
Once inside the temple the two boys could not help but marvel at the beautiful sight they were seeing, the temple walls were made from a shining blue stone that realesed blue light inside, the floor was luxuriously decorated with fancy carperts and it was simply large with many rooms.

The high priest led them to the temple hall which was crowded by other kids at their ages, most of the kids there were clad in luxurious clothes indicating their noble status, being commoners Douron and Ingnis stood out among the crowd with their cheap clothes, Douron was wearing black shirt ,brown trousers and brown boots. Ignis was wearing a black leather jacket with brown trousers and boots to match.

Of course they were not the only ones there that was dressed like that there was also three other teenagers dressed in cheap clothes like them,these three commoners were standing in a corner away from the nobles .

The noble kids seemed to distance themselves from these three kids.

Upon seeing the attitude of the nobles towards his fellow commoners Douron could not help but release a tired sigh, it was clear that he was going to be experiencing discrimination.

After parting with the High priest Douron and Ingnis approached the three commoners standing alone in the corner.

The first person they noticed was a boy with unkempt yellow short hair, he had black eyes and an average body build and he looked like he was around fifteen to sixteen years old, he was wearing a black worn out brown shirt with brown trousers to match with wooden sandals

The second person he noticed was a beautiful girl in commoner standards, she had blue hair, black eyes and she had a slender body, she wore purple dress that seemed to go well with her hair adding to her beauty and her facial features were similar to the boy beside her.

The third person was also a girl with black hair, blue eyes, a scar that slanted across her face, she was very tall taller than everyone present here her body excluded a wild bestial aura, She wore a blue dress that seemed to suit her very nicely and it reaveled her curves .

When the two boys approached the group of three making it the group of five they extended their greetings in which they received two response , one from the teenage boy who had yellow messy hair

who replied to them with deep enthusiasm and

the other response was from the beautiful girl wearing a purple dress who responded with low barely audible voice.

The teenage tall girl with the the long scar was the only one who did not return the greetings and she only glared at them clearly she had problems.

The boy with the yellow hair then took it upon himself to introduce himself and the two girls.

Apparently his name was Leon, the girl with the purple dress was Aya and she was his younger twin sister which explained the similar facial features, the scary looking girl was called Carla. Ignis handled the introductions on his side introducing himself and Douron to the group.

After that the group began to familiarize themselves well only Ignis and Leon were familiarizing themselves while the others stood in silence, the two had practically just become best friends in a spawn of a second.

Douron was just standing there in silence observing his souroundings, sometimes he would catch a glimpse of the girl named Aya stealing glances at him or Ignis in which she would turn away immediately with a flushed face when she noticed him looking, clearly she was the shy type.

The scary woman on the other hand was glaring at him with intensity that made Douron wonder if he had ever done something wrong to her.

While Ingnis was conversing with the Leon Douron watched as other kids of various ages arrive into the hall and from time to time a kid would simply passby the hallway being led two middle age man who were donning blue shimmer robes .

Douron was curious about where they were going and tried to ask Leon and Aya who did not know nor care, out of the fourteen additional kids that Douron had seen entering the temple only three were led to the another room.

The first kid was a boy who seemed to be roughly at the same age as him he was donning a fancy looking white shirt that had was adorned with three golden buttons and a black silk trousers of the highest quality. This boy had short blond hair, icy piercing eyes and he was covered by an domineering aura, ahead of him were the two middle aged men from the temple and behind him there was a old man who donning a black silk attire that was made of a jacket and trouser.

The second kid he saw was an elegant young girl who was donning a green velvet dress with special green jade stone earrings on her ears, her skin was soft and very delicate, she was a true gem,her beauty was unmatched and everything about this girl screamed the word noble. The girl like the boy from before was being led by two middle aged men from the temple who wore blue temple robes. After the girl the last person to arrive wad a burly kid who seemed to be too big for his age, the kid had short black hair, was clad in a sturdy silver body armor and a large great sword hung on his back, behind the kid a half naked burly man was obediently following him while on front he was following the two middle aged men from the temple.

Before Douron could conteplate about these kids special entry thirteen elderly figures stood at the alter wearing matching white robes.

Douron could spot the high priest who led them here among the thirteen elderly men.

Their voice booming inside the temple halls they shouted in unison


The chosens were all well informed on the procedures to be taken when the ceremony was beginning, they all gathered around each other maintaining a meter distance from each other.

After the priests said this thirteen majestic stone chairs emerged from each corner of the hall sourounding the entire hall. The high priest then went and took a seat at each of the chairs.

After they were seated the thirteen elderly priest began to chant a prayer,the hall floor had a circle made of white inscribed markings and this circle began to shine and moonlight suddenly illuminated the whole temple which was unusual phenomenon because it was still daytime.

The moment Douron saw the moonlight his body became rigid,lighter and started to rise upwards his view of the world was plunged to darkness, his mind blanked and he lost consciousness, the slumber had begun.