
Today was the awakening, the day when the mass awakening took place gifting several children who were between the ages of twelve to nineteen with numerous types of endowments.

The solar awakening only took place once a decade and very few were fortunate enough to receive an endowment on this day.

Those who were chosen were then recruited to one of the five academies of talents were they were to be trained to become full fleged reapers.

The power of the endowments was not something that was easily obtained and people who were able to obtain a blessing were supposed to possess three qualities which were affinity, perception and soul aspect and people who possessed these qualities were very rare amounting to about a very few per each awakening. The highest number of awakened that was ever received in the entire history of awakening was fifty people per each kingdom.

The kingdoms themselves were five in total in the entire world and they were,

the northern kingdom ruled by the beast king Madock, the southern kingdom ruled the inferno king Azaru, from the enchanted forest there was the Azure kingdom ruled by queen Siara the enchantress, from the oceans there was the kingdom of Neptune ruled Versex the serpent and the Royal kingdom ruled by Arion the noble. . There was also some small nations around the world that almost reached the size of a kingdom but they all fall under the rule of one of the five kingdoms.

At the western part of the continent there was a small nation called Lynx which was anexed by the beast king Madock, inside this nation in its capital city called Dera there were two siblings boys who had received an blessing mark which was a sign that they had potential to weild an endowment.

This was a first for them to receive a blessing mark since they didn't have noble bloodline, although the endowments were known to appear randomly they were mostly received by those who had noble bloodline at least this was what was known by the general public.

The two siblings who had received their blessing mark were inside the city's palace kneeling to the ruler of this nation who was the cousin of beast king Madock.

Among the two children one was named Ingnis and the other was named Douron.

Ingnis was handsome sixteen year old boy with an athletic build,he had red short hair,black eyes and a well refined jaw while Douron on the other hand was like the opposite of him with his slender build, his long black hair hanged slightly above shoulder length and his deep black eyes,his looks were just average neither judged to be handsome nor ugly and he was two years younger than Ignis making him fourteen years old.

They were currently kneeling to the regent of this country ,Lord Mark of the Lycan family, Mark was a tall middle aged man reaching two metres in height, he had bushy eyebrows ,blue glowing eyes, a very muscular robust body and he had an unruly shock of black hair covering his entire body Making him look more like a beast instead of a man.

Lord Mark made a hand gesture signaling the

two boys to stand up and with smile on his face he said,

"You are very fortunate to be invited to the temple despite your family origins, it seems the divines have cast a smile at the two of you which means that you have now have an opportunity to join the ranks of the protectors of humanity ".

"The temple of Luna has dispatched a high priest to come and take you to the temple of Luna" said the Lord.

The two boys's expressions turned to disbelief upon hearing this, they knew that being a chosen was a privilege but it seems that they didn't know how big of a privilege it was, to think that the temple would dispatch a priest an high one on top of that was just flattering it seemed that they were very important.

"But my lord if l may ask why would the temple sent one of its high priest to come and deliver us to the temple?", said Douron in an respectful tone.

The lord sighed and then said,

"Its strange to me too but if I were to guess maybe its because one of you may have a unique or special endowment and the temple have sent a high priest as a necessary precaution to prevent harm to you due to your awakening status and believe me it is necessary because there are other powerful forces out there that will try to harm you or use you and you will learn more about this if you enter one of the academy of talents".

After talking to lord Versex a carriage arrived outside the city palace carring the high priest of the Luna temple. The carriage was being pulled by two massive black wolves that were six feet tall and had long canine teeth.

The two boys went outside and they bode their farewells to lord Mark.

The lord and the high priest exchange a short conversation,

boarding the carriage they met one of the thirteen high priests of Luna temple inside the carriage. The two boys were to be taken to the Luna temple located in the Northern kingdom were they were to experience their awakening.

The high priest of the Luna was called high priest Hugo and he began to explain to them how the awakening would occur along the way.

Apparently the awakening was when those who had a blessing mark would enter into long slumber that took place under the gaze of one the divines and they would awaken their blessings after their slumber.

The time period when someone would wake up differed from individual and those with an powerful soul would wake up very early

while those with less powerful souls would wake up late.

This would determine the grade of their endowment.

This was how the grade of their endowment was ranked.

Unique grade endowment(for geniuses )

one would wake up after two months (very rare)

Special grade endowment(talented)

Waking up after one year( tier 1)

Waking up after two years( tier 2 )

Waking up after three years( tier 3)

Ordinary grade endowment

waking up after four years. (the lowest grade)

The two boys were not aware of this information and it was really shocking to them.

The high priest continued to explain them about other things about the awakening, the night ceremony of the temple and the major endowments of the world.

There was one topic that he didn't explain and it was about the academy of talents all he said was that its location was unknown and information about it was strictly confidential among reapers.

After a long ride from Lynx just when they were a few distance away from the northern kingdom carriage suddenly came to halt and a massive bird had suddenly impeded the road.

Douron and Ingnis were starting to panic, they started to remember what Lord Mark had told them about how other people might try to hurt them.

The high priest was serene and he reassured the two boys that everything was going to be allright,with him here there was nothing to fear.

The high priest went to check what was the issue while Douron and Ingnis were left inside the carriage.

When the high priest was outside a gruesome scene revealed itself, just a few meters ahead of him there was a metal bird that seemed to be in a bad shape, it was missing a wing and it seemed to be lacking legs, beneath it countless dead bodies were drowning in their own pool of blood.

What made this scene terrifying was that every single dead body had was soruonded by a dense aura that could only be released by elite reapers.

The bird itself had a rather strange shape, it also did not have an feathers.The priest was at lost, he had met many dreadful creatures of various species but never any as complex and unique as this one.

While the high priest was observing this strange creature a newcomer had suddenly emerged ins6the carriage without raising the high priest's attention.

The two boys tried to scream for help upon seeing this newcomer but their actions were pointless, no matter how loud they yelled there was no sound ,it was as if they no longer could realese verbal sounds.

They tried to flee upon seeing their actions not working but it was to no avail they could no longer move their bodies. When realized what was happening to their bodies despair overwhelmed them and all hope was lost.

The newcomer just sat infront of them, he had a hooded black cloak made from darkness covered his entire body and pale back flames were dancing on his cloak, on his face a half face mark made from the same material as his cloak covered his mouth, his hands and legs were bound in silver chains.

The hooded figure suddenly raised his shackled hands in midair and from the the thin air he retrieved a small silver dagger that had wooden hilt.

The high priest had reached the massive birdlike creature and when he was close to it he saw its interior. The massive birdlike creature was not a creature at all at least not one made of flesh, it appeared to be a transporting machine judging by its interior.

The high priest had never seen this type of thing but he a rough idea of what it was, this seemed to be one of those strange artifacts that was created by that mad scholar, the arcane master who was also the vice head of one of the academy of talents. The high priest then turned and started to examine the dead reapers, severe cuts were exposed on their bodies, just when he was to proceed further a sense of foreboding suddenly struck him and he quickly rushed back to the carriage.

When the high priest opened the carriage door Douron and Ingnis were just sitting there petrified because of the situation that was unfolding outside and there was nothing amiss.

After confirming that the two boys were alright the high then decided that it would be best if he escorted the two kids to the temple and then he would dispatch a group of elite reapers and two supervisors to investigate this abnormal situation.

The carriage resumed its journey and this time they met no obstruction, they

eventually arrived in the Northern kingdom into the capital city Morth where the Luna temple was located.

Upon arrival they noticed a large majestic building shape lke a ring, at the edges there were thirteen wide pillars and on top of them stood thirteen massive wolflike statues that were in a howling position while looking upwards, the temple was guarded by multiple figures clad in black steel armour and equipped with spears.

The high priest led the two boys to the interior of the temple where they were to experience their awakening.