Chapter 3

Ye Tianyi reached out and took out the jade Guanyin piece from his clothes. He felt the jade with the warm touch of his body temperature in his hand. He stared at the expressions of Su Ming and Su Tianyun.

Sure enough, when he took out the Jade Guanyin, Su Tianyun's eyes showed ecstasy and excitement, but he suppressed it forcefully and tried to appear unmoved, while Su Ming was truly unmoved. Ye Tianyi guessed that Su Tianyun should have asked Su Ming to come here to ask for Jade Guanyin.

Seeing Su Tianyun's eyes glowing green as he stared at Jade Guanyin, Ye Tianyi, who wanted to return Jade Guanyin to Su Ming to end the relationship between father and son, curled up a sneer on his lips, and then stuffed Jade Guanyin back into his clothes.

He looked at Su Ming and Su Tianyun with a half-smile, and said, "I won't give it to you. It's really ridiculous that you still want to take back the things in my hands."

Ye Tianyi's unpredictable eyes swept over Su Tianyun who could not hide the anxiety and resentment in his eyes. This Jade Guanyin must have some secret, otherwise Su Tianyun would not be so nervous, nor would he be so anxious after hearing that he said no.

The secret of this Jade Guanyin should only be known by Su Tianyun. As for Su Ming... Ye Tianyi looked at Su Ming who was a little angry but not too angry... Su Ming probably didn't know the secret, and he didn't think much of this Jade Guanyin. Otherwise he wouldn't behave like this.

Ye Tianyi thought deeply. Jade Guanyin should not be an ancestral treasure of the Su family as Su Ming said. After all, its quality was average. Su Ming's attitude towards Jade Guanyin was not like treating an ancestral treasure. Moreover, Ye Tianyi did not think that Su Ming was willing to give up. Give this Su family's ancestral treasure to a person with a foreign surname.

So the secret of Jade Guanyin should have nothing to do with the Su family... What secret does Jade Guanyin have?

Ye Tianyi resisted the urge to explore the secret of Jade Guanyin now. From the corner of his eye, he kept looking at Su Tianyun who had changed a lot. Maybe he could start with Su Tianyun...

Su Tianyun still refused to give up, threatening and tempting Ye Tianyi. He wanted Ye Tianyi to transfer the Jade Guanyin to him, and even paid a very high price to buy it.

This made Ye Tianyi even more certain that Jade Guanyin had a major secret. Otherwise, how could the Su family, who had just asked him to borrow money, be willing to pay such a large price to buy a Jade Guanyin of average quality?

Su Tianyun's prices became more and more outrageous, and Su Ming's face became increasingly ugly.

It stands to reason that Su Ming is not a person who would let others take charge of his own money, even if that person is his biological son, but he has not expressed any objection to Su Tianyun's behavior now.

All these abnormal behaviors made Ye Tianyi more and more vigilant. He said coldly: "Stop wasting your breath. Even if you trade the entire Su family, I will not give you the Jade Guanyin."

Su Tianyun said eagerly . Asked: "This Jade Guanyin is of no use to you, what are you doing here? This is the heirloom of our Su family!"

Ye Tianyi sneered: "Heirloom? Do you believe this?" He didn't even look at Su Ming. Su Tianyun looked slightly embarrassed, "I have worn this Jade Guanyin for more than 20 years. Even if I destroy it myself, I will never give it to you."

After saying that, he suddenly stood up and said to the old housekeeper: "Send off guests!"

Then he turned around and went upstairs without even looking at the father and son. He also had to see if his little Ye Zi was awake.

At the corner of the stairs, Ye Tianyi vaguely heard the voices of Su Ming and Su Tianyun downstairs.

"Tianyun, if you like Jade Guanyin, dad can buy you a better one. But didn't you say that these luxury goods will be useless soon? What else do you want Jade Guanyin for?"


Ye Tianyi returned In his own room, looking at the little white-haired dumpling who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, his expression suddenly softened, completely losing the coldness just now.

Perhaps when facing people, he can be cold and ruthless and can set up a strong and hard defense, but when facing Xiao Yezi, he can no longer be cold. Not only because Xiao Zizi was given to him by his grandfather, but also because Xiao Zizi is not a human being.

Because it is not a human, he can open his heart to it without worrying about a little milk cat betraying him. He can put all his trust in Little Ye Zi.

Many people say that cats are the most loyal if they are not well-fed.

But Ye Tianyi feels that cats are much smarter than dogs, so they are more cautious when choosing their owners and will not give their sincerity so quickly. So he raised Xiao Zizi with the utmost patience and pampering, and successfully made Xiao Zizi accept him as his master.

He knew that Little Yezi was very unusual. Little Yezi was given to him by his grandfather when he was ten years old. Now more than ten years later, Little Yezi still looks like a little kitten, and Little Yezi is also extraordinarily cute. Smart, as if he could understand people's words...

All of these showed that Xiao Yezi was an extraordinary folded-eared cat, but Ye Tianyi still chose to keep it all silently.

No one else knew that the folded-eared cats he had raised for more than ten years were actually the same cat. Even the old housekeeper thought that the little leaf he was raising now was deliberately found to commemorate the little leaf given to him by his grandfather. Identical folded-eared cats.

Ye Tianyi lay on the bed, picked up the little leaf and put it on his abdomen. He stretched out his left hand and stroked the soft fur of the little leaf. He remembered what happened downstairs before, and took out the hanging hanging around his neck with his right hand. The standing Jade Guanyin looked at it carefully.

Although he has worn this jade Guanyin for more than 20 years, he has never looked at it as carefully as now.

The jade Guanyin is carved very finely, and the compassionate face of Guanyin is carved lifelike. However, the quality of the jade cannot be said to be good, it can only be said to be ordinary. There are heavy impurities in the jade, which destroys the original beauty.

Ye Tianyi rubbed the back of Jade Guanyin with his thumb, and then his eyes suddenly focused. He was attracted by the impurities in Jade Guanyin.

When he had just been staring at the Jade Guanyin, he discovered that the dark impurities inside the Jade Guanyin seemed to be... alive?

Could the slowly flowing impurities be an illusion he had seen for a long time?

Ye Tianyi changed the direction of the hand holding the Jade Guanyin, and stared at it intently. He found that it was not his eyesight, but that something was really moving inside.

Could this be the secret of Jade Guanyin?

Ye Tianyi remembered Su Tianyun's coveting of Jade Guanyin, and was very curious about the secrets in Jade Guanyin. He carefully moved the small leaves on his belly to the soft pillow, and then stood up to find a magnifying glass.

He used a magnifying glass to look at the material flowing in Jade Guanyin, but he still couldn't see clearly. But strangely, he found that he felt something mysterious from the small, unclear material. The feeling, and then the voice of a man reading vaguely sounded in his mind: "Mokonya Lasiris Tianjie's clothes are self-conscious..."

The voice was as plain as a machine, without any fluctuation in tone, reading The content that came out was also strange, but Ye Tianyi was shocked to find that he could clearly hear what the man was reading, but he couldn't remember a single word. Moreover, he couldn't ignore the voice even if he wanted to, he couldn't help it. Want to listen.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of reading in his mind disappeared, and Ye Tianyi came back to his senses. He found that it was almost night outside.

He looked at the Jade Guanyin in his hand again, only to find that the Jade Guanyin had become more radiant, and the flowing impurities inside had disappeared...