how Cao Cao held the emperor to command the warlords in the late Han Dynasty—holding the healer to command the Battle God.

"Negative Nine Degrees, shoot at Woven Shadows; don't let him use healing skills," Han Wenqing quickly commanded. "Rota, restrict One Autumn Leaf's movements and create an opening for me to suppress him."

Desert Dust withdrew his right fist, feinting, then followed with a flying kick, his strong leg sweeping towards One Autumn Leaf's neck like a sharp blade.

Ye Qiu was startled and quickly crouched to dodge, marvelling at Han Wenqing's relentless fighting style, which never gave others a moment to breathe.

At that moment, Zhang Jiaxing shouted in panic, "Captain, help me!"

Ye Qiu glanced at Woven Shadows, who was being beaten by Negative Nine Degrees and dodging frantically. Distracted for a moment, he didn't notice the magic circle under his feet—Elemental Mage's skill, Flame Impact.

Ye Qiu quickly moved his mouse and pressed the keyboard, instinctively rolling One Autumn Leaf to dodge, but Han Wenqing was a step ahead, blocking one side. With a Heavy Stomp, he stepped right on One Autumn Leaf's chest.

One Autumn Leaf screamed in pain, coughing up blood, and Excellent Era's fans were heartbroken, cursing Tyranny for being dishonourable, fighting two against one.

Ye Qiu frowned, bitterly smiling. Duelling Han Wenqing was already very difficult, and now, with Rota harassing from the side, he couldn't fend off the attacks. Although he had a chance to retreat, if he did, Tyranny would turn their blades on Woven Shadows. With the healer held hostage, his hands and feet were tied, and it was only a matter of time before he died.

Liu Hao glanced at Ye Qiu's dire situation and asked, "How long can you hold on?"

"About two minutes. After two minutes, I'll probably die. Within thirty seconds, Woven Shadows will be dead too," Ye Qiu said coldly. He didn't want to talk to Liu Hao but had to relay the necessary information.

"Two minutes should be enough," Liu Hao murmured.

"No, now only one minute is left," Ye Qiu suddenly sighed, seeing Cold Seasons, the assassin, approaching. The threat of an assassin to a healer was like a hungry wolf eyeing sheep.


Tao Xuan was watching the live broadcast. Seeing Ye Qiu in such a miserable state, he couldn't help but clap with joy. Beside him, another match was being streamed on his iPad—Yue Yun versus Ming Qing, where Sun Xiang's Berserker was crushing three opponents alone.

As expected of the rookie king of the seventh season, his operation style was no less impressive than Sun Zheping's in his prime.

"Liu Hao did well this time; it seems like he took my words to heart," Tao Xuan smiled, a hint of coldness in his eyes. I hope you'll cooperate with my plan in the future and help me kick Ye Qiu out."


The battle reached its climax, with One Autumn Leaf and Woven Shadows trapped by four opponents.

Zhou Guangyi, now Tyranny's third-ranked member, attacked ruthlessly, aiming a Heart-Piercing Stab at One Autumn Leaf's back.

Cold Seasons stabbing speed was breakneck. As the tip of the dagger was about to pierce One Autumn Leaf's back, One Autumn Leaf suddenly leapt high, stabbing downward with his spear, impaling the approaching Cold Seasons and pinning him to the ground. Then, with a Circular Swing, Cold Seasons was flung into the air.

The audience hadn't yet cheered for Ye Qiu's brilliant move when Han Wenqing landed another heavy punch from the side, hitting One Autumn Leaf's kidney. The tremendous force slammed One Autumn Leaf against a boulder, causing him to cough up blood again.

"How much longer?" Ye Qiu asked, his brows tightly knitted.

"About thirty seconds," Liu Hao replied. "But don't worry about holding on. Chief Su's support has arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, an avast blue mark appeared under One Autumn Leaf's feet. Everyone recognised the symbol—it was the Gunslinger's ultimate move, Satellite Beam.

"Scatter!" Han Wenqing commanded, and Desert Dust and Cold Seasons used their respective moves to escape the range of the Satellite Beam.

Tyranny no longer had a priest and no more healing, so every drop of blood was precious.

The blue laser struck down, bathing One Autumn Leaf in the beam, giving him a moment to catch his breath. Zhang Jiaxing quickly chanted a healing spell, restoring 10% of One Autumn Leaf's health, but One Autumn Leaf's health was still only 20%.

"Captain, what should we do?" Zhou Guangyi frowned. With Su Mucheng's addition, he wasn't sure if they could kill One Autumn Leaf.

Han Wenqing thought for two seconds and then said, "Flame Storm!"

Flame Storm was a high-level Elemental Mage skill, creating a fiery tornado in the area and dealing massive fire magic damage to enemies.

"Got it!" Bai Yanfei responded, controlling the Elemental Mage to start chanting Flame Storm.

Su Mucheng had just used the satellite beam and was experiencing a post-cast delay. Even though she saw the Elemental Mage chanting, she couldn't shoot to interrupt, anxiously shouting, "Run!"

Ye Qiu looked at his position and then at the healer's position. The range of the Flame Storm was vast, covering both of them. It was easy for him to escape the skill's range, but the healer couldn't. If caught in the Flame Storm, with Desert Dust, Luo Ta, Below Zero, and Ji Leng present, the healer would be killed instantly.

Ye Qiu glanced at Liu Hao, who was watching him with a mock expression as if asking, "What will you choose? Save yourself or rescue the healer?"

Ye Qiu had already made his decision...

"Dragon Breaks the Ranks, Charge, One Autumn Leaf wants to use Dragon Breaks the Ranks's dash to escape the Flame Storm..." Pan Lin shouted, but the screen cut him off.

What happened? Everyone was stunned. One Autumn Leaf didn't charge out of the Flame Storm's range. Instead, he aimed his spear at Woven Shadows's back, knocking him out of the Flame Storm's range with Dragon Breaks the Ranks.

The healer was saved, but the fiery tornado engulfed one Autumn Leaf. Excellent Era's fans were in tears, moved by Ye Qiu's sacrifice.

Liu Hao couldn't help but clap, praising, "As expected of Ye Qiu, living up to his words, sacrificing himself to save the healer."

Ye Qiu glared at Liu Hao, angrily saying, "Liu Hao, your goal is achieved."

"Don't be silly; my goal isn't to kill you but to win the MVP," Liu Hao laughed.

"I don't care about the MVP. I only care if Excellent Era can win!" Ye Qiu said coldly.

"Shh!" Liu Hao put a finger to his lips. "Remember the rules, Captain. The dead must not speak."

One Autumn Leaf, caught in the Flame Storm, was killed by Cold Seasons with a swift move, just like that stunning strike in the fourth season finals...

Ye Qiu pushed away the mouse, leaned back in his gaming chair, and folded his arms, coldly staring at the dark screen.

(End of Chapter)

Chapter 61 is free on my Patreon.

Chapter 81 is up on my Patreon.
