Chapter 1

With a crash, the heavy curtains were opened, and the dazzling sunlight shone through the large floor-to-ceiling windows onto the gorgeous wool carpet. The man stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, wearing only a nightgown, and his eyes could not adapt for a moment. The brightness of the sun was slightly narrowed, and there was no expression on the handsome face. The cold outline and tightly pursed lips made people feel very stressed.

After the man opened the curtains, he stood in front of the spotless floor-to-ceiling windows and stared at the pond downstairs for a while, then turned and walked towards the very large bed.

The quilt on the bed was a little messy. It had obviously been lifted when he had just gotten out of bed. The man lay on the bed and lifted the quilt further, revealing a small snow-white fur ball under the quilt. When he saw this little hairball, the man's cold face softened a lot.

This is a very cute fold-eared cat with a snow-white body and a tuft of black hair on the tip of its nose.

Such a cute little creature seems to be incompatible with the cold and serious man, but that's the truth. The man slept on a bed with a cute fold-eared cat all night.

Seeing the little meow's belly bulging while sleeping, Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand to scratch its little chin: "Little Ye Zi, wake up."

He called twice more, and saw that 'Little Ye Zi' was still sleeping. Chuáng, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He no longer disturbed the sweet dream of little meow, so he got up and entered the bathroom.

When Ye Tianyi came out of the bathroom, he found that Xiao Zizi was still sleeping. Usually at this time, Xiao Zizi would have woken up and jumped on him to act coquettishly.

He frowned slightly and was about to go over and forcefully wake up Xiao Zizi when there was a knock on the door.

Ye Tianyi made a move, then turned around and opened the door.

Seeing the old housekeeper who had taken care of him for many years outside the door, Ye Tianyi's expression was not so scary at least, and he said calmly: "Is something wrong?"

The old housekeeper looked at Ye Tianyi kindly, but said in a very respectful tone: "Master, Su Ming and Su Tianyun are here today. They want to see you."

After hearing this, Ye Tianyi's expression remained unchanged, but the pressure around him became lower. "Didn't they leave City A long ago? How dare they come back? ?"

The old butler didn't say anything, and Ye Tianyi's eyes darkened: "Keep an eye on it, I'll go down later."

The old butler said respectfully, "Is the young master's breakfast going to be the same as before?

" nod.

He has obsessive-compulsive disorder and likes to be orderly no matter what he does. Even his daily breakfast has rules. Even though he has had breakfast habits for so many years, the old housekeeper still insists on asking this question every day, and he doesn't find it annoying.

When the old housekeeper was about to retire, Ye Tianyi suddenly said: "Call Dr. Li over."

Dr. Li is a veterinarian, and he is also the exclusive doctor prepared by Ye Tianyi for Xiao Zizi.

The old housekeeper nodded and asked one more question: "What's wrong with Little Ye Zi?"

The old housekeeper has watched Ye Tianyi grow up. He also knows how important Little Ye Zi is to the young master, and only he dares to say more Ask this question.

Ye Tianyi was extra patient with this old man: "I don't know why, I slept for a long time and couldn't wake up no matter how I screamed."

The old housekeeper showed a bit of worry on his face: "But was it too late yesterday?"

The cat was originally They are nocturnal animals, but Little Ye Zi was raised by Ye Tianyi to have the same schedule as him.

Ye Tianyi shook his head: "No, I didn't work too late last night and went to bed at nine o'clock."

In fact, he had a headache for some reason last night, so he went to bed earlier. But there was no need to talk about the headache and worry the only old man in the Ye family who was really good to him.


Ye Tianyi is a genius with high IQ, but God gave him a smart brain and always has to take away something.

His mother died young and his father didn't love him. Apart from an old housekeeper who abided by his duties and still cared about him, he only had a fold-eared cat to accompany him.

His mother's surname was Ye, and his father Su Ming was a descendant of the declining Su family. In order to revive the Su family, he chose to marry Ye Tianyi's mother.

Ye Tianyi's grandfather only had one daughter, and her daughter was frail and sick, so he needed a healthy heir to inherit the Ye family's property, so he told Su Ming that if he wanted to help revive the Su family, he would have to marry his daughter, and their The first son had to be named Ye.

For the sake of the Su family, Su Ming agreed.

He agreed but held a grudge. He felt that Mr. Ye had raped him and threatened him to marry into the Ye family and trample the Su family's face to the ground.

But he never showed it. He showed his true colors until Ye Tianyi was sixteen years old and after Mr. Ye passed away.

He had just finished Mr. Ye's funeral, and immediately divorced Ye's mother, and wanted to take the opportunity to seize the Ye family's property and strengthen the Su family.

It's a pity that Su Ming never expected that Ye Tianyi, who had been brought up by Mr. Ye and looked cold and indifferent as if he was autistic, would unexpectedly keep the Ye family's property.

But Ye Tianyi was still underage after all, so he was at a disadvantage when fighting Su Ming. The Ye family was deprived of a lot of benefits by Su Ming, but fortunately it did not damage the foundation too much. But Ye Mu was so angry that she became seriously ill because of this series of events, and eventually gave up.

Ye Tianyi didn't have much emotion for his seriously ill mother. After all, she was just a familiar stranger whom she saw only a few times a year. But he had a deep affection for Mr. Ye, and he also moved his affection to the Ye family.

Su Ming did not recognize his son named Ye, and was indifferent to him. Compared with Ye Tianyi, the son who could be said to be evidence of his humiliation and marrying into the Ye family, he preferred the two sons he had with his childhood sweetheart.

The eldest son Su Tianyu is three years older than Ye Tianyi, and the second son Su Tianyun is only half a year younger than Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi had to admit that Su Ming's methods of playing with women and hiding illegitimate children were much better than his methods of doing business.

In business, Su Ming would only rely on the support of the Ye family, or use some underhanded methods, but he had the ability to charm one woman after another, and hid his illegitimate child so much that even Mr. Ye didn't notice it.

Otherwise, the two illegitimate children, Su Tianyu and Su Tianyun, would never have grown up alive.

After Mr. Ye passed away and Su Ming divorced his mother Ye who was seriously ill, Su Ming reappeared in the upper class as the head of the Su family. Unfortunately, who knew that Su Ming relied on the Ye family to revitalize his family?

Su Ming's behavior of divorcing Ye's mother impatiently after Mr. Ye's death was regarded by others as an ungrateful and scowling villain. Especially his behavior of taking advantage of the situation when no one in the Ye family was in charge was even more despicable.

Su Ming's reputation in the upper-class circles has long been ruined, so he has never been able to break into this circle, and the Su family can only be regarded as a second-rate family.

Ye Tianyi officially took over the Ye family after he became an adult. After stabilizing the Ye family's industry, the first thing he did was to attack the Su family.

Su Ming was not very good at business. The Su family was previously supported by the Ye family, but it began to decline after the death of Mr. Ye. Ye Tianyi's blow directly reduced the Su family to a third-rate status.

Originally, the snake was going to be beaten to death, but Ye Tianyi did not miss the father-son relationship and let the Su family go.

But Su Ming quickly hooked up with the eldest daughter of the Qin family. The eldest daughter of the Qin family was the only daughter of the Qin family, but she was not as frail and sick as Ye Mu, but she was a strong woman. She has not remarried since her divorce. She has been with many men, and Su Ming can only be considered one of them. But he didn't expect Su Ming to be able to coax this powerful woman into helping him.

Because the Ye family had not yet fully returned to its heyday, Ye Tianyi was unwilling to confront the Qin family. Fortunately, the eldest daughter of the Qin family did not think about confronting the Ye family for Su Ming. She just asked Ye Tianyi to give the Su family a breather. When the eldest lady of the Qin family gets tired of playing, she will naturally stop caring about Su Ming.

Ye Tianyi is an arrogant and conceited person who is determined to retaliate. This is the only similarity between him and his father Su Ming.

Su Ming was arrogant but did not have the arrogant capital or means. He thought he was capable, and the Ye family should beg to marry their daughter to him to help him revive the Su family, rather than letting him marry into his family.

In fact, Mr. Ye didn't want Su Ming to get married at all. He just wanted his and his daughter's eldest son to be named Ye. The next son would still be named Su. This was Su Ming's own decision.

Originally, Mr. Ye's request was just an equal exchange, and Su Ming could refuse it if he didn't agree. But he agreed and still held a grudge, feeling that the Ye family was humiliating him...

But Ye Tianyi was different. His arrogance was based on his strength. The eldest lady of the Qin family knew clearly about the dispute between the Ye family and the Su family, yet she dared to do such a thing for Su Ming. She was just bullying Ye Tianyi for his young age, and she did not dare to go against the Qin family even though he was young.

Ye Tianyi really didn't dare at the time, but he could only tolerate it temporarily.

Within a few years, Ye Tianyi developed the Ye family far beyond the Qin family. He first forced the Su family to move to other cities far away, and severely punished the Qin family who protected the Su family. Slap in the face.

Then he still didn't let go of the Qin family. Not long after, the Qin family was reduced to a second- or third-rate small family because of a small incident a few years ago...