Chapter 2

When Ye Tianyi changed his clothes and came down, his eyes fell on the grand family. Of the two men sitting at the dining table, one was a handsome middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to him, and it was his father Su Ming.

Su Ming was almost fifty years old, but he still looked like he was in his prime when he was less than forty years old. The charm of a mature man about him fascinated many women.

The young man in his twenties next to Su Ming was his youngest son Su Tianyun. Su Tianyun doesn't look much like Su Ming, more like his pure and beautiful mother, whose beautiful appearance is a bit feminine.

Seeing these two people, Ye Tianyi's right hand that was holding on the handrail of the stairs tightened slightly, and then he walked to the head of the dining table and sat down, as if he hadn't seen these two people.

Soon, the old butler brought his breakfast.

Seeing the old butler personally serving breakfast, and the breakfast was obviously made by the old butler, Ye Tianyi frowned slightly: "Where are the others?"

Where are the other servants in the Ye family mansion?

The old housekeeper said slightly worriedly: "Master, they all went to the hospital with colds and fevers."

Ye Tianyi also thought of the recent epidemic outbreak. Many people had colds and fevers, and many employees in the company also asked for sick leave, but Unexpectedly, it was so serious that all the servants in the house were so sick that only an old housekeeper and Aunt Li, who was doing cleaning, were left.

His eyes turned around Su Ming and Su Tianyun, and Ye Tianyi said calmly: "Let Aunt Li disinfect the house later."

Su Ming originally saw that Ye Tianyi was only chatting with the old housekeeper, completely ignoring him and Su Tianyun. The two of them were already angry, and now when they heard Ye Tianyi's words, they seemed to think that he and Su Tianyun were the source of the virus. They were so angry that they were about to smash the cup. Fortunately, Su Tianyun sitting next to him stopped him in time.

Su Tianyun shouted in a low voice: "Dad, don't forget what I told you."

Su Ming's expression suddenly changed, and then he quickly changed his face and smiled amiably at Ye Tianyi: "Tianyi, dad is here today. You have something I want to ask you for help with."

Ye Tianyi turned a deaf ear and continued to eat breakfast calmly.

However, he has been paying attention to the expressions and behavior of Su Ming and Su Tianyun. He can feel the anxiety and even excitement under the calm surface of these two people.

Could it be that something happened in the Su family that he didn't know about?

It should be very unusual for Su Ming, who had been forced to go to City C by him, to come back to City A to ask him for help.

And... Ye Tianyi looked at Su Tianyun without any trace. He always felt that something was wrong with his cheap brother.

There is a hint of arrogance in this self-confidence, and he looks down at others with a look of "I know everything about you". How is he like the timid and mediocre Su Tianyun before?

It is impossible for a person's spirit to change so much. Could it be that Su Tianyun was always pretending before?

Ye Tianyi thought as he took a sip of milk. If Su Tianyun was really pretending, then it would be terrible to pretend for so many years.

He suddenly felt keenly that a gaze was looking at him wantonly. He looked back with cold eyes, just in time to see Su Tianyun who had hurriedly looked away.

Ye Tianyi frowned in his heart, what happened to Su Tianyun? If he had read correctly just now, the expressions on Su Tianyun's face were fear, hatred and excitement?

It's really a complicated emotion... It's getting more and more interesting.


After Ye Tianyi finished breakfast, he gently wiped the corners of his lips, then looked at Su Ming, who was holding back his anger, and Su Tianyun, who was strange, and asked, "Tell me, you came to see me for something?"

Su Ming was a little confused. He looked at Su Tianyun embarrassedly.

Su Tianyun didn't have as many worries as Su Ming. He said directly: "Second brother, I..."

Ye Tianyi interrupted him: "I have neither elder brother nor younger brother. Master Su, please pay attention to the title." Su Tianyun

's face He showed a bit of embarrassment, but soon he returned to his original smiling look, "Master Ye, my father and I came here to borrow money from you. Don't worry, we will double the money and return it to you in three days." ."

He looked at Ye Tianyi with a calm face and smiled proudly in his heart. Pay back the money in three days? Tomorrow money will be equal to waste paper, you can have as much as you want. Only food supplies and weapons are the most important and useful.

Ye Tianyi refused without hesitation: "Impossible! You can leave."

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, and Ye Tianyi understood this very well. The money will be doubled in three days. In his opinion, such a big pie is a naked trap.

And let alone it's a lie, even if it's true, Ye Tianyi will never lend a penny to the Su family.

Money is just a number to him. It doesn't matter whether it is more or less, so the conditions given by Su Tianyun cannot impress him at all.

When Su Tianyun and Su Ming heard Ye Tianyi's answer, their faces turned ugly for a moment. Fortunately, they had already expected that Ye Tianyi would most likely not lend them money due to his resentment towards the Su family. But they have a second purpose here.

Su Tianyun looked at Su Ming. This time it was Su Ming's turn to step forward.

Su Ming said to Ye Tianyi: "If you don't want to borrow money, do you want to sever the father-son relationship with me?"

Ye Tianyi said indifferently: "We have already broken it off, from the moment you divorced my mother. "

Ye Tianyi mentioned Su Ming's 'feat' and looked at him with sarcastic eyes, but Su Ming was not shameless and could not do so many excellent things, so he said calmly: "Since you You are going to sever ties with me, so give me back the jade Guanyin you are wearing around your neck. This is an heirloom of our Su family. "

The quality of the jade Guanyin is not very good, it can only be regarded as ordinary. Su Ming gave it to Ye Tianyi when he was one year old.

At that time, Su Ming was not happy with Ye Tianyi, his son named Ye, and he did not deliberately prepare any first-year gift. He just bought a cheap jade Guanyin in a jade shop and gave it to Ye Tianyi as a heirloom of the Su family.

At that time, Mr. Ye was still angry because the quality of the Jade Guanyin was so poor. If Su Ming hadn't insisted that it was an heirloom of the Su family, a treasure passed down from ancestors and consecrated by the master, this ordinary Jade Guanyin would not be qualified. Wear it around Master Ye Jingui's neck.

However, I don't know if it is because the Jade Guanyin was really blessed by the master. Ye Tianyi, who was born with some deficiencies due to Ye's mother's poor health, actually gradually became stronger after wearing the Jade Guanyin.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi wore this Jade Guanyin for more than 20 years and rarely took it off.

When Su Ming asked him for the Jade Guanyin, Ye Tianyi was stunned for a moment.